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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/2024 in all areas

  1. 7 points
  2. thankyou @ aNDESmASAMUNE for hosting this week! first scores for this week.
    4 points
  3. Ok im in now, I've been away a few years because i didnt have proper internet with working away on Ascension Island, That was until Elon Musk came along with Starlink and now i can pick up my Guitar again and start jamming on Rocksmith, so here is my shoddy atempt at QoTS, I need to work on the bends alot seems like i missed everyone of them,
    4 points
  4. I don't think my Tele makes these sounds. I know my fingers don't:
    3 points
  5. I enjoyed these i Think I might try to improve upon QoTSA Rtythm Advance,
    3 points
  6. Hi all, happy new year! Been a little while since I posted last time. I've been thinking of the championship while I was gone and busy with exams and life. I will be moving far away soon and won't be able to bring my guitar, but I'm planning on buying another one there. And hopefully play and post more! Int lead: wanted to play this because I like other songs from QOTSA. This one was chill as well. Slides and bends bring the acc down. Sightread: Adv lead: This one was really fun to play! Perfect difficulty. Need to focus throughout, there's several things to work on. Solo is playable but some parts are too fast for me at the moment. But I'm happy with my progress last year and that it's kinda playable!
    2 points
  7. Hi, Some Rhythm below, Also, I can't log in to my normal account @ Hughmonty can my score be added under that till I can sort things out?
    2 points
  8. " Welcome to the CF Rocksmith 2014 Championship! -= Week 532 =- 2023/2024 NEW YEAR'S EVE CELEBRATION! => How and Why join the Championships? => Rocksmith 2014 Championships rules Previous' week Winners are: Lead: - Beginner: @lowender (81) - Intermediate: @kayteck (99.57) - Advanced: @Rodman (91.6) - Masterclass: @Bottledpat12 (99.49) Rhythm: - Beginner: @lowender (86) - Intermediate: @aNDESmASAMUNE (95) - Advanced: @Mikson (98) - Masterclass: @nlbsmglsk (99.86) Bass: - Beginner: LOST TROPHY - Intermediate: @someotherbruce (98) - Advanced: @Daz40 (99.89) - Masterclass: @RaZrShReD (99.53) Congrats to all winners. Well done! This week's songs are: Lead Path: Beginner: Depeche Mode - Ghosts Again (3*) (E standard) selected by @ Mikson Intermediate: Queens of the Stone Age - Emotion Sickness (5*) (E standard) selected by @ jellisjenius Advanced: Mammoth WVH - Another Celebration at the End of the World (7.5^) (E standard) selected by aNDESmASAMUNE Masterclass: Metallica - If Darkness Had A Son (8) (E standard) selected by @ kayteck Rhythm Path: Beginner: Depeche Mode - Ghosts Again (2.5) (E standard) selected by @ Mikson Beginner Bonus: Kaarija - Cha Cha Cha (2) (E standard) - Lead path!!!! selected by aNDESmASAMUNE Intermediate: Metallica - If Darkness Had A Son (5.5^) (E standard) selected by @ kayteck Advanced: Queens of the Stone Age - Emotion Sickness (6.5) (E standard) selected by @ jellisjenius Masterclass: Ado - Kura Kura (8) (E standard) - Lead path!!!! selected by aNDESmASAMUNE Bass Path: Beginner: Depeche Mode - Ghosts Again (2) (E standard) selected by @ Mikson Intermediate: The Rolling Stones - Angry (5*) (E standard) selected by aNDESmASAMUNE Intermediate Bonus: Metallica - If Darkness Had A Son (4.5) (E standard) selected by @ kayteck Advanced: Queens of the Stone Age - Emotion Sickness (7.5^) (E standard) selected by @ jellisjenius Masterclass: Ado - Kura Kura (9*) (Eb standard) selected by aNDESmASAMUNE (N) - difficulty rating (N*) - highest difficulty rating for the class (promotion to higher class possible) (N^) - difficulty rating higher than the highest for the class (promotion possible) More great news. There are players to be promoted to higher rank this week. - @ Daz40 is promoted to Masterclass class in Bass path. - @ kayteck is promoted to Masterclass class in Bass path. - @ lowender is promoted to Masterclass class in Bass path. Congratulations and good luck with new challenges! In case the above players do not accept promotion, please advise accordingly in the post so we can revert back to previous Class. Check current week Rocksmith Championship Leaderboard You can submit your song suggestions for the championship here NEW! - easly add songs even on your mobile!: Add Song Suggestion Song Suggestions List available to view here: Google Sheets Spreadsheet Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10). Classless, Fearless FreeBird Members in their endless battle with the fb police: 2groggy "
    1 point
  9. I already saw the folders. There is no date next to them, that is why I asked. Did you use the RSConvert utility to change the cDLC songs appID/Song ID to the appID/Song ID of one of the DLCs that you already own?
    1 point
  10. WELCOME TO THE WORLD WIDE ROCKSMITH CHAMPIONSHIP WEEK 532 NEW YEAR'S EVE 2023/2024 CELEBRATION!!! YEAAHHH!!!!! It is an honour to host this week! As any other year, 2023 gave us tons of great music... so I wanted to celebrate new year's eve 2023/2024 with you guys playing a small selection of songs from 2023!!! *Full disclosure and notes: > I used AI (Bard) to gave me some ideas. (I know you guys in Europe are regulating AI! ) > For Begginer Rhythm Bonus (Kaarija - Cha Cha Cha) you should play the Lead path as rhythm. (I think my friends in Europe will know why I added this song!) > For Masterclass Rhythm (Ado - Kura Kura) you should play the Lead path as rhythm. > I am an Intermediate player in Lead and Rhythm, so I only can test the Advance and Masterclass songs visually... I hope everything is OK and let me know your assessments about the ratings. > For Masterclass Lead, I choosed the Metallica song because it was originally rated 9. It does have a difficult solo and it is rated according to the most difficult part, but the solo may be a bit short... I am sorry I didn't have enough time to choose another song more challenging from beggining to the end (I did try). I hope you guys enjoy the song anyway...
    1 point
  11. Requests now go here: https://ignition4.customsforge.com/wishlist
    1 point
  12. downloaded the new rs injector but my cdlc still freezing up. it will freeze just as song starts on most but some doesn't let me even get to the tanning part :angry: :angry: :angry:
    1 point
  13. You also want to make sure the official DLC you have purchased isn't something so recently released that the Toolkit hasn't been updated to allow you to change the AppID. Most of us that pre-purchased RS2014 got the CherubRock as a free dlc, so that is what most of us use. It might be worth buying CherubRock just so that you don't have to mess with learning how to change the AppID in the Toolkit (although that is definitely a core skill you want to develop).
    1 point
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