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  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

Week 87...... lets mf go!!!

READ THIS FIRST =>> How and Why to Join the Championships
Read this second =>> Rocksmith 2014 Championship Rules

Last weeks winners:

Beginner: @@punchyrumble
Intermediate: @@Mortalo
Advanced: @@Azrael (MM!)
Masterclass: @

Beginner: N/A
Intermediate: @@Rodman
Advanced: @@lordlk
Masterclass: @

Beginner: @@klaw
Intermediate: @@Azrael

Advanced: @@queengeedorah
Masterclass: @@then3verend

Congrats to all the winners.


Honorably mentioned for scoring 100% are @@fiddlesticks on Beginner Lead, @@Kaijin on Beginner Bass and @@Azrael @ @@Kaijin @@genobadass @@albatross213 on Int Bass.

Not to forget a ultrafast MM win by @@Azrael Adv Lead.

Videos! Nope. (or did i miss some?)


The songs for this week are:


Lead Path:

Beginner: Magic Wands - Black Magic (Chosen by @@then3verend ) - official song
Intermediate: Tenacious D - Beelzeboss (Chosen by @ )
Advanced: Frank Zappa - Camarillo Brillo  (Chosen by @@Aludog )

Masterclass: BTO - Takin-Care-of-Business (Chosen by @@2groggy )

Rhythm Path:

Beginner: Magic Wands - Black Magic
Intermediate: BTO - Takin-Care-of-Business
Advanced: Frank Zappa - Camarillo Brillo
Masterclass: N/A

Bass Path:

Beginner: Magic Wands - Black Magic
Intermediate: Tenacious D - Beelzeboss
Advanced: BTO - Takin-Care-of-Business
Masterclass: Frank Zappa - Camarillo Brillo


Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10).


Honorable list Diehard men:

Playing in their class 4 weeks in row, one pass allowed.

P.s. Please, see changes in Championship Class Lists!

Have a great week!

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-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

as i said...


lets mf go...


Man, we have the D, we have Zappa - what a week!





  • Like 6

-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.



Int bass: Honestly more fun to play than I was expecting.



Adv bass: Nearly messed up the first fill, and for some reason the beginning of the last chorus, but still managed 100%.



MC Bass: A lot of fun to play, and the Rocksmith gods were kind during some of the latter parts of the song. Looks like I'm not going to have to do it until I'm unconscio. Just a matter of time until someone out-rhythms me, probably, but at least this one doesn't have tons of repeated notes (which is usually where I get far away from perfects).




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My CDLC releases and my workshop 
My CDLC previews (Lots of bass only stuff)
Join us at the Rocksmith Championship!


I didn't think the bass part of Camarillo Brillo would be masterclass material (and I still don't) but I guess one has to always see it in comparison to the other tracks. Also, yeah. One of my customs is in the CS, so no matter how busy I am, I gotta produce some scores this week. :D

Also gonna play some lead and rhythm on Camarillo Brillo, because I can get some decent scores on those. Won't be hard to get 100% though for the pros.

  • Like 7

Looking forward to getting stuck into some Tenacious D this week - although I'll be avoiding Takin Care of Business, hate that song with a passion !


Beginner Lead, fun little tune:



  • Like 6

Why I know @@then3verend will beat me this week:



Way better than my previous best (1,312 something) but still far behind. Plucked everything with my index as that seemed to yield somewhat more consistent results with the timing of the notes. I imagine a pick would be even better, but I'm still too lazy to get a good pick.

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My CDLC releases and my workshop 
My CDLC previews (Lots of bass only stuff)
Join us at the Rocksmith Championship!


Looking forward to getting stuck into some Tenacious D this week - although I'll be avoiding Takin Care of Business, hate that song with a passion !


Be glad Takin Care of Business isnt in your Class :/

First (and only score)



Looks like I got some work to do now...(I WAS SO DANG CLOSE TO A SIGHT READ)


but this was


  • Like 6


Many nice scores on all songs :)

  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

bhhhhh yeah, heavy 100 battles goin on already :)


now where is that goin to end :)



... lead, better :)


  • Like 8

-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

Int rhy, first try..



  • Like 7

-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.



Quick update 

Takin' Care of Business Bass


Camarillo Brillo Bass

Man that was close...


Why you guys hatin' on Takin Care of Business? I think its a cool one, although i havent heard it in years i think



Not my style...not my preference...As with Hotel California...cool to listen...hate to play


Oh and this(I might become a Zappa fan this week...I also really want to be a "friend" of a gypsy lady now...)


  • Like 6


Many nice scores on all songs :)



Be glad Takin Care of Business isnt in your Class :/



I think I'm supposed to be doing intermediate class this week, and BTO is the rhythm track. Wouldn't even consider touching the lead, way out of my league - good luck with it !


Early take on Tenacious D, lots of room for improvement.



  • Like 6

Also another reason why I dislike BTO...I've heard it about a thousand billion times in my child-hood...but heres an appropriately theme commercial of what I mean...(btw Fathers day is tomorrow in the States)


ok, i thought something like this was the case.

It wasnt/isnt that viral here in Germany, i even doubt many know BTO  of my generation (mid 20s)



Also another reason why I dislike BTO...I've heard it about a thousand billion times in my child-hood...but heres an appropriately theme commercial of what I mean...(btw Fathers day is tomorrow in the States)


ok, i thought something like this was the case.

It wasnt/isnt that viral here in Germany, i even doubt many know BTO  of my generation (mid 20s)


23 here...this would play between all of the commercials as a kid it felt like...(they added takin care of business...with Office Depot in the later 00's).

The videos themselves arent that entertaining...the catchy tune of BTO was really the best thing for them

  • Like 1


Many nice scores on all songs :)


Yeah, between Takin' Care of Business and You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet BTO has been vastly overplayed in the US. Haven't watched standard (i.e. non-streamed) TV in a while, so I don't have it as bad as some others, but it's still pretty bad.

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My CDLC releases and my workshop 
My CDLC previews (Lots of bass only stuff)
Join us at the Rocksmith Championship!


Not my cup of tea again.


Interesting cdlc, a song like rock-opera. But for my,  need more volume tones, barely hear himself.


  • Like 5

Aaaand some more score-posts!


Love Tenacious D, Pick of Destiny is one of my favourite movies

Belzeboss Bass


Takin Care of Business Lead

Ok, i can see how one can hate this song.

Its way too catchy, and i think i will hum it for the rest of the night.

It has some cool licks in it, but all in all pretty easy song.

Some of the solo parts are strange, i dont really like bending the 15th fret on the high-e and b string non stop.

Needs a little RR here and there, but now im off into the night life.




   "...Takin' Care of Business dum dum dum.."

  • Like 8

@@fiddlesticks Your scores said me, that you at least good for advanced class. So don`t stay, move forward,   :)

Update (volume for music set 75, but still yet can not hear arpeggio in middle of the song, at acoustic tone, where got strike):


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Magic Wands - 100%  - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=465362890

Tenacious D - 94% - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=465362916

BTO - 90% - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=465362930


Sadly this will be my last week for a few weeks as I'm getting shoulder surgery and won't be able to play from anywhere between a few weeks to a few months. :/


I'll miss the competition, but I'll be back as soon as I'm able!

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  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

@, I will check the volumes. If necessary I'll raise them

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