This game crashes soon as I open it. I own RockSmith and 2014. Tech support told me I have to unplug my second monitor. It may fix the issue. This is unrealistic for many reasons: 1 - Full tower case is heavy, is in the corner of my room, and a little hard to reach around. Even if I do reach around I can't see back there and have to get a flashlight. 2- My computer is the only source of entertainment in my house (besides a cell phone). So I am switching tasks often. One minute I could be playing Counter Strike, next minute watching a movie, next minute RockSmith, next surfing the web. I cannot be expected to plug and unplug 10 to 20 times a day. I also do not want to put that kind of strain on my cable and HDMI port. I don't expect the game to run on two monitors wide, nor do I want it to. I just want it to run. My old system with one monitor it ran fine. I upgraded to dual monitors and I'll never go back.