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I still have pretty much no idea what to do with tones (especially for guitar, since I don't have one). If anyone could advise on the most common types of adjustments (EQ, pedals, whatever) that would be a great help!


I recently (as of Feb. 2016) started adding the notes.eof files to my download folders. For some of the older ones I think the .ini files were different which can cause the sync to get screwed up, so I'll try to update the older ones (I'll probably be wanting to do serious updates to lots of my older CDLC anyway). So far, my Blotted Science, Between the Buried and Me, Coroner, HeXeN, Nevermore, Skeletonwitch, Streetlight Manifesto, Testament, Vektor, and Warbringer customs have the notes.eof file in the download folder.


See here for the basics of how to set things up so you can use the notes.eof files.


Finished CDLC (organized roughly by genre):

I haven't done every custom by every band listed here, which should hopefully be obvious. Just that I've done at least one by each band (I'll try to add the exact number I've done in parentheses). If I feel a band belongs in multiple categories, I'll put them in multiple times.


Rock (classic/progressive/heavy blues etc.):

Blood Ceremony (1 song)

Clutch (20 songs)

Corrosion of Conformity (1 song)

Graveyard (3 songs)

King Crimson (1 song)

Riverside (7 songs)

The Rolling Stones (3 songs)

Rush (3 songs)

Steven Wilson (1 song)

Tricot (2 songs)

Yes (1 song)


Miscellaneous bass focused stuff:

Bob Marley and the Wailers (9 songs)

Bruno Mars (1 song)

Jamiroquai (1 song)

Michael Jackson (1 song)

Ozric Tentacles (2 songs)

Sade (2 songs)

Smokey Robinson & The Miracles (1 song)

Streetlight Manifesto (5 songs)

The Four Tops (1 song)

The Maytals (1 song)

The Spinners (4 songs)

The Supremes (1 song)

Vulfpeck (12 songs)


"Classic" style metal:

Enforcer (1 song)

Iron Maiden (14 songs)

Judas Priest (17 songs)


Miscellaneous metal I'm too lazy to create categories for:

High on Fire (1 song, stoner metal)

Lamb of God (18 songs, groove metal)

Moonsorrow (5 songs, epic blackened folk/whatever)

The Dillinger Escape Plan (2 songs, progressive mathcore)

The Sword (5 songs, doom/stoner metal)


Progressive Metal (clean vocals/Instrumental):

Andromeda (2 songs)

Conquering Dystopia (1 song)

Dream Theater (8 songs)

Galneryus (7 songs)

Haken (13 songs)

Intervals (8 songs, mostly instrumental)

Liquid Tension Experiment (2 songs, instrumental)

Mandroid Echostar (1 song)

Myrath (2 songs)

Pomegranate Tiger (3 songs)

Scale the Summit (23 songs, instrumental)

Symphony X (26 songs)


Progressive Metal (mixed/harsh vocals):

Atheist (1 song)

Between the Buried and Me (32 songs, mixed vocals)

Disillusion (2 songs, mixed vocals)

Gorod (8 songs)

Leprous (1 song, mixed vocals)

Native Construct (6 songs, mixed vocals)

Ne Obliviscaris (7 songs, mixed vocals)

Opeth (17 songs, mixed vocals)

Orphaned Land (4 songs, mixed vocals)

Sigh (1 song)

The Ocean (2 songs, mixed vocals)


Power Metal:

Galneryus (6 songs)

Helloween (29 songs)

Gamma Ray (1 song)

Iced Earth (15 songs)

Savatage (1 song)


Death Metal:

Amorphis (5 songs)

Atheist (1 song)

Beyond Creation (3 songs)

Blotted Science (6 songs)

Cannibal Corpse (13 songs)

Dark Tranquillity (4 songs)

Death (3 songs)

Disillusion (2 songs)

Gorod (8 songs)

Kalmah (2 songs)

Ne Obliviscaris (7 songs)

Obscura (8 songs)

Omnium Gatherum (1 song)

Opeth (17 songs)

Possessed (2 songs)

Quo Vadis (1 song)

Spawn of Possession (1 song)

The Absence (1 song)

Year200X (3 songs)


Thrash Metal:

Anthrax (2 songs)

Coroner (8 songs)

Destroyer 666 (1 song)

HeXeN (4 songs)

Iced Earth (15 songs)

Kreator (11 songs)

Lamb of God (18 songs, more groove)

Nevermore (15 songs)

Possessed (2 songs)

Skeletonwitch (8 songs)

Slayer (1 song)

Testament (17 songs)

Vektor (12 songs)

Warbringer (3 songs)


Guitar virtuoso:

Buckethead (1 song)

Intervals (8 songs)

Jeff Loomis (2 songs)

John 5 (3 songs)

John Petrucci (4 songs)

Liquid Tension Experiment (2 songs)

Rusty Cooley (1 song)


5-string bass (some of which has been rearranged for 4):

Blotted Science (6 songs)

Between the Buried and Me (32 songs)

Cannibal Corpse (13 songs)

Chris Letchford (3 songs)

Exivious (1 song)

Galneryus (7 songs)

Iced Earth (15 songs, only more recent stuff on 5-string)

Ihsahn (2 songs)

Intronaut (1 song)

Jeff Loomis (2 songs)

John Petrucci (4 songs)

Liquid Tension Experiment (2 songs)

Mandroid Echostar (1 song)

Myrath (2 songs)

Native Construct (6 songs)

Ne Obliviscaris (7 songs)

Nevermore (15 songs, only later songs on 5-string)

Spawn of Possession (1 song)

Streetlight Manifesto (5 songs)

Year200X (3 songs)


6-string bass (some of which is playable on 5 or has been rearranged for 4):

Andromeda (2 songs)

Beyond Creation (3 songs)

Control Denied (1 song)

Dream Theater (8 songs)

Haken (13 songs)

Obscura (8 songs)

Scale the Summit (23 songs)

Seventh Wonder (7 songs)



I did much of the bass chart and some testing on Mastodon - The Motherload by @@rummhamm87

I did a little bit of testing and suggestions for an update of Graveyard - Right is Wrong by @@bernixix

Edited by albatross213
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Had a look at your CDLC - Riverside - Celebrity Touch

Good job man! I think you should release it now and see what feedback you get.


The tone you used for guitar is good, no need to change it.

The only thing I noticed that could be changed is swapping the lead & rhythm paths over as the main guitar solo you've got on the rhythm path.


good luck.

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  • 1 month later...

Time for me to stop neglecting this and instead start using it to stay organized and let people know what I'm up to.


I'll be editing the main post, but the basic gist is I'll put Symphony X on hold for a while (though I'll definitely return eventually. If nothing else I have to do Rediscovery pt. 2)after I finish some of the songs and updates I'm working on and work on some other bands or songs that I feel deserve a place on here - probably starting with resyncing and polishing up some of the early CDLCs I tested without officially publishing them.


I'm also in the process of moving, so I probably won't be especially productive over the next week or so. Some of the Symphony X songs I'm working on (Reign in Madness, Seven, In the Dragon's Den, updates to Fallen and Iconoclast) are in the late stages of testing and will probably get posted at some point during that time period, but I doubt I'll get to anything past those until we're a few days into July.


And thanks for the feedback @@vinegarv - I'll try to be look at it sooner and be more responsive in the future!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been a busy last few days. There are a few new releases:

Yes (prog rock) - Long Distance Runaround, Rush (prog rock) - One Little Victory, Sigh (progressive black metal?) - Corpsecry, Running Wild (NWOBHM) - Riding the Storm, King Crimson (prog rock)- Discipline


and new previews:

Ozric Tentacles (prog/psych rock) - Erpland (bass only)

Atheist (technical death metal) - Mother Man (bass only for the moment. Video. Working on guitar.)


I hopefully should feel confident about releasing the Riverside and Ozric Tentacles songs soon (and maybe even the Atheist, if just on bass for the moment), and then I should be able to move on to other things (The Ocean, Marmozets, Tricot) that have been in my backlog for quite a while now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

can you do also one day ?:

Symphony X - Absence Of Light

I'm planning on doing it eventually. I'm not really planning on pumping out Symphony X songs at the same pace as I used to, but there's definitely still a lot more of their stuff that I want on here, and they're usually reasonably easy to produce customs for and might serve as a nice diversion when work on something else is being frustrating. Hard to give a timeline, but maybe a month? Also depends on the quality of the tab.


Big thumbs up for Opeth - Deliverance! If you have the time, could you do also Demon of the Fall?


I somehow didn't realize that we also didn't have Demon of the Fall yet - while there's some great stuff here, there's definitely still too many notable songs missing. I'll look into the tabs somewhat soon and see how they are - I don't have a great ear and so for some tabs it's just too much work for me to fix everything. I also have a pretty big backlog of things that I want to start working my way through, but I'll try to check it out in a couple of weeks (i.e. if you don't see any mention of it here two weeks from now, remind me!).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Day 1 Updates: For Nevermore the bass part to 42147 was messed up, so I decided to use Tiananmen instead (though 42147 would be an awesome song to have on guitar). Made enough progress to move a bunch of things from "synced" (and also cleared out the not yet started category) to "arranged", including Nevermore, Symphony X, COC, Slayer, Iron Maiden, Ozzy, Iced Earth, Disillusion, and Leprous. Next up will be getting started on the remaining songs that I haven't yet started, and start sectioning out the songs that are arranged but I haven't made previews out of yet for lack of sectioning. That and furiously polishing everything that I'm reasonably confident about.


Day 2 Updates: Moved a lot of stuff from the arranged to the preview stage. If you want to check any of them out, you can find them in this folder. Everything in the previews folder has been tested on bass, so hopefully they don't crash your game. Some of them have GP files with them at the moment, but I'll try to upload a few more of the GP tabs I used to generate them in case anyone wants to use those to suggest fixes or anything. I'll also try to get some playthrough videos up so you can see them in action.


Day 3 Updates: Doing some other stuff (motown releases and a few other things I'm working on) today, but still made some progress on a few things. Moved Disillusion to the previews, updated The Anarchist, and did some work on Closure and Leprous.


Day 4 Updates: The goal for today is to get as many of the remaining songs as I can into a preview state with some reasonably not terrible tones (I think I just gave Disillusion a distortion tone, when at the very least it also needs a clean one [and probably lead and wah, but I'll save those for later], so I'll try to fix that too). Then I'll try delegating out some testing to people who I've had contact with who I feel might like some of the songs.


Added another Death song, since they're so easy to do  :D. Updated Disillusion with all tones, taken from/modified from Opeth ones. No idea how the wah will turn out, so sorry if it's terrible. Also made a preview of Closure and the Riverside, Ozzy, and Leprous songs. Getting pretty close!


Played through the new songs. Just going to say that the Leprous is really fun on bass. Others are quite nice too!


Day 5 Updates: Basically this post.


Day 6 updates: The goal for today is to finish up the tabs for the songs that haven't been upgraded to preview status yet (and lead guitar for Under My Thumb). Then updating The Edge of Forever with a somewhat slower scroll speed. Once that's done, I'll start a new section for things I consider "finished", and start moving things over there. I think I'll be able to move the Death, Iron Maiden, Symphony X, Rush, Iced Earth, Ozzy, and Atheist (10 songs!) over there today, provided no one tells me they aren't done.


Main Body:

Until my birthday (August 19th), this post will be used to give updates to the megapack I'm planning on releasing for my birthday, as a way of playing tribute to some of the metal and rock (there are a lot more rock, and motown, and etc. people who deserve something on here, but I guess I'll do them later. In a more normal fashion.) artists who have influenced me the most (though there will be some omissions whether due to 5 or 6 string basses or bands whose discographies are pretty damn full - the epitome of which is Dream Theater - or a lack of tabs).


There's a hell of a lot to do before my birthday, so any help with tabs, tones, testing, or anything like that will be greatly appreciated (in particular, I'll try to give "thanks" for anything that seems remotely deserving). I'll try to break up the list into a few different categories depending on how close to being done things are. Thanks for your help!


Preview songs (often not 100% done, but should be pretty close. Go here for download links):


Clutch - 10001110101. Think bass is OK in latest version. How are the tones for the guitar lead?


Corrosion of Conformity - Albatross. Finished tabbing this out and polishing it. Should be pretty good now.


Riverside - Loose Heart (playthrough). I think the tab's alright now for the most part. Let me know how the guitar tab and tones are.


Nevermore - The Tiananmen Man (playthrough). Might want another bass tone for the bass interlude, or maybe the whole song. How are things on guitar?


Slayer - 213 (playthrough). Things looked good on bass, but forgot to check picked. How is it on guitar?


Opeth - Closure (playthrough). Looked good on bass. Let me know how it goes on guitar.


Tested on Guitar:


Leprous - He Will Kill Again (playthrough). Will fix up guitar tab during solo a bit if I have the time.


Opeth - Deliverance. Tested on guitar. Still working on tone volumes and shifts a bit.


The Rolling Stones - Under My Thumb (playthrough). Fixing up bass path with @@Aludog's help, think guitar's OK excepting tuning/pitch shift.


Finished (!):

Rush - The Anarchist (bass only). Fixed up the tab, improved the tone, but the tone could probably still be better. Not planning on spending more time on it at the moment unless someone knows a great one.

Rush - Ghost Rider (playthrough).


Symphony X - The Edge of Forever

Symphony X - Rediscovery Part 2.


Ozzy Osbourne - Zombie Stomp (playthrough blocked on copyright grounds)


Iced Earth - Travel In Stygian (Days of Purgatory version). Playthrough.


Atheist - Mother Man  Old playthrough


Disillusion - ...and the Mirror Cracked. Tried to do this properly with tones, and holy fuck are there a ton of tone switches on lead. No idea if the tones are any good either.


Iron Maiden - The Duellists (playthrough). Bonus paths are Murray/Smith.


Death - Secret Face (playthrough)   

Death - Flattening of Emotions (playthrough).


As I said above, any help on these will be greatly appreciated, especially when it comes to testing out the guitar parts!

Edited by albatross213

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August 23 is my birthday... will be 4 days sufficient to create Nevermore's "Sentient 6" (bass)? :D

The date is true but please take this as a request for the future ;)....

There's a big lack of Nevermore here, and your CDLCS are great!

Thank you!!!

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"The more you love music, the more music you love"  -  Tom Moon


@@Chicco - I'd love to do more Nevermore, but it's often pretty tough to figure out how to fit them in with the string constraints in Rocksmith, particularly on guitar (Loomis often goes through the full tonal range of a guitar and sweep picks across all 7 strings).


If you're OK with it being played on a 5 string bass, then it shouldn't be much trouble at all to make just the bass track. If you'd prefer 4 string, I think I should be able to fit almost everything into a tuning like D drop C (or maybe even Eb drop Db), then probably lift the low B's up an octave, and something like that wouldn't be too hard to do.


Doing the guitar part and fitting in that solo at the end would be another story, though.

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Hey man, you're really friendly and helpful. Thank you very much for your answer! I don't own a 5 string bass and with my current one when I go over the D drop C my fingers get trapped in the strings... :lol:

Don't worry, when you find a "regular" tuning in any Nevermore's song I'll be here...

or... what about Sanctuary? ;)

Thanks again.

"The more you love music, the more music you love"  -  Tom Moon


@@Chicco - Regarding the tuning, Eb drop Db would also get most of the notes in the song without having to move things up an octave - I think only 36 notes throughout the song would need to be changed. Even just Eb tuning would only bring in another ~80 or so (for a total of ~116). Let me know which of the tunings you'd most prefer (given the changes that would need to be made) and I'll adapt it to that.


Regarding Sanctuary, it looks like there are a few tabs for the album "Into the Mirror Black" - Future Tense, Taste Revenge, and Seasons of Destruction. Also Die For My Sins and Sanctuary from their first album. I don't know Sanctuary as well, but all of them look pretty complete and reasonably interesting, so if you'd like me to try giving any of those a go (whether in addition to or instead of Sentient 6) I'd be happy to.


P.S. If you haven't seen it yet, I have a preview version of The Tiananmen Man up, which is in Eb tuning.

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Too friendly and too helpful, are you human? :D Eb would be better, if it doesn't upset too much your work (or the fingers position) otherwise Eb drop Db could be ok. I'm planning to enhance my gear even if I only play on RS.

Anyway Sanctuary are the ashes from which Nevermore rose... feel free to work on all their songs whenever you want :rolleyes:.

I'm an huge Warrell Dane fan (I met him several times) and I supposed their songs were not easy to create and play as CLDC so I instantly took advantage of your plans... :lol: :lol: :lol:

I discovered this topic only yesterday and the first thing I did was the download of The Tiananmen man. Unfortunately I'm sick now (and old, always) and I'm not able to play. I hope to get into shape by Aug 23, at least...

Thank you again and again.

Un saluto dall'Italia!!!

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"The more you love music, the more music you love"  -  Tom Moon


A few releases today as things are starting to build to my birthday. I've also been hard at work on the birthday pack, but mostly behind the scenes stuff.


There were a few songs in the pack that I updated today:


Death - Flattening of Emotions. Made the main arrangements so that all the solos are in the lead path. Added bonus arrangements for Chuck's part (Rhythm path) and Paul's part (Lead path). I think they trade off solos a bit more than in the tab judging by the times they have notes ringing out over other parts of the solo, but that might also just be studio magic.


Iron Maiden - The Duellists. Similar thing as above - main arrangements are lead only and rhythm only (though with the more leady harmonies), while the bonus arrangements are what I had before, basically Dave Murray and Adrian Smith paths. Also tidied up some things, especially on the bass path.


Atheist - Mother Man. Changed the arrangements somewhat (mainly removing the lead over the first bass tapping section for the rhythm guitar path) and changed the tabs a bit for playability purposes.


Iced Earth - Travel In Stygian. Fixed up the solo a bit (there was definitely no tapping at the end!), the rhythm of some notes a bit, and generally tidied things up. Also trying out new tones.



It's time to rally the troops! We're nearing the stretch run, so the sooner you can provide feedback the better. Any help would be valuable to improve the ones that I'm not sure about yet, but it would also be nice to be start setting aside some of the songs as finished.


@@then3verend - play everything!  :D But seriously, thanks for your help on Mother Man. I need to give "Thanks" (possibly multiple ones) for helping out through that whole process. Anything else you can offer would be great.


@@cdeath - Big thanks to you as well. Again, anything else you can offer would be great, and I'll try to do a better job repaying the favor for everything you've helped with so far.


@@bernixix - I guess you're on vacation now? But I figured I'd mention you anyway just in case.


@@Anderi - Were you able to try out Deliverance (or would you like to try out Closure)? I think things in Deliverance should be pretty good on guitar, but it's very possible I missed something in a song that long. I might also need to do more tone changes in one of the softer verses.


@@Nacholede - Sounds like your guitar isn't doing well, but your ears are still good. Any chance you could listen to some of the songs I need tone help with and come up with suggestions of songs I should pillage?


@ - I know you like metal, and I know you're pretty good at testing things and getting better tones. Do you have the time to test any of these?


@@MaZtoR - I feel like I know less about your musical tastes than I should after lots of time in the championship, but you chose Corpsecry for it, so I figure some of these will interest you.


@@Rodman - Err, you're on vacation now, right? If so, ignore the following: Not sure how many of these will be up your alley (and some of them are really technical - sorry!), but I hope you can test some of them out. Any feedback is invaluable.


@@TrbInTrbIn - You're relatively new, so I don't know you or your musical tastes that well, but you get a mention in here for your dedication in charting Sigh for a different tuning and then playing the hell out of it! I know you don't like tuning down and back, but I think everything other than the Symphony X, Death, and Disillusion is in Eb standard, E standard, or drop D.


@@fiddlesticks - You also are being notified for going through a pretty extreme number of playthroughs on Corpsecry. I hope there are things here to your liking.


@@Mercenary, @@rummhamm87 - Do any of these songs interest you?


@@JamesPrestonUK, @@Aludog - a lot of this might not be your style, but hopefully at least the Rush, Rolling Stones, and Riverside are up your alley. The Leprous is also pretty fun on bass, but I wouldn't be surprised if you have a blast during some parts of the song while others turn you off. And if you guys are here, you might want to check out Runaway and Billie Jean in the normal previews section.


I think that's about all of the people I can think of off the top of my head. If there's anyone else any of you can think of, invite them to have a look at this thread! And a big thanks to all of you for being important parts of an awesome community, and for any help you can provide!


Good night. For me at least, since I guess this is a pretty widespread crowd!

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My CDLC releases and my workshop 
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Posted (edited)

Alright, in addition to the songs I made new versions of, and hopefully finished up, yesterday, today I made new (and hopefully ready to release) versions of

Opeth - Deliverance

Rush - Ghost Rider and the Anarchist

Symphony X - The Edge of Forever. Rediscovery should also pretty much be ready, but I haven't made any changes recently.

Zombie Stomp might also be ready


I also made a version of Clutch - 10001110101. I took the tones from some of their other CDLC, but I have no idea how well the guitar tones will work for the intro and the guitar solo at the end. Still not 100% sure about the bassline, but I think it's at least not horrible. Edit: watched a video of a live performance. I think I'm right when the bass is solo'd, but not in the verse parts with the guitar, where it's the first version every time. Also, I'm just going to say this is one of the few songs where I think charting the lyrics would add something significant to the experience.


Edit: Made COC - Albatross. Yay. Took a little while to fix up all the little things, but I think it's in pretty good shape now. Let me know how the lead goes.


Now, it's onto finishing up converting the lead for "Under My Thumb" from a text tab to a GP. And then I'm done! (except for all of the details of tones and uploads)

Edited by albatross213

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Aaand a new version of Under My Thumb! Lead guitar's a little sparse in places, but hopefully it's still good to play. Let me know how the tones are - I used the clean tone from Satisfaction for lead and the acoustic from Paint It Black for rhythm.


With that, I hope I think that means I have most everything in a state where I won't be totally embarrassed to release them in a few days. Still probably not everything is in a state where I'd be proud of them at the moment, unless all of my random tone choices miraculously work out. Guitarists, I need your help!

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Posted (edited)

Hey there. Is there anything I can help you with?

I think on bass things are in better shape on guitar since I can test them and there's generally much less tonal variety, but there are a few things I could use help with (I'll also try to steer clear of the more extreme metal stuff).


1) Rush - The Anarchist. Had to make this from a text tab, so the tab might not be perfect. Thinking of changing the octaves in the verse to being played on the A string (which I think I prefer with open E), and the preverse riff with the chords keeping everything up at the 9th and 10th frets then transitioning to the verse fret hand position via an open note. Also, the tone could be improved. I might just start playing around in the tone designer to see if I can get something that even closely resembles how the bass feels during those pre-chorus parts with the ringing open notes.


2) The Rolling Stones - Under  My Thumb. Had to make a decent number of changes to the bass tab for both rhythm and pitch, and it's unlikely that everything's perfect. The tone might also not be a perfect fit - it's the one from Satisfaction at the moment.


3) Corrosion of Conformity - Albatross. Particularly the intro (as in the first two measures of bass), which wasn't really tabbed in anything I could find, so I just BSed it.


4) Clutch - 10001110101. I think the tab is pretty good now based on the live videos I found, but it still might not be 100% accurate.


5) Riverside - Loose Heart. Again, had to make a decent number of changes to the tab (mostly rhythmic stuff), so it would be good if someone could check my work. Tone might not be perfect either.


6) Opeth - Closure. Would be good to have another set of eyes on this one, too.


And they probably won't be a part of the birthday pack, but I think you might also like checking out Runaway (really tough!) and Billie Jean. Less time pressure for testing those, but feedback on those will also be quite useful.




Edit: Added Albatross, ordered roughly from high priority to low priority. Though maybe I should make the Stones the highest priority since that's going to get far more downloads than the rest of them combined.

Edited by albatross213

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@@justgimmethefunk - That would be awesome. Thanks! Would that include lead too (or if you could do a quick comparison against the tab in the folder, that would also work), or would that be asking too much?


@@Aludog - That looks a lot better than what's in my tab. What's there is mostly functional, but it's definitely missing a ton of the nuances in the bassline. Also will help with patching up the guitar parts. Thanks! Now I just need to put all of that into GP.


And when you say this guy transcribed a few CoC albums, which ones? I'd be curious to know what else is out there.

My CDLC releases and my workshop 
My CDLC previews (Lots of bass only stuff)
Join us at the Rocksmith Championship!


@@justgimmethefunk - That would be awesome. Thanks! Would that include lead too (or if you could do a quick comparison against the tab in the folder, that would also work), or would that be asking too much?


@@Aludog - That looks a lot better than what's in my tab. What's there is mostly functional, but it's definitely missing a ton of the nuances in the bassline. Also will help with patching up the guitar parts. Thanks! Now I just need to put all of that into GP.


And when you say this guy transcribed a few CoC albums, which ones? I'd be curious to know what else is out there.

Well, his name is in the tab. He's called jordANTHRAX and has an ebay account where he sells his transcriptions: http://www.ebay.ph/usr/jordanthrax?_trksid=p2047675.l2559


@@Bagman bought two CoC albums and sent me all of "Deliverance" and "Wiseblood". I can share it with you if you want and because I don't think Bagman would mind as long as you get some CoC into RS. :D


The Anarchist : I'm really not a Rush fan but I really enjoyed playing this one very much. The bass line is very well synched and the tone souds really good. I'd release it as such if it was up to me (maybe with lyrics ?)

Under My Thumb : the tone needs re-working in my opinion. The sound is too "distant"...maybe grab the tone from 'Paint It Black' ? You'll find it here

Billie Jean : the sync is spot on and the tone sounds goods. You're missing some notes on the G string though so I extracted the GP tab from your CDLC and added them, the modified tab is here. Personally I prefer to play the riff on the 9th frets of the A and E strings rather than on the 4th frets of the D and A strings, less stretch on the left hand.

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