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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/31/2016 in Posts

  1. Happy New Year everyone. A big thank you to all the organisers and participants, not only for being a great bunch but also for pushing me along and improving more than I could imagine I could. As an example of my improvement I have played a song 55 times (the Jam- Going Underground), I played it constantly, trying to improve on my 94% but just couldn't do it..........I haven't played it for 8months or so........ Well played it a few times yesterday and got 97% straight away, so I went on to SA and got 99.16%. I never ever thought I could do this and I put it all down to you guys, Thanks a lot and a very happy new year
    6 points
  2. thanks to all who played my one-man-band recording I gave it another go http://up.picr.de/27881091gc.jpg http://up.picr.de/27881092cm.jpg http://up.picr.de/27881093js.jpgit's fun to play, nice & easy, but the recording was more fun :) no fussy RS note recognition and no play it exactly like that :P
    6 points
  3. welcome to the CF Rocksmith 2014 Championship -= Week 167 =- READ THIS FIRST =>> How and Why to Join the Championships Read this second =>> Rocksmith 2014 Championship Rules Last weeks winners: Lead: Beginner: @@Sebastien92 Intermediate: @@Vodka Advanced : @@MaZtoR MasterClass: @@JokerTheAnarchist God of Guitar: @@JokerTheAnarchist Rhythm: Beginner: @@Rcrai Intermediate: @ Advanced: @@Rodman Masterclass: @@JokerTheAnarchist Bass: Beginner: @@Eliastre100 Intermediate: @ Advanced: @@MonstaS4 Advanced: @FraggleBaggle Masterclass: @@JokerTheAnarchist Congrats to all winners and 100% scorers. Well done! This week songs are Lead Path: Beginner: Metric - Speed The Collapse (1) chosen by @@everybody Intermediate: Volbeat - The Gates of Babylon (4) chosen by @@MaZtoR Advanced: Dead Kennedys - Holiday in Cambodia (6) chosen by @Mortalo MasterClass: Megadeth - Dystopia (9) chosen by @@Nacholede (Joker's version!) Rhythm Path: Beginner: Volbeat - The Gates of Babylon (2) Intermediate Metric - Speed The Collapse (3) Advanced: Dead Kennedys - Holiday in Cambodia (6) Masterclass: Megadeth - Dystopia (8) Bass Path: Beginner: Volbeat - The Gates of Babylon (2) Beginner 2: Metric - Speed The Collapse (3) Intermediate: Megadeth - Dystopia (5) Advanced: Dead Kennedys - Holiday in Cambodia (6) Masterclass: Fishbone - Party at Ground Zero (9) as played on week 72 Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10). Exercise Challenges: 1st Exercise: Blues Comping 1 in A major shuffle 2nd Exercise: Blues Comping 2 in A major - straight 8ths 3rd Exercise: Blues Comping 3 in G major (funky) 4rd Exercise: Blues Comping 4 in E major (shuffle) Everyone can bring up new scores that will be added to the exercises scoreboards Honorable list Diehard Member: (draft) bruce717Fraggle BagglefraMTKGamutHawckinsHughmontyiminashiJokerTheAnarchistklawMaZtoRmissis sumnerMonstaS4MortaloNacholedeoler1970RcraiRealityPixelsRodmansix_string_ninjasushicat2112Telboy13ThugRaventupoloflyerVodkaClassless, Fearless FreeBird Members in their endless battle with the fb police: 2groggyfripponomicNoonyDeloonySteven Briquette P.s. Please, see changes in Championship Class Lists! Happy New Year!
    5 points
  4. Happy New Year my friends! Have an awesome 2017! With love, peace, warm hugs, happiness and smiles! Headbreaking solos with fast fingers. No one string will break. I guarantee!
    5 points
  5. Pretty fun song to play never heard it before. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4zebKHkDZhIYUpibjIwdzQ1d2c/view?usp=sharing could probably have gotten a better score but its like new years eve...
    4 points
  6. http://i.imgur.com/6zWzfvY.jpg It was fun, thanks fripp! I changed batteries in my bass! http://i.imgur.com/JRKUEAk.jpg http://i.imgur.com/9HXjO8R.jpg Fun again. Don't know where I've got the miss. http://i.imgur.com/KNSHO1p.jpg That one looks like beginner bass.
    4 points
  7. I hope im in time, tho this week was kinda weak by me :phttp://i.imgur.com/xu8akWJ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ImAq2A3.jpg
    3 points
  8. Hello everybody! Glad to see you again. :) Eagles - Please Come Home For Christmas : http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/103979479158758309/96866FE6094D08D06BDD1C25952DA7493BD0A2F0/
    3 points
  9. hey! finaly can't do better in Dragon Force than this try .. http://i.imgur.com/2z1AOod.jpg so all the best for New Year's Eve! see you next year ;)
    3 points
  10. 2 points
  11. quick last -= weekly leaderboard update =- for that year! GREAT PLAYING EVERYONE!!!! http://up.picr.de/27880470av.jpg Let´s have a damn hard rocking 2017!
    2 points
  12. @@Mortalo no but Dragoforce has destroyed my arms hahaha
    2 points
  13. http://i.imgur.com/9WcKiGe.jpg?1 That play count number doesn't even include all the attempts that I (rage) quit out of! <_< :lol:
    2 points
  14. Happy new year!! No hangover here as i'm on-call for work, so time to get started on the new weeks songs. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ucpsqn0djk8ayof/221680_20170101092250_1.png?dl=0
    1 point
  15. Nevermind, I figured it out. It was just me clicking on the wrong thing.I've been messing with this for nearly 12 hours trying to figure what was wrong. Maybe its time for a beer...
    1 point
  16. Metric, Volbeat, Punk, MDeath. Hell yeah, what a new years week!!
    1 point
  17. http://i.imgur.com/Hk73OSO.png @@raynebc The underlined part of the arppegio marking doesn't appear in @@ShrillBear52 screenshot but i don't see anything that should cause this issue in that particular case...
    1 point
  18. Sad to hear :( Mic mode works, but it's not accurate enough for the championship, the way I've got it set up at the moment anyway :(. I could probably play with the settings and get some improvement on note recognition - but I was just happy to be able to play tonight. It's a much simpler set-up though - standard cable straight into the amp and aux in to the amp as well, straight from the laptop. Sounds good - no crackly cables! :)
    1 point
  19. Did she ate too much during holidays? :P
    1 point
  20. http://i.imgur.com/0BOb9tN.jpg http://i.imgur.com/xJWq9Wr.jpg I screwed the beginning, still got my best score.
    1 point
  21. Hi guys, I have surface pro4 i5 256gb 8gb Ram and I am struggling with the latency, I have messed around with the "ini" file setting but still struggling , I am at work at the moment bu I think the setting are some like Latency Buffer 5 and Maxbuffersize at 576. Anything below this the sound starts to crackle. Starting to affect affect my enjoyment of the game , especially on songs with relatively quick strumming patterns Anyone else using Surface pro 4 , what are you "ini" file settings Any help would be greatly appreciated, will not be home till later on so I would be able to try any suggestions till then
    1 point
  22. @@ShrillBear52 it's a sneaky thing here, DDC when creating DD put back all section start to the first beat of the measure (not sure what was the reason behind it but that's how it is) but your section aren't on the first beat of the measure so EOF doesn't have any issue but when going through DDC, there is. But as long as the beat map is off (and it is!) it doesn't matter cause you will always have lots of issue to get things to display correctly all the time. The first beat of the measure should be on the first note but in your case, the first note is 1 beat and little more behind the first beat : http://i.imgur.com/OaBMm7v.png as long as you don't fix this, it doesn't matter what you try to do, the CDLC will have issue with DDC.
    1 point
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