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Everything posted by Rockfirstlast

  1. If a tab is not available for import and and notes are being entered manually, it can help to use ghost notes as you go along. Mostly if you plan on copy/pasting a bunch of repeating sections while taking care of hand positions at the same time. I know that feeling of accidentally overwriting FHP's. Sucks.
  2. If anyone decided to tackle this: The song isn't synced, but a beatmap was already made in Guitar Hero: Van Halen. http://www.fretsonfire.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=57010 If you register you can download the files, import into EOF, ignore the Guitar Hero stuff and switch over to PART REAL GUITAR 22, then start the creation process.
  3. Thanks for the update raynebc. This update is a huge timesaver! Those who want the old style of showing muted chords on the screen (instead of the repeat panes with an X) can still do it by toggling crazy. I tried a few riffs involving different mixes of chords and muted chords. Most work as desired, but some broke the handshapes. This is fixed by placement of ghost notes. I'll upload some examples tomorrow. I haven't updated EOF in several weeks. I noticed you can't hover over a box and enter fret information anymore (you have to click on the box). Was this part of a previous update?
  4. Yeah, earlier charts from before last April or so would do what you want automatically, but after an update you gotta do it manually in the xml. Extending the endtime of the handshape of the chord to the endtime of the handshape of the muted chord will do what you want.
  5. Maybe you're having trouble cause you can't see what you're editing? Press F11 and hit the HAND POS box. Now you can see all the anchors. As FireKorn said add/remove whatever anchors you want. Seek to that orange open note and press SHIFT+F. It should say 10. Erase that.
  6. As for direct downloads, there was a back up page somewhere. Most of the stuff was sendspace though and probably expired.
  7. Whenever I get that problem I delete the arrangement from the toolkit then re-add it. Maybe it'll work for you?
  8. Oh I like this song I wanna play too: http://i.imgur.com/SIjO2VC.jpg I've played this many times before so I had that advantage going for me.
  9. The problem is not on your end. The file is broken. If you wanna fix it yourself: http://customsforge.com/topic/9986-got-a-song-that-crashes-after-tuning-heres-how-to-fix-it/
  10. Add more sections and phrases. Make sure you generate Fret Hand Positions too CTRL+SHIFT+F then click Generate
  11. You are dragging notes left and right, and they are moving in giant steps? If so, it's probably the grid snap. You can disable it by pressing g, but you should probably just set it to 1/32.
  12. Change this setting in EOF to 24 Track-ProGuitar->SetNumberofFrets
  13. Use the WAV file that EOF created. Open it in audacity, cut out the ending silence, export to wav, and run that through wwise again.
  14. Double click the arrangement in the toolkit and make sure the TONES SELECTOR boxes are filled out. More info here: http://customsforge.com/topic/15706-tone-changes/
  15. In addition to that, It would take 10 seconds to verify the WEM by unpacking the song with the DECODE AUDIO boxed ticked. Play back that ogg and see the ending is there.
  16. Yeah, you got it right. SmellyOrc has a pretty detailed topic with lots of input from other users here: http://customsforge.com/topic/10520-creating-cdlc-tutorial-making-sections/ As for the missing note, it could be a millisecond off the grid. Click the note and press CTRL+SHIFT+R and it will line up with the grid properly. If there are no triplets, funky rhythmic patterns, or ultrafast notes feel free to grid snap the whole song with Edit->GridSnap->1/32 selected. If you get an error message saying notes are gonna combine, cancel out.
  17. Insane skills playing on those vids.
  18. You have a song beatmapped, and when you import notes from a guitar pro tab they start out in the wrong spot? If that's what it is (save before you do anything), press CTRL+A then CTRL+C to copy all the notes. Delete them. Move to where you'd like the notes to start. CTRL+V to paste them at that position. If you have any tech notes (press F4 to view the tech track) you'll have to move that stuff too.
  19. If you set a single note to the first finger it will tell the fret hand position generator (CTRL+SHFT+F) to set an anchor on that fret.
  20. only chords show handshapes on the fretboard
  21. You can't play the stuff you get here in RS1. Buy RS2014, it's way better anyways.
  22. You could use the handshape thing CTRL+SHIFT+H. It won't work if you wanna duplicate that first pic exactly, but it will work for the second pic. Edit: Sorry, didn't read the post right. CTRL+SHIFT+H won't help you out but firekorn got it with extending the handshape end time. Don't worry about overlapping other handshapes cause the game doesn't care.
  23. For me it's heavy picks 99% of the time but I switch to light picks when I'm doing nothing but strumming.
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