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I recently tried Shadowplay.  Really impressed with the video quality and the light draw on the system when recording, but I can't for the life of me get the audio from Rocksmith 2014 to record.


Yes, I tried "record desktop" mode.



Has anyone managed to record Rocksmith (video and audio) succesfully using Shadowplay?



I've a feeling it's a licensing issue with certain games...







24 answers to this question

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With shadowplay there are two options in order to capture audio: from the game and from the game and mic. I need to try the second one because with the first i have the same issue.

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You have ''exclusive mode'' in sound or in rocksmith im not sure. You just have to turn it off (or on maybe) and it should work fine :)

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Indeed, turning off exclusivity mode did the trick :D


Thanks guy, I now feel like a noob :(




Although, I can hear a very slight lag in the guitar audio when I have exclusivity off.  Guess I'll just need to bear it when I'm recording vids...  or try Afterburner :D

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For me, if set off exclusive mode, RS have or more latency, or crackly sounds (depended of size buffers). So i recording sounds via "stereo mixer" of system inputs (onboard audio chip realtek), and exclusive mode is on for RS with small size  of buffers.

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Did some more messing about...


- Can only get in game sound to work in Shadowplay with exclusivity off.  Makes for laggy guitar, but the image quality is excellent and the system overheads when recording are really low - I can feel it, but barely.


- Afterburner works great, you can choose the exact audio recording path so you can have exclusive mode on in Rocksmith (set it to "stereo mix" or in my case "What U Hear")



Conclusion - I still want to buy Bandicam (for recordings >10mins).  The file size is much smaller than Afterburner for the same "quality" of video, meaning no post processing is required before uploading to youtube. 


But mostly because both Shadowplay and Afterburner introduce lag to the video i.e. there is a slight sync issue between video and audio - not too big a deal in any other game but for Rocksmith vids it really irritates..  Bandicam recordings are millisecond perfect sync between audio and video.




Next to try is OBS...  :D

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OBS is by far the best recording software, which I've tried. And it's Opensource.

No need to turn off audio exclusivity, as this is used in RS to record from the RS cable, but not to playback.

What's best is full HD screen cam record, transparency adjustable, and inverse setting.


This means it's possible (with the right cam or guitar position/angle) to record your playing parallel along the RS Fretboard.

Quite funny, to see my missed notes and my bad finger positions.

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Well i've got the issue with OBS. I can't get to record my audio in Rocksmith 2014. I've tried almost everything. Even when exclusive mode was off it didn't work at all.

OBS works great for recording and all the other stuff for streaming etc.

I play Rocksmith on PC over Steam. If someone knows how to get the audio recording rollin, please tell me.


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I'm recording with OBS configured with a standard Realtek digital output, microphone disabled,

RS records the RS cable input (on which it has exclusive access)

and then plays it through its (simulated) amps, and that output is recorded with the music.

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OBS was the only software that worked fine straight away.

Nothing to config except the Global Sources.

For RS don't select a micro anywhere, as RS takes exclusive control of the micro.

OBS may record more than 2 sources, Game and Camera, as much as you want to define, and place/size them as you want

It should be possible to record several partial screens of RS, and place them where you want.

It uses plugins, with enhanced potential.

It also supports recording RS with Shadowplay.

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@@TomSawyer2112 okay i kinda played with the settings and stuff. I had the Audio recording till the Rocksmith 2014 Start screen was showing up, after that the audio just cut off.

Tom could you do me a favor ? If you got time, could you make some screenshots of your audio settings from OBS, Realtek and stuff. Maybe i forgot something, i really don't know what to do anymore. I even tried to get the sound from Virtual Audio Cable, even that didn't seem to work. [emoji53]

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Try minimising to desktop once the game loads, then starting OBS and then going back into game.


I only managed to record with OBS if I came out of the game then went back in.

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Some captures of OBS:

Settings Menu : 


Camera Menu:



RS2014 (Source)



And a capture (all upside down) and bad fingering  :D (got it nevertheless)


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And it didn't work... I'll leave it at that, my patience is already empty. I can try whatever i want, there is something that's causing this Problem. I'm 100% sure there is a little mistake or something that's interfering with the recording and it's surely something easy fixable. Well one thing that's irritating me is the Info Warning that pops up when i click to start recording. That says something about make sure to put obs into the ignore list or turn off some other recording programs or something like that. Maybe that's the key to get it right. I click always at ignoring and then it starts recorsing my game and stuff. But surely i could break out and smash something, i want to kick a bucket filled with black matter and break my foot.. So i can forget about that pain in the ass rs14 recording. I'll make some Screenshots when i get home, maybe someone will find that pain in the ass problem.

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So you made me spend all MY time, to make these captures,

because you didn't spend a bit of YOUR time, to write down that initial warning...

No, I'm not pissed off, why did that idea cross your mind.  ;)

So let's finish it, give us your secret warning :lol:

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@@TomSawyer2112 well look it that way. There are people which are wasting your time and my time. But the thing is even tho i didn't mean any harm, i did harm you because of my selfishness. So the only thing that is left to be done is Karma. You know instant karma, it's almost every time painful but over pretty fast. Now i don't know when Karma's gonna hit me but sure she will and it will hurt. And then my friend.. you'll be statisfied even though you won't know about it.

Or i'll just say... Sorry man i should've told you about that sooner [emoji12]

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Anyways i think amd gaming evolve is causing that problem. Or just the recording software Plays.tv in amd gaming evolve. But it's turned off, so there shouldn't pop up a warning. Well i tried to record with it, but it failed so hard because you couldn't edit those videos at all. Before that i used fraps, and those who used fraps know that the quality and stuff is absolutely okay, but taking so much space for no reason.

I searched the OBS forum for solutions about the audio recording failure and the ignorelist. But didn't find anything that was solving that problem.

But they funny thing is, even tho the warning pops up. I could still record my gaming stuff perfectly, cs:go, the crew, final fantasy, blade & soul and stuff. Wokred just fine till i tried to record rocksmith 2014.....

I won't ask you anymore for help, brcause you helped me out plenty. Thank you for that.

I'll just have to play around till i find that sweet spot, and i will find it even if i have to delete every single file on my pc to get it right. [emoji36] i'm kinda fired up, but i'm not home... [emoji53]

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Thanks for your humour, so rare these days. One last tip.

I used Fraps before, and its captures take so much space because they are not compressed.

I compressed them with Xmedia Recode, another great free opensource video converter.

(that's my 700th post, so nothing is for nothing :lol: )

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Well the thing about compressing is that the quality of the video could suffer. That's something i don't really need. So OBS does a really good job there. My Recording Settings are set to 60fps, Quality 10, Bitrate depending on the Game mostly 25k-50k, pretty much eveything maxed. It really does what you want to and does not use up so much space. One Hour recording takes about 6-12GB and depending on the bitrate. It's so much easier to record with and your games don't even suffer from obs like others... *caugh* *caugh* *fraps* *caugh*

But i'm not sure if obs really records with 60.. I still think it might just be up to 30fps tho.

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