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PC Plum

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Everything posted by PC Plum

  1. Was thinking, would it be easy enough to make a table of the most downloaded charters? That would also be an interesting read :D
  2. Not got the technical knowledge to help, but wanted to say love your Youtube channel man, some excellent guitar playing :D Stick to Rocksmith, forget that Bandfuse mungrel :D
  3. 7 topics down from this one... http://customsforge.com/topic/16983-custom-song-freezing/
  4. Oh sweet man thanks :D I've asked about that a few times and coudln't get an answer. I normally try to tap as perfectly as possible in USC and stick the raw file into my customs. Works pretty well now I have lots of practice, but there are times I'd love to just edit a couple of things manually in EoF. I know what to do now :D One suggestion as well... can you mention that you can tap with your mouse? I know space bar works but so does clicking the words with your mouse. I much prefer using my mouse as the spacebar makes a hell of a noise getting zapped, and my mouse is a nice gaming mouse so it's well used to getting clicked rapid. A lot of charters will be gamers of some sort and very used to using their mouse. Thanks again man :D
  5. A poxy 7th :) Thanks for putting the list together. I knew some others had more than me and its great to see it written down. I have slowed down a lot recently, a little bored of it and less free time. Plus as my quality levels get higher, it increases work time exponentially... there's my excuses anyway :D Although I have updated a lot of my customs recently, so although thats a power of work I don't get an extra "credit" for it. I spent a good 10 hours updating Dogs, where I could have made 15 sloppy customs in that time :P I'll definitely hit the 200 mark, that's a milestone I want. Well done to all the other charters, especially the guys with more than me. I'm coming for ya :D
  6. Great tutorial man, made me laugh :D 12) cracked me up :D I got a question though, see in the vid when you (oe whoever) is moving the words around, is that the word sustain at the bottom moving with it - they grey shaded area? What's the blue line at the top for? That doesn't move when you move the words about?
  7. I've just watched that vid, oh man... not only was he (probably still is in RL) a great guitar player he was manually editing XMLs for the charts to look great before EoF could go near those techniques. Some of the stuff in that chart is just phenomenal. He probably went cold cause he works for Ubi now :D
  8. It was made by a charter called 6fingers, one of my all time fav charters. He has not been active for a year or so. Pity, his customs are real quality stuff :(
  9. I think that you mean that chord should say "G" not "A#" ? It depends on the custom. It goes all the way to the EoF stage, whatever setting the maker used. I, personally, prefer it to say "G" and I use a setting in EoF called Ignore Tuning/Capo. By default it is set to use real chord names not relative chords, so either the maker decided he wanted that or left it as default. It would be a pain in the rear end to change (without adversely affecting other parts of the custom) without the original files i.e. maybe ask the charter to make a version that ignores the tuning/capo.
  10. I think he has extra notes in the other tabs of the arrangements. Go to your EoF file (to the part of the song you are getting extra notes) and click along the tabs at the top of the arrangment, "Supaeasy", "Easy", "Medium", "Amazing". http://fretsonfire.phonotheque.ca/eof.jpg Delete anything that is not your main arrangement. Save and build a new version of the custom.
  11. Did you wind the string on properly? High e strings like a good few turns around the peg. How long are you giving it before deciding it won't stay in tune? Strings can take a day or two to settle in. Cheap tuning pegs are cheap tuning pegs, maybe just buy some better ones... or keep tuning it, it's all good practice :D
  12. I hate being a pest but it's been annoying me while I've been updated a massive Gilmour solo so... I'm not too keen on the new mouse pointer logic. I can see why people where thinking it could be better (because it was like something from Windows 2000) but it's been made less efficient imo. Before I could click on a note and hit (for example) Ctrl+U, then hit a number on my keypad and hit enter. Job done. Now I hit Ctrl+U and have to move my mouse over the box and click in it before I can type the number. That's a pretty annoying change really, and increases the workload significantly. I can see the point in it when there are multiplae fields, but not for undetermined/determined slides or bends strengths or anything else that has only one field. Is there any chance of a slight upgrade so that I do not need to use my mouse for inputting to one field boxes? Sounds a bit petty I know, but when you are working on a big solo with tonnes of bends/slides (like I just have) it can get a bit grating, when I know I didn;t have to do it before. I'm pretty sure the upgrade was made for the fingering boxes anyway... :)
  13. You can only have 4 actual tones in the song, you can swap them about as many times as you like. Your tone changes not working are because you tried to make more than 4 separate tones in one song or, most likely, you spelled the tone changes wrong in EoF. Go to EoF and onto Track/Rocksmith/Tone Changes/List There you can see what you called everything. Tone changes are also one of the hardest things to edit - I've had much trouble changing them about, so if you have been editing them like mad (changing their position in the song) then that can also cause them to not work. You must make the game think it's a completely different custom (I think the changes get stored in the game somewhere). Easist way to do this is to open the Toolkit and make the same custom from scratch, typing in the info again and putting everything together again (tones/arrangments/.wems etc).
  14. Some day I'll copy/paste this into a tutorial... :D
  15. I just did a song with lots of open notes and it worked perfect. Does it do weird things when you import, like linknext hammer ons and extra bass notes for chords?
  16. Sorry for the noob question, I did look because I know I've asked it before... I have a lyric.txt from Ultrastar which is about 2 seconds too early. I wanna move the whole thing back (to the right) by about 2 seconds. I press Ctrl+A and can move the words no problem, how do I move the blue box (that makes the lyrics highlighted)? Thanks :D
  17. Once you have anchors down they won't move, which is why when you move the bass one it squeezes closer to the others, because theu are locked in your guitar arrangement. What you have descirbed is a very common problem, the easiest way to solve it is to (for future reference) make sure you "begin" a project properly. The number of times I've invested hours getting to the end of something then discovering a problem near the start... For now though it's perfectly fixable but there are some questions... - If you're bass is off are you sure the guitar is correct (the gp file would sound like crap if the guitar/bass was out of sync)? - Does the first bass note land on a grid line? - Does the bass also stop half a measure too early i.e. is the enitre bass track shifted to the left uniformly? If the answer is yes to these questions then - Go to bass arrangement - Hit Ctrl+Home (this will take you to the first note) - Hit Ctrl+A (this selects all notes) - Hit Ctrl+C (copies) - Hit Delete - Press PageDown until the green play bar gets to where to you want the bass to go (press PageUp if you go too far) - Press Ctrl+V (pastes) Enjoy :D
  18. How do you do this? Using a bass track for a spare guitar track could come in handy sometimes, I've never really worked it out.
  19. Yeah I made a version of my fav tone with a black amp skin. Works perfect in game (pressing 1,2,3,4) but when I use that tone in a custom (imported from profile) it reverts to the default skin. I can freely switch between black/orange amps in game, the exact tone that I imported to the custom is orange in slot 1 but black in slot 2. It makes sense as the tone design box in the toolkit does not have any option for changing the skin. There was trouble with customs in RS1 when people used gear that others hadn't unlocked (like heavy metal pedals), it could cause crashes. But RS14 seems to be fine, I've never really heard about any trouble with using "locked" gear in customs. I was hoping that amp skins were not enabled in customs as an early precaution, but that they are actually easy to implement. There must be a parameter in your profile telling the game which skin to use. It's no biggie, and obviously it won't affect the sound at all, but it adds to the atmosphere of the track (black, unassuming amps instead of bright orange things) and offers charters an extra layer of personalisation. Plus I want the Star and Stripes amp skin on my Top Gun custom :D
  20. I've got loads man :D When I make tones in game with alternate skins, in a custom they become normal skin. Tones are added at Toolkit stage so I thought the answer lay here. There is no skin selection in the tone box in the toolkit, I'm hoping its's as easy as having "skin = 3" in the tone.xml... but I'm sure it would have been done by now if its that easy :)
  21. When can we have alternate amp skins? I don't mean custom amp skins, just the alternate skins that are available in game?
  22. Read this http://customsforge.com/topic/2027-tone-creation-process-for-rocksmith-2014/ Have fun :)
  23. If I had 3 browsers all doing that... I'd reinstall Windows as a matter of urgency. What's your homepage incidentally? Search.Conduit (fake Google page)? Mums have a habbit of installing ANYTHING that pops up saying "install me"...
  24. Most anti virus are legalised extortion. I wonder how much Norton has made from scaring old grannies with flashing red messages... you are at risk, renew your subscrition NOW!!!!!!!!
  25. Thanks for the credit cozy1, although I didn't really do anything :) I do have some free time next week, I'll see if I can break it :D
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