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    Playing Guitar. Music. Literature. Drawing. Painting.

    Favorite Music :
    Grunge, Thrash, Melodic Death Metal, Metalcore, Doom Metal, Classic Rock, Blues, NWOBHM, Progressive, Punk, Classical, Folk.

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    Feel free to start a discussion with me about music of all types or playing guitar!

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  1. *****SOLVED***** For those with the new Windows 10 update make sure you've gone into the cable sound options, turned the levels up, changed the quality to DVD, but also when opening your sound options make sure 'allow desktop apps access to your microphone' is ENABLED. That did the fix. So, my pc did a windows 10 update yesterday. I also believe steam updated but long before that and everything was fine. Rocksmith boots up just fine. The music plays (so my speakers are working). My realtone cable is not working, or there's a setting that I'm missing...there is no sound coming out of my guitar. I reinstalled the driver of the cable (my computer recognizes it). I changed it to DVD quality. I raised the levels to 100% on the mic/cable. I did an audio troubleshoot. I've tried different guitars. I have two cables, both of which were working before these updates. I tried different USB ports (I have 3). I tried different devices in the USB ports and those work fine. Rocksmith loaded just fine and other steam games work. I verified the local files under Rocksmith 2014.
  2. Still practicing...

  3. Sorry if this has been asked already...I can get GP tabs from the new RS game with the RST but not RS1 songs? Any help or suggestions? Trying to get the tab for Pumped up Kicks. Thank you.
  4. Maybe it will be released like other DLCs, (12pm Pacific, 3pm EST)?
  5. Hey guys, I've got a question..maybe some of you more tech savvy people can help me out. Lots of great tones in Rocksmith right? ...Well I want to practice the scales I've used in game, with backing tracks that are free to use online, say, a blues jam or something. My software is primitive, to say the least...my knowledge even moreso. I'm using Audacity, and I am able to record using the Realtone cable through Audacity...which is great, over a backing track...BUT, I want to know if there is a way to record using the tones in Rocksmith, over a backing track in Audacity. I've turned Audio Exclusivity OFF...I've tried various things, but the moment I alt+tab out of the game, no sound coming from my guitar... Any thoughts? It would be greatly appreciated.
  6. You can also add Dynamic Difficulty to most CDLCs if they don't have it already using the Rocksmith Toolkit. I do that on occasion if I start a song and am like "whoa, yeah that's not happening..." also, Riff Repeater is your best friend.
  7. Is there just someone I can send it to (say via email) and they can upload it, as I dont have a dropbox or anything? I mean it's a pretty good one. (This isn't my video)
  8. Oh that's right...derp. *sigh* thanks Shrillbear
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