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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2024 in all areas

  1. Some new improved scores!! I'm really struggling with this weeks bass songs , RS has trouble recognising my slides and bends on the hive song. I've managed to get a bit better on GOB! My fingers definitely know it was 30 mins long!!
    4 points
  2. This is above my class, so whatever I achieve here I am happy. How come I get a better score in this song than in The Hives??? Need to overcome my "recognition impairment"!!!
    4 points
  3. 4 points
  4. Rhythm improvement @ aNDESmASAMUNE I just noticed this, but I think @ Rodman mentioned it earlier. I don't know why you rated lead as 6 and rhythm as 7.5 in this song, if it's almost the same chart. Both 6.5 for me.
    3 points
  5. well... microscopic 0.22 points improvement (with a sh*tty streak and score)
    3 points
  6. practicing with the recording on a loop is probably more fun in this situation than being disappointed with Rocksmith's recognition all the time --- I'm trying to get the adv. song up to speed, in theory, it should be easier to 100% it than the 'The Hives' one But my fingers still need more practice to become fast and precise at the same time, gonna try my best until Saturday
    2 points
  7. Thank you very much. I was just taking the screenshots with f12 and then dragging and dropping straight from the folder.
    2 points
  8. yea your trying to upload straight to website and there is an upload limit you want to save to steam with f12 and copy link address and post here 1. F12 to take the screen shot. 2. Shift + Tab opens the steam overlay while the game is still running. Click on screenshots and upload the ones you want. 3. Either close or Alt+Tab from the game and open the steam client. 4, Click on 'your name' >> content >> screenshots. 5. Left click on the shot you want to post, then left click on it again. It should spawn a smaller window with your screenshot in it. 6. Right-click on the shot and choose "Copy image URL". 7. Ctrl+V the link in the reply box on CustomsForge. It will auto-replace your link with an image.
    2 points
  9. I'm having trouble posting screenshots all of a sudden. It says the file size is too big. Not sure what to do?
    2 points
  10. Rhythm I have a problem with tones here. The tone in the riff is so quiet that I had to turn up my headphones to 100% and music volume in RS to 30%, and even then the tone wasn't very loud. In turn, the tone in the chords is then too loud.
    2 points
  11. CHAMPIONSHIP NIGHT!!! YEEAAHH!!! I am glad everyone is having fun here. Here we go!! --- As @ BubbleWrapDragon , I am also having problems getting recognized the slides and bends... I need like a zen monk's patience (which I don't have of course) to practice very dam carefully to overcome this .
    2 points
  12. A bunch of stuff in here I need to get better at, but it's also the things that RS has trouble picking up even when I do it right in RR(high note bends, Chord slides,1/2step bends) it's a little discouraging sometimes I guess I'll have to try to rank up next week, as long as there's a 5*+ in int
    2 points
  13. CHAMPIONSHIP NIGHT!!! YEEAAHH!!! Here we go!! --- Psychedellic Porn Crumpets - Cornflake: I like this song and this band, which I discovered here in CF. I read "Psychedellic" and the deal was done. (by the way, this wasn't played before, I always check in the SSL before suggesting songs...) I think it was during the pandemic, that I reached 94% in bass after trying very hard and felt like a milestone... When I suggested it a couple of months ago, I already sucked at it... So, this is after an intensive session of RR... I think the bass went a bit too well for me. I am not sure I can replicate that!
    2 points
  14. Master Lead GoG (sightread, will not attempt again lol)
    2 points
  15. 1 point
  16. Um, that is kinda why that was my first suggestion. You are not the first to have done that. Glad you got it resolved, and an extremely easy fix.
    1 point
  17. So. When my kids were growing up and had issues with computers, I would always say to them “it’s a computer. Put crap in and you’ll get crap out”. Fast forward to me at work today, sat there thinking to myself that this RS issue has got to be something simple Then I had another thought. Why aren’t all the songs I DONT like that are included in the game showing up either? And like a bolt of lightening it hit me. Only my favourite songs show up in the game. Which then triggered my memory that I had “sorted” the song list to only show my favourites a couple of years ago and wondered if that could be why my new cdlc’s weren’t showing. As I hadn’t added them to my favourites yet. Got home from work and loaded RS and it was indeed just showing my favourites. I selected all songs and was then able to see my new cdlc’s (which I then added to favourites). Feel like an idiot but hey, at least it’s all sorted now haha. User error strikes again lol Thanks a lot for your help though guys . Really appreciate it Now I can get some playing done at the weekend
    1 point
  18. @EVERYONE For bass advance, I am sorry that the Leather Board wasn't set up as I intended at the beggining and I am not able to make the changes myself, (including adding a song for bass masterclass) so it will stay as it is shown in the leather board. That means that the bass song for bass advance will be The Hives - Bogus Operandi, which is rated 6, so it is suited for the class anyway. @ Mikson and I also agreed at the end that PPC - Cornflake was an appropiate challenge for masterclass, so if anything, I should have added an easier song for bass intermediate . (I think we have two weeks in a row with difficult songs in bass intermediate, maybe)
    1 point
  19. Bass scores Love the beginner songs as a warm up inter/adv found this a little more difficult than the Masterclass song ?? Master class very fast but really just two riffs to learn
    1 point
  20. Requests are done in the Wishlist. Nobody's going to look at this thread (or any other thread created) for requests
    1 point
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