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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/2016 in all areas

  1. I don't have a lot of time this week; I won't be able to do Henrietta or Mr. Big justice, so I'm just going to post a mediocre score for Cannonball and sneak quietly away.
    4 points
  2. Update Adv lead:--- deleted. Second update. almost good nailed arpeggio, so good improves. http://i.imgur.com/BCpL8TV.jpg @@Rodman great score there. Cant beat. The difficult song. http://i.imgur.com/D46rKRt.jpg
    3 points
  3. ... and the 95 http://i65.tinypic.com/b6vm92.jpg
    3 points
  4. some improvement to cannonball lead: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/365156556371869839/8010A40B06C9C35CF8E1E6C9E361190B21FCC8DA/ sad night and a bad week, RIP Glenn Frey
    3 points
  5. RS registers the E7#9 everytime without the A string http://up.picr.de/24328491hl.jpg Those pitched slides are fatal, with a better solution 100% 'd be no problem http://up.picr.de/24328492fg.jpg
    3 points
  6. Both bass lines fun to play. one have cool tune, other nice for practice. Scores: http://i.imgur.com/vtqXywY.jpg http://i.imgur.com/63LNxnc.jpg
    3 points
  7. First goes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKU1RwVjJJV3Q2SGc/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKb0Ffc0U3OGxDV00/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKWnJkNE9NeE5CWUk/view?usp=sharing And a slight improvement in my class: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKeDd3TEgwX2VsUHM/view?usp=sharing Looks like I'm having one of those shit weeks. The peaks and troughs, eh? The week before last I was playing ABBA like nobody's business, tonight I can't even manage a few slides up and down the neck… The Fratellis song has a nice bass line, and probably isn't too difficult, but would probably take me four weeks to get to about 95%, in normal practice. I'll try this week though...
    3 points
  8. Little update. Not such a big progress. Sad. Will try again tomorrow.. and after... and after.... http://i.imgur.com/3vhD1c5.jpg http://i.imgur.com/s64MFo0.jpg
    3 points
  9. Tuesday night update: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKc0ZlS1l1WDBSY2s/view?usp=sharing
    2 points
  10. http://i.imgur.com/tIpGCWn.jpg Starting to make some headway on this. The shreddy parts I can do just fine at 85% speed, but at 90% I start to make about 5-10 errors per section, and at full speed I lose track of my anchor shifts and it's just a mess. http://i.imgur.com/zJsxMLq.jpg Getting a little more comfortable with those arpegs every time I play this.
    2 points
  11. Well done sir! You've done real well to get that score in just 2 plays. Me thinks i need to work on my bar chord technique. I just can't seem to get the 3 high strings to ring out cleanly. I'm gonna blame my stumpy fingers! Thx a lot. Surprisingly to myself "normal" chordruns serve not much pain anymore, and thx to the great songselections here i know loads of chordshapes by now. Even more surprisingly it doesn´t matter which of my guitars i use, it´s allways ~the same acc. which is very cool cause that way i have 4 guitars in 4 tunings and hardly ever have to change. As my fingers seem to know the fretpositions by now and fast changes can be done songs like the above are a pleasure, though when it comes to recognition of the exact rhythm RS is way too forgiving. I think what helped me most for that is the y-splitterbox and playing exclusively over the amp at an audible volume which forces me to make the chord sound right and nail that exact rhythm pattern. Still i am cryin out in pain when it comes to appregios, single note runs with strange stringskips and solos - parts on which you, sire most of the time clearly have me in the sack, but hey if someone would´ve told me i could 99 seek and destroy (rhy) one year ago i would not even have laughed.
    2 points
  12. Well done sir! You've done real well to get that score in just 2 plays. Me thinks i need to work on my bar chord technique. I just can't seem to get the 3 high strings to ring out cleanly. I'm gonna blame my stumpy fingers!
    2 points
  13. http://i.imgur.com/5AhBba3.jpg Something tells me I won't keep this lead long...
    2 points
  14. http://i.imgur.com/fOLft4e.jpg Hello Rocksmith fans! Finally some more METAL DLC on Rocksmith 2014! There’s no way anyone is going to argue about Megadeth being metal right? … Read More
    2 points
  15. Good cdlc. Fun to play. http://i.imgur.com/nbjgR55.jpg
    2 points
  16. My tribute to mr. Bowie. http://i.imgur.com/tJLKn1e.jpg
    2 points
  17. I decided to play the stupid chord like a E7 with the open e , Rocksmith accepts it really good and my ears think it sounds fine that way. I still don't really know what my plucking hand is doing on that arpeggio bit. But my fret hand pinky could not handle that much RR before it got tired. So i went with a slow strum that feels wrong, I'm going to find a better way later. http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/Mr.%20Big%209082_zpsum9yuc8c.jpg
    2 points
  18. ~ Gamut Customs ~ I think I'm gonna be doing a fair amount of this CDLC business, so here's a place where you can keep tabs on all of my cool tabs. Feel free to leave any feedback or requests you may have! You can expect a lot of metal, indie, post-rock, and Canadian music out of me. 100% Completed Releases: cupcakKe - Cpr Early Releases (Feedback Encouraged): FLOW - BURN Silversun Pickups - Catch and Release The Neighbourhood - Afraid Machinae Supremacy - The Great Giana Sisters Heavenly - Lust for Life, Victory (Creature of the Night) Girls - Lust for Life In the Works: Tabbing bass and vocals! Mahavishnu Orchestra - Meeting of the Spirits Brand New - The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot Funkadelic - Maggot Brain Machinae Supremacy - Empire Arcade Fire The Mars Volta Coheed and Cambria - The Afterman Girls' Generation - Way to Go!
    1 point
  19. funny song, but hard to register. great score Roddi :) here's mine :P http://up.picr.de/24338404je.jpg first attempt was not too bad
    1 point
  20. Fixed. It's because the same status bit flag gets used for different techniques in different track types (ie. hammer on in pro guitar and "slider" note in 5 lane guitar/bass).
    1 point
  21. For DLC for the original Rocksmith, stream requires that you own the original game. If you own the game and buy the DLC, it will automatically work for Rocksmith 2014 (but for the on disk songs to transfer you also need the "Rocksmith 2014 Disk Import Tool" DLC). To save money it might be best to wait for a sale, though there might not be one until the summer. In the meantime, you can try learning it from people's playthrough videos of it on youtube.
    1 point
  22. 1st try bass i hope there is time for another go this week, i love bass multitracks http://i64.tinypic.com/19110m.jpg
    1 point
  23. For the fret number either using CTRL+ number for 1 to 10 and CTRL+Fx for 11 to 19 (can also use CTRL+mousewheel) Or use the edit note panel by pressing "n" when you have a note selected, you can edit the fret number, the mute and many other little parameter in there. For bend i strongly suggest to use tech note as they offer more control over the bend but the bend status by using CTRL+B works fine enough for a simple bend. There's a lot of hotkey available so play a bit around in the menu and with your keyboard and you'll find an impressive amount of possibilities opened to you. PS : also use the help menu to get to some basic tutorial and an hotkey list.
    1 point
  24. Yes, it is really the best a songs by Megadeth. I must buy this pack. ps. Multitracks downloaded :)
    1 point
  25. Looks like the Megadeth songs are going to be Holy Wars Peace Sells Tornado of Souls Trust A Tout le Monde Have to be honest and say I don't know Trust. Couldn't even tell you what album it's on! Kind of surprised by that, but I hope it lives up to the level of the others!
    1 point
  26. -= weekly leaderboard update =- players listed: 95 (>) leader changes: @@MonstaS4 - Int Lead @@Vodka - Beg Rhy (tied with @Viltaire) @@koffein - Int Rhy @@kb10 - Int Bass CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! http://i64.tinypic.com/mjocx4.jpg HAVE A GREAT WEEK, EVERYONE!!
    1 point
  27. The nice thing about high variance tracks is that sometimes you have big breakthroughs. http://i.imgur.com/TUhvj5s.jpg And a bonus screenshot of my phrase status. I keep screwing up the little slidey bit on the high e string for some reason and slide to the 15th fret rather than the 16th, so that should be an easy place to cut out a few misses. The middle octave chords thing I forgot to go to the 10th fret so picked up a couple unnecessary misses there. Also felt like I butchered the last solo a bit more than I usually do. With a bit more practice I think I can hit 94% on this (~8 fewer misses). Might be able to do more by the end of the week if I find time to just keep drilling myself on these solos during the week. I'm coming for you, @@then3verend...
    1 point
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