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Iron Maiden


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Dear Iron Maiden fans! Behold ....

Super job ladies and gents !!!



Now Missing 3 CDLC. Due to pruned dead links?!
*** Holy Smoke, Age of Innocence, The Talisman ***

*** If you want to adopt (publish in Ignition, become responsible for, while attributing credit to original charters) any these above CDLC, I can PM you the pruned @ PC Plum and @ Replicators PSARC files, including @ PC Plum Blaze stuff ***

*** @ PC Plum has retired from charting, but let's wait till September 1, 2022 to see if @ Replicators republishes. ***





Now that we have a collection, let's focus on making the collection as high fidelity as humanly possible! When you play a song from this collection that could stand improving, please start by PM'ing the author with detailed and precise (including timestamps or at least times +/- 5 sec of each unique issue) recommended improvements and if the user is inactive then consider adopting or making an improved version.

I wish to avoid squabbling so I prefer not to disparage contributors' work in public that would embarrass him or her, but as I haven't had the time to try all the CDLC here, if the charter doesn't respond within a reasonable time delay, may I recommend you PM me when you stumble upon a significantly flawed Maiden CDLC. I would then place an asterisk beside the entry which would alert charters to consider improving or recreating the CDLC in question. We all had to start somewhere in our learning curve and we appreciate your effort! Now we want this collection to be the world-wide authority on mastering the mighty Maiden!


I will keep this list up-to-date as follows as per the follow-up comments on this topic and using the following naming convention:

Song name - (Proposed) CDLC creator - Status (WIP/Submitted/Approved for which RS version) - CDLC version - (No) RR - (No) DD - ADJS

RR = Riff Repeater
DD = Dynamic Difficulty
LRBV = Lead, Rhythm, Bass, Vocals ... or...
ADJSV = Adrian, Dave, Jannick, Steve,Vocals
(V since there were 3 different singers; for the 1st album A will stand for Dennis Stratton instead of
Adrian Smith)
(any arrangement missing will see the artists name not figure in the lettering. Ex: No Jannick = ADSV

Lets aim for Lyrics, RR and minimum 4 levels of DD please for maximum appeal. When posting below to 'reserve' a WIP status, please specify what arrangements you intend to make. (Example: DAJSV or Combo1Combo2BV or LRBV+Bonus etc). As well please state if you intend to provide capability for RR and DD.

Iron Maiden (1980) 220px-Iron_Maiden_%28album%29_cover.jpg
1. Prowler -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
2. Remember Tomorrow - albatross213 - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.1 - RR - DD - LRBV
3. Running Free - Bernixix - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRB
--> Phantom of the Opera - Snake3169 - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Phantom of the Opera - iminashi - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.1 - RR - DD - LRBV
5. Transylvania -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRB
6. Strange World -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
7. Charlotte the Harlot - albatross213 - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.3 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Iron Maiden - albatross213 - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 2.0 - RR - DD - LRB (adopted from Itachi, then redone from scratch)
--> Iron Maiden - Masel89 - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRV
9 . Sanctuary - albatross213- Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.1 - RR - DD - LRBV


Killers (1981) 220px-Iron_Maiden_Killers.jpg
1. The Ides of March - eezstreet - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 2.0 - RR - No DD - LRB
2. Wrathchild - Mikerophonic - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
3. Murders In The Rue Morgue - Jazzie - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - NoDD - LB
4. Another Life - Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
5. Genghis Khan - albatross213 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.3 - RR - DD - LRB
6. Innocent Exile - albatross213 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.1 - RR - DD - LRBV
7. Killers - Jazzie - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 2.0 - RR - DD - LB (2 versions: 1 Dave, 2 Adrian)
--> Prodigal Son - VDFANOU - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Prodigal Son - bernixix - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LB (Pruned CDLC)
9. Purgatory - Jazzie - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
10. Drifter -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV




Number of the Beast (1982) 220px-IronMaiden_NumberOfBeast.jpg
1. Invaders - albatross213- Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.2 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Children Of The Damned - Yojimbo1989 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.2 - RR - DD - ADSB
--> Children Of The Damned - Bernixix - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.2 - RR - DD - LRBV
3. The Prisoner - albatross213 - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 2.0 - RR - DD - LRBV (MULTITRACKS)
4. 22 Acacia Avenue - Bacon - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.2 - RR - No DD - LRBV
5. The Number Of The Beast - DO NOT DO. OFFICIAL DLC.
6. Run To The Hills - DO NOT DO. OFFICIAL DLC.
--> Gangland -  Yojimbo1989 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - ADSB
--> Gangland -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Hallowed Be Thy Name - snake3169 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR, DD, LRBV (Also on RS2012)
--> Hallowed Be Thy Name - Masel89 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 2.0 - RR, DD, L
--> Hallowed Be Thy Name (Live, Rock in Rio) - pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Hallowed Be Thy Name (Live, Live After Death) - Altamont-613  - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.2 - RR - DD - LRBV


Piece of Mind (1983) 220px-Iron_Maiden_-_Piece_Of_Mind.jpg
1. Where Eagles Dare - snake3169 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR -  DD -  LRBV
--> Revelations - Mikson - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Revelations - Brooklyn_Sounds - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.5 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Flight Of Icarus - Firekorn - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD, LRBV
--> Flight Of Icarus - snake3169 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 2.0 - RR, DD, L1,L2,B,V (Also on RS 2012)
--> Flight of Icarus - Zoovier - - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - NoRR - NoDD - L
4. Die With Your Boots On - snake3169 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
5. The Trooper - DO NOT DO. PART OF RS2014 SETLIST.
6. Still Life - albatross213 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 2.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
7. Quest For Fire - III_Demon - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
8. Sun And Steel - III_Demon - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
9. To Tame A Land - III_Demon - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV


Powerslave (1984) 220px-Iron_Maiden_-_Powerslave.jpg
2. 2 Minutes To Midnight - DO NOT DO. OFFICIAL DLC.
--> Losfer Words (Big 'Orra) - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR -DD - LRB
--> Losfer Words (Big 'Orra) - albatross1213 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 2.1 - RR -DD - LRB
--> Flash Of The Blade - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.1 - RR -DD - LRBV
--> Flash Of The Blade - Syvaa - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Flash Of The Blade - matritos - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - L  (No BASS)
5. The Duelists - albatross213 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRB
--> Back In The Village - Yojimo1989 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - L(Smith)RBV + AltL (Dave Murray and Harmony)
--> Back In The Village - matritos - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - NoDD - LRB
--> Back in the Village - Wheat76 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - L
--> Powerslave - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Powerslave - snake3169 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 3.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Powerslave - GoatHerd - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Rime Of The Ancient Mariner - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Rime Of The Ancient Mariner - snake3169 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - NoRR - NoDD - LRB (Also on RS 2012)
--> Rime Of The Ancient Mariner - Brooklyn Sounds - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Rime Of The Ancient Mariner - Matthnerd - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LB

FULL ALBUM - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV


Somewhere in Time (1986) 220px-Iron_Maiden_-_Somewhere_in_Time.jp
--> Caught Somewhere In Time - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR -DD - LRBV
--> Caught Somewhere In Time - slayerad2000 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 2.0 - RR -DD - LRBV
--> Wasted Years - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Wasted Years - EevereonE - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Wasted Years - Chazite - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - L(A.S.)BV; (available for RS2012 bass only)
--> Sea Of Madness - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR -DD - LRBV
--> Sea Of Madness - albatross213 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 2.1 - RR -DD - LRBV
--> Sea Of Madness - ponchaka - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - NoRR -NoDD - LB
4. Heaven Can Wait - albatross213 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.2 - RR -DD - LRBV
--> The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR -DD - LRBV
--> The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner - Replicators - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR -NoDD - LRBV
--> The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner - Yojimbo1989 - Submitted for RS2024 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Stranger In A Strange Land - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR -DD - LRBV
--> Stranger In A Strange Land - cheesewheel - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR -NoDD - LB (also on RS 2012)
--> Déja-Vu - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR -DD - LRBV
--> Déja-Vu - Replicators - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR -DD - LRBV
8. Alexander The Great - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR -DD - LRBV

FULL ALBUM - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR -DD - LRBV


Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (1988) 220px-Iron_Maiden_-_Seventh_Son_Of_A_Sev
--> Moonchild - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR, DD, LRBV
--> Moonchild - Bernixix - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.1 - RR, DD, LRBV
2. Infinite Dreams - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR, DD, LRBV
--> Can I Play with Madness - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR, DD, LRB
--> Can I Play with Madness - Snake3169 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR, DD, LRB (Also on RS2012 by topShelf1221)
--> The Evil That Men Do - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR, DD, LRBV
--> The Evil That Men Do - nandopr81 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR, DD, LRBV
--> The Evil Than Men Do - Masel89 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR, DD, L
--> Seventh Son of a Seventh Son - chlipouni - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR, DD, LRBV
--> Seventh Son of a Seventh Son - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR, DD, LRBV
--> Seventh Son of a Seventh Son - Masel89 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR, DD, L
--> The Prophecy - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR, LRBV
--> The Prophecy - Replicators - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR, LRBV
--> The Clairvoyant - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.1 - RR, DD, LRBV
--> The Clairvoyant - Bernixix - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR, DD, LRBV
--> The Clairvoyant - Masel89 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR, DD, L,AltL,V
--> Only the Good Die Young --> - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Only the Good Die Young --> - III_Demon - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV

FULL ALBUM - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.1 - RR, DD, LRBV


No Prayer for the Dying (1990) 220px-IronMaidenNoPrayerForTheDying.jpg
1. Tailgunner - eezstreet - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD, LRBV
2. Holy Smoke                                   ... since Replicator's CDLC  is no longer in Ignition, we need a redo of this one please
3. No Prayer for the Dying -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
4. Public Enema Number One -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
5. Fates Warning -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
6. The Assassin -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
7. Run Silent Run Deep -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
8. Hooks in You -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
9. Bring Your Daughter... to the Slaughter -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
10. Mother Russia - albatross213 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.3 - RR - DD - LRBV




Fear of the Dark (1992) 220px-Iron_Maiden_-_Fear_Of_The_Dark.jpg
--> Be Quick or Be Dead - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD, LRBV
--> Be Quick or Be Dead - Snake3169 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD, LRBV
--> Be Quick of Be Dead - Masel89 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD, L
2. From Here to Eternity -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Afraid to Shoot Strangers - chlipouni - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD, LRBV
--> Afraid to Shoot Strangers - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD, LRBV
--> Afraid to Shoot Strangers - masel89 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD, LV (Slide on Lead)
4. Fear Is the Key - chlipouni - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD, LRBV
5. Childhood's End - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD, LRBV
--> Wasting Love - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD, LRBV
--> Wasting Love - gizmo - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - NoRR - NoDD, LRBV
--> The Fugitive -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRV (No BASS)
--> The Fugitive - jslayers1976 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - B

8. Chains of Misery -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRV (No BASS)
9. The Apparition -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRV (No BASS)
10. Judas Be My Guide - fyres - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD, LRBV
11. Weekend Warrior -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
12. Fear of the Dark --> DO NOT DO. OFFICIAL DLC.




X-Factor (1995) 220px-Iron_Maiden_-_The_X_Factor.jpg
--> Sign of the Cross - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Sign of the Cross (Rock in Rio 2001) - matoto951 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - B
2. Lord of the Flies - Replicators - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 2.1 - RR - LRBV
3. Man on the Edge -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
4. Fortunes of War -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
5. Look for the Truth -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRV (No BASS)
6. The Aftermath - Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRV (No BASS)
7. Judgement of Heaven -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
8. Blood on the World's Hands -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
9. The Edge of Darkness -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRV (No BASS)
10. 2 a.m. - Replicators - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - LRBV
11. The Unbeliever - albatross213 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.1 - RR - DD - LRBV




Virtual XI (1998) 220px-Iron_Maiden_-_Virtual_XI.jpg
1. Futureal - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
2. The Angel and the Gambler - Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Lightning Strikes Twice - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Lightning Strikes Twice - eezstreet - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 4.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> The Clansman - MrCscn - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 3.0 - RR - DD - LV  (No RHYTHM)
--> The Clansman (Live) -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
5. When Two Worlds Collide -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
6. The Educated Fool - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
7. Don't Look to the Eyes of a Stranger - Bernixix - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.1 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Como Estais Amigos - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Como Estais Amigos - eezstreet - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV




Brave New World (2000) 220px-Iron_Maiden_-_Brave_New_World.jpg
1. The Wicker Man - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2012 - Version 1.0 - RR, DD, LRBV ( Also for RS2012)
--> Ghost of the Navigator - Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.1 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Ghost of the Navigator - ponchaka - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - NoRR, NoDD, LB (No RHYTHM)
--> Ghost of the Navigator - Oskii - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - NoRR, NoDD, L  (No RHYTHM, No BASS)
--> Brave New World - Masel89 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.1 - RR, DD, LRBV
--> Brave New World - eezstreet - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 3.0 - RR, DD, LRBV
--> Blood Brothers - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR, DD, LRBV
--> Blood Brothers - topShelf1221 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 2.1 - RR, DD, LRBV (Also for RS2012)
5. The Mercenary -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - L(DM)R(AS)BV, AltGuit(JG)
--> Dream of Mirrors - Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> The Falen Angel -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> The Fallen Angel - Oskii - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - NoRR, NoDD, L   (No RHYTHM, No BASS)
--> The Nomad - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR, DD, LRBV
--> The Nomad - VDFANOU - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR, DD, LBV
--> The Nomad - Oskii - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - NoRR, NoDD, L  (No RHYTHM, No BASS)
--> Out of the Silent Planet - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Out of the Silent Planet - Masel89 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR, DD, LRBV
--> Out of the Silent Planet - Oskii - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - NoRR, NoDD, L  (No RHYTHM, No BASS)
10. The Thin Line Between Love & Hate - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV




Dance of Death (2003) 220px-Iron_Maiden-Dance_of_Death.jpg
--> Wildest Dreams -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Wildest Dreams - eezstreet - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - No DD- RBV
--> Rainmaker - Sirandok - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LBV
--> Rainmaker -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> No More Lies - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD, LRBV
--> No More Lies - Berneer - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD, DAJSB
--> No More Lies - VDFANOU - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD, LB
4. Montségur - eezstreet - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - No DD- LRBV
--> Dance of Death - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 2.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Dance of Death - VDFANOU - - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 2.0 - RR - DD - LBV
6. Gates of Tomorrow - eezstreet - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
7. New Frontier - ffsimaloos3r - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - B
--> Paschendale - Onur179 - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Paschendale -  Matoto951 - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Face in the Sand - Nacholede - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Face in the Sand - eezstreet - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - No DD - LRBV
10. Age of Innocence                                   ... since Replicator's CDLC  is no longer in Ignition, we need a redo of this one please
11. Journeyman -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - L(DM)R(AS)AltR(JG)BV




A Matter of Life and Death (2006) 220px-Iron_Maiden_-_A_Matter_Of_Life_And
1. Different World - ffsimaloos3r - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.11 - RR - DD - LRBV
2. These Colours Don't Run -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
3. Brighter Than a Thousand Suns - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> The Pilgrim -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - L(JG)AltL(AS)R(DM)BV
--> The Pilgrim - eezstreet - Submitted for RS 2014 - v1.0 - RR - BV (No LEAD, No RHYTHM)
5. The Longest Day - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
6. Out of the Shadows -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
7. The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg - Killeroyo - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 2.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
8. For the Greater Good of God - Nacholede - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LR1R2BV
9. Lord of Light - Fyres - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
10. The Legacy - Bacon - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.01 - RR - NoDD - LRBV




The Final Frontier (2010) 220px-The_Final_Frontier_cover.jpg
--> The Final Frontier - Nacholede- Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Satellite 15... The Final Frontier - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - v2.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
2. El Dorado - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
3. Mother Of Mercy - Nacholede  - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
4. Coming Home - Replicators - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
5. The Alchemist - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
6. Isle Of Avalon - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
7. Starblind - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> The Talisman -  PC Plum - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV     (PRUNED)
--> The Talisman -   - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.2 - RR - DD - L   (CHARTER REQUESTING HELP TO IMPROVE CDLC)       
9. The Man Who Would Be King - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
10. When The Wild Wind Blows - killeroyo - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - ADJSV




The Book of Souls (2015) 220px-Iron_Maiden_-_The_Book_of_Souls.pn

1. If Eternity Should Fail - Nacholede - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
2. Speed of Light - Nacholede - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 2.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
3. The Great Unknown -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRV (No BASS)
4. The Red and the Black - Nacholede - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.1 - RR - DD - LRBV
5. When the River Runs Deep - Nacholede - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - DAJSV
6. The Book of Souls - Nacholede - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
7. Death or Glory - Nacholede - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
8. Shadows of the Valley - Brooklyn_Sounds- Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
9. Tears of a Clown - Brooklyn_Sounds - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
10. The Man of Sorrows -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - L(DM)R(AS)BR(JG),V (No BASS)
11. Empire of the Clouds - Nacholede - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - DAJSV




Senjutsu (2021) 220px-Iron_Maiden_-_Senjutsu.jpg

1. Senjutsu - coldrampage - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.5 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Stratego - coldrampage - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.7 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Stratego - Nacholede - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LV (No RHYTHM, No BASS)
3. The Writing On The Wall - Nacholede - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 2.0 - RR - DD - L(AS) AltL(DM) R(JG) B V
4. Lost In A Lost World - coldrampage - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - L(AS) R(DM) AltL(JG) BonusL(Lead with all solos) B V
5. Days of Future Past - coldrampage - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.7 - RR - DD - LRBV
6. The Time Machine - VDFANOU - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 5.0 - RR - DD - LBV (No RHYTHM)
7. Darkest Hour - coldrampage - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - L(AS) AltL(JG) R(DM) BonusL(Lead with all solos) B V
--> Death of The Celts - coldrampage - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - L(AS) AltL(JG) BonusL(Lead with all solos) R(DM) B V
--> Death of The Celts - VDFANOU - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - L
9. Hell On Earth - coldrampage - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 2.0 - RR - DD - LRBV

FULL ALBUM - Nacholede - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - L(AS) R(DM) AltL(JG) BonusL(all solos) B V



B-Sides and Cover Songs 220px-Iron_Maiden_-_Best_Of_The_%27B%27_
Virus - Replicators - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - LRBV (From Best of the Beast)
Total Eclipse - Replicators - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - LRBV
Reach Out - Replicators - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - LRBV
Twilight Zone -  Pomaranc - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
Kill Me Ce Soir - smeagolheart - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 3.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
Cross-Eyed Mary - Flannathir - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
That Girl - smeagolheart - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
Justice of the Peace - smeagolheart - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
All In Your Mind - smeagolheart- Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV


Bruce Dickinson Solo Albums
Son of a Gun (from Tatooed Millionaire) - RSBass - Submitted for RS2014 - v2.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
All the Young Dudes (from Tatooed Millionaire) - PC Plum- Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - NoDD - LRBV (Pruned from Ignition)
Book of Thel (from The Chemical Wedding) - smeagolheart - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
Born in '58 (from Tatooed Millionaire) - zuca230 - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRB (Pruned from Ignition)
Chemical Wedding (from The Chemical Wedding) - smeagolheart - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
Dark Side of Aquarius (from Accident of Birth)- RSBass - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.1 - RR - DD - LRBV
Tears of the Dragon (from Balls to Picasso) - Chlipouni - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
Road to Hell (from Accident of Birth) - RSBass - Submitted for RS2014 - v2.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
Omega (from Accident of Birth) - RSBass - Submitted for RS2014 - v2.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
Taking the Queen (from Accident of Birth) - smeagolheart - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
The Alchemist (from The Chemical Wedding) - smeagolheart - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
The Tower (from The Chemical Wedding) - smeagolheart- Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
Freak (from Accident of Birth) - VDFANOU- Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - L (No RHYTHM, No BASS)
The Magician (from Accident of Birth) - VDFANOU- Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - R (No LEAD, No BASS)
Welcome To The Pit (from The Chemical Wedding) - smeagolheart - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
Tatooed Millionaire (from The Tatooed Millionaire) - smeagolheart - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
Devil on a Hog (from Tyrrany of Souls) - AllTheNames - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
1000 Points of Light (from Balls to Picasso) - AllTheNames - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.1 - RR - DD - LBV
Man of Sorrows (from Accident of Birth) - VDFANOU - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
Silver Wings (from The Best of Bruce Dickinson) - VDFANOU - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LV
Afterglow of Ragnarok (from The Mandrake Project) -RvZeit - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV


Blaze Bayley Solo Albums (Iron Maiden singer from 1994-1999)
Born As A Stranger (from Silicon Messiah) - PC Plum - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - LRBV
Stare At The Sun (from Silicon Messiah) - Berneer - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
Infinite Entanglement (From Infinite Entanglement) - Krimson Shredder - Submitted for RS2014 - v 1.0 - RR - DD - BV
A Thousand Years (From Infinite Entanglement) - Krimson Shredder - Submitted for RS2014 - v 1.0 - RR - DD - BV
Human (From Infinite Entanglement) - Krimson Shredder - Submitted for RS2014 - v 1.0 - RR - DD - BV
Stars Are Burning (From Infinite Entanglement) - Krimson Shredder - Submitted for RS2014 - v 1.0 - RR - DD - BV
Solar Wind (From Infinite Entanglement) - Krimson Shredder - Submitted for RS2014 - v 1.0 - RR - DD - BV
Calling You Home (From Infinite Entanglement) - Krimson Shredder - Submitted for RS2014 - v 1.0 - RR - DD - BV
Dark Energy 256 (From Infinite Entanglement) - Krimson Shredder - Submitted for RS2014 - v 1.0 - RR - DD - BV
Independence (From Infinite Entanglement) - Krimson Shredder - Submitted for RS2014 - v 1.0 - RR - DD - BV
A Work of Anger (From Infinite Entanglement) - Krimson Shredder - Submitted for RS2014 - v 1.0 - RR - DD - BV
Eating Lies (from Endure and Survive) - Fyres - Submitted for RS2014 - v 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV


Paul Di'Anno Solo Albums (Iron Maiden singer from 1978-1981)
No customs yet.


Tributes or Compilations
Remember Tomorrow (tribute by Metallica) - Snake3169 - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
Trivium - Iron Maiden - alvarero - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD- L
Machine Head - Hallowed Be Thy Name - Nacholede - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - DD- LRBV
50 Iron Maiden Riffs by Andrea Boccarusso - Gibby076 - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.1 - RR - DD- L
Doctor, Doctor - RSBass - Submitted for RS2014 - v2.0 - RR - DD - L1L2RBV


We are all ultra thankful for your contributions!


CDLC  No Longer in Ignition
(PM me ONLY if you want a copy of any of these in order to ADOPT and become responsible for the CDLC moving forward, giving credit to the initial charter):

Iron Maiden
--> Running Free - Bacon - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - NoRR - NoDD - LRB
--> Phantom of the Opera - Bacon - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - NoDD - LRB
--> Phantom of the Opera - christopherpuck - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - NoRR - NoDD - LRB
--> Transylvania - mattwater29 - Submitted for RS2014 - v2.5 - RR - DD - RB (guitar incoming)

--> The Ides Of March - ifrit1332 - Submitted for RS2012 - Version Beta2 - RR - No DD - LBV
--> Wrathchild - chrizzlybear - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV

Number Of The Beast
-->The Prisoner - mattwater29 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 2.0 - RR - DD - RB

Piece of Mind
--> To Tame A Land - Indyplumber - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRB

--> Losfer Words (Big 'Orra) - slayerad2000 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.1 - RR - DD - LRB
--> The Duellists - tortue - Submitted for RS2012 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - DASV

Somewhere In Time
--> Sea Of Madness - ponchaka - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - NoRR -NoDD - LB
--> Alexander The Great - Replicators - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 3.0 - RR -DD - LRBV

Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son
--> Infinite Dreams - Replicators - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR, DD, LRBV
--> The Evil That Men Do - topShelf1221 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - No RR, No DD, LRBV (No longer available) (also RS2012)
--> Seventh Son of a Seventh Son on RS2012 by doomed

No Prayer For The Dying
--> Holy Smoke - Replicators - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD, LRBV

Fear of The Dark
--> Be Quick or Be Dead - Itachi - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - No RR, No DD, R (Rhythm guitar only)  (No BASS)
--> Childhood's End - Replicators - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD, LBV

The X Factor
--> None

Virtual  XI
--> None

Brave New World
--> Dream of Mirrors - Replicators - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR, DD, LBV

Dance Of Death
--> Dance of Death - Akaiz - Submitted for RS2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRB
--> Dance of Death - ifrit1332 - Submitted for RS2014 - Version Beta - RR - No DD - LV  (No BASS)
--> (Also available for RS2012)
--> Paschendale - Replicators - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - LRBV
--> Age of Innocence - Replicators - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.1 - RR - DD - LRBV

A Matter Of Life And Death

The Final Frontier
--> The Talisman - PC Plum - Submitted for RS2014 - v2.0 - RR - NoDD - LRBV

The Book of Souls
--> Empire of the Clouds - Teinashu - Submitted for Rocksmith 2014 - Version 1.0 - RR - DD - L1L2RB


Blaze Bayley Solo Albums (Iron Maiden singer from 1994-1999):
--> Motherfuckers R Us (from Silicon Messiah, Bonus Track) - PC Plum - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - LRBV
  --> The Hunger (from Silicon Messiah) - PC Plum - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - LRBV
--> Silicon Messiah (from Silicon Messiah) - PC Plum - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - LRBV
--> The Brave (from Silicon Messiah) - PC Plum - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - LRBV
--> Evolution (from Silicon Messiah) - PC Plum - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - LRBV
--> Identity (from Silicon Messiah) - PC Plum - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - LRBV
--> Ghost in the Machine (from Silicon Messiah) - PC Plum - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - LRBV
--> Reach for the Horizon (from Silicon Messiah) - PC Plum - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - LRBV
--> Alive (from Blood & Belief) - PC Plum - Submitted for RS2014 - v2.0 - RR - LRBV
--> Soundtrack of My Life (from Blood & Belief) - PC Plum - Submitted for RS2014 - v2.0 - RR - LRBV
  --> Regret (from Blood & Belief) - PC Plum - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - LRBV
--> Tearing Yourself to Pieces (from Blood & Belief) - PC Plum - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - LRBV
--> Ten Seconds (from Blood & Belief) - PC Plum - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - LRBV
--> The Path & the Way (from Blood & Belief) - PC Plum - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - LRBV
--> Hollow Head (from Blood & Belief) - PC Plum - Submitted for RS2014 - v1.0 - RR - LRBV

  • Like 10

"A dreamer is someone who wants beyond what is reasonable. A hero is a dreamer who cannot take no for an answer." (Martin Spina)

My Released CDLC - Blaze Bayley - Stare at the Sun & MacGyver Theme Song & Iron Maiden - No More Lies

Check out the Tech Notes Tutorial Version 1.1 // Chordify Tutorial Rough Draft.

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Oh  yeah! Awesome!!!! I will update the OP,

"A dreamer is someone who wants beyond what is reasonable. A hero is a dreamer who cannot take no for an answer." (Martin Spina)

My Released CDLC - Blaze Bayley - Stare at the Sun & MacGyver Theme Song & Iron Maiden - No More Lies

Check out the Tech Notes Tutorial Version 1.1 // Chordify Tutorial Rough Draft.

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I absolutely love Dream of Mirrors. I love that bit where he sings at accelerated speed. It's just so cool. Hopefully I'll get around to making that one some day. Hopefully someone beats me to it!!

"A dreamer is someone who wants beyond what is reasonable. A hero is a dreamer who cannot take no for an answer." (Martin Spina)

My Released CDLC - Blaze Bayley - Stare at the Sun & MacGyver Theme Song & Iron Maiden - No More Lies

Check out the Tech Notes Tutorial Version 1.1 // Chordify Tutorial Rough Draft.

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good news! I love Iron Maiden, I don't know if I'll make some Iron Maiden's cdlc so guys I can only say good work!

My workshop   Youtube Channel    Twitch Channel   Green Day Discography Project


If there is a problem with my CDLC or just want to reply my message, please don't forget to quote me or mention me, in this way I will receive the notification and I will answer you.


buy rocksmith g2a ref link: https://www.g2a.com/r/tryrocksmith

earn money with g2a: https://www.g2a.com/goldmine/join/us/B5FPMA73 ref link 


My favorite song:




I'm searching tab for these songs


If anyone can help me please send me a pm


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Powerslave and Legacy and Phantom ....oh my!


What a treat. Updating OP now!

"A dreamer is someone who wants beyond what is reasonable. A hero is a dreamer who cannot take no for an answer." (Martin Spina)

My Released CDLC - Blaze Bayley - Stare at the Sun & MacGyver Theme Song & Iron Maiden - No More Lies

Check out the Tech Notes Tutorial Version 1.1 // Chordify Tutorial Rough Draft.

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finished Adrian's part on powerslave ..so many ghost notes to remove and palm mutes to add.. the tab with eh. will try to have powerslave done tomorrow. Cant make any promises though.

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My friend the anticipation for Powerslave is beyond believe. We are so many people ready to jump all over it! The suspense is killing me.... however please take your time, no rush. Make it quality. We'll be thrilled whenever it arrives.

"A dreamer is someone who wants beyond what is reasonable. A hero is a dreamer who cannot take no for an answer." (Martin Spina)

My Released CDLC - Blaze Bayley - Stare at the Sun & MacGyver Theme Song & Iron Maiden - No More Lies

Check out the Tech Notes Tutorial Version 1.1 // Chordify Tutorial Rough Draft.

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You my friend are the man. There is no song in the entire universe that I wish to play more. Thank you so much.

"A dreamer is someone who wants beyond what is reasonable. A hero is a dreamer who cannot take no for an answer." (Martin Spina)

My Released CDLC - Blaze Bayley - Stare at the Sun & MacGyver Theme Song & Iron Maiden - No More Lies

Check out the Tech Notes Tutorial Version 1.1 // Chordify Tutorial Rough Draft.

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Just posted "Wrathchild" earlier that day. Contains Lead, Rhythm (2x) and Vocals.


  • Like 2

Currently getting back into playing the guitar and learning bass. Might also get back into creating CDLC, this time with less of a Rock/Metal-focused approach and sharing songs I'd love to learn first and foremost. *fingers crossed*


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Chrizzlybear, nice to see you again on this side of the border!


You are making lot's of us really excited with this new offering. Wrathchild is the bomb! In fact this song makes me want to go out and buy a bass too.


I will update the OP.


Everyone, this has been an amazing week for Iron Maiden content!!! Snake3169, bacon, Chrizzlybear ! AWESOME .



"A dreamer is someone who wants beyond what is reasonable. A hero is a dreamer who cannot take no for an answer." (Martin Spina)

My Released CDLC - Blaze Bayley - Stare at the Sun & MacGyver Theme Song & Iron Maiden - No More Lies

Check out the Tech Notes Tutorial Version 1.1 // Chordify Tutorial Rough Draft.

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Started working on "The Prisoner".

Currently getting back into playing the guitar and learning bass. Might also get back into creating CDLC, this time with less of a Rock/Metal-focused approach and sharing songs I'd love to learn first and foremost. *fingers crossed*


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I am not a number I am a free man!!!!!!


Thanks Chrizzly!

"A dreamer is someone who wants beyond what is reasonable. A hero is a dreamer who cannot take no for an answer." (Martin Spina)

My Released CDLC - Blaze Bayley - Stare at the Sun & MacGyver Theme Song & Iron Maiden - No More Lies

Check out the Tech Notes Tutorial Version 1.1 // Chordify Tutorial Rough Draft.

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Going to start work on Hallowed be thy name in a day or two


Great times ahead!!!! I've warned my wife that this will be so, yet without her company, unless she wishes to see her man fail miserably for hours on end until perfection is achieved. Thanks snake!

"A dreamer is someone who wants beyond what is reasonable. A hero is a dreamer who cannot take no for an answer." (Martin Spina)

My Released CDLC - Blaze Bayley - Stare at the Sun & MacGyver Theme Song & Iron Maiden - No More Lies

Check out the Tech Notes Tutorial Version 1.1 // Chordify Tutorial Rough Draft.

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Excellent ffsimaloos3r, Final Frontier is gonna be really fun to play! Updated the OP with your name. Thanks! We are breaking new ground as no one has yet made anything from the last album! Thanks for breaking the ice.

"A dreamer is someone who wants beyond what is reasonable. A hero is a dreamer who cannot take no for an answer." (Martin Spina)

My Released CDLC - Blaze Bayley - Stare at the Sun & MacGyver Theme Song & Iron Maiden - No More Lies

Check out the Tech Notes Tutorial Version 1.1 // Chordify Tutorial Rough Draft.

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