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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/2014 in Posts

  1. Intermediate Rhythm - 89%, 61 streak: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/3296947906177862693/502B246308CA22503B885B1671D63FF18498056B/ I like rhtyhm part more then lead. MasterClass Bass - 90%, 84 streak: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/3296947906177882686/DA8477442DDD223CC94F118C6BE309844514D288/ I got better score on emulated bass but bass is bass, and here it goes: http://i.imgur.com/wQqautj.jpg My sweat enormous (24 frets), about decade old, Cort bass. I still have to get hand with it, as I'm used to my Jackson.
    3 points
  2. This is all i got this week. Wish i could find more time to play. Work, babies, wife, work, babies, wife :-P . Tried to get 100% on Full Steam to keep up with you all, but it just wasn't meant to be. http://i1368.photobucket.com/albums/ag164/acorlett2005/2014-06-21_00001_zps3fa4c8c3.jpghttp://i1368.photobucket.com/albums/ag164/acorlett2005/2014-06-21_00004_zps509672c6.jpghttp://i1368.photobucket.com/albums/ag164/acorlett2005/2014-06-21_00002_zpsdb0003e1.jpghttp://i1368.photobucket.com/albums/ag164/acorlett2005/2014-06-21_00003_zpsce282cf3.jpg
    3 points
  3. Unfortunately I have no idea, I mostly play on repeat in riff repeater but there's a lot of contenders, probably Western Special - Departure (lead) and Disonaur - Space Ostrich (lead), I play those like 10 times in a row... More songs for anyone interested:
    2 points
  4. I will release in June Smashing Pumpkins "Porcelina Of The Vast Oceans" (see my first post in the workshop) and maybe more in the future :) I like the band and listened their songs over 1000 times :lol:
    2 points
  5. I just got my acoustic guitar connected to Rocksmith, and I did it pretty cheaply, so I thought I'd share what I did. You need two pieces of equipment: An Acoustic Pickup A PreAmpThere are a wide variety of acoustic pickups available, and you can spend quite a bit of money if you want to. Many are hard installed into your guitar, and require cutting a hole in the cabinet. The instructions on most of these suggest that you take it to a local guitar shop to have them do it for you. I wasn't interested in this... I also wanted to keep this on the cheap, and have something that was removable. Therefore, I purchased an HDE® Guitar Pickup Acoustic / Electric Transducer at Amazon for $17. It's removable, connecting to the soundhole of your guitar with little clips. It has an output cable (male) that dangles from your guitar. The signal coming from the pickup is weak, so you need to amplify it. Again, looking for a cheap option, I purchased a Behringer PB100 Preamplifier/Volume Booster at Amazon for $25. You can buy a power cable (it doesn't come with one), but it can also run on a 9V battery. I set the gain at about 40% (maybe 45%) to balance out feedback and still have the game detect your notes. Plug the cable from your acoustic pickup into the IN of the PreAmp, plug the RealTone cable into the OUT of the PreAmp, turn it on, and you're ready to go. Works like a charm!
    1 point
  6. READ THIS FIRST =>> Rocksmith 2014 Championship Rules Last weeks winners: Lead Beginner: @@acorlett2005 Intermediate: @@Azrael Masterclass: @@firekorn Rhythm Beginner: @@acorlett2005 Intermediate:@@Max5000 Masterclass: @@firekorn Bass Beginner: @@BRUTAL Intermediate: @ Masterclass: @@doyleman7 The songs for this week are: Beginner: BucketHead - The Robot Who lost its Head Intermediate: Def Leppard - Pour some sugar on me (originally included song) Masterclass: Symphony X - Sea of lies Congrats to all the winners and again what a week for the bass players, So many 100s. Congrats also to @@BRUTAL @ and @@acorlett2005 for scoring 100% you have all been added again to the honorable mentions list Great job yet again. Honorable list Diehard men, playing in their class 5 weeks in row: @@Mortalo in lead, rhythm path@ in lead, rhythm path@@firekorn in Bass path@@doyleman7 in Bass pathP.s. Please, see changes in Championship Class Lists!
    1 point
  7. Honestly, turning off the crowd and some of the "special" effects were worth it. I now have little to no stutter. Thanks guys!
    1 point
  8. I love symphony x, must be one of my favorite bands of all time. http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z11/billa_011/Rocksmith/Seaoflies.jpg
    1 point
  9. @@doyleman7 Fixed :) Thanks for correct, Congratulations. Crazy score on Ozzy! p.s. My mistake, sorry.
    1 point
  10. Damn, you swooped in at the end to take both first places away from me. Unfortunately I have to concede defeat as I can't beat my scores, well played sir.
    1 point
  11. Sorry, I've been away for a few weeks, was taking a playing break. Here's Ozzy. I personally like the Twisted Sister cover better, but the original is cool too:) Crazy Train - Bass https://www.dropbox.com/s/5hmzq8qwjisvhyi/ozzy.png
    1 point
  12. Songs I'm planning to make during the summer. I hope I can finish with all of these :) Auto Pilot Do It Again Give The Mule What He Wants God Is In The Radio Gonne Leave You How To Handle A Rope I Think I Lost My Headache If Only Leg Of Lamb Monsters In The Parasol Someone's In The Wolf Walking On The Sidewalks You Can't Quit Me Baby You Would Know
    1 point
  13. Here's my high score (Easy - Lead - 96.5%): http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/3245156510469758898/4A1387DD647C9400F81E1CC257D0DE0547EE0E41/
    1 point
  14. Rocksmith is the best software in the world they should get Nobel Prize :D :D
    1 point
  15. Buckethead - Hills of Eternity (from Colma, 1998) ready
    1 point
  16. Monster Truck - Sweet Mountain river - 400 (109%) ... Yeah, I quite like that song :???: The XX - Islands - 54 (109.5%) Wolfmother - Joker and the Thief - 34 (106.5%) Pantera - Cemetary Gates - 32 (96%)
    1 point
  17. Today, Smashing Pumpkins - 37 Plug in Baby, Muse - 30 Cherub Rock, Smashing Pumpkins - 26 I play Cherub Rock every time I'm drunk and pretend I'm better at guitar than I am.
    1 point
  18. Missed one damn note! Slight improvement though http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=273242769
    1 point
  19. Just to add to MVega's excellent instructions - You do not need to be on a beat marker to add a tone change. It can keep things neat if you do but sometimes songs require a tone change off the beat (because the chorus may start on the actual beat and you want the tone engaged maybe 0.5 seconds before the chorus). The tone change will occur wherever the green play bar is located when you make one - Hold down ctrl when pushing the arrow keys to move the green play bar slowly (for precision tone changes) - The shortcut for tone changes is ctrl+shift+t which is much quicker than navigating menus every time - If you forget to create a default tone, EoF will warn you during a save - make sure you do it at some point or it causes big problems later on
    1 point
  20. This will most likely be my last post this week. its midsummer and in Sweden that means im going to get so damn drunk in a few hours that i cant stand up tomorrow. This weeks song was really fun and challenging to play, and im happy with my results. http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/FullsteamSpacemachine8885_zps033b8192.jpg
    1 point
  21. So many great scores on the bass side this week, MC and Intermediate! I've had an extremely busy week so I haven't been able to play much at all. I did manage to improve on Crazy Train up to 97% (97.4, but I'll have to do that in a score attack to enter it). {--edited image out into an update below--} Not gonna be enough to challenge the leaders, but I'm pleased with my improvement considering my starting accuracy on it. I'll see if I can get to 98%, and then may try to improve on Space Machine in intermediate which was actually more difficult for me. --EDIT-- On my next try after posting the above, I was really feeling it and *almost* broke on through to 99% -- hit 98.9, but again I'll have to do that in Score Attack if I want the decimal point considered: Hit my goal, but if I end up doing OK on score attack I might just see how far I can take it.
    1 point
  22. There's probably a tutorial for this somewhere in one of the dozens of pinned topics. But quickly: Select the very first beat marker Go to Track - Rocksmith - Tone Changes Add the first tone -- give it a meaningful name, like Acoustic (make sure it's spelled correctly and all subsequent appearances of the tone are spelled the same). Scroll to where you want the tone to change -- select that beat marker. Go back to the Tone Change menu and add a new tone, name it Distortion (for example). Repeat this for all other tones changes, if any. Now, open up the Tone Changes menu, this time choose NAMES. You should see all of the tones you've created. Choose one of these to be your default tone (i.e., the one that will be the first tone in the song). Important: The tones you add in the Toolkit must have exactly the same names as the names you've set in EOF. When creating the psarc, make sure you load all of your tones first, before adding the arrangement. When you add the arrangement for a track, the toolkit should automatically load the tones (but not always, sometimes it leaves out the last tone, so you might have to load this manually).
    1 point
  23. I wanted to learn guitar for ages, but had some of "those" mates in high school, that are just absolute musical maestros. They could pick up any instrument and given 5 minutes, be taking requests (flute, violin, guitar, saxophone - I'm not kidding). That was rather demoralising in school, so I stuck to piano then. Fast forward to my 32nd birthday. I now work from home and have adequate free time for learning the guitar. WIfey saw me checking out some Rocksmith videos on YouTube, asked why I never learnt to play a guitar - 5 minute conversation which results in her saying, "Well, I know what your birthday present is this year". It's totally stock currently. I also have a locally made nylon string acoustic that I was given by a friend that was leaving the country - but it's nasty to play (it sells new for the equivalent of $45). Since getting a guitar and starting to play Rocksmith - I decided to buy my Dad a guitar for his birthday and Rocksmith, he's since bought 4 more guitars since he "hates re-tuning" (excuse given to my Mum...... I know what he's really like). My guitar wishlist...... Ovation Elite 2078 TX Chapman ML-2 Classic This Steampunk 3d printed guitar http://www.3ders.org/articles/20131003-olaf-diegel-spectacular-steampunk-3d-printed-guitar.html (and if I'm honest, most of the other 3d printed guitars from that guy)
    1 point
  24. Ive never been a real fan of live recordings as i am partial to the original mix to most music i listen to (Metal, Hard rock, Alternative) it bothers me because sometimes the vocals or the insturmentals are muddy/missing/improvised but there are those rare occasions where the live version is better than the original example Pantera Cemetery Gates but for me unless you are there it just falls flat. so when it comes to the CDLC it seems pointless to use a live often improvised track for this game. most of us heard or listen to the original studio recordings as is and even the releases that Ubisoft drops are all studio cuts so why use a live version?
    1 point
  25. they have also a web site :http://www.cifraclub.com.br/
    1 point
  26. https://www.youtube.com/user/CifraClub ... no need to uderstand spanish or whatever is this :)
    1 point
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