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Everything posted by Birdassasin

  1. Probably gonna go see Machinae Supremacy with my friends in early October
  2. Love Psalm from Akira Yamaoka. Solos are quite challenging, otherwise really fun song to play!
  3. This pack is freakin' great! I love "Rondo Alla Turca" in this so much!
  4. Just out of curiosity, how many of the people here have tried out playing songs in the other tuning than in their intended tuning? I just tried out playing Akira Yamaoka's Promise in D tuning instead of E. IMO, it sounds really freakin' cool! It gives the song a whole different kind of feeling.
  5. A new addition to my lineup: http://i.imgur.com/f8v6pxz.jpg Washburn Dimebag Darrel Signature Slime Green. Found this baby online for 200 EUR. My first guitar with Floyd Rose trem (and it's a bitch to tune with RS, gotta get a real tuner ASAP). Only issue is that the neck has snapped off once and had to be reglued back to place. Seems like it'll hold pretty well, though.
  6. Right now, I got 2 guitars, one guitar in construction and a bass. Planning to get another guitar in this month
  7. Just got this last friday. Chie Satonaka from Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/1909818_10202760875726370_2834906269790112901_n.jpg?oh=6bf0ce1e83354ef95fc8720918e94fd6&oe=54463345&__gda__=1414239730_bac373eac0b36dc64b430d872eadbb96
  8. On 100% accuracy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndiORayvw_M
  9. NicolArmarfi - WiosnaAbout 40 notes. 3 double stops. This should be cakewalk for everybody
  10. I started on 360, but quickly swapped to PC. Much better performance IMO
  11. I'm Joonas from Finland. I first started learning guitar when i was about 12 or so. Didn't get that much inspiration or satisfaction from the playing at the time, so I stopped. A few years back, when I was in army, I heard about Rocksmith and it made me interested in playing guitar again. At the time, I was deep in Guitar Hero/Rock Band scene here in Finland, but my enthusiasm towards the series fell down after the official DLC support was stopped.So it felt natural to me to start evolving from plastic guitar to a real one. I pre-ordered the game on 360, got it on it's release (I was the only one that had even pre-ordered it from GameStop, lol) and started learning. I had fun with it, but it felt kinda lacking on interesting songs to play. Then I stumbled upon the custom song scene thanks to youtuber "newelisoncruz", nowadays under The Riff Repeater name. I nabbed myself a PC version of the game and dwelled into old Smithy's Anvil. I can safely say through that, my playing experience and fun just skyrocketed into new levels.And suddenly, BOOM, forum dead. I was sad for the lost, but soon after Customsforge popped up and here I am now. 200+ hours of game time in all of the Rocksmith's versions I've had, and still counting. Plus through the forums, I've found some new friends and a new.... hobby I guess?Anyways, welcome to the forums!
  12. 1. Alice In Chains - Stone, 17 times. Probably my favorite song from the RS2014 library, and I'm not even that big of a Alice In Chain fan!2. Disonaur - Space Ostrich, 15 times. Just really fun song to play and a good practice for tremolos.3. Akira Yamaoka - Theme Of Laura, 13 times. One of the best CDLC I've seen here.
  13. Authority Zero - PCH-82 or Tomoyasu Hotei - Circus?
  14. So I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with aforementioned pickup set? I'm thinking of upgrading my Les Paul with new pickups and this set seemed like really versatile for many styles. If not this set, what would you guys reccommend?Here's a link to SD's page: http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/electric/sets/hot_rodded_humb/
  15. Doing playthrough videos, if you want one from your CDLC, just ask me!

  16. I was starting to wonder if there could be more groups people could be added? Like frequent video uploaders could have their own, frequent streamers could have theirs etc.
  17. Donated another 5$. Probably gonna donate 20$ at the end of june, once I get my salary. Keep up the good work guys!
  18. Wish I Had An Angel from Nightwish is pretty easy, almost all double stops.
  19. I like my Yamaha RBX, but if I won some money from... somewhere, I'd get Epiphone Thunderbird. I just like the shapes on this.https://www.zikinf.com/_gfx/matos/dyn/large/epiphone-thunderbird-pro-iv_2.jpg
  20. Right now I have this on:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMUkX_3Gz8sThe covers on this are amazing!
  21. I'd say High and Dry by Radiohead would fit pretty well. It's pretty easy song to learn and it's on standard E tuning. It's on Rocksmith, so you gotta either get the import tool for 2014 or get the original.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKkr29EGc-YIf you're willing to go down to Eb tuning, Swing Life Away by Rise Against would be another one, although it's a bit tough. It's official DLC.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7mZkt4bP5ILast one I'd reccommend is Theme Of Laura by Akira Yamaoka. It's originally played with electric guitar, but it works really well with acoustic too IMO. It's in Standard E tuning as well. It can be found in CDLC section here.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LB7LZZGpkwHope this helps you a bit!
  22. Here's my babies: http://i.imgur.com/K6HZYkE.jpg - Squier Telecaster, originally blue, now this sorta minty metal green. My first guitar. - Sunsmile Les Paul. My newest addition. Always wanted a white LP, and came across this beauty for 150€. Worth every cent. - Squier Stratocaster. My little project. Still a bit work required with the pickguard color and pickup colors - Yamaha RBX170. Originally metallic red, now stained silvery blue. Another cheap find, only about 140€ with bag.
  23. Damn, now I wanna learn some cool funk riffs XD. Excellent idea!
  24. Roundabout from Yes. That bass is simple, but just too good!
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