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Everything posted by Rockfirstlast

  1. Change one thing about the arrangement (like increase a chord length just a little bit), Then try a repack.
  2. Have you tried changing clicking the up button in the toolkit where it says Song Vol.? Changing it from -7 to -5 gives it a nice boost in volume.
  3. 1) There's a topic somewhere in the forum on fixing riff repeater errors but I can't find it right now. I can suggest making sure new phrases start on a note (this was suggested in that topic) and making sure the granularity in Wwise is set to 16384. 2) I have this problem sometimes too. I work around it by either adding leading silence to the audio in audacity beforehand or by choosing a different sampling rate when starting a new file. 3) Sorry, don't know why. You can upload a project and people here will usually figure out what the problem is pretty quickly. 4) This is EOF telling you it wants to create a phrase called COUNT on the first beat, but it can't because you created another phrase there. If you don't wanna see the error every time you save, don't place an event at the first beat marker.
  4. There is only 1 tool. Gotta get this out of the way first Have you read this? http://customsforge.com/topic/901-how-to-use-custom-dlcs-in-rs2014/
  5. In-between songs on the lead path the game will always default to a Marshall Setup. There isn't a way to change this yet. Load up an acoustic tone in the tone designer and assign it to a keyboard shortcut; it's the best you can do.
  6. Good stuff in this topic: http://customsforge.com/topic/2882-the-third-way-to-chart-customs-with-guitar-herorockbandpsfrets-on-fire-templates/
  7. Looking at the xml of an official DLC I see the ignore status is sometimes used in chords. From what I understand an ignored chord will not count as a miss, even if it's not played. I am curious, for what reason would an official DLC want chords to be ignored? It's not just one DLC; I checked a handful of them and all of them had a note or chord ignored at one point.
  8. If you already know how to add chords, here is an example of a D D DU DU (I assume thats 1 2 3 & 4 &) pattern in EOF. http://i.imgur.com/PCSmSxM.png You'll still need to create a beatmap, so check out the tutorial list for that. Rather than suggest just one, I'd say check them all out.
  9. Same thing happened to me for that pack.. Wouldn't install until I did a system restart.
  10. Video looked good, didn't notice any problems. In EOF, press M to enable the metronome. If the metronome sounds in sync with the song, the notes will usually follow.
  11. Edit - what the previous guy said. Summed up you have to: Unpack the .DAT Import audio and chart into EOF Fix errors Add techniques Save as RS2 file Convert audio file using WWise Create tones (can't use the old ones) Repack as RS2 psarc
  12. Semantics, and this is not my opinion, but a user could interpret "How to reach the official DLC quality" as "If you are not doing this, your chart is inferior to official DLC". A way to eliminate this situation would be naming the thread "Official DLC examples". Completely objective :)
  13. Cool song. Is it from an anime? The sync is off. Starts off small but grows over time.
  14. A reboot of this topic could help everyone learn some new tips while keeping things objective. Instead of saying "Do this - not this" you could say: Here is a slide technique in Tak Matsumoto's "Go Further" (on-disk): (pic) Here's how to recreate this specific slide: (pic) This way we are not commenting on how you should/shouldn't chart, but rather how the Rocksmith dev team charts. It's too big a job for one person to figure out what the dev team does, but with discussion we can compare objective in-game examples to get a list of helpful tips. What are your thoughts on this?
  15. lol, it's called swamp ass. Ditch the leather chair if that's what you're sitting in.
  16. Yup. Download and install Ultrastar Creator (free). -Drag and drop your mp3 file. -Paste your lyrics -Press the big play button -Click along with the vocals It'll save a text file you can import in EOF. If you already created the song and added leading silence, I'd use the wav file that's in your project file.
  17. Are you using a txt file that only has lyrics in it? That won't work but you can copy-paste those into Ultrastar Creator.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4AtqgeUAzU
  19. Try keeping it in E standard but change the tuning pitch in the toolkit to 452.9 I think that'll do it. See how it sounds.
  20. It's easy IF the first note is a chord. All you have to do is extend the handshape <handShape chordId="1" endTime="THIS IS THE VALUE YOU CHANGE" startTime="1.000"/> If the first note is not a chord it's a bit more work. Add a chord to the chord template, increase the chordtemplate count by 1, add a handshape, and increase the count by 1. If you wanna do the purple lane arpeggios instead, highlight the notes and press CTRL+SHIFT+G.
  21. Check out this topic: http://customsforge.com/topic/8577-help-needed-with-12-8-time-signature-imports/ Your bmp will double from 52 to 104, assuming the song bpm is exactly 52 in 6/8. Many songs do not have a constant bpm so you'll have to beatmap it.
  22. Here with pics: http://customsforge.com/topic/8585-tool-kit-song-volume/
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