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This game crashes soon as I open it. I own RockSmith and 2014. Tech support told me I have to unplug my second monitor. It may fix the issue. This is unrealistic for many reasons:


1 - Full tower case is heavy, is in the corner of my room, and a little hard to reach around. Even if I do reach around I can't see back there and have to get a flashlight.


2- My computer is the only source of entertainment in my house (besides a cell phone). So I am switching tasks often. One minute I could be playing Counter Strike, next minute watching a movie, next minute RockSmith, next surfing the web. I cannot be expected to plug and unplug 10 to 20 times a day. I also do not want to put that kind of strain on my cable and HDMI port.


I don't expect the game to run on two monitors wide, nor do I want it to. I just want it to run. My old system with one monitor it ran fine. I upgraded to dual monitors and I'll never go back.

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17 answers to this question

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yes I do.. Bro.. here's a tip.. USE YOUR TV AS YOUR MONITOR!!  lol   I used to have the same issue.. And you can get any hdmi conversion cable for your tablet, laptop, or desktop computer at your local walmart which is open 24\7!!!  I'd go somewhere like Best Buy first.  But if it's late at night when you see this go get one!  They're like 15 bucks..  Maybe cheaper.. all you need is that cable which is an hdmi conversion cable btw!  and that's it! If i need to do something i display one webpage on my Tablet (Surface Pro) and then I use my 46inch TV as my main monitor... If you're using Windows 10 it's under the Extend option.  Duplicate just shows one screen on both.  and I mainly always just use the second screen option only.. meaning it displays on my TV the entire time, and keeps the screen on my tablet off!  But if you want to run dual monitors select the extend option and it becomes one big ass desktop across however many monitors you have hooked up!  My father uses 4 screens for his work, and browsing lol!  Pretty badass set up.  Anyway pm me if you have any questions!

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I have had five monitors with out RS crashing. I am currently back to two, but I have never had the problem you have. Maybe you are using motherboard video? I have a GTX 1070 so maybe thats why.

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I do not like extended desktop. there's a bezel around monitors and a little space in between. I have monitors setup to mirror image the desktop.. so I have two desktops that are independent of each other.. two taskbars, two desktops I can drop icons on. So on the left my games open.. on the right I can browse the web or watch movies.


As for television.. you don't need a conversion cable.. just a regular HDMI cable will do. I've got a 50" television. I don't play games on it, but I do stream video to it.


I've got a $2000+ computer. My video card alone was $800. So I'm more than capable to do anything.



yes I do.. Bro.. here's a tip.. USE YOUR TV AS YOUR MONITOR!!  lol   I used to have the same issue.. And you can get any hdmi conversion cable for your tablet, laptop, or desktop computer at your local walmart which is open 24\7!!!  I'd go somewhere like Best Buy first.  But if it's late at night when you see this go get one!  They're like 15 bucks..  Maybe cheaper.. all you need is that cable which is an hdmi conversion cable btw!  and that's it! If i need to do something i display one webpage on my Tablet (Surface Pro) and then I use my 46inch TV as my main monitor... If you're using Windows 10 it's under the Extend option.  Duplicate just shows one screen on both.  and I mainly always just use the second screen option only.. meaning it displays on my TV the entire time, and keeps the screen on my tablet off!  But if you want to run dual monitors select the extend option and it becomes one big ass desktop across however many monitors you have hooked up!  My father uses 4 screens for his work, and browsing lol!  Pretty badass set up.  Anyway pm me if you have any questions!

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I've got a GTX 1080. 32GB memory, i7 6700k 4.2Ghz processor. I've got more than enough to run anything. 


I have had five monitors with out RS crashing. I am currently back to two, but I have never had the problem you have. Maybe you are using motherboard video? I have a GTX 1070 so maybe thats why.

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I've got a GTX 1080. 32GB memory, i7 6700k 4.2Ghz processor. I've got more than enough to run anything. 


I have had five monitors with out RS crashing. I am currently back to two, but I have never had the problem you have. Maybe you are using motherboard video? I have a GTX 1070 so maybe thats why.


Maybe a reinstall? Driver update? I have no idea.....sorry I hate it when someone says "works for me" but I don't see any reason it won't run. I couldn't run on a single monitor again so I feel your pain.

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I've already been through a reinstall. Some of the instructions the tech support gave me to try don't apply.. I had already told him I am on Windows 10 and he gave me a generic pasted answer.


As for unplugging the second monitor I never did it.. I just never felt like it because I'm only gonna play Rocksmith say 20 minutes or less then move on then move back then move on, vicious cycle.




I've got a GTX 1080. 32GB memory, i7 6700k 4.2Ghz processor. I've got more than enough to run anything. 


I have had five monitors with out RS crashing. I am currently back to two, but I have never had the problem you have. Maybe you are using motherboard video? I have a GTX 1070 so maybe thats why.


Maybe a reinstall? Driver update? I have no idea.....sorry I hate it when someone says "works for me" but I don't see any reason it won't run. I couldn't run on a single monitor again so I feel your pain.


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  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

1) Update the nvida driver!


2) if there is still a problem try to make the other monitor primary and check


3) if still persists try windowed mode.


4) if persists delete (after backup) the .ini file in your rocksmith root dir


And report back. I've been running rs on multiple systems with usually 2-3 monitors includind beamers and all is Great.


We make that work!

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On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


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I have a tried A LOT of stuff.


First, I am running extended desktop, not duplicate. I have tried unplugging the second monitor physically from my computer and also just disabling it in settings.


I have the latest nvidia driver as of a few days ago. Updated my bios and other drivers also.


Tried disabling everything in Startup, there's not much. Didn't work.


I've tried editing the ini file and using Fullscreem=0 (and also tried 1 and 2).


I have verified integrify of game.


I have ran chkdsk, and sfc /scannow to check for system errors. All good.


Can't try running game in Safemode as Steam will not open in Safemode.


In Windows event viewer I get one of two errors:

Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll or Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\AcLayers.DLL


I have right clicked and tried to repair every instance of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable there was. 


Had a large thread going on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/app/221680/discussions/0/1489987633998607466/

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Can you run the game ok on one monitor at all?  If so then the Extend option is your problem!  did you go into the settings and change up any of your resolution?  I runt he game in windowed mode and on 720p and I have a Surface pro tablet I link to a TV and that's it!  Aside from audio stuff i have but that's irrelevant.  Why can you run in  2nd screen only for one monitor and play the game on it, and then whenever you're done jamming move your mouse to the bottom right side of your screen click project and go back to extend.  shouldn't be that hard bud..  Turn it all down y ou wont notice a difference int he game anyway!  Mess with the lag correction feature in the game options ... I dunno what else to tell ya!

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@@yuppicide I run the game in windowed mode and i never had any crash even though i have two monitor.

I run the game in windowed mode and maximize it and rarely have crashes. I launch the game through Razer Cortex as I do with other games. I do occasionally get a crash but most times it's after multiple hours of playing and the old fingers are starting to hurt anyway.

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Been talking to tech support.. they wanted me to ensure everything in startup is disabled and send them a windows error report and before I could even do that the game starts working out of nowhere. I must have installed it for the 3rd or 4th time now and I opened it twice now works fine. 2014 that is.


However, now Rocksmith the original says "Please ensure Steam is running to launch the game" but who cares about original.. 2014 works and I'm psyched.

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yes I do.. Bro.. here's a tip.. USE YOUR TV AS YOUR MONITOR!!  lol   I used to have the same issue.. And you can get any hdmi conversion cable for your tablet, laptop, or desktop computer at your local walmart which is open 24\7!!!  I'd go somewhere like Best Buy first.  But if it's late at night when you see this go get one!  They're like 15 bucks..  Maybe cheaper.. all you need is that cable which is an hdmi conversion cable btw!  and that's it! If i need to do something i display one webpage on my Tablet (Surface Pro) and then I use my 46inch TV as my main monitor... If you're using Windows 10 it's under the Extend option.  Duplicate just shows one screen on both.  and I mainly always just use the second screen option only.. meaning it displays on my TV the entire time, and keeps the screen on my tablet off!  But if you want to run dual monitors select the extend option and it becomes one big ass desktop across however many monitors you have hooked up!  My father uses 4 screens for his work, and browsing lol!  Pretty badass set up.  Anyway pm me if you have any questions!


TVs are WAY slower than monitors in terms of reaction time, so not really suitable for gaming.


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yes I do.. Bro.. here's a tip.. USE YOUR TV AS YOUR MONITOR!!  lol   I used to have the same issue.. And you can get any hdmi conversion cable for your tablet, laptop, or desktop computer at your local walmart which is open 24\7!!!  I'd go somewhere like Best Buy first.  But if it's late at night when you see this go get one!  They're like 15 bucks..  Maybe cheaper.. all you need is that cable which is an hdmi conversion cable btw!  and that's it! If i need to do something i display one webpage on my Tablet (Surface Pro) and then I use my 46inch TV as my main monitor... If you're using Windows 10 it's under the Extend option.  Duplicate just shows one screen on both.  and I mainly always just use the second screen option only.. meaning it displays on my TV the entire time, and keeps the screen on my tablet off!  But if you want to run dual monitors select the extend option and it becomes one big ass desktop across however many monitors you have hooked up!  My father uses 4 screens for his work, and browsing lol!  Pretty badass set up.  Anyway pm me if you have any questions!


TVs are WAY slower than monitors in terms of reaction time, so not really suitable for gaming.


 that's why they have a game mode setting.  Most Tv's do anyway,  and I 've had zero problems.  I'm in a hotel now playing on a Sanyo 32 inch piece of shit TV with no optical audio output and I have zero issues.  Same goes on any of my Vizio's.  Oh, and I'm playing Rocksmith with 2500+ CDLC songs on  a Surface Pro Tablet! :-D  hdmia adapater ftw!

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