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  1. Эх.. жаль тут вроде глуховато.. но на всякий напишу вопрос.. мало ли кто делал.. Видел в CDLC Стигматы - Сентябрь горит.. русский язык. Удивился.. Проблема возникает при импортировании текстовика в EOF... кодировка UTF-8. И в редакторе уже текст русский превращается в тыкву. Как бы вот этого избежать, знает ли кто, мало ли?
  2. Does anywhere compiled linux binary version exist? Sadly, too old sources and dependencies, no luck compiling...
  3. Thanks, didn't make CDLC for a long time.. Tried once today. Increased quality, at least file size became better. One thing I'm not quite agree with... is that it is quite noticable while playing along track (mostly considering of the original song and it's complexity of course).
  4. Greetings! I've found out someday that Rocksmith uses low bitrate audio for DLC. Is that true? Cause I've read somewhere in this forum that max bitrate is 128k... I'm not that audiophile, but this is really low, and now I can't live knowing that.. Is there any way to get higher bitrate, making my own CDLC? I think that in metal music (for example) it does very bad effect, which can be heard easily and significantly affects experience... (not mentioning that much fun gets flushed away :(( )
  5. Checked files, 1 redownloaded. And as seen in another topic tried launching Rocksmith from Steam (not from desktop shortcut). Don't know what exactly helped, but now it seems okay. Sadly there's still a bug when all tones disable and remains clean sound till restart, hoped it was fixed somehow.
  6. Well.. CDLC don't work at all to be short. A month ago everything was fine.
  7. Hi everyone! I haven't played for a time till now and seems some update arrived which ruined me everything. I play Rocksmith on Intel NUC and somehow it was possible till. Now there's a change tone in-song problem, sounding like sound like. But firstly I just need to start CDLC. Is there newer .dll or something? I'm a bit frustrated.
  8. https://www.dropbox.com/s/rlv6dbat3tcdlxt/City%20312%20-%20bad%20source.zip?dl=0 - source files (didn't include bass tone, but I guess no difference, tried few) https://www.dropbox.com/s/tond2fxp7sfxofr/City-312_Ill-Stay_v1_p.psarc?dl=0 - corrupted .psarc.
  9. Share .psarc, .xml or which files?
  10. Somehow I managed to make my CDLC work: I converted it to .gp5 using RocksmithToTab converter. Then imported it in EOF, saved it and imported XML with RocksmithToolkit. CDLC now works and tuning is C-A-D-G.
  11. In Toolkit v2.8.4.1-6463237b all the same. Also updated EOF, saved .XML files and tried to import. No success. :(
  12. Hi everyone! I'm making CDLC for bass part. In .gtp file this part is made for 5-string bass, so for Rocksmith bass I have to make custom tuning C-A-D-G. When I import .xml file in Rocksmith Custom Toolkit I get this: And what I don't understand at all: Ingame when I start the song it checks the tuning as I supposed C-A-D-G, but afterwards not starting the 'highway' the game crashes. How can I correct all this?
  13. That's quite a surprise to me. Nowadays 128kbps, I think is really low, never considered myself an audiophile, but compressing metal tracks in low bitrate makes the difference I hear. Otherwise I wouldn't care for the bitrate.
  14. But what can be done with EOF encoding?
  15. When I make leading silence OggCat doesn't work for me and I use re-encode. Then I see that EOF lowers bitrate to 128k which is very low. What can I do to fix this? I suppose that similar issue is with Rocksmith Custom Song Creation Kit. When I make DLC I just use Rocksmith Custom Song Creation Kit and put my .ogg file there (It's more convenient and obvious than wwise interface). Is there any option of which bitrate my CDLC should be?
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