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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/2014 in all areas

  1. my tattoo is finished, I think I can play again on Saturday http://s26.postimg.org/53en1dfa1/hand_tattoo.jpg
    5 points
  2. =o are creeping???! Lol naw its cool and as promised here's my next score, figured id hit this one good being its my last week in int http://s1.bild.me/bilder/060112/34864662014-07-22_00005.jpg
    3 points
  3. Hello Magna Charters. Starting this Wednesday, 9th of July. We are going to allow the adoption of old CDLC. Old CDLC: Songs that were on SA. What does this mean for you? Rule number ten will be changed for this. Current rule. Please do not post customs that are not yours without their permission. However you can convert RS1 customs to RS2014 as long as you give the original author credit." New rule. "As of 9 July Magna Charters are allowed to add old CDLC to the database If they abide to the Adoption Rules. When Converting RS1 customs to RS2014 please give credit to the original author." What are the adoption rules? 1. As adopter you will make sure that the custom works and it is your responsibility to fix error's. 2. Every song you adopt is required to have this posted in the release note. If you do not know who the original charter is. 3. The original charter can post his own version and request the adopted version to be removed. If the adopted version has been modified to such a degree it can be called his own. The adopted version will stay. If the original charter uploads his version he can request the adopted one to be removed by messaging a member of staff. The adopted version will only be removed after confirmation that the original has been uploaded. 4. If changes are made, keep a link to the original version in the release notes. Changes are: Note fixes. Sync fixes. Tone fixes. Added arrangements. Added Vocals. Why is this only allowed for Magna Charters? You guys have experience with making and maintaining customs. We can trust you to not massively add all the old songs without making sure they work as they should. If you have any questions about this be sure to ask them here or send me a pm.
    2 points
  4. Everyone knows there are no girls on the internet, anyway. If in doubt, if someone claims they're: a guy, they're a guy a girl, they're a guy a minor, they're a law enforcement agency
    2 points
  5. @@SfcoAwol ok. More clear win :) http://i739.photobucket.com/albums/xx32/Andy_Vehero/2014-07-23_00003_zpsb0b4c02f.jpg
    2 points
  6. I go first: Ana Popovic http://www.vinyculture.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/AnaPopovic.jpg Of course she can play and sing. I invite you to take five minutes to watch her play on you tube, you will be amazed. P.S keep it clean guys, ThatGamerGirl and missis sumner are watching you ;)
    1 point
  7. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Zt7wwpIp22g/T1d7KYotPGI/AAAAAAAAIAs/rmieireJSs4/s1600/faceless-1.jpg CHARTERS PLEASE NOTE If you're planning on helping with charting some songs by The Faceless you must do a few things: Must Have "Riff Repeater"Should Have "Dynamic Difficulty"Artist Sort is "Faceless The" (Please make it consistent) The Faceless Discography Project Legend: Not Charted YetWork in ProgressDoneUnplayable Custom (Errors, Out of Sync, etc)No guitar is played within the songCharter of CDLCL = LeadR = RhythmB = BassV = VocalsAkeldama (2006) "An Autopsy""Pestilence""All Dark Graves""Horizons of Chaos I: Oracle of the Onslaught""Horizons of Chaos II: Hypocrisy""Leica""Akeldama""The Ghost of a Stranger" Planetary Duality (2008) "Prison Born""The Ancient Covenant" LR_V -Ki113r94"Shape Shifters""Coldly Calculated Design""XenoChrist""Sons of Belial""Legion of the Serpent""Planetary Duality I: Hideous Revelation""Planetary Duality II: A Prophecies Fruition" Autotheism (2012) "Autotheist Movement I: Create" LRBV -Ki113r94​"Autotheist Movement II: Emancipate" L__V -Ki113r94​"Autotheist Movement III: Deconsecrate" LR_V -Ki113r94"Accelerated Evolution" LR_V -Ki113r94"The Eidolon Reality" LR_V -Ki113r94"Ten Billion Years" LR_V -Ki113r94"Hail Science""Hymn of Sanity" LRBV -Ki113r94"In Solitude" LR_V -Ki113r94
    1 point
  8. Tried the Judas Priest, some tricky timings in the riff. http://i.imgur.com/JgQBTWn.jpg
    1 point
  9. @ on my right Hand i think i will my Guitar Body http://www.nurtattoos.com/images/coleccion2/farbe-tattoo/farbe_tattoo_18.jpg This was Great :)
    1 point
  10. Oh wow that's brutal dude! Your hand is gonna look beastly climbing the fretboard!
    1 point
  11. @@SfcoAwol Perfect score for a song with bad detection chords in RS ! Awesome. Congratulations, you stubborn winner :)
    1 point
  12. The DLC names and Arrangement IDs are both different for the songs... EDIT: Changed the package ID from Cherub Rock to My God is the Sun on the missing CLDC and they seem to be working now.
    1 point
  13. I'd like to try this out...anybody else give it a shot an have a review? At the same time, I've been walking around wires while I play for 30 years now, and have become quite adroit at avoiding spills and entanglements. :lol:
    1 point
  14. Steroma, that's what I'llnever understand in men - that they don't feel embarrassed to reduce themselves to that pitiful piece of rubber flesh in their pants. Why cant you just go crazy on the good music these women seem able to be playing, why do have to put focus on your weener? Geez... :rolleyes:
    1 point
  15. If I find "Hot" every woman I can't have, I'll be hard all day long!!! lol
    1 point
  16. Here are some pictures of the sexiest female guitarist ever. Got these when she performed here in Cleveland at the Rib Fest from Scene (A local Cleveland Free Magazine)
    1 point
  17. Well well, so many sexy female guitar players... but you are never gonna top this :D http://youtu.be/wz9VyggeSbA
    1 point
  18. Tuning are set for each arrangement in the toolkit, changing it for one will never change the tuning for the other. If the tuning are correct for each arrangement in EOF, just delete and add again each arrangement in the toolkit and everything should work as expected.
    1 point
  19. Beg Bass- Too easy :) http://imgur.com/dLvGFFr
    1 point
  20. Added all of "Autotheism" :D
    1 point
  21. Hello! I'm new here and just wanted to leave this little 'thank you' topic because I really think each and everyone of you are just a bunch of superheroes for keeping this site running and for creating new songs every day which I can't wait to play. I've never had guitar lessons before but Rocksmith really is a great game for teaching me to get better in a fun and addictive way. I already had both editions for the PS3 but wanted the pc version so badly because of the custom songs you guys are making. So I appreciate it alot. And to show my appreciation I decided to become a donator (for the very first time actually, now I've come to think of it..) So keep up the good work guys!
    1 point
  22. Well After seeing Motive's crazy score my Competitive side got the best of me, Second Submission! i see alot of nice scores out there! http://s1.bild.me/bilder/060112/56056132014-07-22_00003.jpg
    1 point
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