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  1. Hello! Discrography will be available in the coming weeks. Currently 1 album is available via the link ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Доброго времени суток, в этой теме в ближайшее время буду выложены все (почти) песни из дискографии группы, на каждую будет ссылка. В своё время 80% песен были загружены, но в разноброс без систематики а часть из них были удалены с трекеров. Сразу повешу дисклеймер: к сожалению я не профессиональный музыкант, и даже не продвинутый любитель. Те пресеты что используются в кастомах сделаны под мою гитару и хорошо звучат для неё, кому-то повезет и тоже зайдет. К сожалению нет возможности подобрать что-то универсальное. Максимальное что я мог сделать это взять нормальный Distortion, Clean, Solo, в большей части песен используются они, есть несколько исключений где используются доп. эффекты, но вне зависимости от года и реальной смены звука всегда используются одни и те же настройки. Об аутентичности говорить не приходится. Настройки баланса громкости проводилась при использовании внешней аудиокарты, инструментальный вход работал без предусиления, громкость входного сигнала гитары подобран чтобы был максимально громко но без клипования при палм-мьюте. В игре все ползунки громкости на 100%. Идея в том, чтобы гитара звучала поверх фонограммы, чтобы можно было четко различить кто играет. Когда вся дискография будет готова я выложу в свободный доступ все исходные файлы (кроме табулатур альбома "Проклятье морей"), вдруг кому-то захочется поставить свои эффекты или что-то сменить. В исходниках будут табулатуры, звуковые файлы, template файлы от toolkit-а, пресеты и все параметры. По желанию можете делать свои версии, но пожалуйста, хотя бы в примечаниях укажите моё авторство если будете выкладывать в общий доступ, было бы приятно. Все кастомы будут в двух вариациях: переведенные на английский язык названия, и полностью транслитерированный текст то есть вместо Aria - Baptism of Fire ---> Ariya - Kreshenie Ognem. ПОСЛЕСЛОВИЕ И БЛАГОДАРНОСТЬ На данный момент пак «Ария» закончен. Обновления если и будут, то баг фиксы критических вылетов. Оказалось, что иногда песни могут на ровном месте виснуть и требоваться перепаковки, а протестировать 118х2 песен - нереально. Если что пишите. Один из нюансов, по какой-то неведомой мне причине песня «Осколок льда» люто не строит на акустической части, такая проблема только с этой песней. Во многих песнях используется этот пресет «под акустику», но лютый не строй при игре только этой композиции, в чем причина я не знаю. При том, что вроде дист и соло строят отлично. В общем, загадка (возможно в песне другой строй по hz, а не 440). Раньше грешил на мусорную гитару, но нет, сменил гитару всё как прежде, поэтому лично я предпочитаю играть версию с оркестром и Житняковым в Eb Standard. Второй нюанс, судя по табулатуре в песне "Пусть будет так" используется пяти струнный бас, так что там только 3х электрогитары. Пользуйтесь кастомами, пользуйтесь исходниками, всем спасибо за интерес. Также выражаю огромную благодарность: Alex360 – часть эффектов и настроек для пресетов сделаны с помощью или на основе его советов. Да и в принципе обучил и научил делать кастомы. ALEX (Александр Дьяченко) и ресурс metaltabs – к сожалению на данный момент ресурс закрыт, но огромное спасибо за все табулатуры от первого до предпоследнего альбома. Невероятно точные табы, не тот мусор, что обычно встречается на файлопомойках. Неназванный герой – за продажу табов к последнему альбому. Его табы я не буду выкладывать в исходники, ибо такова просьба и это честно. Ubisoft – за великолепную игру А также всем кто работал на инструментарием для создания кастомов. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Красным - не планируется / not planned Discrography / Дискография -- 1985 -- Megalomania / Мания Величия -- This is Rock / Это рок Source Torero / Тореро Source Volunteer / Волонтёр Source Tusks of Black Cliffs / Бивни черных скал Source Life for Nothing / Жизнь задаром Source Dreams / Мечты Source America Left Behind / Позади Америка Source -- 1986 -- Who Are You With? / С кем ты? -- Will and Reason / Воля и разум Source Stand Up, Vanquish Fear / Встань, страх преодолей Source We Make Metal / Здесь куют металл Source Who are you with? / С кем ты? Without You / Без тебя Source Icarus / Икар Source Games are not for us / Игры не для нас Source -- 1987 -- Hero of Asphalt / Герой Асфальта -- Slave to the Evil Force / На службе силы зла Source Hero of Asphalt / Герой асфальта Source Dead Zone / Мёртвая зона Source 1100 / 1100 rus Source Street of Roses / Улица роз Source Ballad of an Ancient Russian Warrior / Баллада о древнерусском воине Source -- 1989 -- Play With Fire / Игра с огнем -- What Have You Done to Your Dreams? / Что вы сделали с вашей мечтой? Source Rock This World / Раскачаем этот мир Source Slave of Fear / Раб страха Source Temptation / Искушение Source Play With Fire / Игра с огнем Source The Battle Goes On / Бой продолжается Source Give 'em Hell / Дай жару! Source -- 1991 - Blood For Blood / Кровь за кровь -- Farewell Norfolk! / Прощай, Норфолк! Source Zombie / Зомби Source Antichrist / Антихрист Source You’d Better Believe Me / Не хочешь — не верь мне Source Blood for blood / Кровь за кровь Source Demons / Бесы Source All that was / Всё, что было Source Follow me! / Следуй за мной! Source -- 1995 - Night is Shorter Than Day / Ночь короче дня -- Slavery of illusions / Рабство иллюзий Source Paranoia / Паранойя Source Angel dust / Ангельская пыль Source Leave and don't return / Уходи и не возвращайся Source King of the road / Король дороги Source Take my heart / Возьми моё сердце Source Beast / Зверь Source Spirit of war / Дух войны Source Night is Shorter Than Day / Ночь короче дня Source -- 1998 - Generator of Evil / Генератор зла -- Behold! / Смотри Source Dirt / Грязь Source Deserter / Дезертир Source Torture by silence / Пытка тишиной Source Run AfterThe Sun / Беги за солнцем Source Deceit / Обман Source Hermit / Отшельник Source Sunset / Закат Source Devilish heat / Дьявольский зной Source Closed Circle / Замкнутый круг Source -- 1999 - 2000 and 1 Night / 2000 и одна ночь -- Lost paradise / Потерянный рай Source Who are you / Кто ты? Source -- 2001 - Chimera / Химера -- Chimera / Химера Source Heaven will find you / Небо тебя найдёт Source I'm not mad / Я не сошёл с ума Source Vampire / Вампир Source Burning arrow / Горящая стрела Source The calm / Штиль Source Path to nowhere / Путь в никуда Source Raven / Ворон Source Shard of ice / Осколок льда Source You will be given a sign / Тебе дадут знак Source -- 2002 - Calm / Штиль -- The Hour Has Come (Manowar cover) / Пробил час Source Freedom (White Lion cover) / Свобода Source Going to the Run (Golden Earring cover) / Беспечный ангел Source Death Machine / Машина смерти Source Give Your Hand to Me / Дай руку мне Source -- 2003 - Baptism by Fire / Крещение огнём -- Patriot / Патриот Source Baptism by Fire / Крещение огнём Source Colloseum / Колизей Source Executioner / Палач Source Your New World / Твой новый мир Source High Up There / Там высоко Source White Flag / Белый флаг Source Battle / Битва Source Feast At The Prince Of Darkness / Бал у Князя Тьмы Source -- 2006 - Armageddon / Армагеддон -- Last sunset / Последний закат Source Marked by evil / Меченый злом Source Guardian of the empire / Страж империи Source The New Crusade / Новый крестовый поход Source Messiah / Мессия Source The Blood of Kings / Кровь королей Source Viking / Викинг Source Alien / Чужой Source The light of bygone love / Свет былой любви Source Your day / Твой день Source -- 2009 - Battlefield / Поле битвы -- Battlefield / Поле битвы Source On the Wings of the Wind / На крыльях ветра Source -- 2011 - Phoenix / Феникс -- Black Square / Чёрный Квадрат Source Balance of power / Равновесие Сил Source Story Of A Murderer / История Одного Убийцы Source Black Legend / Чёрная Легенда Source Fights Without Rules / Бои Без Правил Source Phoenix / Феникс Source Symphony Of Fire / Симфония Огня Source Attila / Аттила Source Distant Light / Дальний Свет Source -- 2014 - Through All Times / Через Все Времена -- Through All Times / Через Все Времена Source City / Город Source Glare of the Sun on the Water / Блики Солнца На Воде Source Don't Go Crazy! / Не Сходи С Ума Source Eclipse Time / Время Затмений Source Point of No Return / Точка Невозврата Source Angels of Heaven / Ангелы Неба Source Attack of the Dead / Атака Мертвецов Source Call of the Abyss / Зов Бездны Source The Running Man / Бегущий человек Source -- 2018 - Curse of the Seas / Проклятье Морей -- A Race for Glory / Гонка За Славой Source Varangian / Варяг Source Lucifer's Era / Эра Люцифера Hard to be a God / Трудно быть богом Source Let It Be So / Пусть будет так Source All Starts There, Where the Night Ends / Всё начинается там, где кончается ночь Alive / Живой Source To Kill the Dragon / Убить дракона Smoke Without Fire / Дым без огня Source From Dusk Till Dawn / От заката до рассвета Curse of the Seas / Проклятье Морей Source
  2. Hello there This is the topic created for the organization purposes. You can find here every Opeth chart sorted by album. (All customs made by me unless otherwise stated.) Orchid (1995) 1. In Mist She Was Standing 2. Under the Weeping Moon 3. Silhouette (Piano instrumental) 4. Forest of October (Created by Flapman) 5. The Twilight is My Robe (Created by mattrxcool) 6. Requiem 7. The Apostle In Triumph Morningrise (1996) 1. Advent (Created by bernixix) 2. The Night and the Silent Water 3. Nectar 4. Black Rose Immortal 5. To Bid You Farewell My Arms, Your Hearse (1998) 1. Prologue (Piano instrumental) 2. April Ethereal (Created by albatross213) 3. When 4. Madrigal 5. The Amen Corner 6. Demon of the Fall 7. Credence 8. Karma 9. Epilogue Still Life (1999) 1. The Moor 2. Godhead's Lament 3. Benighted 4. Moonlapse Vertigo 5. Face of Melinda 6. Serenity Painted Death 7. White Cluster (created by albatross213) Full album chart Blackwater Park (2001) 1. The Leper Affinity 2. Bleak 3. Harvest 4. The Drapery Falls 5. Dirge for November 6. The Funeral Portrait 7. Patterns in the Ivy 8. Blackwater Park 9. Still Day Beneath the Sun - Bonus Track 10. Patterns in the Ivy II - Bonus Track Deliverance (2002) 1. Wreath (Created by albatross213) 2. Deliverance (Created by albatross213) 3. A Fair Judgement (Created by albatross213) 4. For Absent Friends (Created by Sammerh) 5. Master's Apprentices (Created by albatross213) 6. By the Pain I See in Others Damnation (2003) 1. Windowpane (Created by FearTheTitan) 2. In My Time of Need (Created by albatross213) 3. Death Whispered a Lullaby 4. Closure (Created by albatross213) 5. Hope Leaves (Created by albatross 213) 6. To Rid the Disease (Created by albatross213) 7. Ending Credits (Created by albatross213) 8. Weakness Ghost Reveries (2005) 1. Ghost of Perdition (Created by FearTheTitan) 2. The Baying of the Hounds (Created by albatross213) 3. Beneath the Mire (Created by albatross213) 4. Atonement 5. Reverie/Harlequin Forest (Created by bernixix) 6. Hours of Wealth 7. The Grand Conjuration 8. Isolation Years Watershed (2008) 1. Coil (Created by albatross213) 2. Heir Apparent (Created by albatross213) 3. The Lotus Eater (Creater by ghgeek20) 4. Burden 5. Porcelain Heart 6. Hessian Peel (Created by solservo) 7. Hex Omega 8. Derelict Herds - Bonus Track 9. Bridge of Sighs - Bonus Track / Robin Trower Cover Heritage (2011) 1. Heritage (Piano instrumental) 2. The Devil's Orchard 3. I Feel the Dark (Created by Mach) 4. Slither 5. Nepenthe (Created by solservo) 6. Häxprocess 7. Famine 8. The Lines in My Hand (Created by albatross213) 9. Folklore 10. Marrow of the Earth (Created by twentyskulls) 11. Pyre - Bonus Track 12. Face in the Snow - Bonus Track Pale Communion (2014) 1. Eternal Rains Will Come 2. Cusp of Eternity (Created by FearTheTitan) 3. Moon Above, Sun Below 4. Elysian Woes 5. Goblin 6. River 7. Voice of Treason 8. Faith in Others (Created by FearTheTitan) Sorceress (2016) 1. Persephone (Created by DearkenedGod) 2. Sorceress 3. The Wilde Flowers 4. Will o the Wisp 5. Chrysalis 6. Sorceress 2 7. The Seventh Sojourn 8. Strange Brew 9. A Fleeting Glance 10. Era 11. Persephone (Slight Return) 12. The Ward - Bonus Track (Created by Sammerh) 13. Spring MCMLXXIV - Bonus Track
  3. Sounding the Seventh Trumpet (2001): To End the Rapture: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/11941-to-end-the-rapture/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Turn the Other Way: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/42117-turn-the-other-way/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Darkness Surrounding: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/13876-darkness-surrounding/?hl=avenged+sevenfold The Art of Subconscious Illusion: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/15482-the-art-of-subconcuious-illusion/?hl=avenged+sevenfold We Come Out at Night: None Available ​Lips of Deceit: None Available Warmness on the Soul (Full): http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/11789-warmness-in-the-soul/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Warmness on the Soul (Solo): http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/37865-warmness-on-the-soul-solo/?hl=avenged+sevenfold An Epic of Time Wasted: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/41922-an-epic-of-time-wasted/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Breaking Their Hold: None Available Forgotten Faces: None Available Thick and Thin: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/37766-thick-and-thin/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Streets: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/37684-streets/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Shattered by Broken Dreams: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/42812-shattered-by-broken-dreams/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Waking the Fallen Demos (2002): Chapter Four (Demo): http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/12526-chapter-four-demo/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Remenissions (Demo): None Available I Won't See You Tonight Pt 1 (Demo): None Avaliable I Won't See You Tonight Pt 2 (Demo): None Available Second Heartbeat (Demo): None Available Waking the Fallen (2003): Waking the Fallen: None Avaliable Unholy Confessions: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/13271-unholy-confessions/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Chapter Four: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/8423-chapter-four/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Remenissions: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/8089-remenissions/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Desecrate Through Reverence: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/11731-desecrate-through-reverence/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Eternal Rest: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/14278-eternal-rest/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Second Heartbeat: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/42112-second-heartbeat-correct-version/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Radiant Eclipse: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/11617-radiant-eclipse/?hl=avenged+sevenfold I Won't See You Tonight Pt 1: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/11800-i-wont-see-you-tonight-part-1/?hl=avenged+sevenfold I Won't See You Tonight Pt 2: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/11801-i-wont-see-you-tonight-part-2/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Clairvoyant Disease: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/11720-clairvoyant-disease/?hl=avenged+sevenfold And All Things Will End: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/11334-and-all-things-will-end/?hl=avenged+sevenfold City of Evil (2005): Beast and the Harlot: Official DLC Burn it Down: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/400-burn-it-down/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Blinded in Chains: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/427-blinded-in-chains/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Bat Country: Built Into the Game Trashed and Scattered: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/567-trashed-and-scattered/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Seize the Day: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/561-seize-the-day/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Sidewinder: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/420-sidewinder/?hl=avenged+sevenfold The Wicked End: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/423-the-wicked-end/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Strength of the World: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/535-strength-of-the-world/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Betrayed: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/391-betrayed/?hl=avenged+sevenfold M.I.A.: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/419-mia/?hl=avenged+sevenfold The White Album (2007): Critical Acclaim: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/31104-critical-acclaim-with-solo/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Almost Easy: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/12105-almost-easy/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Scream: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/36418-scream/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Afterlife: Official DLC Gunslinger: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/850-gunslinger/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Unbound (The Wild Ride): None Available Brompton Cocktail: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/578-brompton-cocktail/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Lost: None Available A Little Piece of Heaven: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/10830-a-little-piece-of-heaven/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Dear God: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/16297-dear-god/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Diamonds in the Rough (2008): Demons: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/38505-demons/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Girl I Know: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/1872-girl-i-know/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Crossroads: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/17441-crossroads/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Until the End: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/34904-untill-the-end/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Tension: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/31157-tension/?hl=avenged+sevenfold The Fight: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/31404-the-fight/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Dancing Dead: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/21091-dancing-dead/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Almost Easy (CLA Mix): None Available Afterlife (Alternate Version): None Available Nightmare (2010): Nightmare: Official DLC Welcome to the Family: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/421-welcome-to-the-family/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Danger Line: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/1135-danger-line/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Buried Alive: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/1134-buried-alive/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Natural Born Killer: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/14884-natural-born-killer/?hl=avenged+sevenfold So Far Away: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/13769-so-far-away/?hl=avenged+sevenfold God Hates Us: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/706-god-hates-us/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Victim: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/973-victim/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Tonight the World Dies: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/1136-tonight-the-world-dies/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Fiction: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/848-fiction/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Save Me: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/579-save-me/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Hail to the King (2013): Shepherd of Fire: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/470-shepherd-of-fire/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Hail to the King: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/23203-hail-to-the-king/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Doing Time: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/432-doing-time/?hl=avenged+sevenfold This Means War: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/10771-this-means-war/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Requiem: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/434-requiem/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Crimson Day: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/980-crimson-day/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Heretic: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/981-heretic/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Coming Home: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/745-coming-home/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Planets: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/430-planets/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Acid Rain: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/466-acid-rain/?hl=avenged+sevenfold The Stage (2016): The Stage: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/33751-the-stage/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Paradigm: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/34590-paradigm/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Sunny Disposition: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/35977-sunny-disposition/?hl=avenged+sevenfold God Damn: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/34629-god-damn/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Creating God: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/42111-creating-god/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Angels: None Available Simulation: None Available Higher: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/35720-higher/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Roman Sky: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/34875-roman-sky/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Fermi Paradox: None Available Exist: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/34619-exist/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Extras (2009-2017): Unwind the Chainsaw: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/41864-unwind-the-chainsaw-intro-cover/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Lost It All: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/2260-lost-it-all/?hl=avenged+sevenfold 4:00 AM: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/31097-400-am/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Not Ready to Die: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/11267-not-ready-to-die/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Carry On: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/15570-carry-on/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Shepard of Fire (Solo): http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/16798-shepherd-of-fire-solo/?hl=avenged+sevenfold St. James: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/983-st-james/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Jade Helm: http://customsforge.com/index.php/topic/42845-jade-helm/?hl=avenged+sevenfold Dose: None Available Covers: (2006-2017): Walk (Pantera): None Available Flash of the Blade (Iron Maiden): None Available Paranoid (Black Sabbath): None Available Retrovertigo (Mr. Bungle): None Available Malaguena Salerosa (Traditional): None Available Runaway (feat. Warren Fitzgerald) [Del Shannon]: None Available As Tears Go By (The Rolling Stones): None Available Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd): None Available God Only Knows (The Beach Boys): None Available If you find/make any of the 'None Available' songs, PM the link, I will put it in.
  4. 2003 - Leave a Whisper (deluxe edition) Fly from the Inside [by musefan16] Left Out Lost in the Crowd No More Love Better Version Burning Bright In Memory All I Ever Wanted Stranger Inside Lacerated Crying Out 45 [Official DLC] Simple Man [Official DLC] Burning Bright 45 (Acoustic) Simple Man (Rock version) Leave a Whisper (Leave a Whisper sessions) Start Over (Leave a Whisper sessions) Soon Forgotten (Demo) No More Love (Demo) Falling Fearless (Demo) Left Out (Demo) Emptiness Man (Demo) Notice Me (Demo) Fly from the Inside (Live acoustic)2005 - Us and Them The Dream Heroes Save Me [by Rivinhal] I Dare You Yer Majesty Beyond the Sun Trade Yourself In Lady So Divine Shed Some Light Begin Again Atmosphere Fake Some Day 2008 - The Sound of Madness (2010 Deluxe reissue) Devour [by Snake3169] Sound of Madness [Official DLC] Second Chance [Official DLC] Cry for Help The Crow & the Butterfly [by mystery415] If You Only Knew [by Toopee] Sin with a Grin What a Shame [by Toopee] Cyanide Sweet Tooth Suicide [by Toopee] Breaking Inside Call Me [by chlipouni] Energy Son of Sam I Own You Junkies for Fame Second Chance (acoustic version) The Crow & the Butterfly (Pull Mix) Her Name Is Alice [by PyroBillie] Diamond Eyes (Boom-Lay Boom-Lay Boom) [by PyroBillie] Breaking Inside (featuring Lzzy Hale) [by Toopee]2012 - Amaryllis Adrenaline Bully [official DLC] Amaryllis Unity [by Bolding13] Enemies [official DLC] I'm Not Alright Nowhere Kids Miracle I'll Follow You For My Sake My Name (Wearing Me Out) Through the Ghost 2015 - Threat to Survival (Japanese bonus tracks) Asking for It [by Rockman2641] Cut The Cord [by Toopee] + [by Crossbolt242] + [by demonizer84] State of My Head Outcast How Did You Love It All Adds Up Oblivion Dangerous Thick as Thieves Black Cadillac Misfits Never Gonna Let Go Reject 2018 - Attention Attention The Entrance Devil [by Toopee] Black Soul Attention Attention Kill Your Conscience Pyro Monsters Darkside Creatures Evolve Get Up Special The Human Radio Brilliant
  5. NOTHING BUT THIEVES DISCOGRAPHY Nothing But Thieves Excuse Me Ban All the Music Wake Up Call Itch If I Get High Graveyard Whistling Hostage Trip Switch Lover, Please Stay Drawing Pins Painkiller Tempt You (Evocatio) Honey Whiskey Hanging Neon Brother Six Billion Broken Machine I Was Just a Kid Amsterdam Sorry Broken Machine Live Like Animals Soda I'm Not Made By Design Particles Get Better Hell, Yeah Afterlife Reset Me Number 13 Graveyard Whistling - EP Emergency Last Orders
  6. "Royal Blood" 1. "Out of the Black" (Official DLC) 2. "Come On Over" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/come-on-over-r298683. "Figure It Out" (Official DLC)4. "You Can Be So Cruel" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/you-can-be-so-cruel-r299365. "Blood Hands" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/blood-hands-r299086. "Little Monster" (Official DLC)7. "Loose Change" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/loose-change-r298678. "Careless" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/careless-r299589. "Ten Tonne Skeleton" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/ten-tonne-skeleton-r2996010. "Better Strangers" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/better-strangers-r29944 "How Did We Get So Dark?" 1. "How Did We Get So Dark?" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/how-did-we-get-so-dark-r298312. "Lights Out" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/lights-out-r288493. "I Only Lie When I Love You" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/i-only-lie-when-i-love-you-r295764. "She's Creeping" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/shes-creeping-r297925. "Look Like You Know" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/look-like-you-know-r298506. "Where Are You Now?" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/where-are-you-now-r298337. "Don't Tell" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/dont-tell-r297328. "Hook, Line & Sinker" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/hook-line-and-sinker-r291839. "Hole in Your Heart" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/hole-in-your-heart-r2975010. "Sleep" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/sleep-r29770 Singles: "Ace of Spades" (Motorhead Cover) http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/ace-of-spades-r29963
  7. Mister Asylum: 1. "Mister Asylum"2. "Lost" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/lost-r296523. "Lydia" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/lydia-r266394. "Bath Salts" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/bath-salts-r264505. "23" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/23-r294746. "Mom" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/mom-r293967. "Bloodfeather" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/bloodfeather-r294568. "Fuck Me Up"9. "Vanity"10. "Claudeland" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/claudeland-r28715 The Boy Who Died Wolf: 1. "My Name Is Human" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/my-name-is-human-r287162. "Look Alive, Stay Alive"3. "Little One" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/little-one-r292124. "For Billy"5. "Serotonia" http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/serotonia-r287226. "Postres"7. "Send Me an Angel" (Real Life cover) http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/send-me-an-angel-r297288. "Viper Strike"9. "F.W.Y.T."10. "Chicago"11. "Wolf"
  8. Overall: (46/95) Linking them all one by one seems alot of work, so here is the link to the artist page. Green is done and video available. Blue is only CDLC done. Red is I 'Pyro' would love to make them in the somewhat close future. But if you want to make them, go ahead, it would be nice someone helping with some SF customs. Orange is tab available. Can be done I would love to do other songs as well, but time >.> https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/tabs/senses_fail_tabs.htm My Youtube Playlist of most of the SF songs. From The Depths Of Dreams (EP) (2002): (6/6) + 1/2 Bonus Steven - Done - Video Free Fall Without A Parachute - Done - Video Blood Romance - Done - Video Dreaming A Reality - Done - Video The Ground Folds - Done - Video One Eight Seven - Done - Video Handguns And Second Chances (Bonus) - Done - Video The Ground Folds Acoustic (Bonus) Let It Enfold You (2004): (13/13) + 1/2 Deluxe Tie Her Down - Done - Video Lady In A Blue Dress - Done - Video You're Cute When You Scream - Done - Video Buried A Lie - Done - Video Bite To Break Skin - Done - Video Rum Is For Drinking, Not For Burning - Done - Video Slow Dance - Done - Video Choke On This - Done - Video NJ Falls Into The Atlantic - Done - Video Let It Enfold You - Done - Video Irony Of Dying On Your Birthday - Done - Video Angela Baker And My Obsession With Fire - Done - Video Martini Kiss - Done - Video Institutionalized (Deluxe) - American Death (Deluxe) - Done - Video Still Searching (2006): (13/13) + 1/6 Deluxe The Rapture - Done - Video Bonecrusher - Done - Video Sick Or Sane - Done - Video Can't Be Saved - Done - Video Calling All Cars - Done - Video Shark Attack - Done - Video Still Searching - Done - Video To All The Crowded Rooms - Done Lost And Found - Done - Video Every Day Is A Struggle - Done - Video All The Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues - Done - Video Negative Space - Done - Video The Priest And The Matador - Done - Video Battle Hymn (Deluxe) - (text tab) Champagne (Deluxe) - (text tab) Stretch Your Legs To Coffin Length (Deluxe) - (text tab) Mason's Revenge (Deluxe) - Cinco De Mayo (Deluxe) - Done Salvation (Deluxe) - Life Is Not A Waiting Room (2008): (8/12) + 0/3 Bonus Fireworks At Dawn - Done - Video Lungs Like Gallows - Done - Video Garden State - Done - Video Family Tradition - Done - Video Wolves At The Door - Done Hair Of The Dog - Four Years - Ali For Cody - Done - Video Yellow Angels - Done - Video Chandelier - (text tab) Map The Streets - Done - Video Blackout - (text tab) Life Is Not A Waiting Room (Bonus) - DB Cooper (Bonus) - Coming Up Short (Bonus) - The Fire (2010): (3/11) + 0/1 Bonus The Fire - Done - Video Saint Anthony - (gp) New Year's Eve - Done - Video Safe House - Coward - Landslide - Headed West - Lifeboats - Done Nero - Irish Eyes - Hold On - Ghost Town (Bonus) - Follow Your Bliss: The Best Of Senses Fail (2012): (16/16 Collection) + 0/4 Bonus Wolves At The Door - Can't Be Saved - Lungs Like Gallows - Buried A Lie - Shark Attack - Lady In A Blue Dress - The Fire - Rum Is For Drinking, Not For Burning - Calling All Cars - Bite To Break Skin - The Priest And The Matador - Bloody Romance - Family Tradition - You're Cute When You Scream - New Years Eve - One Eight Seven - War Paint (Bonus )- Vines (Bonus) - Early Graves (Bonus) - Waves (Bonus) - Renacer (2013): (4/12) Renacer - Done - Video Holy Mountain - Done - Video Mi Amor - Done - Video Closure/Rebirth - (text tab) The Path - (text tab) Canine - (text tab) Glass - Ancient Tombs - Frost Flower - Snake Bite - Courage Of The Knife - Between The Mountain And The Sea - Pull The Thorns From Your Heart (2015): (0/11) The Three Marks Of Existence - Carry The Weight - The Courage Of An Open Heart - Wounds - Take Refuge - Surrender - Dying Words - The Importance Of The Moment Of Death - Pull The Thorns From Your Heart - We Are All Returning Home - My Fear Of An Unlived Life - If There Is Light, It Will Find You (2018): (2/12) Double Cross - Done Elevator To The Gallows New Jersey Makes, The World Takes Gold Jacket, Green Jacket... - Done First Breath, Last Breath Ancient Gods Is It Gonna Be The Year? "You Get So Alone At Times That It Just Makes Sense" Orlando And A Miscarriage Shaking Hands Stay What You Are If There Is Light, It Will Find You
  9. Overall: (37/44) Put this together quickly, as the BT discography is actually almost completed. Links go to the record page on CF. Green means CDLC done. Orange means I might do in future by looking at YT guitar covers I'm checking UG regularly to see if new tabs are added, I'll probably create the CDLC soon after. My Youtube playlist of current Beartooth Songs Sick (EP) (2013): (4/4) I Have A Problem - by kc_ Go Be The Voice - by mikeyruc123 Pick Your Poison - by PyroBillie Set Me On Fire - by PyroBillie Disgusting (2014): (15/16) The Lines - by joshuadscott1994 (Only Lead) Beaten In Lips - by KRAZEEnRECKLESS Body Bag - by Captnballarms (Only Lead) In Between - by PyroBillie Relapsing - by PyroBillie Ignorance Is Bliss - by PyroBillie I Have A Problem (Re-recorded version) One More - by joshuadscott1994 Me In My Own Head - by PyroBillie Keep Your American Dream - by PyroBillie Dead - by KRAZEEnRECKLESS Sick And Disgusting - by SirenSong/PyroBillie Finish Line (Jap. Edit.) - Give It Up (Jap. Edit.) - by PyroBillie Blitzkrieg Bop (Jap. Edit.) - by mikeyruc123 The Lines (Low Gain Mix) (Deluxe Edit.) - by PyroBillie Aggressive (2016): (12/12) Aggressive - by mikeyruc123 Hated - by PyroBillie Loser - by mikeyruc123 Fair Weather Friend - by PyroBillie Burnout - by PyroBillie Sick Of Me - by PyroBillie Censored - by mikeyruc123 Always Dead - by mikeyruc123 However You Want It Said - by PyroBillie Find A Way - by PyroBillie Rock Is Dead - by PyroBillie King Of Anything - by mikeyruc123 Disease (2018): (6/16) Greatness or Death Disease Fire You Never Know Bad Listener Afterall Manipulation Enemy Believe Infection Used And Abused Clever Take Over Messed Up Young Threat To Society
  10. This is the discography topic for the Finnish Symphonic Metal band Nightwish They don't seem like a high target for official DLC (lack of lead guitar being a big reason) so I thought we might try to get comprehensive archive of their work for people who want to learn their songs. If you are interested in mapping one of the songs or have mapped one that I missed don't hesitate to post in the thread. *Live albums have songs that were already on albums omitted Studio Albums: Angels Fall First http://i.imgur.com/qNDotBl.jpg 1. Elvenpath (Tab/Gp) 2. Beauty and the Beast (Tab/Gp) 3. The Carpenter (Tab/Gp) 4. Astral Romance (Tab/Gp) 5. Angels Fall First (Tab/Gp) 6. Tutankhamen (Tab/Gp) 7. Nymphomaniac Fantasia (Tab/Gp) 8. Know Why the Nightingale Sings (Tab/Gp) 9. Lappi (Lapland) (Tab/Gp) 10. A Return to the Sea (Tab/Gp) 11. Once upon a Troubadour (Tab/Gp) Oceanborn http://i.imgur.com/t66iKXY.jpg 1. Stargazers (by Gereze) 2. Gethsemane (by Gereze) 3. Devil & the Deep Dark Ocean (by Gereze) 4. Sacrament of Wilderness (by Gereze) 5. Passion and the Opera (by Gereze) 6. Swanheart (by Gereze) 7. Moondance (by Gereze) 8. The Riddler (by Gereze) 9. The Pharaoh Sails to Orion (By Electroheart) 10. Walking in the Air (Tab/Gp) 11. Sleeping Sun (by dave) 12. Nightquest (Tab/Gp) Wishmaster http://i.imgur.com/nT8WDXc.jpg 1. She Is My Sin (by iminashi) 2. The Kinslayer (by SmellyOrc) 3. Come Cover Me (by SmellyOrc) 4. Wanderlust (Tab/Gp) 5. Two for Tragedy (Tab/Gp) 6. Wishmaster (by SmellyOrc) 7. Bare Grace Misery (By iminashi 8. Crownless (by iminashi) 9. Deep Silent Complete (by iminashi) 10. Dead Boy's Poem (Tab/Gp) 11. FantasMic (By iminashi (no Solo) ) (Tab/Gp the guitar solo is separated from the main guitar) 12. Sleepwalker (Tab/Gp) Century Child http://i.imgur.com/kbU1IA2.jpg 1. Bless the Child (by SmellyOrc) 2. End of All Hope (by SmellyOrc) 3. Dead to the World (by SmellyOrc) 4. Ever Dream (Tab/Gp) 5. Slaying the Dreamer (by SmellyOrc) 6. Forever Yours (Tab/Gp) 7. Ocean Soul (Tab/Gp) 8. Feel for You (Tab/Gp) 9. The Phantom of the Opera (by Thedarkboco) 10. Beauty of the Beast (Tab/Gp) 11. Nightwish (Tab/Gp) 12. The Forever Moments (Tab/Gp) 13. Etiäinen (Tab/Gp) 14. Lagoon (Tab/Gp) 15. The Wayfarer (Tab/Gp) Once http://i.imgur.com/ssdJcyB.jpg 1. Dark Chest of Wonders (by SmellyOrc) 2. Wish I Had an Angel (Tab/Gp) 3. Nemo (by SmellyOrc/Soilman ) 4. Planet Hell (by SmellyOrc) 5. Creek Mary's Blood (Tab/Gp) 6. The Siren (by SmellyOrc) 7. Dead Gardens (by lukesome544) 8. Romanticide (Tab/Gp) 9. Ghost Love Score (by SmellyOrc) 10. Kulolema Tekee Taiteilijan (Tab/Gp) 11. Higher Than Hope (Tab/Gp) 12. White Night Fantasy (by SmellyOrc) 13. Live to Tell the Tale (Tab/Gp) Dark Passion Play http://i.imgur.com/NzKdmz5.jpg 1. The Poet and the Pendulum (by Sharkman828) 2. Bye Bye Beautiful (by SmellyOrc) 3. Amaranth (by SmellyOrc) 4. Cadence of Her Last Breath (Tab/Gp) 5. Master Passion Greed (by Vicious) 6. Eva (Tab/Gp) 7. Sahara (by SmellyOrc) 8. Whoever Brings the Night (Tab/Gp) 9. For the Heart I Once Had (by SmellyOrc) 10. The Islander (By Anzu) 11. Last of the Wilds (Tab/Gp) 12. 7 Days to the Wolves (by SmellyOrc) 13. Meadows of Heaven (Tab/Gp) 14. Escapist (Tab/Gp) Imaginaerum http://i.imgur.com/sbWV8wA.jpg 1. Taikatalvi (Tab/gp) 2. Storytime (by SmellyOrc) 3. Ghost River (by SmellyOrc) 4. Slow, Love, Slow (Tab/Gp) 5. I Want My Tears Back (by SmellyOrc) 6. Scaretale (by SmellyOrc) 7. Arabesque (Tab/Gp) 8. Turn Loose the Mermaids (by SmellyOrc) 9. Rest Calm (by SmellyOrc) 10. The Crow, the Owl and the Dove (by SmellyOrc) 11. Last Ride of the Day (by SmellyOrc) 12. Song of Myself (Tab/Gp) 13. Imaginaerum (Tab/Gp) Endless Forms Most Beautiful http://i.imgur.com/6BdEDpY.jpg 1. Shudder Before the Beautiful (Tab/Gp) 2. Weak Fantasy (by SmellyOrc) 3. Élan (by SmellyOrc) 4. Yours is an Empty Hope (by SmellyOrc) 5. Our Decades in the Sun (Tab/Gp) 6. My Walden (Tab/Gp) 7. Endless Forms Most Beautiful (by SmellyOrc/Sharkman828) 8. Edema Ruh (by SmellyOrc) 9. Alpenglow (By mbanks850) 10. The Eyes of Sharbat Gula (Tab/Gp) 11.The Greatest Show on Earth (Tab/Gp) Live Albums* From Wishes to Eternity 7. Instrumental (Crimson Tide/Deep Blue Sea) (By demented82) End of an Era http://i.imgur.com/yvsBfR1.jpg 8. High Hopes (Conan_81) 15. Stone People (Tab/Gp) EPs Over the Hills and Far Away http://i.imgur.com/oz5KuYk.jpg 1. Over the Hills and Far Away (by thedarkboco) 2. 10th Man Down (By thedarkboco) 3. Away (Tab/Gp) Compaltions Higest Hopes: The Best of NIghtwish http://i.imgur.com/Lh3zncZ.jpg 16. High Hopes (Tab/Gp) The Sound of Nightwish Reborn 2. Reach (Amaranth Demo) (Tab/Gp) 3. Eva (Demo version) (Tab/Gp) 4. While Your Lips Are Still Red (Tab/Gp) 5. The Poet and the Pendulum (Demo Version) (Tab/Gp) If I missed anything or if you have anything to add don't hesitate to let me know. Contributors SmellyOrc: 29 Gereze: 8 Thedarkboco: 3 SharkMan828: 2 Dave: 1 lukesome554: 1 Soilman: 1 Vicious: 1 demented82: 1 iminashi: 4 Conan_81: 1 mbanks850: 1 Anzu: 1 ElectroHeart: 1 Post Updates 1.0 Intial post 1.1 added links to Tabs or Guitar Pro
  11. Hello All! I am starting up this thread to keep track of all of the Eluveitie Customs in one place. Albums - Spirit - 2006 - 1.) Spirit 2.) Uis Elveti 3.) Your Gaulish War 4.) Of Fire, Wind & Wisdom 5.) Aidu 6.) The Song of Life 7.) Tegernako 8.) Siraxta 9.) The Dance of Victory 10.) The Endless Knot 11.) AnDro - Made By Sharkman828 Slania - 2008 - 1.) Samon 2.) Primordial Breath 3.) Inis Mona - Made By Sharkman828 4.) Gray Sublime Archon - Made By Sharkman828 5.) Anagantios 6.) Bloodstained Ground - Made By Sharkman828 7.) The Somber Lay - Made By Korn88 8.) Slania's Song - Made By Sharkman828 9.) Giamonios 10.) Tarvos 11.) Calling the Rain - Made By Sharkman828 12.) Elembivos - Made By Sharkman828 13.) Samon (acoustic version) Evocation I - The Arcane Dominion - 2009 1.) Sacrapos: At First Glance 2.) Brictom 3.) A Girl's Oath 4.) The Arcane Dominion 5.) Wiithin The Grove 6.) The Cauldron of Renascence 7.) Nata 8.) Omnos - Made By: Korn88 9.) Carnutian Forest 10.) Dessumiis Luge 11.) Gobanno 12.) Voveso In Mori 13.) Memento 14.) Ne Regv Na 15.) Sacrapos: The Disparaging Last Glaze 16.) Slania (Folk Medley) 17.) Omnos (Early Metal Version) Everything Remains (As It Never Was) - 2010 - 1.) Otherworld 2.) Everything Remains as It Never Was - Made By Sharkman828 3.) Thousandfold - Made By Sharkman828 4.) Nil 5.) The Essence of Ashes 6.) Isara - Made By Sharkman828 7.) Kingdom Come Undone 8.) Quoth the Raven - Made By Sharkman828 8.) Quoth The Raven - B Standard - Made By Korn88 9.) (Do)minion 10.) Setlon 11.) Sempiternal Embers 12.) Lugdūnon 13.) The Liminal Passage Helevitos - 2012 1.) Prologue & Helvetios - Made By Sharkman828 2.) Helvetios - Made By Sharkman828 3.) Luxtos - Made By Sharkman828 4.) Home - Made By Sharkman828 5.) Santonian Shores 6.) Scorched Earth 7.) Meet the Enemy - Made By Sharkman828 8.) Neverland - Made By Sharkman828 9.) A Rose for Epona - Made By Sharkman828 9.) A Rose For Epona - B Standard - Made By Korn88 10.) Havoc - Made By Sharkman828 11.) The Uprising - Made By Sharkman828 12.) Hope 13.) The Siege - Made By Sharkman828 14.) Alesia - Made By Sharkman828 15.) Tullianum 16.) Uxellodunon 17.) Epilogue Origins - 2014 - 1.) Origins 2.) The Nameless 3.) From Darkness 4.) Celtos 5.) Virunus 6.) Nothing 7.) The Call Of The Mountains - Made By Sharkman828 8.) Sucellos 9.) Inception 10.) Vianna 11.) The Silver Sister 12.) King - Made By Sharkman828 13.) The Day Of Strife 14.) Ogmios 15.) Carry The Torch 16.) Eternity
  12. Albums: Done by me = RED Done by Someone else = YELLOW Fixing Due To problems or adding on = PINK Stand up and Scream: Alerion Final Episode (Let's Change the Channel)A Candlelit Dinner with InamortaNobody Don't Dance No MoreHey There Mr. BrooksHiatusIf You Can't Ride Two Horses at Once... You Should Get Out of the CircusA Single Moment of SincerityNot the American AverageI Used to Have a Best Friend (But Then He Gave Me an STD)A ProphecyI Was Once, Possibly, Maybe, Perhaps a Cowboy KingWhen Everyday's the Weekend Reckless and Relentless: Dear InsanityClosureA Lesson Never LearnedTo The StageSomeone, SomewhereBreathlessThe MatchAnother Bottle DownReckless & RelentlessMorte et Dabo OTHERS: Right na na naSomeone, Somewhere Acoustic From Death to Destiny: Don't Pray for MeKilling YouThe Death of MeRun FreeBreak Down the WallsPoisonBelieveCreatureWhite Line FeverMoving onThe RoadUntil the EndThe Death of Me (Rock Mix)
  13. This has been canceled due to high school ;-; I hope to pick it up one day. sorry guys :c Thank you all for the support!!!
  14. Hey, everyone!After a long hiatus from the forum, I am finally back!I am currently working on a discography project for All Time Low seeing as my band is a punk band and due to the amount of requests for more All Time Low on the forum!Check back here for more info! :D(If there are any requested songs/albums wanted first, just ask.I will be starting with Put Up or Shut Up.)
  15. So i decided to make a discography for the disturbed songs so they are easier for people to find. The Sickness Album - 2000 - Album Completed Voices - Official DLC The Game - Made By: Sharkman828 Stupify - Made By: Sharkman828 Down With The Sickness - Official DLC Violence Fetish - Made By: Sharkman828 Fear - Made By: Sharkman828 Numb - Made By: Sharkman828 Want - Made By: Sharkman828 Conflict - Made By: Sharkman828 Shout 2000 - Made By: Sharkman828 Meaning of Life - Made By: Sharkman828 Believe Album - 2002 Prayer - Made By: Sharkman828, Dave Liberate - Made By: Sharkman828 Awaken - Made By: Sharkman828 Believe - Made By: Sharkman828 Remember - Made By: Bumblebee Intoxication - Made By: Sharkman828 Rise Mistress - Made By: Sharkman828 Breathe - Made By: Sharkman828 Bound - Made By: Sharkman828 Devour - Made By: Sharkman828 Darkness - Made By: Sharkman828 Ten Thousand Fists Album - 2005 Ten Thousand Fists - Official DLC Just Stop - Made By: Sharkman828 Guarded Deify - Made By: blackbirddh Stricken - Official DLC I'm Alive - Made By Sharkman828 Sons of Plunder - Made By: Sharkman828 Overburdened Decadence - Made By: Sharkman828 Forgiven - Made By: Sharkman828 Land of Confusion - Made By: kjhfkk Sacred Lie - Made By: Sharkman828 Pain Redefined Avarice - Made By: Sharkman828 Indestructible Album - 2008 Indestructible - Made By: Sharkman828 Inside The Fire - Made By: Izzy2014 Deceiver - Made By: Sharkman828 The Night - Made By: Sharkman828 Perfect Insanity - Made By: Sharkman828, Chrizzlybear Haunted - Made By: Sharkman828 Enough The Curse - Made By: Sharkman828 Torn Criminal - Made By Sharkman828 Divide - Made By: Sharkman828 Facade - Made By: Sharkman828 Asylum Album - 2010 Remnants - Made By: Sharkman828 Asylum - Official DLC The Infection - Made By: ZachOps Warrior - Made By: Sharkman828 Another Way To Die - Made By: Unleashed2k , Sharkman828 Never Again The Animal - Made By: Mellonfarmer Crucified - Made By Sharkman828 Serpentine - Made By: Sharkman828 My Child - Made By: Sharkman828 Sacrifice - Made By: Sharkman828 Innocence - Made By: Sharkman828 The Lost Children Album - 2011 Hell - Made By: Sharkman828 A Welcome Burden This Moment - Made By: Sharkman828 Old Friend - Made By: Sharkman828 Monster Run - Made By: Sharkman828 Leave it Alone Two Worlds God of the Mind Sickened - Made By: Sharkman828 Mine Parasite Dehumanized 3 Midlife Crisis Living After Midnight Immortalized - 2015 The Eye of the Storm - Made By: deadeye487 Immortalized - Made By: Tremonster The Vengeful One - Made By: Birdassasin Open Your Eyes - Made By: Sharkman828 The Light - Made By: Ryochan7 What Are You Waiting For You're Mine Who Save Our Last Goodbye Fire It Up The Sound of Silence - Made By: Blackbirddh Never Wrong Who Taught You How To Hate Evolution - 2018 Are You Ready - Made By: Bumblebee No More - Made By: Bumblebee A Reason to Fight - Made By: Bumblebee In Another Time - Made By: Bumblebee Stronger on Your Own - Made By: Bumblebee Hold On to Memories Saviour of Nothing Watch You Burn The Best Ones Lie Already Gone This Venom - Made By: Bumblebee Uninvited Guest - Made By: Bumblebee
  16. If deleting a topic is a thing, please do so. I am not an active community member any longer and the formatting of this page was completely wrecked on an update or something I suppose.
  17. Lets get a System Of A Down discography thread going! Everyone loves system, so let's collect their works a try to get everything by them up and going! Legend: Red = in progress Green = completed White = not in progress or completed Blue = hosted on a different site System Of A Down: Suite-Pee - Pandemic Know - ribworm Sugar - Alex360 Suggestions - Pandemic Spiders - ribworm DDevil Soil War? - Pandemic Mind Peephole - ribworm CUBErt - me Darts P.L.U.C.K Toxicity: Prison Song - goldenpiggy Needles - Alex360 Deer Dance Jet Pilot X - Pandemic Chop Suey! - ziuber18 Bounce Forest - viper83 Atwa - Heretic Science - DvSNinja Shimmy Toxicity - Official DLC Psycho Aerials - Official DLCSteal This Album!: Chic 'n' Stu Innervision Bubbles Boom! Nuguns A.D.D (American Dream Denial) Mr. Jack I-E-A-I-A-I-O 36 Pictures Highway Song Fuck the System Ego Brain Thetawaves Roulette StreamlineMezmerize: Soldier Side (intro) B.Y.O.B - Official DLC Revenga Cigaro Radio/Video This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm On This Song Violent Pornography - Markasaurus Question! Sad Statue Old School Hollywood - DvSNinja Lost in Hollywood - ribwormHypnotize: Attack Dreaming Kill Rock 'N Roll Hypnotize (Setlist) Stealing Society Tentative U-Fig Holy Mountains Vicinity of Obscenity She's Like Heroin Lonely Day - TopShelf Soldier SideStoraged Melodies (the ones that are system and not them as guest artists): Storaged Marmalade Metro - yesonpj2014 Snowblind JohnnyA little sad at the lack of love for Hypnotize and Steal This Album!, but let's get the ball rolling!
  18. Welcome fellow Slipknot fans! Green = CDLC is available and is on the list. Red = CDLC is not yet available. Pink = CDLC is in the making. Pink + * = CDLC is completed and waiting for upload. Pink + * = CDLC is on hold. Yellow = CDLC is available but has not been approved by me (i.e. I won't link it) This is a place where you can locate all of my/other people's Slipknot CDLC and there will be lots of them. So, what's my aim? Well I am aiming to cover 5 of the current Slipknot albums, which are: 1. Slipknot 2. IOWA 3. Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses) 4. All Hope is Gone 5. .5: The Gray Chapter The plan is to include Bass in ALL of the DLC (if not all then most) and of course atleast 1 guitar part, which will most likely be Lead. It will contain all of my Slipknot CDLC and if you want your CDLC on the list, just contact me. If I feel your CDLC is good enough then will add it to the list. Anyways, I can't think of anything else to say so let's get right to the best part! (That being the actual CDLC) http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/44/Slipknot_-_Slipknot2.jpg Slipknot (1999) 1. 742617000027 2. (sic) 3. Eyeless 4. Wait and Bleed 5. Surfacing 6. Spit it Out 7. Tattered & Torn 8. Frail Limb Nursery 9. Purity 10. Liberate 11. Prosthetics 12. No Life 13. Diluted 14. Only One 15. Scissors 16. Eeyore 17. Me Inside Bonus (Not in order): 1. Snap 2. Get This 3. Interloper 4. Despise http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/1d/Slipknot_Iowa.jpg IOWA (2001) 1. (515) 2. People = Shit 3. Disasterpiece 4. My Plague 5. Everything Ends 6. The Heretic Anthem 7. Gently 8. Left Behind 9. The Shape 10. I Am Hated 11. Skin Ticket 12. New Abortion 13. Metabolic 14. Iowa http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/e9/Slipknot_-_Vol._3-_%28The_Subliminal_Verses%29.jpg Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses) (2005) 1. Prelude 3.0 2. The Blister Exists 3. Three Nil* 4. Duality 5. Opium of the People 6. Circle 7. Welcome 8. Vermilion* 9. Pulse of the Maggots* 10.Before I Forget 11. Vermilion Pt. 2 12. The Nameless 13. The Virus of Life 14. Danger — Keep Away 15. Don't Get Close 16. Scream http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/a9/All_Hope_is_Gone_%28original%29.jpg All Hope is Gone (2008) 1. .execute. 2. Gematria (The Killing Name) 3. Sulfur 4. Psychosocial 5. Dead Memories 6. Vendetta 7. Butcher's Hook 8. Gehenna 9. This Cold Black 10. Wherein Lies Continue 11. Snuff 12. All Hope is Gone 13. Child of Burning Time 14. 'Til We Die http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/36/5_The_Gray_Chapter_Artwork.jpg .5: The Gray Chapter (2014) 1. XIX 2. Sarcastrophe 3. AOV 4. The Devil in I 5. Killpop 6. Skeptic 7. Lech 8. Goodbye 9. Nomadic 10. The One That Kills the Least 11. Custer 12. Be Prepared for Hell 13. The Negative One 14. If Rain Is What You Want
  19. Everything about Queens of the Stone Age CDLC ________________________________________________ Queens of the Stone Age –Queens of the Stone Age Regular John Avon If Only Walkin' On The Sidewalks You Would Know How To Handle A Rope Mexicola Hispanic Impressions You Can't Quit Me Baby Give The Mule What He Wants I Was A Teenage Hand Model ________________________________________________ Queens of the Stone Age –Rated R Feel Good Hit Of the Summer Lost Art of Keeping A Secret Leg of Lamb Auto Pilot Better Living Through Chemistry Monsters In The Parasol Quick and to The Pointless In The Fade Tension Head Lightning Song I Think I Lost My Headache ________________________________________________ Queens of the Stone Age - Songs For The Deaf (You Think I Ain't Worth A Dollar But I Feel Like A) Millionaire No One Knows - Official DLC First It Giveth A Song For The Dead The Sky Is Falling Six Shooter Hangin' Tree Go With The Flow - Rocksmith 2012 Gonna Leave You Do It Again God is in the Radio Another Love Song A Song For The Deaf Mosquito Song The Real Song For The Deaf ________________________________________________ Queens of the Stone Age -Lullabies To Paralyze This Lullaby Medication Everybody Knows That You're Insane Tangled Up In Plaid Burn The Witch In My Head Little Sister - Official DLC I Never Came Someone's In The Wolf The Blood Is Love Skin On Skin Broken Box You've Got A Killer Scene There, Man... Long Slow Goodbye ________________________________________________ Queens of the Stone Age - Era Vulgaris Turnin' on the Screw Sick, Sick, Sick I'm Designer Into the Hollow Misfit Love Battery Acid Make It Wit Chu - Official DLC 3's & 7's - Official DLC Suture Up Your Future River in the Road Run, Pig, Run Running Joke Era Vulgaris The Fun Machine Took A Shit And Died ________________________________________________ Queens of the Stone Age - ...Like Clockwork Keep Your Eyes Peeled I Sat By The Ocean The Vampyre of Time And Memory If I Had A Tail My God Is The Sun - Official DLC Kalopsia Fairweather Friends Smooth Sailing I Appear Missing - Official DLC …Like Clockwork ________________________________________________
  20. К концу года будут точно альбом "Проклятье морей" и все песни в строе Eb Прогресс Authors : Alex360,Gizmo. Green - Release Yellow - Processed Red - It isn't planned --- 1985 MegalomaniaМания величия --- 1. This Rock Это рок 2. Torero Тореро 3. Volunteer Волонтёр 4. Tusks of black rocks Бивни чёрных скал 5. Megalomania Мания величия 6. Life for nothing Жизнь задаром 7. Dreams Мечты 8. Behind, America Позади Америка --- 1986 With whom you?С кем ты? --- 1. Will and reason Воля и разум 2. Get up, fear overcome Встань, страх преодолей 3. Here forge metal Здесь куют метал 4. With whom you? С кем ты? 5. Without you Без тебя 6. Memory about... Память о... 7. Ikar Икар 8. Games not for us Игры не для нас --- 1987 Hero of asphaltГерой асфальта --- 1. Evil forces На службе силы зла 2. Hero of asphalt Герой асфальта 3. Dead zone Мёртвая зона 4. 1100 5. Street of roses Улица роз 6. Ballads about russian warrior Баллада о древнерусском войне --- 1989 Game with fireИгра с огнём --- 1. What did you make with your dream? Что вы сделали с вашей мечтой? 2. Rock this world Раскачаем этот мир 3. Slave to fear Раб страха 4. Temptation Искушение 5. Game with fire Игра с огнём 6. Fight continuation Бой продолжается 7. Give heat! Дай жару! --- 1991 Blood for bloodКровь за кровь --- 1. Farewell Norfolk Прощай Норфолк 2. Zombie Зомби 3. Antichrist Антихрист 4. Blood for blood Кровь за кровь 5. Demons Бесы 6. Everything that was Всё, что было 7. Follow me Следуй за мной! 8. You'd Better Believe me Не хочешь не верь мне --- 1995 Night is shorter than dayНочь короче дня --- 1. Slavery of illusions Рабство иллюзий 2. Paranoia Паранойя 3. Angelic dust Ангельская пыль 4. Leave, and don't return \ Уходи, и не возвращайся 5. King of the road Король дороги 6. Take my Heart Возьми моё сердце 7. Beast Зверь 8. Spirit of war Дух войны 9. Night is shorter than day Ночь короче дня --- 1997 AvAria \ АвАрия --- 1. What Have You Done To Your Dreams? \ Что вы сделали с вашей мечтой? (Acoustic) 2. Street of Roses \ Улица Роз (Acoustic) 3. Horror and Fear \ Ужас и Страх (Acoustic) 4. Give Heat\ Дай жару (Acoustic) 5. Slave To Fear \ Раб Страха (Acoustic) 6. Temptation \ Искушение (Acoustic) 7. Grife \ Такая вот печаль... (Acoustic) 8. Ballads about russian warrior \ Баллада о Древнерусском Войне (Acoustic) 9. Leave, and don't return \ Уходи и не возвращайся (Acoustic) 10. Zombie \ Зомби (Acoustic) --- 1998 Evil generatorГенератор зла --- 1. Behold! Смотри! 2. Dirt Грязь 3. Deserter Дезертир 4. Torture by silence Пытка тишиной 5. Go for the sun Беги за солнцем 6. Deception Обман 7. Outcast Отшельник 8. Decline Закат 9. Devil heat Дьявольский зной 10. Locked circle Замкнутый круг --- 1999 2000 and 1 night2000 и одна ночь --- 1. Who are you? Кто ты? --- 2000 Paradise lostПотерянный рай --- 1. Paradise lost Потерянный рай --- 2001 HimeraХимера --- 1. Himera Химера 2. Heaven Will Find You Небо тебя найдёт 3. I'm not crazy Я не сошёл с ума 4. Vampire Вампир 5. Burning arrow Горящая стрела 6. Shtiel Штиль 7. Way anywhere Путь в никуда 8. Raven Ворон 9. Ice splinter Осколок льда 10. You will be given a sign Тебе дадут знак --- 2002 ColosseumКолизей --- 1. Colosseum Колизей ---2002 Shtiel --- 1. Hour came Пробил час (Manowar - Return of the warlord cover) 2. Freedom Свобода[ (White lion - Cry for freedom cover) 3. Careless angel Беспечный ангел [(Golden Earring - Going to the run cover) 4. Machine of death Машина смерти 5. Give a hand to me Дай руку мне 6. You'd Better Believe Me ( English vocal) --- 2003 Epiphany fireКрещение огнём --- 1. Patriot Патриот 2. Epiphany fire Крещение огнём 3. Executioner Палач 4. Your new world Твой новый мир 5. There it is high Там высоко 6. White flag Белый флаг 7. Battle Битва 8. Ball at the Prince of Darkness Бал у князя тьмы --- 2006 Armageddon Армагеlдон --- 1. Last sunset Последний закат 2. Marked evil Меченый злом 3. Guard of the empire Страж империи 4. New crusade Новый крестовый поход 5. Messiah Мессия 6. Blood of kings Кровь королей 7. Viking Викинг 8. Alien Чужой 9. Light of former love Свет былой любви 10. Your day Твой день --- 2009 Battlefield Поле битвы --- 1. Battlefield Поле битвы 2. On wind wings На крыльях ветра 3. Potpourri Попурри --- 2011 PhoenixФеникс[ --- 1. Black square Чёрный квадрат[ 2. Balance of forces Равновесие сил 3. Perfumer История одного убийцы 4. Black legend Чёрная легенда[ 5. Fight without rules Бои без правил 6. Phoenix Феникс 7. Fire symphony Симфония огня 8. Attila Аттила 9. Driving beam Дальний свет 10. Requiem Реквием --- 2014 Through all times \ Через все времена --- 1. Through all times \ Через все времена 2. City \ Город 3. Sun patches of light on water \ Блики солнца на воде 4. Don't go crazy \ Не сходи с ума 5. Time of eclipses \ Время затмений 6. Point of No Return \ Точка не возврата 7. Angels of the sky \ Ангелы неба 8. Attack of Undead \ Атака мертвецов 9. Call of a chasm \ Зов бездны 10. Running Man \ Бегущий человек --- 2018 Curse of the Seas \ Проклятье морей --- 1. The Race for glory \ Гонка за славой 2. Varangian \ Варяг 3. Era of Lucifer \ Эра Люцифера 4. Hard to Be a God \ Трудно быть богом 5. So be it \ Пусть будет так 6. It all starts where the night begins \ Всё начинается там, где начинается ночь 7. Alive \ Живой 8. Kill the Dragon \ Убить дракона 9. Smoke without fire \ Дым без огня 10. From Dusk Till Dawn \ От заката до рассвета 11. Curse of the Seas \ Проклятье морей
  21. Welcome to the Led Zeppelin discography thread (v2.0 :))! The main purposes of this thread will be: 1). Keep everyone up to date on the status of the project2). General Led Zeppelin discussion (because it's important :D)3). Create an environment where all Zepheads are appreciated. I'll be going through the discography in chronological order, so if there's a particular song that you're anxiously awaiting, I will eventually get to it. Current Status (all songs charted by me unless otherwise specified): Led Zeppelin (I) http://i.imgur.com/iT0RCui.jpg 1. Good Times Bad Times2. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You3. You Shook Me4. Dazed and Confused created by uthere15. Your Time is Gonna Come6. Black Mountain Side7. Communication Breakdown8. I Can't Quit You Baby9. How Many More Times Led Zeppelin II http://i.imgur.com/jRMD3Vw.jpg 1. Whole Lotta Love2. What Is and What Should Never Be3. The Lemon Song4. Thank You5. Heartbreaker created by uthere16. Living Loving Maid (She's Just a Woman7. Ramble On *8. Moby Dick9. Bring It on Home Led Zeppelin III http://i.imgur.com/1GMxXGt.jpg 1. Immigrant Song2. Friends3. Celebration Day4. Since I've Been Loving You created by uthere15. Out on the Tiles6. Gallows Pole created by Maveth7. Tangerine8. That's the Way9. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp10. Hats Off to (Roy) Harper Led Zeppelin IV http://i.imgur.com/rEaZLmQ.jpg 1. Black Dog2. Rock and Roll created by TimeIsFading3. The Battle of Evermore4. Stairway to Heaven5. Misty Mountain Hop6. Four Sticks7. Going to California8. When the Levee Breaks Houses of the Holy http://i.imgur.com/JCq64Hz.jpg 1. The Song Remains the Same2. The Rain Song3. Over the Hills and Far Away4. The Crunge5. Dancing Days6. D'yer Mak'er7. No Quarter 8. The Ocean Physical Graffiti http://i.imgur.com/EefDn0w.jpg 1. Custard Pie2. The Rover 3. In My Time of Dying 4. Houses of the Holy5. Trampled Under Foot 6. Kashmir by uthere1 7. In the Light 8. Bron-Yr-Aur 9. Down By the Seaside 10. Ten Years Gone by Kamyk 11. Night Flight 12. The Wanton Song13. Boogie With Stu 14. Black Country Woman 15. Sick Again Presence http://i.imgur.com/l6poqHT.jpg 1. Achilles Last Stand 2. For Your Life 3. Royal Orleans 4. Nobody's Fault But Mine * 5. Candy Store Rock * 6. Hots On for Nowhere * 7. Tea for One by Brooklyn_Sounds In Through the Out Door http://i.imgur.com/2RPEWmU.jpg 1. In the Evening * 2. South Bound Saurez * 3. Fool in the Rain * 4. Hot Dog * 5. Carouselambra * 6. All My Love * 7. I'm Gonna Crawl * Coda http://i.imgur.com/bAAqFz7.jpg 1. We're Gonna Groove * 2. Poor Tom 3. I Can't Quit You Baby 4. Walter's Walk 5. Ozone Baby 6. Darlene * 7. Bonzo's Montreaux 8. Wearing and Tearing *Important Notice* At some point midway through the Presence album (as I recall) I started using the "photo negatives" of the album art that you see above. This represents two things: 1) the CDLC uses the newly remastered audio, as this the album art that has been used for those commercial releases. 2) that the CDLC has been made to the best of my current abilities, regarding both audio fidelity and overall quality, and will likely not receive any future updates. In the coming weeks/months, I will be going through the catalog once more, in order to fix and improve a few things in some of the earlier Zeppelin CDLCs. Most of them were made over 2 years ago, and frankly, my standards for quality have improved quite a bit since then. There is no specific timeline for this, but as I sign off on each custom, I'll be placing a * symbol next to the song name in the above list. This symbol will indicate that the two qualities listed above are present in the CDLC. If you haven't already, you may want to make sure that you've added your favorite songs to your collection (the ignition search function) so that you're notified when updates are made.
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