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Everything posted by albatross213

  1. So, I obviously played the MC bass song before this week, so I'll use my playthrough video for my first score. Streak 524: Accuracy 99% It's not score attack, so it's beatable if anyone gets above 99% (I think I had better score attacks, but at my parents' house, so even if I took a screenshot, I don't have access to it). And in case anyone's curious, I moved the tapping section over a string because I found it hard on my fretting hand that being that close to the nut. Otherwise I think I played everything like it is in the tab (so I didn't cheat by using my highest string to avoid shifts or anything like that). On guitar, my sightread was pretty bad. Didn't screenshot it, but 75% accuracy. After some practice on that (really tricky) melody, and reacquainting myself with the tapping bit, I managed this: http://i.imgur.com/gyimD8j.jpg Still a lot of room for improvement in playing the melody (in RR I only took it to mid-80% speed, and started struggling there, and I have serious problems keeping up at 100% speed. Usually a bad sign for trying to master it during a week, but not always.) and a few other places, but doing OK so far. @@Gamut - I'd say it's pretty good, but not must see. The second season's better than the first, but the first three or four episodes should give you an idea of whether you'll like it or not.
  2. @@jaybes - Have you looked at the tutorials for syncing in EoF (e.g. this one)? There are usually some significant fluctuations, whether by accident or by design (slightly faster chorus or crescendo), so it's very rare to have a song that stays at precisely one bpm from start to finish. Ones that do stay exactly at a certain bpm are usually pretty recent and are digitally touched up after recording.
  3. @@chapmak - only the first of those is particularly serious (I think). Here's how to address them with the minimal effort, but the latter two I don't think you really need to do anything about, it just helps things a bit if you fix them. 1) When adding sections, make sure that the checkbox to also add phrases at the same position is on. Since you've already added sections, you should be able to edit each of them (Beat -> All Events, select the section you want to navigate to, then press "Edit") and make sure the "Rocksmith phrase marker" box is checked and things should be OK. 2) Go to Track -> Rocksmith -> Fret Hand Positions -> Generate all diffs. This will generate the FHP based on a default algorithm (the same that's used to put in FHP if you haven't done any). It's not perfect, but most people just leave it as is. If you want to go above and beyond and make a really high quality DLC (approaching ODLC quality), you will want to do manual adjustments. 3) Basically, you just want to have a measure in the song before the first section begins to avoid this. If you have the chart starting on the first beat, you can add a measure in 4/4 by navigating to the first beat, then going to Beat -> Push Offset Back four times. I hope that helps! Edit: Ninja'd.
  4. @@Brutus Erectus - You don't need to start at beginner. You can start at MC if you want (and based on that result, you probably should be there). Also, that screenshot isn't valid for the score. It should be a screenshot immediately after you finish when it shows you your longest streak and accuracy percentage. Welcome to the championship!
  5. @@avsrick - There's a tutorial on using Bandicam. I'd guess the main issue you're having is probably not turning the audio exclusivity setting off yet.
  6. @@XCFRES - I'm a big fan of theirs, but unfortunately there aren't really any complete tabs of their songs. Their bassist does have a few bass playthroughs of their songs on his youtube channel, though. I'm pretty busy, so I won't be able to see them (or Vektor/Voivod, or...) on their current tours, sadly.
  7. @ - I definitely agree about the tone volumes on Even Flow - particularly the filter one. I'll definitely be playing around with those soon. Oh, and I did this last night but forgot to post it. Adv lead: http://i.imgur.com/zalinOD.jpg Still kind of a spaz for some parts, but much better than my sightread. Picking in swing feel is kind of tricky for me.
  8. @@then3verend - It seems most places primarily classify All Shall Perish as deathcore, so if I add them I probably should add others in the genre (Veil of Maya, and I'm sure there are others). Do you think a separate category for those would be best? As for the other songs you mentioned, I don't see any tabs available. Are they Rock Band songs? If so, even if your ear sucks you might be able to tab them out based on the isolated tracks.
  9. On bass, Even Flow had a guitar tone, which was ridiculous, so I changed that. I also thought the song volume was quite quiet, so I increased the volume a bunch. And I increased the scroll speed (on all paths) because I dislike slow scroll speeds. Didn't change some of the other things I would have liked to (a lot of As in the song would be easier as open As rather than playing on the low D string. Didn't play with tone volumes on guitars yet, so those might be too low now. Anyway, here's my score. http://i.imgur.com/doeo2R3.jpg
  10. @@Khaaoos - Wow, I totally dropped the ball by missing Bolt Thrower, not to mention some of the other bands. Thanks for the additions! Anyway, in hopes of drawing a bit more discussion over here (rather than leaving it as just a catalog of artists), what do people think about the tracks that Obscura has released for their upcoming album? I, for one, am very excited based on what's shown up!
  11. @@then3verend - Yeah, still plenty of things to be done, though, and I won't have as much time in the near future to work on these. Many bands still deserving of more customs that I won't be able to get to for a while (particularly Overkill. I'd also say Darkness Descends needs to be done). Anyway, things are updated with lots of the recent releases. Testament, Vektor, HeXeN, Warbringer, Nevermore, and Skeletonwitch all had at least a few new releases. Edit: Also, if other people could try to link to this page when updating their thrash CDLC or releasing new ones (particularly more popular ones like Megadeth, which I'm sure we'll be having more of with their new album), that would help make sure this list is more complete and give some of the less well known bands a lot more visibility when they're not on the front page. Thanks!
  12. Updated with several bands that I missed the first time around, and added a list for bands with lots of tabs if people want to get some idea of the which bands might be worth attempting to chart. Also updated numbers for a few bands I remember seeing new songs from recently, but I'll try to go through more systematically this weekend.
  13. @@ikwtif - Staccato - I don't think there's anything really to indicate this, though I'd expect most players to get it before too long. Rake - in official DLC (e.g. Trust, watch the rhythm in the top right shortly after the linked time) it seems they just use a handshape and space out the notes as appropriate. Sometimes arpeggios might make more sense, but the chord pane can block the view of the actual notes. Strum direction - not supported. It gets imported into EoF if it's indicated in a GP file, but Rocksmith doesn't have anything to indicate strum direction.
  14. @@raynebc - Just checked it out and the triplet stuff works great. Thanks for the update!
  15. So, just a question: how exactly is the scoring for MC lead working this week? Not that I really expect to finish any better than 3rd in either song, but it would be nice to know whether I should focus my efforts or not. Anyway, hard work pays off. A decent bit on Gloryhammer: http://i.imgur.com/1jl0ChL.jpgReally wish I'd done that in score attack, as I haven't had as much luck in that. Oh well. And the work payed off a ton on Surf Squid Warfare: http://i.imgur.com/PFhEtu5.jpgAnd the phrase status shot. Not sure why I did so poorly on the second section of the solo, but the first I just don't really get that tail bit of it, from when it drops to the 10th fret to where it hits the 20th. Most importantly, managed to keep the descent in rhythm after the solo, because sometimes I mess that up and un-necessarily drop a crapload of notes.
  16. @@Warriors Lance - If increasing the cable gain reduces misses somewhat, try increasing it a few more dB (I often have my cable gain at around +7 or +8 dB), but then reducing the guitar volume correspondinbly in the mixer. Still doesn't really answer why the D string is being weird, but that might help out with the misses for single note stuff. Maybe not with chords, though, since the other notes will still be overpowering it.
  17. @@mbanks850 - I think if you change the cable gain it makes you recalibrate, so he's probably done that, but not necessarily with those strings. Might be worth a try, though. @@Warriors Lance - I have heard that humbuckers are better for the game than single coils (because less hum makes it easier to identify the note), but I'm not sure how that could lead to only one string having problems with note detection. I'm also not sure if there's a way the pickups could have one pole broken or something like that. I have a few ideas that might help narrow things down: Do you hear anything when you play the D string in the menu or in session mode? What about through an amp? Does this happen for all of the pickup selections that you can do? Do notes get detected when you play notes on the D string on another string (A or G or whatever)? Do notes get detected when you play notes on the A or G strings on the D string?
  18. @@Fotek - Depending on what software you have, it might be hard to merge them into one file (I remember tuxguitar 1.2 not being able to do that, but 1.3 might be different. Haven't played with it much yet). Another thing that might work is to note how many measures the intro is, add the corresponding number of empty measures to the main song file, import them to different tracks or difficulty levels, and then copy+paste them together.
  19. @@ikwtif - that's right. So, schematically, slides into a note are like linknexted note with slide -> note at end of slide while slides out of a note are linknexted note -> same note with slide (up, down, pitched, unpitched depends on context and often isn't indicated well in GP files. Use your ears). And then you can have more complicated slides that combine these. If you have slides that repeat a lot (e.g. chord slides in a verse riff or something like that) you can select all notes or chords with the same type of slide (up, down, or unpitched, but it doesn't differentiate between end fret) with shift+L ("precise select like") and add linknexts to all of them really quickly.
  20. @@fiddlesticks - I don't know what you're talking about. It's a great look. Edit: Also, my condolences to your fretting hand: http://i.imgur.com/JURQKuL.jpg Playing through the verses a few times in RR allowed for much more economical fretting of the verse riff. After some practice, it still gets a bit uncomfortable, but nowhere near as bad as when I haven't practiced it.
  21. @@cozy1 - Realized I also forgot the question mark "?" in my list. I think we could probably do without those Spanish marks as I doubt it would lead to much confusion or inability to find songs where expected, even if they're not strictly grammatically correct. But I might not be the best judge as I haven't charted any Spanish language music.
  22. @ - Lots of older recordings (and even some more modern ones) weren't recorded at an A440 tuning, and if you play along with them at an A440 tuning, it will sound pretty terrible.
  23. You're probably right, but that's not particularly clear based on his image. In EoF it only shows about 2 measures past that last chord, and in game we can only see the end of two measures (presumably the two after what is shown). It looks like he has a phrase length of 2 (which I'd argue is usually needlessly short except for songs with very slow tempos) set, then. Anyway, it's something that has zero effect on Rocksmith scoring, and I think most people would figure out not to mute it by their second listen, so I'd say it's a pretty minor issue.
  24. Chord sustains by default don't show (except via the highlighting along the noteway, which you see in your image) unless there was a slide in or there will be a slide out. If you want the sustains to show, there's a "Sustain" option in the note menu or you can select the chords then go to Notes -> Rocksmith -> Toggle force sustain. If you do it for all chords it will probably make things very hard to read in game, though.
  25. Played a bit of both paths and the song volume sounds the exact same to me. Not sure why (or even how) they could sound different for you.
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