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So I have tried to do a bunch of CDLC, yet they are all out of sync when I import them into EoF. In Guitar Pro they are all  correct synced and have correct BPM, yet the BPM from the tab doesn't get imported into EoF.


Is dragging the notes so they line up with the song really the only option? I'm trying to do black metal songs where there is a lot of tremolo picking so lining everything up is very hard. Also sometimes when I "Undo" if I made a mistake, the program crashes and I have to start everything over.

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First, BPM doesn't import into EOF, that's how it is.


Secondly, NEVER EVER sync by moving the note.


Thirdly, if EOF crashes i would strongly suggest to make a topic about it in the EOF section of the forum, the dev is very active and listen carrefully to every user and do his best to help everyone.


Finally, i suggest you to read those 3 tutorial about syncing the beat map for a CDLC :

How to get Beat Map By Alex360
Using Beat Markers To Sync In EoF By PC Plum
How to sync your beat map By Firekorn

Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography


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Okay, when during a BPM shift, when I select each individual marker and change their respective bpm, it seems to line up. Is there no way I can select more than one marker and change the selected markers bpm instead of going through them one by one? Cause that seems to take forever.

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@@Slayze I'm not sure how you are doing it, but you can select a beat that is further down the song and adjust it's position by dragging it to the appropriate time. This will adjust every beat between the beat you selected and the last Anchor (every time you move a beat an anchor is created). It's very practical to adjust things that are at a steady BPM very fast.


You can also use the BPM change function in the Beat menu (and there's other very useful tool for managing the BPM there).

Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography


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@@Slayze, what kind of music you're in to? are you doing some unstandard metal with waring bpm?

I may sync it for your first time so you'll have all the files as example to play with, but you should study tutorials first to understand what's done and what's you're missing.

Nowdays I tend to map BPM myself I feel like it's easy task for me so I don't need any help.

Main goal first is setup your EOF:

Load AVsync project from EOF's folder and switch to FOF\RB\GH guitar arrangement
not hit F5 and M you'll see waveform of the sound you've got. peaks is what you need to fin bpm
you should use your ear and eyes, hit spacebar and listn to *bam* *bam* *bam* sounds

now soom in and try to catch the very beginning of the sound, if your seek marker(green) is too far from waweform image to left, increase AVdelay in settings menu, do this until you're satisfied with the results. usually it's 300 ms by default but it goes +-40 ms depending on cache settings and your machine and sound card.

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Well the BPM of the tab is clearly off compare to the recording of the song, at the 21 measure i was almost already a bar off and things gets even worse after. The song is clearly slower than the BPM indicated in tab.


The note are maybe correct but rare are the BPM that accurate on tab and simply trying to play both side by side reveal how much things are off.

Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography


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I agree that this is a very difficult song/tab to learn with.  There would be thinking and problem solving even for experienced charter.


Keep at it man, the pleasure when you finally play it will be worth the stress :D

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Here's a method I've always liked for setting a good initial tempo:

Enabling the waveform graph, set the first beat marker position and repeat the following process:

1. Scroll down a measure or two

2. Click and drag a beat marker to align it appropriately using the graph. This is especially easy if you are syncing a snare drum hit, which is usually reflected by a spike in the graph. The tempo of the first beat marker will now be set, but the tempo of the selected beat will be whatever it already was (120BPM by default).

3. Which that same beat still selected, use "Beat>Delete anchor". This will cause the previous anchor's tempo (ie. the first beat's tempo) to be applied to the rest of the chart (or up until the next tempo change if there is one in the chart).

By doing this process a couple of times, an good starting tempo can be set to help reduce the number of corrections that you have to make to individual beats. If there is a major tempo change or tempo slip further into the song, you may need to re-do this process to establish a new tempo.

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