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Attitude last won the day on April 15 2014

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About Attitude

  • Birthday 05/01/1970


  • Member Title
    Jack Of All Trades, Master Of None

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    The Land Of Enchantment
  • Interests
    Cars, Guitars, Guns, Beer and overpowered gaming computers,, yeah that about covers it.
  • Guitar
    Schecter Hellraiser Hybrid ( Prototype ),Hohner G3T, Dean Evo, Ibanez Gio
  • Bass
    Emulated. I know I know, I should get one.
  • Rocksmith
    Windows (Steam)

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  1. Happy Birthday Attitude!

  2. Happy Birthday Attitude!

  3. Still using the original 2 cables I bought with the original Rocksmith for PS3. You can repair the guitar jack end, replace the end. Soldering required though.
  4. Not sure how you don't have remastered since it's an auto update through steam. Almost always when it hangs after tuning it's either, the dll is in the wrong place ( or wrong version ) or it's a song APP ID issue. Sometimes repackaging the song with the toolkit will fix stubborn songs. But if the officials aren't playing.,,,,,.
  5. "I am truly sorry, but I can't shake the feeling that the mods/admins are completely okay with the levels of disunity, distrust, and complete lack of transparency (regarding both finances and development work)" The development work is done by volunteers. So it's difficult to post progress reports, since it may stall at any point. As far as donations go, the breakdown of what it costs to keep this going has been posted. A monthly doc was being done but that unfortunately got swallowed up by the time required for other things. Myself and a few other staff members regularly kick in the funds to keep things running, no one is making money here. Not saying you are wrong in your concerns, just telling you the truth.
  6. I have purchased 2, the one that came with the PS3 version of 2011 when it first came out and anothert o be able to play multi-player, both are still going strong.
  7. Generally, and since you're on a MAC I can't say for sure, but. Using the toolkit try to prepackage the song, and make sure the app ID is for a song you have. I'm yet to be unable to get a song working if it shows up in game. I've had to do that on a few songs.
  8. It's an unfortunate side effect of learning a lot of songs. It gets really bad when you get to the point I have, where I have forgotten how to play songs I wrote. I put the guitar down for a few years and seriously, I forgot one of the songs I had written. I know it wasn't very difficult and it was probably the quickest I had ever written a complete song, it just fell into place. But for the life of me,, I can't remember the damn thing. I know I had recorded it, but my ex-wife had apparently recorded over it. It's gone, . But yeah, you will forget songs. This is why bands that have been playing songs for 20 years still rehearse the old stuff.
  9. Not sure why you would have these issues. It's a USB device. I never unplug mine and never have an issue. If it's not connected when you boot your computer it won't load the driver. As far as them not being reliable both of mine where purchased when I first got the original Rocksmith for PS3 when it first came out. Never had a problem with either of them. And even back then my computer knew what it was when I connected it.
  10. Um. Since you've done this before I'm assuming they are in the right place. Reassign the app id again. Just try it. If that doesn't work, repackage them. There are only 2 reasons they won't show up, assuming the are in the right folder, wrong APP ID or wrong format m.parsc instead of p.pasrc. but again, try to repackage the ones you are having issues with. OR you didn't allow the game to enumerate the new content. Don't add songs with the game running. If you do make sure to go to the store in game then back out. But I always close down the game when adding songs.
  11. I was made aware of this last night and we are looking into it. I don't know if that is something the charter can fix or not. If not, Mega will not be allowed to be used as a file host here. Maybe it's just a setting on the host side ?
  12. It would appear steam is still doing something based on the color of your status bar. Just a guess.
  13. I can elminate 2 of your suspects. I have latest Win 10 updates and Creative Drivers,, no issues. Maybe you can run the verify local data thing through Steam again ?
  14. Unless you have a tremelo just cut all the strings off then clean her up. I would clean the fretboard since you can get to it as well. String it up and enjoy. New strings are almost as good as new guitar day to me.
  15. Ummm,, some work. But some don't,, some play the wrong song ? No idea why this is happening. Edit,,, The ones that play the wrong song have a link to the wrong song on YouTube, the preview you are hearing is the audio from the YouTube link,, SO,, long story short if it doesn't work, it's a bad link,,, . User error on the posters part OR the link was removed ( video pulled ) for whatever reason .
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