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Hi all,


So I went through the regular process of making a DLC, nothing different from my regular process as far as I can tell. However, for the particular song I'm working on at the moment, adjusting the scroll speed for the individual instrument track in RST has no effect on the final product. I tried several different iterations at different scroll speeds with no change. While the song is definitely playable, I'd naturally like it to be a bit more user-friendly in terms of presentation. Does anyone know what might be preventing RST from changing scroll speeds on an individual instrument track? Thank you!

6 answers to this question

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I'm not an expert on this, but I believe there's some sort of caching that may cause the initial scroll speed to "remember" what it was before depending on whether you've played the track before making the adjustment and whether you updated the Arrangement ID numbers or not. @@Chlipouni knows much more of the subject than I do, and will hopefully be able to help you further.

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I'm not an expert on this, but I believe there's some sort of caching that may cause the initial scroll speed to "remember" what it was before depending on whether you've played the track before making the adjustment and whether you updated the Arrangement ID numbers or not. @@Chlipouni knows much more of the subject than I do, and will hopefully be able to help you further.

This would be my best guess too. The latest version of the Toolkit will give you a prompt when you generate a package, asking if you want to update the package ID, etc. Clicking yes should ensure that the scroll speed gets updated to whatever new value you've chosen. Changing the ID manually would accomplish the same thing.


As always, I could be wrong :D

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Might not be the problem, but just getting it out of the way:

Max scroll speed hits when the song is at maximum difficulty level.  A song with a high scroll speed is still gonna be pretty slow if the song is at a low level.

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EDIT: So it looks like what fixed the scroll speed was playing the song a second time, which speaks to the caching issue. Not sure if this will pose a problem for others if I upload the DLC, or if it's just for me specifically. Either way, I allow RST to update the arrangement ID every time I generate a package.


Thanks for the comments all--I had sworn I had updated the arrangement ID before generating for every new iteration, but I just regenerated the .psarc and the scroll speed was fine. Not sure if I just forgot last time or something else, but either way it's been resolved, thank you!!

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I've just played an official song tonight, which did the scroll speed speed up thing part way in.  It seems to be the way Rocksmith works.  I've probably only noticed it with more complex songs, when you pause and have to manually adjust the difficulty to 100% before you can play it - that's when I notice the issue.


I hope that makes sense.  It's the start of the holidays and I have had :beer: :beer: :beer:.

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I've just played an official song tonight, which did the scroll speed speed up thing part way in.  It seems to be the way Rocksmith works.  I've probably only noticed it with more complex songs, when you pause and have to manually adjust the difficulty to 100% before you can play it - that's when I notice the issue.


I hope that makes sense.  It's the start of the holidays and I have had :beer: :beer: :beer:.


Might not be the problem, but just getting it out of the way:

Max scroll speed hits when the song is at maximum difficulty level.  A song with a high scroll speed is still gonna be pretty slow if the song is at a low level.

Thank you both for your comments--I should have probably clarified, the issue I'm referring to is present when the song is at maximum difficulty.

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