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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/2020 in Posts

  1. I see what you did there @@Rodman :P It's nice to visit CF after a few months and see some new Metric cdlc ^_^ I'm super busy right now. Recently I released my game on Steam (Box Kid Adventures - there is a free demo, so you can check it out) and I don't have time for a guitar at all. Only on Saturdays for a couple of hours, so I just play some fun stuff then. I'll try to play some Scorpion.
    7 points
  2. Okay @@Telboy summons me to play master mode. I think he just wants to feel superior. Let's give him that. First I have to unlock master mode. Ok, master mode enabled, first try: Hmm, next. Passed. Good enough. As a bonus, let's try lead. Turns out I haven't memorized the second half of the solo. But only on cross, so I'm satisfied for tonight.
    3 points
  3. 3 points
  4. This is a tough contest. You guys are so good.
    3 points
  5. OK its friday night which means 'No improvement = no Guinness' missed the screen shot for my highest, oh well wanted the 99% sooooo bad i tried All Night Long so i thought what about the Master Mode now lets see @@Anwyn hammer that...... and a little plus on the lead but still can't do the bendy stuff at the dusty end of the guitar :wacko:
    3 points
  6. Finally got my overall mastery over 70%. Now I can get back to my championship song. If you look closely you can see the improvement. 89% to 90% on both. No autographs please -_- This one is so satisfying to play. On par with "You Ain't Seen Nothin Yet."
    3 points
  7. Sadly had no time for this week and I'm already done for the week. This was surely masterful.
    2 points
  8. Keep at it man! It just takes practice. I remember I only started doing bass because there was no one in the beginner class and I figured it was a free trophy. Now I'm in advanced dueling with the illustrious @@Rodman. Can't believe I've come so far, and yet I have so far to go!
    1 point
  9. We have some new tools in development that will help you find and discover artists. The main problem was the time it took to rewrite the current ignition. It's almost done and even if we do not see some of the features requested here upon release, it will take a couple months instead of years to release any additional features. We already have genre tags (generated by a 3rd party api and not the user), a love system if you like a CDLC, and a report button. It's all looking good and I hope we can release this soon for everyone.
    1 point
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