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Everything posted by bustakun

  1. Ive tried to learn guitar for 20 years, without much luck. I could fret chords and play a few progressions but nothing to really force myself to push. Last October I bought Rocksmith and discovered Customsforge, in the last year my playing has progressed well beyond the last 20 years. Today Ive logged over 350 hours in Rocksmith. I don't just play songs, I also play the technique challenges and the guitarcade games. Since the update RS seems to have a slight lag issue displaywise as songs I had 90% or higher playing I seem to be missing notes. Although what I hear is me hitting notes in time with the tune. Stick with it and keep it fun, you will get more from it. If I look back over my life and the countless hours I spent playing games, rs is the only one that devoting time to it produces something tangible.
  2. Repetitive stress injury, take a 10 minute break during your hour of practice. Also google around for some hand stretches, just like an athlete stretches before a game or practice you should too. Also don't go balls out right away, play a few slower warm up tunes or riffs to loosen your hand up.
  3. Verify game integrity in steam, make sure steam overlay is there. Run steam as admin once. Google search turned up to reinstall steam. https://www.google.com/search?site=&source=hp&ei=-QwAWNHNG8X5eLf5h9AC&q=unable+to+initialize+steam+api&oq=unab&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.1.0.35i39k1j0i67k1j0l3.1744.2935.0.3737.
  4. I have no issue going through my lib and doing it. Remastered is worth it.
  5. New toolkit works well removing 100% bug, easy to follow steps. Is there anything gonna be done about content in the repository as far as updating? I realize its up to the poster.
  6. Am getting an exception trying to import psarc, Wwise is mentioned, says to install Wwise v2013 through v2015. I have Wwise installed. Thoughts Its sorted, had to specify WwiseCLI path in Toolkit config.
  7. On my laptop Windows 10 if I allow Windows to update drivers it installs an HD audio driver that causes my RS to crash, fix is to not use the hd audio driver for me.
  8. Thats what I ended up doing, created a new player profile till we have a solid mastery bug fix.
  9. ^this You will also need to run Uplay in offline mode as well. When it asks you to login hit esc or cancel until it loads your profile. You can also copy your rs directory and rename it so you can load remastered, rename dirs to the one you want to play, just once steak thinks remastered is installed it wont try to update unless theres another patch, again run uplay offline. Been doing this on my laptop to use Rs unpatched and Remastered.
  10. Is anyone keeping a list of CDLC that don't feature the 100% bug? Colin Hay - Overkill doesn't go to 100% when played.
  11. I borrowed a coworkers sons bass once as he wasnt using it, I actually picked it up fairly quickly. I've also toyed with the idea of picking up a bass for myself.
  12. Update, if you are receiving the Challege Response dialogs and getting a something went wrong, try running steam as admin and doing the challenge response. Mine wouldnt accept the codes until I ran steam as admin and did it.
  13. The Remastered patch killed my game. It hasn't worked since. Luckily I had a copy on another computer that I didn't update, swapping folders allows me to use the prepatch version.
  14. Mine wasn't patcher or dll related. I'm one of the rare cases that got the support.codefusion.technology link that doesn't load. Got around it by letting it update in Steam and copying an unupdated folder of Rocksmith 2014 from an unupdated install. It works, Steam says its rs remastered but its rs pre patch. At least this way I can play until its fixed.
  15. Same getting error on startup not getting beyond debug console. Have verified game files, attempting game reinstall now. Have installed updated dx dll.
  16. Musically inclined women are hot, just sayin.
  17. Ok 2 things, Ive helped another user track down an issue his turned out to be caused due to the Origin client running on his system he disabled Origin and was able to play. On my system Windows 10 Toshiba, I get the same problem you describe if using HD audio drivers. Disabling auto driver updates in Windows and installing another driver resolves the issue for me. I will hear a crackle amd then may be able to play for a minute or an hour before a lockup and crash.
  18. I'll admit I skimmed the article. Does look good for an Alt piece though. Let us know which issue!
  19. As long as driver support is there for the video you should be ok. I assume you already have RS and a linux distro ready to go.
  20. I dont use anything on my strings. In fact I just replaced them after 100 hours of play, broke high e while playing. Stupid me bought heavy guage as when I got my guitar I bought 6 sets of strings abosultely hate the heavies, good for thunkier sound and pm though, not so much for bends. Then again thats why we try different things to find what we like and what works for us.
  21. Im looking forward to improved search functions and the player stats.
  22. Theres a guitar at a local shop that has graphics I love, its an image of Vincent Price with a large pendulum behind him.
  23. Structure your Rocksmith practice, when you're on select song or whatever and just waiting run through a bit of a song you know without the track, focus heavily on technique of your fretting hand. Do this say the first 10 to 15 minutes, it will build better fretting and it's a decent warmup.
  24. You can enable a master mode anytime even if the notes are appearing on the screen, simply look away or turn your back to the screen. I don't have mm enabled currently due to trying to learn too many songs at once so the method I use when I think Ive got a riff down is to look away.
  25. Are they usb or some other processing style ala wireless or bluetooth.
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