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I just got my Rocksmith 2014 on Wednesday, but I have been toying around with guitars since the late 1980s. This is my first program of this type.  I never owned a xbox/ps3, etc, so I never played Rock Band or Guitar Hero or whatever they were called.  I learned what songs I did learn by notation or tab, on paper.  I find the barrage of notes on the RS scrolling screen to be too much to interpret, often.  That means I have started to use riff repeater a lot.  What I want to know, are there any tricks that make riff repeater less frustrating?  With paper, I just picked the parts I wanted to repeat, with RR, are you always stuck with the same loop?  On longer sections, are there ways to jump over the parts you have down?  When I slow down a lot, sections take far too long.  This is getting too tedious for my patience.  I am looking for some tricks and tips to make this easier to learn without being tortured by repetition.  Is there a way to turn a psarc into tab so I can visualize the song before that screen overloads my brain?



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there is a tool you can get the tabs as GP file out of your psarc.

look here

@   :lol: too quick for me

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Thanks, guys.


I went to that topic and downloaded the converter followed by PowerTab 2.  After my anti-virus software won the war with PowerTab2, and I got all reset and running again, I downloaded MuseScore 2.0.2.  It works great, awesome looking program.  The converter converted all of my psarcs in less than a minute, including all of the original RS2014 songs.  Maybe now, when I get overwhelmed by the screen or RR, I can use the gp file and work on the problem spot


Now, my fingers hurt enough to take the rest of the evening off, I'll go at it again tomorrow or Monday.


Thanks again,



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I have and still have the same issue as you. Played for 20+ years on/off mostly off, picked up RS a few months ago. The barrage still overwhelms me, I think at this point it's due to my age as I have no tolerance for gaming like I used to.


Best advice stick with it, as with tabs the note barrage does eventually click.

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Now I have another problem. 


I cannot find any setting that will have my RS2014 and cable register any note on the D string of either guitar.  It has no problem tuning the guitar, but it misses at least 90% of any and all hits to the D string, including the open string.  I have triple checked the intonation of both guitars, no change.  I also have messed with the cable gain setting.  I have tried the slightly flat tuning, and dead on tuning.  It seems nothing fixes this.  My bass has no tracking problems at all, but the guitars both are equally poor.  One is a strat copy, the other is a tele copy.  Anyone know if pickup style(single coil or humbucking) has a effect?  My only guitar with humbuckers is in super serious need of a refret and is not playable.  I might be willing to buy a humbucking pickup guitar if someone knows that it really helps.



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Have you used the volume calibration in the game?     I would try calibrating with only the D string or D+G+B to see if that makes any difference.    Pickup style shouldn't matter.

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@@mbanks850 - I think if you change the cable gain it makes you recalibrate, so he's probably done that, but not necessarily with those strings. Might be worth a try, though.


@@Warriors Lance - I have heard that humbuckers are better for the game than single coils (because less hum makes it easier to identify the note), but I'm not sure how that could lead to only one string having problems with note detection. I'm also not sure if there's a way the pickups could have one pole broken or something like that.


I have a few ideas that might help narrow things down:


Do you hear anything when you play the D string in the menu or in session mode? What about through an amp?

Does this happen for all of the pickup selections that you can do?

Do notes get detected when you play notes on the D string on another string (A or G or whatever)?

Do notes get detected when you play notes on the A or G strings on the D string?

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@@mbanks850 - I think if you change the cable gain it makes you recalibrate, so he's probably done that, but not necessarily with those strings. Might be worth a try, though.


@@Warriors Lance - I have heard that humbuckers are better for the game than single coils (because less hum makes it easier to identify the note), but I'm not sure how that could lead to only one string having problems with note detection. I'm also not sure if there's a way the pickups could have one pole broken or something like that.


I have a few ideas that might help narrow things down:


Do you hear anything when you play the D string in the menu or in session mode? What about through an amp?

Does this happen for all of the pickup selections that you can do?

Do notes get detected when you play notes on the D string on another string (A or G or whatever)?

Do notes get detected when you play notes on the A or G strings on the D string?


Okay, I see more info needed.  The guitars play fine through amps, and the d string does not sound muted or dead.  When I tune in RS, the program hears the d string as easily as the other strings.  But when you play a song, it misses note after note after note, etc on the d string while picking up the a and g strings just fine.  When strumming something with simple chords, the display is just continuously flashing blue [miss], including the open d.  It does this with both guitars, in all pickup settings, nothing seems to change it much other than increasing the gain setting by about 3db, which is doubling the volume to the game.  The 3db increase did reduce misses by a little, but now the guitar is getting too loud.

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@@Warriors Lance - If increasing the cable gain reduces misses somewhat, try increasing it a few more dB (I often have my cable gain at around +7 or +8 dB), but then reducing the guitar volume correspondinbly in the mixer.


Still doesn't really answer why the D string is being weird, but that might help out with the misses for single note stuff. Maybe not with chords, though, since the other notes will still be overpowering it.

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Sounds like a pickup height issue to me, I had something similar with my strat.

I had the pickups nicely setup using an amp, but the note recognition in rocksmith was atrocious, I had to adjust them quite a lot to get good in game performance.

To do this I riff repeated a section of a song I knew I could nail every time and adjusted the pickup height until I wasn't getting any random misses in game.


I actually did a test where I played Along Came Mary by The Bloodhound Gang (an easy song I can play perfectly every time) - using the properly adjusted middle pickup I got 100% as expected, using the badly adjusted bridge pickup I failed score attack in less than half the song !

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I took both guitars and checked the pickup setup.  I moved the tele pickups, recalibrated the game and played a chord strumming song and bunches of blue miss symbols.  So I took that guitar and did a emulated bass of the same song which used all four strings as single notes and it tracked every note on every string correctly, well, that I played right :).  I did the same with other guitar, but I did not change the pickups as they were setup correctly.  I recalibrated and it tracked the emulated bass correctly, but failed on the chords again.  So toyed with not playing the whole chord to cause intentional misses and the miss symbol was always blue and showed up at about the same rate as trying to be super hard to be perfect.  It would appear both of my guitars sound chords that are far too muddy to separate out the notes?

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Sounds like a pickup height issue to me, I had something similar with my strat.

I had the pickups nicely setup using an amp, but the note recognition in rocksmith was atrocious, I had to adjust them quite a lot to get good in game performance.

To do this I riff repeated a section of a song I knew I could nail every time and adjusted the pickup height until I wasn't getting any random misses in game.


I actually did a test where I played Along Came Mary by The Bloodhound Gang (an easy song I can play perfectly every time) - using the properly adjusted middle pickup I got 100% as expected, using the badly adjusted bridge pickup I failed score attack in less than half the song !


Hmm, great minds think alike?  I was off tinkering with pickups while you were typing a message to tinker with pickups!

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On two songs and using both guitars, I was able to have most single note stuff track properly, but chords just will not detect properly, despite great care in making all notes sound out right.  I do not think it is a d string problem at all anymore.  Some sort of problem with proper detection of chord notes.  I have tried changing which pickup is sounding and tone controls also.  I can make it worse, but not better.


Until I get this straightened out, I cannot participate in the Rocksmith Championships for guitar, and score attack is basically useless with guitar.

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On what kind of PC are you running this? Have you tried the same on a different one? Having no problems during tuning but while playing a song (and all the other things you tried) makes me believe your PC might not be able to handle the game during intensive parts and has problems detecting notes because of it. Have you tried running RS on lower settings?

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I'd suggest trying it on a different pc. I think your cpu is under the recommended requirements so wouldn't surprise me if that's causing the issue. Or maybe the gpu if you have integrated graphics, because that's a laptop right? So maybe playing RS on lower settings might help

You also might want to make sure it's not in power saving mode while playing. 

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