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List of Crashers, jammers, dead toners, and MISC problems
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So, I have played some songs and I have gradually moved all “problematic” songs (for me) to another "waiting for fix folder", and also added those song to a list. Songs wait fix done by, me or charter, or third party...
I try to download all songs including upgrades, and play songs in random (only guitar parts (lead, rhyhtm) (Can test emulated bass too). Not afraid of Dead Tones, play them through amp. Modifying my list continuously...
Note that: Being "problematic" song for me, doesn't mean that charter have done something wrong.
There are errors on my list, due to mistakes i do, lack of time, abudance of song + updates... but that's why I listed it in public, to make it more accurate, faster updated… Also thought list could possibly be helpful for others. Many issues, are in many cases already known by charter, but charters do not want or can't do fix changes, and thats ok. No action required for charters.
Issues that charter will not know should be reported to charter. Charter then decides what to do...
this should be just check list... to avoid "problems", fix "problems"... whatever
List was mentioned to be only personal, making list updates if you find list useful and i find you helpful. :)
And for all charters in or out of my list... thank you for your hard work. Its been such a pleasure to play all different kind of music. Hat on, hat off...
Before u continue to list.. U should know !!!...
"Normal" Song crashes are quite rare. About 1/400 song will crash nowdays after you done "basic things" right, AND removed or fixed same namers.
If you crash very often/always read this basic help first.http://customsforge....dlcs-in-rs2014/
Default Crash (most common crash, if nothing mentioned then it crash like this)
"NO BROADWAY" style crash; game freezes when you try to launch song.
if your guitar is tuned, Game freezes, before you ever see "broadway". No error messages.
If guitar is not tuned, Game can freeze, so that no broadway seen, only blank with amps. No error Messages.
Crash Middle (if mentioned "crash middle" then it crash like this)
"Crash Middle" style crash; occurs suddenly during song "in middle of song". Game stops working after error report, or goes sudden to desktop..
Notes for middle crashers:
- Always crash on same spot, if played 100%
- Can Work if not played at all, or "badly". as if there is "crash note" in spot" where game crashes.
General fix for all crashers (not for same namers) in or out of list is still to repack song. Works in many cases, but not all.
How to Repack? http://customsforge.com/topic/9986-got-a-song-that-crashes-after-tuning-heres-how-to-fix-it/
Other known crashes and fixes that repacking can't help.:
File Manager has new features for repairing some corrupt CDLC by removing bad phases and sections. This may work (if the hang/crash is caused by bad phrase or section)
1. Isolate the song you are trying to repack into a separate folder.
2. Open CGT, File Manager and select Fresh Load
3. Select the folder that contains the CDLC that you want to try fixing.
4. Let File Manager load the CDLC info.
5. Under Repairs drop down select 'Phrase/Sections'
6. Let CGT fix and repackage CDLC.
7. Move repaired CDLC back to the 'dlc' folder and test in game.
-When one arragment (other can work) crash right after tuning with error message (if guitar is in tune crash when you launch it):
import the non-working psarc and open eof. Then set up a new file, use the audio of the psarc, load crashing arragment part in eof and save it. Finally replace the corrupted arragment with the new one in the toolkit, generate it.
re-adding fixes many crashes too, that repacking can't help.
re-adding means that you change ID's of the arrangement. Its common reason of crash have bad ID's
Save Crash: Not listed . Game/user bug. Occured to me after save file had growed >5000kb
Song crashes with report, after you have played it, when it should save to file. Next time you launch no % seen on song.
To Reach this point you must have played about 5-10t (000) songs.
Reason: All played but removed dlc:s (old versions of same song etc.) are still in save file.
So there is quite a lot stuff you don't need anymore. Also actual songs can corrupt (loose some data)
Theese corrupted songs will not cause save to actual corrupt, but corrupted songs work not properly, and they can be one reason to save crash issues.
My save file was size about 5500kb when problem first occurred after cleaning it was about 4000 kb.
While cleaning sync tool founded also 14 corrupted songs, which i removed and uploaded again.
How it Goes: First you crash 1/20 of song but later on you crash like 1/2 songs played.
After sync tool (clean up) you can play again without save crash (at least until you have again just too many saved DLC or/and corrupted songs). More about this issue in Post #127#128 http://customsforge.com/topic/4863-list-of-crashers-jammers-dead-toners-and-misc-problems/page-7
Clean/Fix messed up Save file https://sites.google.com/site/cozy1cgi/tutorial-4
It seems now that using only some songs in dlc folder is my way, game runs much smoothly if u keep dlc folder below 10(000) songs.
Much faster boots, save crash occurs less frequently (no need to sync so often).
My style is now simple play only songs (a-l) or (m-z). Dlc folders are ordered by artist. Total count of songs is now about 15(000) When is time to sync (after about 2-3 month) sync hole pack. Doing so... keeping one big...clean save.
Note: there is actual limit how big save can grow, if u want to play save crash free. My advice is to keep (synced) save >5000kb. If it grows bigger just split it by cozy1's sync tool and use two or more separate saves.
Level Raise crash Not listed. Rare and minor bug. Fix is ultra easy
Game crashes when you raise difficulty level up
If you had a previous release of a song in RS2014 library and the DD is modified in a new release, you can have this behaviour when you raise difficulty up.
The reason is that RS2014 keep in memory the previous levels you reached for each phrase and the new DD may have less difficulty levels for each one.
To avoid\fix the Level Raise Crash either :
- play the new release of the song one time until the end without using the RR.
- (select only one section in RR for which the max level is under 100% and put it down to 0% (repeat this for other sections until the whole song is under 100% of max of difficulty))
After tuning, song won't start to play BUT you can ESC back for other songs.
Sometimes repacking can fix jam.
Dead Tone:
PC: After you have started Dead Tone song you have to restart, if you want hear modified tones again.
Mac: More harm, it corrupts, all songs. Restarting game won't help. Have to delete all.
Some charters didn't mind to add tones to their songs (playing through amps and its OK for me) , but it caused Dead Tone issues...
New toolkit solves this kind of dead tone issues (which were majority in Dead Tones).
Default tone no longer causes Dead Tone, if latest Toolkit is used.
Latest Toolkit build
Fast fix for Dead Tone: "you need to regenerate it, use "Import package" feature and generate cdlc from it"
Same Name:
Means if you have two or more same named songs from different artist, all can crash (no broadway style) OR jam (not often) when song is started. You can keep one of these song in DLC folder without issues.
When kept same namers in DLC folder without playing ... In some cases the Album art/song titles get mixed up in the song list. Sometimes other same named song won't show in the song list.
Note that this crash/jam rule applies when you have several version of same artist same named song, or update versions in dlc folder.
Same Artist, same named song crashes are not listed.
Fix for Same Name issue. To avoid crash problem with other same named song without changing game name!!!.
Use Toolkit !!!. Note there, "DLC key".
Import song and change (only) DLC Key. Write DLC key together.
Then generate fixed song. Result: Game name doesn’t change, but crash with other song will be avoided. No change for other song needed, both will work. If you fix multi same namers (none of work together), all but one must be fixed.
MISC Major:
Corrupting save file: After play, these song will corrupt save file You get save file corrupted message next time you launch.
When you launch game, without save file corrupted message, every song played to some kind of % is clean. (note: Misc Minor songs that won't count % are also clean.
Fix for save corrupting song.
re-pack all the broken files using the latest versions of eof and rocksmith custom song creator toolkit.
Fix already corrupted save file: https://sites.google.com/site/cozy1cgi/tutorial-4
If tool will not work for you, ask help from cozy1. Use this link for help https://sites.google.com/site/cozy1cgi/feedback.
Wrong tuning: Song is in wrong tuning
Wrong song or notes: You hear different music or see different notes that should.
Not Registering notes: Song will not register notes played. Sometimes these songs are in wrong tuning too.
Major sync issues Song is badly out of sync
No lead (should be) Sometimes song is marked X, even though you can play it.
Missing Links: Songs that upload links have been dead and charter inactive for long perioid of time.
Misc MInor:
Minor sync issues: Can't handle correctly minor sync issues. Do report here http://customsforge.com/topic/15687-beats-phrases-resynchronizer/ Fixing tool under construct.
Cant raise level up: Can't use RR to raise level up. Fix help needed.
Won't count % (on big screen): % not seen in big screen. Fix help needed.
Music cuts off In The End: Small part off song is out of music in the end of song. Fix: add x seconds of silence to the end of the mp3/wav
more see... http://customsforge.com/topic/4863-list-of-crashers-jammers-dead-toners-and-misc-problems/page-8
Misc Minors that are Not listed: Not counting play times, Wrong alphabetical position. many more to come...
Help needed !!!!
Report: If you find any song that should not be on list
Report: fixes that work
Report: listed issues; Crash, Dead Tone, Jam, Same Name (not working), Save File Corrupter, or MISC
Report: If you have ideas to make topic better
Listing Policy
I don't list reports in this topic straight. Have to test myself first.
(Trying to just minimize list errors. Mostly do testing same day i got report but... )
Also, after report to charter, I Have 2 week tolerance. (since in most cases issue is fixed by charter)
Test Platform: PC (only), Instrument: Guitar
List is based on test findings. Quite often my findings, are not verified by other players, which would be sure best option, less room for errors. Other platforms are not supported because i can't test them. Even though other platforms are not supported some issues are universal like Dead Tone.
V 2.7.1 18.06.2018 2 Dead Toners Added
Special THX for List Reporters...
Fix providors/testers/Charters/Fixers and others who have helped me to do this.
piepesado, sleepy, Olorin, Antithez, Altamont613, Sharkman828, DevXen, firekorn,
jacksonplayer, Alex360, Rockfirstlast, Jazzie, davelancel, Jansku79, smirocsmo,
Chlipouni, huntervandam, tron001, kornman00, NotGuilty, SmellyOrc, mykhill, Hzredwing,
Spades cozy1 jeff_tentacles madzillagd Xstatic Attitude TomSawyer2112 Fuzzy666 lordnial
KuRZuS Tmlt raynebc
Colour codes and other markers o x R:
Bass (can test only emulated bass)
Guitar (Lead preffered in testing)
Recently added (about 1 month colored)
Soon removed (THX for song updates) (about 1 month colored then deleted)
o Charter knows issue (deadtone) already
x Not showed in download list anymore (removed from download list for reason mostly unknown to me)
R Issue Reported to charter (Somebody (not always me) have well reported issue to charter at least 2 weeks ago)
Crash (Have to Restarti game after crash)
See (possible) fix above.
Some of these can also be same name crashes/jams that conflicts with "other than same names", report if work for you (without fix), check closer then.
30 Seconds To Mars R: Vox Populi
Aerosmith:Janie's Got Gun (crash middle) R
AFI: Endlessly, She Said R
Alice In Chains: Bleed The Freak R (error Report)
Alter Bridge: Calm The Fire R
Andy James: Storm, The R
Aria: Epipahy Fire R
Atreu: A Bitter Broken Memory (starts late, crash after 20 sec) R
Bullet Your Valentine: Run For Your Life R (only Lead Crashes)
Dekabr: Our rock and roll R
Devin Townshead: Angel R
Elbow: Mexican Standoff R
Gun's Roses:Buick Makane R (crash middle) + out of sync after mid
GWAR: They Swallowed The Sun
Herb Albert: Spanish Flea R
Heroes Del Silencio: Avalancha R
Incubus: Dig (working version added to post thread)
Lights: Pretend R
Mami Kawada: Hishoku no Sora R
Manic Street preachers: Australia (crash End, artifacts) R
Muse: Screenager R (Musekid version)
Nirvana: Sliver (L33tr version)
NOFX: Kill The White Man R
Pearl Jam: Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town R (crash middle)
Phil Collins: Another Day In Paradise R
Rata Blanca: Porque es tan dificil amar R
Van Halen: Drop Dead legs R
Van Halen: Only One x (crash middle)
Verve, The: Slide Away (error Report) R
Within Temptation: Paradise (What About Us) R
Jam (cant't play song, but you can ESC back to other songs)
See (possible) fix above
ABBA: Chiquita R Working versio added to post thread
Avenged Sevefold: Burn it down R
Linking park: From Inside R
NOFX: Lower R
Oscar Arriagada: El Twist del esqueleto R
Dead Tone
These songs all cause deadtone,marked in topic as not toned without deadtone, or "badly" toned are not listed.
Fix easily with Latest ToolKit, if you want to play and avoid Dead Tone. (see fix above)
Best option for most: You can also tone song and ask if charter would upload toned version.
If marked guitar, most likely all parts are dead tone.
If marked bass, only bass is dead tone.
Charters that have Dead Tone (most of songs). and have over 5 songs
timthetoolman http://search.customsforge.com/-1?u=timthetoolman Deadtoned
Toned ones. Immortal: In My Kingdom o - Toned versio added to post thread. Thx Killeroyo
Guitargod http://search.customsforge.com/-1?u=Guitargod Deadtoned
jfish311 http://search.customsforge.com/-1?u=jfish311 Deadtoned
mneilan http://search.customsforge.com/-1?u=mneilan Deadtoned
MadMoses67 http://search.customsforge.com/-1?u=MadMoses67 Deadtoned
Other founded Misc Charters deadtone songs
Agalloch: Our Fortress Is Burning...I o
All-American Rejects, The: Night Drive R
Anthrax: Caught In A Mosh o
Apollo: ChordChangerCGAM o
August Burn Red: Meridian o
Avril Lavigne: When You're Gone R
Blue Swede: Hooked On Feeling R
BLESSTHEFALL: Guys Like You Make Us Look Bad
Bread: Make It With You o
Buckethead: Jordan o
Chic: Le Freak
Curtis Mayfield: Pusherman o
Daryl Hall & John Oates:You Make My Dreams o
DayToRemember: Holding It Down For The Underground o
Dazz: Brick
Def Leppard: Billy's Got A Gun (+ % not seen in main screen)
Ellie Coulding: Love Me Like You Do R
Engenheiros do Hawaii: Eu que não amo você o
Enimen: Lose Yourself o
Escape the Fate: Aftermath o
Escape The Faith: My acocalypse o
Everclear: Santa Monica o
Fall Out Boy: Save Rock and Roll (feat. John Elton) o
Firewind: Allegiance o
Five Finger Death Punch: Lift Me Up o (Starliners version)
Florence + the Machine: Cosmic Love o
Fun Lovin' Criminals: Scooby Snacks o
Gary Moore: Midnight Blues
Gary Moore: Still Got The Blues
Gavin De Garv. Best I Ever Had o
Gin Blossoms: Found out about you o
Gnarkill: I Got Errection o
Gotye: Somebody I Used To Know o
Grinspoon: Hard Act To Follow o
Grinspoon: Hold On Me o
Head and heart, The: The Shake o
Horkýže: Liza a Wendy o
Idina Menzel: Let It Go lucashsg77 version
I am Ghost: Our Friend Lazarus Sleeps R
I am Ghost: Killer Likes Candy
Iron MaiI den: The Phantom of the Opera R (Bacon version) (lead partial toned)
Jake Bugg: Slumville Slumrise o
JerryC: Cannonrock (Performed by Funtwo) o
John Butler Trio: Close to You o
K.E.FEAR: Self-destruction R
Kenny Rodger: The Gambler o
Kiss: Psycho Circus o
Krokus: American Women o
Kyo: Dernire Dance o (Boltac Version)
Legio Urbana: Perfeicao o
Legio Urbana: Tempo-Perdido o
Libertines, The: The Boys In The Band o
Linked Horizon: Guren No Yumiya o
Luca Turilli: Black Dragon o
Luke Bryan: That's My Kind Of Night o
Michael Schenker Group: Cry For The Nations o
Milburn: Last Bus o
Mitchel Musso: Let's Make This Last Forever o
Molotov: Puto o
Mushroomhead: Before I Die o
My Chemical Romance: Cancer o
Panda: Nuera Afflicyion o
Panda: Tus Palabras Punzocortanes o
Paul Kelly: To Her Door o
Pitty: Equalize o
Powderfinger: Passenger
Ramones: I Wanna Be Sedated (backing track)
Santana & Aerosmith: Just fell better o
Shania Twain: Man I Feel Like Woman o (ash205 version)
Smiths, The: How Soon is Now? o
Solids, The: How I Met Your Mother Theme o
Telephone: Fait divers o
Tenacious D: Classico R
Toby Keith: Red Solo Cup o
Toshiro Masuda: Need to be Strong o
Two Door Cinema Club: What You Know o (morningwoody version)
Van-Halen: Aint-Talkin-Bout-Love_v3 o (Williamsj82 version)
Volbeat: Still Counting o
Wallflowers, The: One Headlight o
We The Kings: Check yes juliet o
YOU: Sweep Picking Exercise o
Same Name
Crash (no broadway style) or jam (not so often) or another song just can't be seen in game... when songs together in dlc folder. Mixed artist\song names means that song most likely will crash if started.
Note: These songs work without conflict pair(s) perfectly!!!
So, Its not charters fault that song will Same Name Crash!!! Though i have started to report them also.
Player or charter can now easily fix Same Name crash if he/she will without changing Game Name.(see fix above)
If charter choose to fix, Pls, let me know
"check work together" combos can in many cases be ordered slightly differently. Point is just to have as many songs possible to working same namers (now in post #108 (Page 6)) http://customsforge.com/topic/4863-list-of-crashers-jammers-dead-toners-and-misc-problems/page-6 before start to fix what is left outside. Count matters, not labels.
Aquarius: Michiru Yamane, Yasuhiro Ichihashi
Aftermath: War of Ages (check work together) R
Ain't it Fun: Gun's Roses, Paramore R
All I want: A Day to remember (Official), Offspring
All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You: Heart, Halestorm R
Alone: Falling Reverse x, Zebrahead (check work together)
Animals: August Burns Red (check work together)
Another Way To Die: Disturbed, Jack White & Alicia Keys
Anthem: Bring Me Horizon, Rush, Arch Enemy (check work together)
Ashley: Green Day, Escape The Fate
Believe: Disturbed (check work together)
Blitzkrieg: Deathstars, Metallica
Breathe: Disturbed, Prodigy, The, Pink Floyd
Bullets: Creed, Editors
Burn: Deep Purple (check Work Together)
Carry On: Angra, Avenged Sevenfold R
Chasing A Dream: Christophe Herald, Borilac Mitic
Cold: Lacuna Coil (check Work Together)
Collapse: War Of Ages, Saosin R
Crossroads: Avenged Sevenfold, Cream, John Mayer
Dead To World: NightWish, Bullet For My Valentine
Destiny: Death (check Work Together)
Diamond Eyes: Deftones, Shinedown
Downfall: Exodus, Children Of Bodom
Easily: Muse, Red Hot chili Peppers (both 2 versions)
End Of Line (The): Metallica (nacholade version) R (check Work Together)
Endgame: Megadeth, Rise Against
Escape: Muse, Devil Wears Prada, The, Metallica
Eternal: War Of Ages, Mushroomhead R
Falling apart: Lagwagon, Zebrahead x
Fewer: CsGuitar, Bullet for My Valentine, Judas Priest
Greensleeves: Csguitar89, Anonymous
Gypsy: Dio, Merciful Fate
Here I Am: Skidrow, Bryan Adams, Tegan And Sara R
Heresy: Pantera, Nine Inch Nails
Home: Three days Grace, Daughtry
Hold On: Green Day (check work together)
Hole In The Sky: Black Sabbath, Akira Yamaoka
If I could fly: Joe Satriani, Helloween
In The end: Black veil Brides, Green Day (check work together)
King For Day: Green Day (check work together)
Last Caress: Misfits, The x, Metallica (can't test)
Last Fight: Bullet For My Valentine, Velvet Revolver
Liberate: Slipknot, Disturbed
Lost Woods: Jim Cook, Legend of zelda
Love: Strapping Young Lad x, Beatles,The x
Love Bites: Halestorm (official), Def Leppard x (can't test)
Magic: King Diamond, Pilot
Mammoth: Interpol, The Devil Wears Prada
Maria: Rage Against Machine, Green Day
Feather: Nujabes, Devin Townsend
Only The Good die Young: Iron Maiden, Billy Joel
Paradise: Cold Play, Stratovarius
Phantom Of The Opera: Iron Maiden, Me First And The Gimme Gimmes
Photograph: Ed Sheeran, Def leppard
Rebellion: Linkin Park, Daisuke Ishiwatari
Riot Act: Exodus, Skid Row
Rock n Roll: Led Zeppelin, Skrillex, Scandal R
Running free: Iron Maiden, Coheed & Cambria
Shattered: Delain, Pantera
Sleepless Nights: Merciful Fate, Memphis May Fire
Somebody Save Me: Cinderella, Krypteria
Stargazer: rainbow, Blood Stain Child , KingdomCome
Time: Merciful Fate (check Work together)
The End: Beatles, The, Doors, The R
This is The Life: Dream Theater, Amy Macdonald
This Means War: Avenged Sevenfold, Nickelback
Unbreakable: Stratovarius (check work together) R
Waiting: Greenday, King Diamond
Wake up: Mallory Knox, Hilary Duff (check work together)
Walk Away: Green Day, Franz Ferdinand (check work together)
Warrior: Wisbone Ash, Disturbed
Wish You Were Here: Blackmore's Night, Avril Lavigne
Whiskey In The Jar: Thin Lizzy (mneilan Version) (check work together)
World So Cold: Mudvayne, Three Days Grace
Zero: Keiki Kobayashi, Samshing Punmpkins
Same same crash, but game name different.
conflicts with
Last susnset: Aria Sunset: XX, The
Broken Hearts Parade: Good Charlotte The broken: Coheed & Cambria
To Hell And Back: BlessTheFall Hell And Back: Metallica R
Blink-182: I Won't Be Home For Christmas ???????????????
Superbus: Radio Song Teenage Bottlerocket: Radio
MISC Major
Corrupting save file
Fix save file corrupting song (see fixes above)
Fix corrupted save (see fixes above)
Die Toten Hosen: Strom R
Falling in Reverse: The Drug in Me is You R
Foo Fighter: Bridge Burning R (Num14 Version)
Justin Timberlake: Rock Your Body R
King Diamond: At The Graves R
Modest Mouse:Paper Thin Walls x
New Politics: Yeah Yeah Yeah R
Ninja Sex party: Unicorn Wizard x
Oceansize: Catalyst R
Protest The Hero: Tilting Windmills R
Simon and Garfunkel: The Sound of Silence R (Mangoo version)
Warrant: Sometimes She Cries
Wrong Tuning
Kiss: Uh All Night R
Papa Roach: Still Swingin R
Not Registering
Amity Affliction, The: Youngbloods R
Nobuo Uematsu: Otherworld R
Seether: Fade Out
Major sync issues
http://customsforge.com/topic/15687-beats-phrases-resynchronizer/ check out if Minor sync issues
Angel Vivaldi; A Martian Winter R
Rise Against: I Don't Want to Be Here Anymore R bugging (crash) with "behind closed doors"
No lead (should be)
Wu Bai & CHINABLUE: Norway Forest R
Missing Links (charter no longer active)
Anchang-style work (9 revived/9 total) http://search.customsforge.com/-1?u=Anchang-Style
Revive link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sx2yq0ghxif1gug/AADkEj22vn5L2JC9Y6_VoCeFa?dl=0
MISC Minor
Cant raise level up
Fix aid needed.
Doors, The: people are Strange R
Killers. The; When you were young R
Marilyn Manson : Beautiful People
Won't count % (on big screen)
Fix aid needed
H.T.T (Aki Toyosaki) GO! GO! MANIAC!! R
Onra: Wellcome to Vietnam
Red Hot: Chili Peppers: Minor Thing R
Slayer: Spill The Blood
Music cuts off in The end (see fix above)
None anymore
EDIT: Changed the color of the list to default so it could be read on the white theme also.
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So, I have played some songs and I have gradually moved all “problematic” songs (for me) to another "waiting for fix folder", and also added those song to a list. Songs wait fix done by, me or charter
The best thing is to go on the cdlc page and alert the author, nobody will take a look here to check if one of their custom is on the list... And the same name list is pointless, there is no point i
Firekorn: as i said this list was mentioned to be personal aid, if it wont help anybody else i will remove it. This is promise. nobody will take a look here to check if one of their custom is on t
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