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Everything posted by Tmlt

  1. Really?! I thought you could only get them by buying them in the pack for rs2014?!
  2. I personally dont like DD and I believe it only makes your(my) learning process slower and longer. That being said I do think that if you´re are just beginning to learn guitar/bass and rocksmith it might be a good way to get into this method of learning, the colours of the strings and symbols for harmonics, mutes etc. without making you quit and give up in seconds and throw your instrument and RS in the trash, because you could easilly get overwhelmed with all the notes etc. coming at you. I do wish DD could be disabled completely, like MM, cause some songs just wont remember that I maxed out all sections, and next session I have to do it again.
  3. Please NO!.. Songs should in my opinion always remain as close to the original as possible. Chances are, you won't be able to tell the difference. My opinion on this subject actually has nothing to do with that. I believe that to change the pitch even slightly is messing with the art and in my book that sucks.
  4. Please NO!.. Songs should in my opinion always remain as close to the original as possible.
  5. I mostly used Dunlop Tortex .73 mm for some years but recently switched to Dunlop Jazz III.
  6. I have almost given up on getting Hooker with a Penis done :oops: It´s giving me a load of trouble. I will have another, maybe the last, go at it one of the next few days. If it doesn´t work out I will find myself another Tooltrack to work on.
  7. I find that it is best to always tune my strings a tiny bit flat, because I tend to hit the strings harder when I play than when I tune.
  8. I believe this happens if you have set any notes to "ignore"-status, so that RS shows them but automatically counts them as played correctly, even if you dont play them.
  9. Some weeks ago RS2014 crashed on me and in the process deleted the entire directory where my Avenged Sevenfold cdlc's were located.
  10. 440hz as a standard is a rather new invention(1953) and has been opposed by many for years. A lot of operasingers wants to make the standard 432 because they say that 440 ruins their voices. I have made a couple of tracks myself using 432hz tuning and have to say that I really like the 'feel' of it. Somewhat warmer and more harmonic but of course thats just me fooling myself =p btw I usually tune my g-string 10-15 cents below whatever tuning its in, because it sounds great.
  11. I see how many downloaded the custom and consider this amount the amount of thanks I am getting :-)
  12. I noticed Guano Apes - Open Your Eyes seem to have the same bug.
  13. Tmlt

    Slipknot WIP

    The "p" is necessary yes! =)
  14. I am working on Hooker with a penis! (hope he/she dont mind)
  15. Awesome! Can´t wait to try this out! =)
  16. Masters of War originally by Bob Dylan!
  17. Nothing happening here since a month. Have you abandoned this project or just busy doing other stuff?
  18. I have noticed this too, but figured it was a problem with my somewhat crappy gfx card. Will try the "above normal" priority thingy
  19. Nice to see Voivod here! :cool:
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