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Some help understanding how lyrics work in RS2014


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Hi all, with the help of tips from BHMath, pgboyd and raynebc, I was able to conduct some tests to help me verify how lyrics work in Rocksmith.

First my conclusions and if you are interested I substantiate those conclusions with screenshots below.

Each conclusion made has a corresponding number in the Substantiation section.

Perhaps it is worthwhile specifying here that I only tested Rocksmith 2014.


1. pgboyd's suggestion to me of keeping a pitch-adjusted or sustained lyric as one word but sustained with the ] button or mousewheel in EoF works and imo is elegant in its authoring and in its presentation.

2. So a dash at the end of a text note, in EoF, attaches that word with the next. The intent of adding a dash at the end of a word is to separate a word into separate text notes for each syllable, and the game concatenates them into one word without a dash, but highlights the word in blue 1 syllable at a time as the lyric text is sung.

3. So a dash inside a single text note, in EoF, puts a dash inside the word in-game.

4. i) The existence of + symbols in the EoF interface, no matter the number of them, do not seem to be responsible for line-wrapping in the case of a lyric line resembling the format "No more li + + + + + + es"
ii) As raynebc stated, the + signs after a text note, in this case "Li", serve to adjust the amount of time the text note stays blue (i.e. should be sung).
iii) The + signs in EoF simply indicate a duration that the text note need be sung, without any distinction between pitch changes or constant pitch vocal sustains.

5. i) Reducing the blue-marked lyric line length in EoF, using the CTRL+M shortkey, has no effect on the undesired text wrapping problem, no matter how long or short the blue-marked lyric line is.
ii) Blue-marked lyric line length has no effect on how quickly the lyric lines scroll from one lyric line the the next. What does affect the lyric line scrolling speed is how imminent the next lyric note of the next lyric line is.
Interesting that the triggering lyric note on the next line can be a + sign which will be invisible in-game, therefore cannot turn blue to indicate player to sing.
iii) Blue-marked lyric length in EoF does, if possible, fit the lyrics in the marked area in one line in game.
iv) If a lyric line is short enough, and an adjacent lyric line is not blue-marked as a lyric line in EoF, Rocksmith 2014 will put both the short blue-marked lyric line and as much of the non-blue-marked lyric line possible on the same line in-game.

6. i) Undesired lyric line wrapping onto a next line in game is independent of + signs in the EoF lyrics. Rocksmith seems to simply want the duration of lyric lines space between text notes, be they syllables or entire words to be less than approx. 3 seconds, or perhaps approximately less than 1.5 measures. This number is by no means exact but reflect findings for one CDLC. Perhaps these guidelines will apply to other CDLC, but that is uncertain until more tests are conducted. Not currently planning to test further, unless you guys compel me to.
ii) This issue of undesired text wrapping came about due do the use of + signs to sustain the text note. If a text note was not split up in Ultrastar Creator and EoF, then presumably this issue would not arise. Though it is expected that there is a limit to a lyric line character length that will display on one line in-game. This limit is unknown to me at this point. I did witness very long lyric lines in


that may be worth observing.

7. All this long-winded post to recommend that you simply follow BHMath's & pgboyd's 2-line recommendation posted above summarized in Conclusion 1. Otherwise as per Conclusion 6, you can keep the + signs you imported from Ultrastar into EoF, but must be careful to avoid the end of the intended lyric line being too far from the beginning. How far is too far exactly would require more testing, but maybe a lyric line shouldn't exceed approx. 3 seconds or approx. 1 or 1.5 measures. Maybe this changes with a different BPM song.

8. You can biff me in the head for being such a nerd. I just hate having worked so hard on a CDLC for it not to be perfect. Any way, I hope some of this can help you demystify lyrics in Ultrastar/EoF/Rocksmith 2014.

6. i) It is not the duration of lyric lines that must be less than approximately 3 seconds in order to prevent wrapping, as originally concluded, but rather the time between adjacent text notes that must be less than approx. 3 seconds to avoid text-wrapping to the next line in-game. See test screenshot in the corresponding substantiation numbered section below.

9. Building on Conclusion 2, the only way to concatenate text notes that are more than approx. 3 seconds apart is to author in EoF, all but the last text note intended for concatenation with a dash at its end (Example: In- doc- trin- a- tion). See test screenshot in the corresponding substantiation numbered section below.

10. The "+" signs exported from Ultrastar Creator into EoF simply add sustain (text blue longer than nominal time) to the text note preceding it and as soon as an adjacent text note (be it a syllable or a word) occurs more than approximately 3 seconds later, the text will wrap to the next line. A "+" sign in EoF is therefore not a concatenation character string as implied in UltraStar Creator's help tips. Note that although the use of the "[" and "]" are better suited to add sustain to a text note, the use of a "+" text note will override whatever sustain is defined in the bottom of the piano roll for that note. See test screenshot in the corresponding substantiation numbered section below.

11. If two text notes are far enough apart in time, whether both marked together as being part of a super long lyric line or not, the first part of the lyric will eventually disappear after 3 or 4 seconds, and then, when the song approaches the end of the lyric, a new line will appear. See test screenshot in the corresponding substantiation numbered section below.

12. Marking a lyric line in EoF by selecting the text notes in question and pressing CTRL+M places a "+" sign in the EoF-outputted-Vocals-XML file at the end of the last text note of the marked lyric line. This "+" sign serves in the XML file (we're not talking about the "+" sign in EoF anymore but rather in the XML!) to indicate to the game that a carriage return is required after the last text note marked. If the marked lyric line exceeds a certain maximum, then it will simply wrap the remainder to it's own next line of text.

13. In the absence of a lyric line being marked with CTRL+M, no "+" carriage return sign will be exported to the output vocal XML file and Rocksmith will choose how best to split up a sequence of unmarked lyrics, such as concatenating as many text notes as it can to fit in one long line of text or wrapping text notes (possibly just syllables if notes were broken down into syllables) to the next line of lyrics shown in-game that it may have to share with the next lyric notes, whether marked as a lyric line or not. See test screenshot in the corresponding substantiation numbered section below.


Test 0 - Original Problem:

Here is a look at what I did.
In Ultrastar I entered the following"
No more li+~+~+~+~+~+~+es
No more li+~+~+~+~+~+es
The Ultrastar output file looks as follows for the two lyric lines in question:
: 8168 2 0 No
: 8175 2 0 more
: 8183 2 0 li
: 8194 3 0 ~
: 8209 2 0 ~
: 8220 3 0 ~
: 8234 2 0 ~
: 8245 2 0 ~
: 8252 2 0 ~
: 8269 2 0 es
- 8281
: 8292 2 0 No
: 8303 2 0 more
: 8310 2 0 li
: 8324 2 0 ~
: 8337 3 0 ~
: 8369 3 0 ~
: 8378 3 0 ~
: 8387 2 0 ~
: 8395 2 0 es
- 9265
Which PART VOCALS_RS2 imported as:
<vocal time="395.888" note="254" length="0.079" lyric="No"/>
<vocal time="396.163" note="254" length="0.079" lyric="more"/>
<vocal time="396.478" note="254" length="2.794" lyric="li"/>
<vocal time="399.862" note="254" length="0.079" lyric="es+"/>
<vocal time="400.768" note="254" length="0.079" lyric="No"/>
<vocal time="401.200" note="254" length="0.079" lyric="more"/>
<vocal time="401.476" note="254" length="3.109" lyric="li"/>
<vocal time="404.821" note="254" length="0.079" lyric="es+"/>
Which surprised me a bit since there is only a line-break information (+ sign) and not pitch change information as I had intended in Ultrastar with the addition of +~ symbols.
In EoF it appears as follows:
In game it appears as follows.
"No more li + + + + + + es" as displayed in EoF wraps "es" alone to the next line in-game as per above posted screenshot. "Li" part becomes and stays blue until the singer sings "es" of the word "lies", then "es" on the next line quickly becomes blue then quickly becomes dark again as the next line is sung.

Test 1 - pgboyd's and BHMath's elegant suggestion:
Removed +'s imported into EoF Interface from Ultrastar; erase "es" of "Lies"; Change "Li" to "Lies. Use "]" key to increase sustain of "Lies" note and see bar just below the piano roll increase in size.
RESULT --> "Lies" stays blue in game for duration of the time that word is sung out by the singer.

Test 2 - Effect of dashes at the end of the word as per raynebc's and BHMath's posts :
Removed +'s imported into EoF Interface from Ultrastar; erase "es" of "Lies"; Change "Li" to "Lies". Then add dashes after each word: "No- More- Lies- "
RESULT --> Appears in game as "Nomorelies-"

Test 3 - Effect of Dash in the middle of a word as per aludog's post:
Remove +'s imported into EoF interface from Ultrastar; erase "es" of "Lies"; Change "Li" to "Lies". Then add only a dash in "Li-es"
RESULT --> Appears in game as "No more li-es"

Test 4a - Try to make lyrics work with + signs to corroborate raynebc's assertion. Remove 1 + sign between "li" and "es" in "No more li + + + + + + es":
RESULT --> If remove 1st + sign --> The word "Lies" is still split over two lines.
If remove last + sign --> The word "Lies" is still split over two lines.

Test 4b - Remove 2 + signs between "li" and "es" in "No more li + + + + + + es":
RESULT --> If remove first 2 + signs --> The word "Lies" is still split over two lines.
If remove last 2 + signs --> The word "Lies" is still split over two lines.
The "Li" half-word loses it's blue shading earlier
since the removal of the last plus sign ends the sustain
earlier. Presumably same thing happened in Test 4a but
was less perceptible since only 1 + sign was removed
(less curtailed sustain)

Test 4c - Remove 3 + signs between "li" and "es" in "No more li + + + + + + es":
RESULT --> If remove first 3 + signs --> No change
If remove last 3 + signs --> No change. Sustain even shorter on "Li"

Test 4d - Remove 4 + signs between "li" and "es" in "No more li + + + + + + es":
RESULT --> If remove first 4 + signs --> No change
If remove last 4 + signs --> No change. Sustain even shorter on "Li"

Test 4e - Remove all 6 + signs between "li" and "es" in "No more li + + + + + + es":
RESULT --> No change!!!! STRANGE, no plus signs and "Li" and "es" are still split!!!!!
Looks like text wrapping is a lyric-line marking or duration related problem as raynebc thought it might.

Test 5a - Play with marked blue area length in EoF: Mark the lyric line (CTRL+M) from "Li" to last + sign.
RESULT --> See screen shots in EoF and in-game. Very interesting, the reduced lyric line blue area didn't solve the word wrapping
problem, but the following "es" seems to be short enough that the game chooses to put the following lyric line on the
same line as "es". This is unexpected because, presumably the lyric line "No more li + + + + + + es" may be too long
to fit on one line but the game suddenly has enough space to fit it all if the "es" is placed in front of "No more li"
.... hypocrite :)


Test 5b - Mark the lyric line (CTRL+M) from "Li" to 2nd last + sign.:
RESULT --> See screen shots in EoF and in-game.
--> Line wrapping problem not solved. In-game the lyric lines look the same as Test 5a.
--> Note that with the shortening of the blue marked area in EoF, the result in-game was to carriage return more quickly than
when the blue marked area was longer. Perhaps the blue marked areas really do have an effect in game after all.


Test 5c - Mark the lyric line (CTRL+M) from "Li" to 3rd last + sign.:
RESULT --> See screen shots in EoF and in-game.
--> Line wrapping problem not solved. In-game the lyric lines look the same as Test 5a.
--> Again, lyric line in-game scrolled faster to the next line.


Test 5d - Let's jump a couple of steps and see what happens when we mark the lyric line with CTRL+M in blue from "No" to "Li" with no plus signs in the marked area.:
RESULT --> See screen shots in EoF and in-game
--> Line wrapping problem not solved. In-game the lyric lines look the same as Test 5a.
--> Again, lyric line in-game scrolled faster to the next line. Very fast this time, almost immediately after the "Li" text note was started.
You can sort of get proof of this in the screenshots of Tests 5a,b,c,d because I had to gradually, with each successive test, take the
screenshot with the F5 power chord further away in the distance or else the lyric line would scroll to the next line.


Test 5e - Keep "No more li" as one blue-marked lyric line like Test 5d, but now mark the " + + + + + + es" as another lyric line.:
PURPOSE --> See by careful selection of blue-marked lyric line, if can disrupt the in-game pattern of displaying:
"No more li"
"es No more li"
RESULT --> See screen shots in EoF and in-game
--> Interesting, this time the blue-marked choice had an impact. Defining a lyric line for " + + + + + + es" forced "es" to
have an in-game line to itself.
--> Again the "No more li" scrolled to the next line very rapidly as in the previous case.
--> Since "+ + + + + + es" in game appears as "es", it is short enough that in previous tests 5a,b,c,d, Rocksmith allowed
the next line "No more li" to fit on the same line since I didn't impose any constraints. Now that I imposed a constraint,
" + + + + + + es" becoming an independent lyric line, the game respected the new blue-marked lyric line and gave
" + + + + + + es" a line to itself and appeared as "es" on a line by itself.
--> My theory as to the reason for the faster scroll with shorter blue-marked area is not that the blue-marked area tells
the game when to scroll to the next line, but rather I noticed from examining several lyrics throughout the song, that
an in-game lyric line stays put, even if the blue words turned dark already, until the next lyric of the next lyric line
starts. In our case, in Tests 5a,b,c,d, we simply blue-marked one less + sign at a time. So the reason the in-game
lyric line "No more li" was sung and increasingly quickly (with successive tests) scrolled to the next line was that
1) there were less + signs in the lyric line to sustain the "Li" text note and
2) the next + sign, the first of the next lyric line (whether marked as a blue lyric line or not) triggered the lyric
line scroll.


OK, so the wrapping text problem could only be a lyric line length/duration issue. Let's check below.

Test 6a - Shorten the duration of the intended lyric line to gauge how long the game will accept: Shorten the lyric line to the last + sign, replacing the + sign with "es"
RESULT --> See screen shots in EoF and in-game.
--> Lyric line not short enough, "es" in "Lies" still wraps to next line.


Test 6b - Shorten the lyric line to the 2nd last + sign, replacing the + sign with "es":
RESULT --> See screen shots in EoF and in-game
--> Ta-da!!!! The intended lyric line. No text wrapping to next line. Small forgivable space appears
in-game between "Li" and "es". The "Li" becomes blue during the sustain, then the "es" in "Lies"
becomes blue as intended.
--> This works perfectly, except that it's not a solution for this song since reducing the duration of
this lyric line in EoF, means the singer is still singing the word "Lies" after the word "Lies" goes dark,
while we wait for the game to scroll the lyrics to the next lyric line.
--> This test shows that the game is designed to display lyric lines that last too long
--> My guess is that it is a time duration problem that cause the wrapping since the words "No More Lies"
don't really constitute a long lyric line, given that + signs in EoF disappear in game and are instead
transmitted from EoF to the game via the PART VOCAL_RS2.XML file which simply knows text note
length via variable "length"
--> The PART VOCAL_RS2.XML file lines in question that yield success in Test 6b was as follows:
<vocal time="395.888" note="254" length="0.079" lyric="No"/>
<vocal time="396.163" note="254" length="0.079" lyric="more"/>
<vocal time="396.478" note="254" length="2.086" lyric="li"/>
<vocal time="398.930" note="254" length="0.100" lyric="es+"/>
<vocal time="400.768" note="254" length="0.079" lyric="No"/>
<vocal time="401.200" note="254" length="0.079" lyric="more"/>
<vocal time="401.476" note="254" length="2.440" lyric="li"/>
<vocal time="404.170" note="254" length="0.100" lyric="es+"/>

First of the two problematic lyric lines: Total duration: 2.344 seconds. (approx: 1 3/16 measures)
Second of the two problematic lyric lines: Total duration: 2.698 seconds. (approx: 1 3/8 measures)


TESTS ADDENDUM (Results appear in Conclusions above)

Test 6a (Take 2) - Time between adjacent text notes must be less than approximately 3 seconds to avoid wrapping:
RESULT --> See screen shot.


Test 9 - Using dashes to keep syllables of a same word from wrapping to two different lines in game:
RESULT --> See screen shot.


Test 10 - Using "+" signs in EoF as a an alternative way to control text note sustains:
RESULT --> See screen shot.


Test 11 - How a long marked lyric line with distant text notes behaves:
RESULT --> See screen shot.


Test 13 - How unmarked lyric lines behave:
RESULT --> See screen shot.


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"A dreamer is someone who wants beyond what is reasonable. A hero is a dreamer who cannot take no for an answer." (Martin Spina)

My Released CDLC - Blaze Bayley - Stare at the Sun & MacGyver Theme Song & Iron Maiden - No More Lies

Check out the Tech Notes Tutorial Version 1.1 // Chordify Tutorial Rough Draft.

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Hi all,


I have updated the original post with 5 or 6 new conclusions in a section called "Conclusions Addendum" and I have also added corresponding screenshots in the substantiation of conclusions lower in the post.Hope this helps.

"A dreamer is someone who wants beyond what is reasonable. A hero is a dreamer who cannot take no for an answer." (Martin Spina)

My Released CDLC - Blaze Bayley - Stare at the Sun & MacGyver Theme Song & Iron Maiden - No More Lies

Check out the Tech Notes Tutorial Version 1.1 // Chordify Tutorial Rough Draft.

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What's wrong with just selecting the words that you want on one line, and using ctrl + L (I think, It's the "Mark" option) to mark the lyric section? You can make it as long as you want, or as short as you want. Lyric sections that are too long (84 characters I've heard, not sure about this), will get off automatically. But you don't want such a long lyric line anyway. If you want to split up a Lyric line into mulptile in-game lyric lines, just select the words of the first lyric line, ctrl+l (could be ctrl+m, I'm not using qwerty) tehn select the words for the second line, and mark them again. Done. Also, don't use so many "+". They get filtered out by EoF automatically anyway.

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Hi SmellyOrc, long time no speak.


Nothing is wrong with your preferred way you described. It's perfectly fine. My post was more to demonstrate certain Rocksmith behaviours regarding long lyric lines, undesired wrapping, use of dashes to avoid undesired line-wrapping, marking versus not-marking a lyric line, sustaining text notes, "+" signs used as sustains in EoF, etc.


Yeah I get the short keys mixed all the time, I just checked, right click to add a lyric note in EoF and on my QWERTY keyboard it is "L" to modify an existing selected text note &  CTRL+M to mark the selected lyric line.


84 characters huh. That would overlap with the Tone Switch pop-up if it would appear during a long lyric line. Take a look at EX5's Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit whose longest line is 67 characters with spaces included. If ever you see a number in the 70's or 80's please post it here so charters understand the Rocksmith limit in order to make judicious use of that to make their lyrics look as desired.




I agree that more than one "+" sign between words in EoF is redundant since "+" signs are meant to sustain a text note as blue for additional time till the time where the plus sign appears plus that "+" signs default brief sustain as can be seen under the paino roll. See Test #10 screen shot for the example syllable "DOC" in the word "indoctrination" that shows as sustaining for 0.879 sec in the XML. So when more than one "+" sign appears between words, only the last one is driving the sustain of the others are moot.


So I have a question for you SmellyOrc:  I would love to lock the door and close the windows and sing along with Tarja's female operatic voice as I play your Nightwish customs. Any chance we'll see more lyrics on those precious CDLC you made from that band. I always figured you felt her lyrics were gibberish and not worth the effort.... :)

"A dreamer is someone who wants beyond what is reasonable. A hero is a dreamer who cannot take no for an answer." (Martin Spina)

My Released CDLC - Blaze Bayley - Stare at the Sun & MacGyver Theme Song & Iron Maiden - No More Lies

Check out the Tech Notes Tutorial Version 1.1 // Chordify Tutorial Rough Draft.

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Thanks for suggesting such a tutorial from me Olorin. I am flattered. Perhaps some day. For now have a look at the following useful posts from Smithy Anvil:


All these topics you are requesting are covered nicely in the following post: http://forums.smithyanvil.com/viewtopic.php?id=14314

Pyrobillie's Tutorials for RS2012 still apply  for RS 2014 regarding  sections/phrases/RR/DD: Have a look at it in action:



DD can be done manually or you can use Chlipouni's DDCreator or DDC for short. I've become quite familiar with it and it is an amazing tool that works virtually as well as a human simplifying the song with every decreasing difficulty. It uses math and fractions to intelligently create different difficulty levels. Simply go to the DDC tab in the Toolkit and add your EoF output files (aka arrangment XMLs), keep ddc_default setting until you understand the other ramp-up models, set phrase length to desired length of each phrase in the song. Tick Generate log and don't tick Remove Sustains and you may choose to Overwrite original file or not. If you don't overwrite it will simply output a file with the prefix called DDC_filename which you can then compare with the original file to see what changed. You can run several arrangements in one go in DDC. That log file from DDC has lot's of useful info about what it did to your arrangement.


Chlipouni has a web site where he describes DDC, though lately much has evolved so some stuff on that site still is in the process of being updated. This page describes how to add DD to a CDLC you have already downloaded.



If you have an questions you can let me know with a quick reply or feel free to start a new post. Many people will have the same questions you want an answer to.

"A dreamer is someone who wants beyond what is reasonable. A hero is a dreamer who cannot take no for an answer." (Martin Spina)

My Released CDLC - Blaze Bayley - Stare at the Sun & MacGyver Theme Song & Iron Maiden - No More Lies

Check out the Tech Notes Tutorial Version 1.1 // Chordify Tutorial Rough Draft.

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Hi SmellyOrc, long time no speak.


Nothing is wrong with your preferred way you described. It's perfectly fine. My post was more to demonstrate certain Rocksmith behaviours regarding long lyric lines, undesired wrapping, use of dashes to avoid undesired line-wrapping, marking versus not-marking a lyric line, sustaining text notes, "+" signs used as sustains in EoF, etc.


I agree that more than one "+" sign between words in EoF is redundant since "+" signs are meant to sustain a text note as blue for additional time till the time where the plus sign appears plus that "+" signs default brief sustain as can be seen under the paino roll. See Test #10 screen shot for the example syllable "DOC" in the word "indoctrination" that shows as sustaining for 0.879 sec in the XML. So when more than one "+" sign appears between words, only the last one is driving the sustain of the others are moot.


So I have a question for you SmellyOrc:  I would love to lock the door and close the windows and sing along with Tarja's female operatic voice as I play your Nightwish customs. Any chance we'll see more lyrics on those precious CDLC you made from that band. I always figured you felt her lyrics were gibberish and not worth the effort.... :)


The "+" signs were used originally to indicate that the same syllable was to be sung, but at another pitch. Since RS2014 cares ass about singing performance, any "+"'s are useless, that's why EoF filters them out. To increase how long the lyric should stay blue in the game, just adjust the word length as you would with a regular note.


Furthermore, the 84 chaacters was just something I picked up, don't know whether it was accurate or not. Anyway, Even the 64 character line seems a bit too long for my taste. I normally cut mine off at 4 words, or 6 if they're small. It's usually about 25-35 characters. Any longer and I find that it distracts from playing.


Lastly, I believe most of my Nightwish songs have vocals now. Any new release I submit on this site WILL have vocals. ALso, you can sing along with the songs from her solo project. I've got Until My Last Breath, I Feel Immortal and Ciaran's Well up. With vocals :).


So in short:


* Don't use any "+" in your lyrics

* Use the lyric mark function to define how long each lyric line should be, and to avoid undesired wrapping or early breaks.

* Keep the lyric lines short, and make the line breaks (using the Mark function) at sensible places in a sentence.


Edit: Shameless plug:


This how lyrics look when you use the points I made above. If you want to see how that's done in EoF, i'd be happy to share the EoF file.

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Thanks for the info SmellyOrc. Good guidelines. I totally agree about it being better to keep lyric lines short.


If anyone wants to see how SmellyOrc's example looks in EoF, check out his song linked below this paragraph, unpack it in the toolkit, go into the /songs/arr sub-directory of the directory in which you've unpacked the .psarc file to find the XML you will import into EoF. Open EoF, load an existing project in order to unlock the import feature, set song track to one of the PART_REAL_GUITAR or PART_REAL_BASS tracks using Song>Track. Then do File > Lyric Import and  select the vocals track you unpacked in the toolkit. To see the lyrics authoring info, go the Song>Track>Part Vocals.  Voila, you've imported the lyrics XML into EoF.


Here is a link to SmellyOrc's post.




Now that I can subscribe to your posts SmellyOrc I will not miss out on your new updates anymore. Thanks for adding lyrics. Espically since she has a thick English accent and sometimes I don't even know what she is saying. Looking forward to also trying her solo album stuff you've created.

"A dreamer is someone who wants beyond what is reasonable. A hero is a dreamer who cannot take no for an answer." (Martin Spina)

My Released CDLC - Blaze Bayley - Stare at the Sun & MacGyver Theme Song & Iron Maiden - No More Lies

Check out the Tech Notes Tutorial Version 1.1 // Chordify Tutorial Rough Draft.

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I've made it easier, I've rarred the guitar.ogg file and the eof file: http://www.mediafire.com/download/pdrj6atxum49v28/Tarja_-_Until_My_Last_Breath.rar


There's one thing I'm still a bit confused about. In EoF, the lyrics sync pretty much perfectly (in my opinion). Yet in game, it always looks like the lyrics come to soon (insert sex joke here). Might just be me though...

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I've made it easier, I've rarred the guitar.ogg file and the eof file: http://www.mediafire.com/download/pdrj6atxum49v28/Tarja_-_Until_My_Last_Breath.rar


There's one thing I'm still a bit confused about. In EoF, the lyrics sync pretty much perfectly (in my opinion). Yet in game, it always looks like the lyrics come to soon (insert sex joke here). Might just be me though...


i finally got how to make perfect lyrics like you,thanks alot :)  great song btw!

GazeRock Is Not Dead! 

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There's one thing I'm still a bit confused about. In EoF, the lyrics sync pretty much perfectly (in my opinion). Yet in game, it always looks like the lyrics come to soon (insert sex joke here). Might just be me though...

I get perfect lyric synch. i.e. lyrics are blue at the perfect time for the perfect duration. But we do have to be careful with grid snap because selecting text notes moves the text notes to the selected grid snap. That is the only thing I could think of for your issue SmellyOrc.

"A dreamer is someone who wants beyond what is reasonable. A hero is a dreamer who cannot take no for an answer." (Martin Spina)

My Released CDLC - Blaze Bayley - Stare at the Sun & MacGyver Theme Song & Iron Maiden - No More Lies

Check out the Tech Notes Tutorial Version 1.1 // Chordify Tutorial Rough Draft.

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  • 4 weeks later...

There's one thing I'm still a bit confused about. In EoF, the lyrics sync pretty much perfectly (in my opinion). Yet in game, it always looks like the lyrics come to soon (insert sex joke here). Might just be me though...


I have this issue -- it seems like Rocksmith is looking ahead to the lyrics. So even though the lyric doesn't come up for another 8 measures or so, Rocksmith still displays it.


Is there a way to prevent this?


Not that I usually have time to read lyrics while I'm playing anyway.

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Can you send me your project or psarc file so I can look at it letting me know where is this occurs. I have not been able to reproduce this to understand this.


I can't guarantee I will have a solution for you but I will try.

"A dreamer is someone who wants beyond what is reasonable. A hero is a dreamer who cannot take no for an answer." (Martin Spina)

My Released CDLC - Blaze Bayley - Stare at the Sun & MacGyver Theme Song & Iron Maiden - No More Lies

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Can you send me your project or psarc file so I can look at it letting me know where is this occurs. I have not been able to reproduce this to understand this.I can't guarantee I will have a solution for you but I will try.

@@Berneer Was this to me? I should be able to post the file today.


The lyrics start immediately, even though the first lyric line starts on the third measure.

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Yes sorry it was in response to you or the artist formerly known as MartyV. I didn't know you could change your name. :)

"A dreamer is someone who wants beyond what is reasonable. A hero is a dreamer who cannot take no for an answer." (Martin Spina)

My Released CDLC - Blaze Bayley - Stare at the Sun & MacGyver Theme Song & Iron Maiden - No More Lies

Check out the Tech Notes Tutorial Version 1.1 // Chordify Tutorial Rough Draft.

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Yes sorry it was in response to you or the artist formerly known as MartyV. I didn't know you could change your name. :)


Yeah, I just discovered this -- nice feature!


Be grateful I didn't change my name to a symbol. Although if I could play guitar half as good as that guy, I wouldn't care what you call me!


I need to test the new version of the custom, probably get to that this evening.

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Smelly do you see a reason why unpacking and obtaining guitar.ogg and notes.eof ourselves might not convey the issue as properly as if MartyV provides them to us? Could unpacking mask the problem?


I'll finish helping a friend with his CDLC and then hopefully tomorrow I could start looking at this. I'm curious.


Marty, did you use Ultrastar for lyrics? If not what?

"A dreamer is someone who wants beyond what is reasonable. A hero is a dreamer who cannot take no for an answer." (Martin Spina)

My Released CDLC - Blaze Bayley - Stare at the Sun & MacGyver Theme Song & Iron Maiden - No More Lies

Check out the Tech Notes Tutorial Version 1.1 // Chordify Tutorial Rough Draft.

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MVega, I downloaded and watched your song play out and the lyrics do not exhibit any problem of showing up substantially in advance of when  the singer actually sings the lyric. It seems like my Rocksmith is immune to non-Custom Tone bugs and early appearing lyrics .....


I don't know how to help you if your lyrics work perfectly on my computer...


One thing, I would recommend you add sustain to your text notes in EoF by selecting grid snap off (to avoid inadvertently moving the text note), selecting the text note (usually a word or syllable) with the left mouse click until it turns green, then using your mousewheel to extend the singing sustain of that text note. Like this the text note stays blue for the entire duration that the singer is singing that text note. It takes a few minutes to adjust the entire song to add sustains where appropriate and to end the sustain at the exact perfect spot using the adjust-listen-rewind-adjust-listen-rewind procedure.


Any way, if ever you can get us some repeatable early lyric appearance behaviour. Please post here.


Nice song by the way.

"A dreamer is someone who wants beyond what is reasonable. A hero is a dreamer who cannot take no for an answer." (Martin Spina)

My Released CDLC - Blaze Bayley - Stare at the Sun & MacGyver Theme Song & Iron Maiden - No More Lies

Check out the Tech Notes Tutorial Version 1.1 // Chordify Tutorial Rough Draft.

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Hi, I originally had the longer sustains, but shortened them to see if that would help.


Most of the lyrics are synced well enough to the song. It's only the first "Well" that shows up as soon as the song starts playing.


I don't really pay attention to the lyrics when I'm playing Rocksmtih -- maybe this happens on all songs?


I only add the lyrics in to make it more like the 'real thing', but as long as the lyrics display, I'm not so worried about them following the singer exactly. I'd have to know a song REALLY well to want to pay attention to the lyrics while I'm playing.

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Hi MVega,


Only had a little time to look.


Your XML looks fine for Vocal:


<vocal time="3.100" note="254" length="0.187" lyric="Well+"/>


I used a stopwatch. The word "well" appears 2.3 seconds before the singer sings the word. I randomly checked Def Leppard - Pour Some Sugar on Me from the Official Game setlist and the first word also appears the same amount of time before it is sung. Nothing looks fishy either when I import the Vocals XML into EoF. It looks fine.


Perhaps if you show me where else in the song you say this occurs I can have a look at that too. Please let me know. I know PCPlum once said the word appears 15 to 20 seconds before it is sung, which is way too much but also something I couldn't produce myself. So I am really curious.

"A dreamer is someone who wants beyond what is reasonable. A hero is a dreamer who cannot take no for an answer." (Martin Spina)

My Released CDLC - Blaze Bayley - Stare at the Sun & MacGyver Theme Song & Iron Maiden - No More Lies

Check out the Tech Notes Tutorial Version 1.1 // Chordify Tutorial Rough Draft.

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