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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2024 in Posts

  1. i wasnt gonna do this song until i saw jokertheanarchist try it
    8 points
  2. i won't be able to post next week going for holiday for a week.
    6 points
  3. so do you have one serious contender now???
    6 points
  4. first play of the day with a marginal improvement - will practice it for 1-2 hours today and hope I can improve on it
    6 points
  5. A whole lotta "fake it till u make it" going on past here...
    6 points
  6. I think at about 98% I'm getting a good feel for the song. Had to pull the T-bird off the wall for the sabaton. The short scale doesnt handle tuning into the depths of hell like that to well.
    5 points
  7. i somehow got a worse score the second time i played it soo ill just post the first score instead xD
    4 points
  8. I did the same and took the night off, my calluses aren't built up yet. Better to rest than give myself a blister.
    4 points
  9. I'd have to RR the solo to get any higher, and I don't want to to. Also, I'm busy tomorrow, so final score I guess.
    3 points
  10. I'm not your.... yea, you know the drill.
    3 points
  11. A little sloppy but good improvement, if RS would just recognize all my Power chords it would be a better score
    3 points
  12. Bass scores One section is tricky here, so I raised rating to 3, it could even be 3.5.
    3 points
  13. 3 points
  14. haha i saw his scores before awhile back and theyre pretty high for a lot of difficult songs, probably first time im competing against him
    2 points
  15. Better bass scores!! I don't think I'll be trying the sabaton song with that tuning again my strings were flopping around like 10 year old elastic!
    2 points
  16. Thanks for adding this week championship.
    2 points
  17. The first try of the day was only a slight improvement, but my fingers hurt a little so I'll rest today
    2 points
  18. 1 point
  19. lead Intermediate I need to spend more time on lead I really struggled with this song the main riff and the solo I had to RR it really slow But the song Is wunderbar I love It good job as I have to play It so much to get anywhere
    1 point
  20. lead beginner nice beginner song except the chart is a little wrong the G triad is fingered as a F triad but you play an F and Its not recognized . so you have to play It as a G as It should be Jeez Now I am confused Bass Bass inter not so good here cant remember why as I played It 2 days ago
    1 point
  21. first play of the day looks promising
    1 point
  22. CHAMPIONSHIP NIGHT!!! YEAAHH!! --- Finally, I am doing what I shoud do every week: practcing hard a song above my level... So, here it is the second try (after playing it once slower) and the final try after a very long session of RR... I am happy because I achieved my goal of getting more than 90%!
    1 point
  23. Can someone please make one or both of these Dm Dokuro songs made for Terraria's Calamity Mod? They sound great and have some awesome guitar in them. I would greatly appreciate it.
    1 point
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