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Hey guys, I'm a little confused on how exactly one is supposed to drag the bars to sync in EOF?

I always end up dragging the whole track, which for songs from bands like dream theater who change tempo and time signatures often, it doesn't work well. I may just be missing something really simple and straightforward.. Any help would be really appreciated, thanks!!

In the name of Myung, Rudess, Mangini and the Holy Petrucci, grant us the power to melt face and blow minds. Amen


You just want to click on the individual beat marker (-->) you want to move and drag it left or right to line it up with the song. This is usually easier if you display the waveform graph (F5). Even you have a good average tempo defined, you may have to make small adjustments to beat positions one or more times per measure, but the more accurate you make it, the easier it will be to author, and the better it will be when played in-game.


It's easier to set the beatmap before you import the GP file, that way the notes will line up automatically. And it's easiest to line up the beats to the snare drum, since the snare is easy to spot in the waveform.



I always end up dragging the whole track


Presumably you mean when you set your first beat marker?  EoF's behavior has changed in recent versions to make this "more difficult".  I used to do it a lot.  To get around it I would anchor the first marker (click on it then press "A"), then you can drag them around to your heart's content.


Use the latest EoF and just try out dragging until you are happy, try to get to know the difference between dragging the entire map and dragging individual markers.


Also, if you are dragging over a long distance, you need to be careful and keep the mouse straight.  Sometimes gems start to move and stuff if your mouse goes wayward.


Remember...  ctrl+Z is your friend :)


also, if you are sliding your beat markers.. dont accidently drop down into the note track area.. cause then NONE of your notes will automatically adjust themselves, then you need to go into options.. turn off note auto adjust, then go back into GP, move the beat marker back to where it is suppose to be.. then turn on note auto adjust again.. it can be annoying.


Thanks guys, this is a huge help!

In the name of Myung, Rudess, Mangini and the Holy Petrucci, grant us the power to melt face and blow minds. Amen


Presumably you mean when you set your first beat marker?  EoF's behavior has changed in recent versions to make this "more difficult".

Could you clarify what you mean? EOF has always allowed the first beat marker to be clicked and drug and it moves the entire chart with it. The first beat is always treated as an anchor, so the toggle anchor function has no effect on it. The only reason I can think of where you cannot click and drag it is if you have locked the tempo map or disabled the click and drag functionality (two separate options in the Song menu). If you run into other problems with it, please send me some more information.

What happens now is always the way I wanted it, where the first beat marker (the leftmost marker) is locked so that when you drag the marker where the gems begin (not necessarily the left most beat marker) to where want you it then the grid stretches.


I always found before that no matter what beat marker I grabbed (maybe the 2nd or 3rd measure) and tried to stretch, the entire grid would move.  This leads to blank "black" space at the beggining of the project and messages when saving about it.  I used to anchor a beat (selecting then pressing "A"), maybe the 3rd or 7th or 10th beat, then begin to stretch.


I have not maunally changed anything in settings and so I presumed that EoF had changed to accomodate this.


It may well be my dodgy mouse action that was causing the grid to move before.  There is so much to take in when begining custom making that I was just happy to get the first gems lined up, then off I would go syncing to the song.  Maybe EoF has always done this and it was something I was doing that was making the entire grid move.


I don't know exactly how to make the entire grid move (or not), I am just happy now that I don't (feel like I) have to copy and paste multiple arrangements (and tech notes) to get the gems all lined up nice on the first notes.


Hope that makes sense...  :)



I am still learning with each song I do.  I only realised recently I could shift+End to select every gem from the highlighted gem to the end, which is a massive time saver.  I am not trying to be presumptuous about EoF, maybe I could have typed my previous post more clearly.


Sorry, is gem the terminology for the dot that represents a note?

In the name of Myung, Rudess, Mangini and the Holy Petrucci, grant us the power to melt face and blow minds. Amen


Sorry, is gem the terminology for the dot that represents a note?


Yes :)


Ask any questions you want man.  Start a thread and ask, that's how I learned...  along with a lot of trial and error :)


I always found before that no matter what beat marker I grabbed (maybe the 2nd or 3rd measure) and tried to stretch, the entire grid would move.

That definitely wouldn't have been expected normal behavior, maybe the project was a bit corrupt or something and triggered a bug. I'm glad to hear it doesn't happen anymore though.

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