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Week 88...... lets mf go!!!... Ah, right, it's me again, ehm,

Let's start week 88. :P

READ THIS FIRST =>> How and Why to Join the Championships
Read this second =>> Rocksmith 2014 Championship Rules

Last weeks winners:

Beginner: @@lostpapers
Intermediate: @@fiddlesticks
Advanced: @
Masterclass: @


Beginner: @@lostpapers
Intermediate: @@Rodman
Advanced: @@fiddlesticks
Masterclass: N/A


Beginner: @@KJParsley
Intermediate: @@punchyrumble

Advanced: @@NoonyDeloony
Masterclass: @@then3verend

Congrats to all the winners.


Honorably mentioned for scoring 100% are a hell lot of particiapants. :)  :mellow:  :huh:  Ah, ok, names... :P :

- Beginner Lead - @@fiddlesticks

- Beginner Rhythm - @@fiddlesticks

- Beginner Bass - @@Goneyay, @@KJParsley and @@slooker

- Intermediate Bass - @@genobadass

- Advanced Rhythm - @@fiddlesticks

- Advanced Bass - @@albatross213, @@genobadass, @@Latsch, @, @@NoonyDeloony, @@queengeedorah, @@supername, @@then3verend

- MasterClass Bass - @@albatross213 and @@then3verend

Now, something for ears and eyes - videos!

by @@albatross213,
by @ and one by @. And
by @@NoonyDeloony.


The songs for this week are:


Lead Path:

Beginner: The Tragically Hip - Twist My Arm (Chosen by @@2groggy )
Intermediate: Sting - Fields of Gold (Chosen by @@missis sumner )
Advanced: Iron Maiden - Infinite Dreams  (Chosen by @@albatross213 )

Masterclass: Metallica - One (Chosen by @@genobadass )

(! That's the new version made by @Nacho)

Rhythm Path:

Beginner: N/A
Intermediate: The Tragically Hip - Twist My Arm
Advanced: Iron Maiden - Infinite Dreams
Masterclass: Metallica - One

Bass Path:

Beginner: Sting - Fields of Gold
Intermediate: The Tragically Hip - Twist My Arm
Advanced: Metallica - One
Masterclass: Iron Maiden - Infinite Dreams

Chris Squire Tribute: Chris Squire - Hold Out Your Hand/You By My Side


Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10).


Honorable list Diehard men:

Playing in their class 4 weeks in row, one pass allowed.

P.s. Please, see changes in Championship Class Lists!

Have a great week!

  • Like 6

Master of Rocksmith Championship
For Whom the Leaderboard Tolls
...And Song Selection List For All
Seek and Championship Class Lists

On 2/11/2015 at 3:42 PM, NoonyDeloony said:

@@Mortalo don't worry, you're a nice douche 🙂

T-Rex Interactive


My first selection! Wish I had a little bit more time over the next couple of days, but I should be able to put some work in this afternoon and get back to normal around Monday. One should be fun too, and I'll try to check the other's out.

My CDLC releases and my workshop 
My CDLC previews (Lots of bass only stuff)
Join us at the Rocksmith Championship!


First scores and reviews:http://s28.postimg.org/l7vsnn471/2015_06_27_00004.jpg

Yay, after a nice week off...I get my butt kicked by the bass-ics...I should be able to break about 99% on this 9 on difficulty



Well...its THE one...winner will be determined who can do the breaks in the first half and who can do the harmony near the end...(9 on difficulty)



I'm probably one of the few people that know the solo by heart...If i can just learn the rest of the song now xD 96% should be possible and is my goal 10 on the difficulty

  • Like 8


Many nice scores on all songs :)

Posted (edited)

I've played it a few times (which has helped), but I think this was an improvement over my previous best (I have a score attack score of just over 1 mil, but don't remember what went along with that). Increased familiarity with the song (knowing how to handle each variation the first time through, remembering where to put my hand when the key changes) and riff repeater on some of the tricky sections should help.




There aren't any scintillatingly technical passages in the song, so while it should be possible to 100% it (why I revised my difficulty rating down) I'd be exceedingly surprised if I were to 100% it. I'd probably be really happy coming within 5 or 10 notes of 100% at the end of the week. At least until @@then3verend one ups it.


Edit: Also, now that I'm listening more closely, there are a few places where the bass is noticeably off. In the sustains in the first few verses Steve's clearly playing something extra, in the riff before the fast part after playing what's tabbed the first two repeats it sounds like he switches more to following the drums. I'm OK with it as is since the tab doesn't have you playing anything totally wacky as far as I can hear, but figured I'd let people know in case they'll be bothered by it and might want the song changed.

Edited by albatross213
  • Like 4

My CDLC releases and my workshop 
My CDLC previews (Lots of bass only stuff)
Join us at the Rocksmith Championship!



I should be able to break about 99% on this

Well, you'll have to...




The usual software I use for recording seems to not be working, so I tried Bandicam. Interestingly, it seems to cause in-game lag but output silky smooth video, whereas the other one was the opposite. Anyway, video will be up soon, though I might try another take for a video later. I also think somewhat fewer misses will be possible, though I still don't think I'll get down below 3 misses or so as it's really hard to nail everything in one playthrough.


Edit: Video


I'm blaming Bandicam lag for all the places where my rhythm was terrible  :P

  • Like 7

My CDLC releases and my workshop 
My CDLC previews (Lots of bass only stuff)
Join us at the Rocksmith Championship!




I should be able to break about 99% on this

Well, you'll have to...



 At least until @@then3verend one ups it.


Or i could just play completely outta my frickin mind



Brb...having a heart attack and a stroke at the same time

  • Like 12


Many nice scores on all songs :)

Posted (edited)


Or i could just play completely outta my frickin mind


Well, I suppose it's nice to have clear goals...


But can we please get something that @@then3verend can't 100%? Then again, I guess the only bass 10 on the list is another of my selections. Anthem would probably do as well.


Edit: If I hit 100% and can't catch your score, I'm totally going master mode on this one. I think it's possible.

Edited by albatross213
  • Like 2

My CDLC releases and my workshop 
My CDLC previews (Lots of bass only stuff)
Join us at the Rocksmith Championship!


Hey Guys,


Just in Case, i'm sorry if this is the wrong thread to ask some questions.. probably.

I'll make it quick. :)

1. Every Week Mortalo will open a new rs14 championship thread for every next week. And all we have to do is to post a Screen with the results from LAS or Score Attack after playin the Song we've been given for this week and so on. Is that right ? (my english is kinda bad, sorry about that, i'll try my best tho).

Let's say there's a song which i can play better at Advanced Lead and next week Intermediate Rhythm. Can i change which suits me better every week and post my results that way ?

So that i can change my class and guitar arrangement ?


First i didn't want to join, because well i was actually scared it would be a classic who's the best championship. But after reading the rules and all the other things. I kinda want to join and have some fun and maybe learn some tricks how to get play things right and cleaner.

I'm looking forward to learn and compete with you guys [emoji1]


~Yinx (in game name)

  • Like 5

Alright i think i kinda understood almost everything.


@@Mortalo But seriously 88 Weeks and every week are about 2-6 Songs or even more... That's rough.

I mean you surely got a whole lot to do, rating songs from beginner-master, cheking you've got everybody listed for the rating, managing all the peole who're posting alle the results and still being active in the forum and probably a whole lot more. That's actually impressive. I mean seriously 88 weeks.... 88 !

Anyways @@Mortalo and the other Guys who're probably helping out and stuff, which i don't know yet.

Thank you guys for this chance [emoji4]

  • Like 7

4 songs (rarely there is more, only on special days). And I'm the all-father since week 41, and the ancient ones were running it for RS2012 back on Anvil.


PS. I'm working at home, so making 5 min break to update leaderboard every couple of hours is not that porblematic :P



But seriously, it wouldn't be possible if all three of us didn't work hard. You can think of me as a coach. Always about current week, and on friday moving on to the next, not thinking back. The man behind the scenes is @. The General Manager. He's the one who pushes Championship forward. And he's always there to help with ratings. And he's everytime right (unless he's wrong :P ). And @@Rodman, playing with his Rankings and helping whenever he can.

I wouldn't be able to run it without them.




It look's like Kill Bill Vol. 2 makes people make long posts.




Grave of the Fireflies by Studio Ghibli. It's anime, but it's also the saddest movie I ever saw. Unless you want your kids to see you cry, don't watch it with them :P

  • Like 13

Master of Rocksmith Championship
For Whom the Leaderboard Tolls
...And Song Selection List For All
Seek and Championship Class Lists

On 2/11/2015 at 3:42 PM, NoonyDeloony said:

@@Mortalo don't worry, you're a nice douche 🙂

T-Rex Interactive



@@then3verend Insane result! How about great video of your play?

Later this week...that run was hard enough, let alone dealing with the lag of Fraps..

I have another idea i might try for video recording as well :3



Yeah, try to record just a soda can, that would suit your personality really well :lol:

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