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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/16/2016 in Posts

  1. First time partecipating :D Took close to 3 hours and a lot more tries than the 10 the game says (restarted A LOT in the middle) but i got the 100%. What can i say, i wanted to start nicely despite not being really good and i'm a stubborn guy :P (first try was ~89%) http://i.imgur.com/3QHZf6B.jpg
    9 points
  2. After a lot more tries, got up to 99.34%. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=764322290
    6 points
  3. Dammit! @@fraMTK :lol: [edit: I thought you'd 100% the bass path!) (And welcome and well done! :P ) I couldn't get 100%, but gave Master Mode a go... http://i.imgur.com/LewuEW7.jpg?1 I can't play this track any more, my fingers are shredded from all the slides! Must acquire BIGGER calluses! :lol:
    4 points
  4. Can now skip tuning option before songs http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i76/toddo_69/skip%20tuning_zps5clhr9wj.png New pause menu http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i76/toddo_69/new%20pause%20menu_zpstpv1fcfb.png
    4 points
  5. Only guitar I own is my Hagstrom! Not sure whether I've got great machine heads or what, but I've never really had a problem with tuning and up and down whenever I feel like it. I do take precautions, though. I try to evenly distribute the tension when I retune - I'll do a half step or quarter step on each string at a time. I also wouldn't go more than a full tone change - if I'm in E and I want to play in C#, I'll usually loiter in D and play some Ghost, then go down the rest of the way.
    3 points
  6. new non-stop play setup screen http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i76/toddo_69/nonstop-play_zps5uosoyw0.png Non-stop play playing (10 sec wait, quick select arrangement) http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i76/toddo_69/non-stop%20play_zps7zxrf5zi.png New song list editor http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i76/toddo_69/songl-list-editor_zpskjwzfzv2.png
    2 points
  7. http://i.imgur.com/JSdPa8m.jpg Great tune off a classic album. Too long since we've had a prog selection! This isn't terrible, given the difficulty, but I know I can do better than this!! http://i.imgur.com/OAGY5IA.jpg :( Well, I suppose it's a little better... Sure felt like more dramatic improvement than that, though...
    2 points
  8. How to Use Custom DLC (CDLC) on Mac (2023 Update) The following instructions are for Rocksmith 2014 Remastered, with the latest update installed. These instructions may not work for older versions or pirated versions of the game, and I will provide no support for pirated versions. Please buy the game and support the developer. Without the game, we would have nothing to play customs with anyway. Download the patch here : https://github.com/aik002/RSBypass/releases/download/1.8pre2/RSBypass.zip Video instruction : To convert PC customs to Mac version : https://github.com/glebb/rocksmithconvert/releases/download/2.2.0/RSConvert_GUI-2.2.zip Here are all the steps (read them carefully) : Your user account needs to be an Administrator account. Download the Rocksmith Patch: https://github.com/aik002/RSBypass/releases/download/1.8pre2/RSBypass.zip Unzip the patch file and double-click on "RUN_PATCH_RS.command" to run the patch. This will patch the Rocksmith 2014 app file to allow cDLC's to work. **If you encounter a permissions error, see the note below** Download the customs you want. Make sure they end in "_m.psarc". If they end in "_p.psarc" they are PC only versions and will need to be converted with the Toolkit. I'll put instructions for that down below. Place the customs in the dlc folder. The location is: ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Rocksmith2014 It is a hidden folder, so the easiest way to find it is to open Finder, and using the "Go" menu, select "Go To Folder" and paste the location in there. You can then drag the dlc folder to your sidebar to create a permanent link. You can also find the folder by opening Steam and going to your games library and right-clicking on Rocksmith 2014, and choosing "Properties". Select the "Local Files" tab and click on "Browse Local Files" Launch Rocksmith 2014 by either opening Steam and running it from "Library", or launch it from the Mac Launchpad by clicking on "Rocksmith 2014" Say goodbye to your family, friends, and free time. You won't be seeing any of them for a while. **If you encounter a permissions error while running the patch: Right-click on the patch and select "Get Info" Under "Sharing & Permissions", make sure that all users listed have "Read & Write" permissions. If they do not, click the small lock icon in the bottom right corner to allow the permissions to be changed, and enter your Admin password. Then select each user that needs to be changed and alter the permissions. Repeat for the other two files needed for the patch ("insert_dylib" and "libRYBypass.dylib") Updated 2023/11/01, confirmed to work until Sonoma OS.
    1 point
    1 point
  10. @@Gamut Tbh, my first proper guitar, an Ibanez, very mediocre and mid-tier has its fair share of problems on its high E machine head and i have broken quite a few E strings but the 40 euro used strat bullet that was my first one has very sturdy tuners and the 1 year i had used it, i only broke a string while overbending and i would change tunings like 2 times in a matter of 30 minutes. I believe its time for a check up but i will do your technique for tuning just to be safe!
    1 point
  11. @@fraMTK Do - edit my profile, box "Contact Methods", field "Steam" - > Put there you id of steam. You can find your id in Steam, "edit profile", field "personal link". then save your changes there, and press "Options" above box "Steam profile", validate Steam ID in your profile
    1 point
  12. @iminashi Looks like you have been doing your homework. Nice list. Interesting that you do find some special characters in titles and that they are stripped out when sorted. We will have to see if this can be better implemented in the toolkit. Our main concern is not to introduce game hanging again. Since limiting the use of special characters reported game hangs have gone way down (actually seems to have been eliminated). Thanks
    1 point
  13. Happy birthday grandpa @@KJParsley :D
    1 point
  14. Possibly my last play for this week and next as im away on holiday. Frustrating not to hit 100% however pleased with my score. http://i1309.photobucket.com/albums/s622/trevellyan1/20160913160714_1_zpskcz0swbp.jpg
    1 point
  15. MC first attempt and possibly last attempt: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=763714523 I'm not keen on the track though I do like the singers voice. I'm a bit drunk, not leathered or nowt, just squiffy as I attended my partners Nan's funeral today so we gave her a nice send off afterwards in the pub with some G&T's. I'll be back next week in proper full force as Cricket season will be well and truly over at the club which means my shifts deplete, as does the affordability to buy things like alcohol in pubs at pub prices so a lot of staying in and practicing will commence until April next year :) (Give or take a few wedding/birthday/anniversary functions... book now! *sly advert for my club :D*.) It's been an emotional but great day seeing off a very lovely lady :) So big cheers to Big Nan :) (She was a closet LFC supporter so she would have really liked the Advanced bass song choice this week :) .) Cheers guys , see yous next week. /wobbles away.
    1 point
  16. Better, but still bad. http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/Youll%20never%20walk%20alone%2083_zpsidejhtka.jpg
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Most played song: Cherub Rock Most played artist: Smashing Pumpkins ?
    1 point
  19. @@Alex360 You misunderstood me. I said both have practically no difference latency-wise. What I meant was since they went as far as renaming the game, adding the "Remastered" tag to it, they better fix the audio stuttering/buffer issue when using USB DACs/interfaces. I tried with 2 interfaces and 1 DAC, all of them suffered from the same issue. And like I said, they know about this (it's documented in the manual) but there's no fix but DLCs every updates. Judging by the list of changes from their official post, nothing seems to be about fixing the bugs in their engine but only UI/UX enhancements. Alas, there's still more than a month before the update and I wish they do fix this issue. I'm sorry if my posts annoy you and I do think this is the correct place to whine about current and known issues of the game too.
    1 point
  20. keen on making some CDLC of Songs Featuring Till Lindemann if we can finds tabs... Apocalyptica - Helden (Till Lindemann - German Vocals) Cover of Bowie's "Heroes" for those that don't know... Obviously the issue with that one is they don't use GUITARs / BASSes They PLAY CELLOs + they Got a drummer eventually...
    1 point
  21. Great job guys and thank you so much for this.i have one request though.the song "Rammstein"
    1 point
  22. Hell, thanks guys. You are amazing!
    1 point
  23. i can make a tab out of the songbook of @@raynebc. it won't be ready today but i'll work on it when i have some free time.
    1 point
  24. is anyone planning on doing bestrafe mich? or can i throw my hat into the ring and tackle it?
    1 point
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