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this may be tied to the problems we've been having with the profile corrupting, but I don't know.  I tried to get on tonight after being away on vacation and now songs that I have been playing for weeks refuse to load up.  I can tune then it will hang, or sometimes it won't even get that far.  I tried starting a new profile, reloading an existing previous profile.  I really don't know where to check next.  it was inconvenient to redo my profile before, this really is a pain now.  I went back to the original rs and it plays and works fine, just rs14.  anyone else have somethine like this, or any ideas to try?

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forgive me If this is common sense, but does that mean I will need to reload my cdlc? or what direction should I be looking/heading to correct this.  I have found some songs that will work okay, the ones with the game of course and a few cdlc.   I seem to remember some time back there was a file that needed to be downloaded, is this in relation and can you remind me where to look again.  after a weeks vacation my gray matter isn't firing at full speed yet.  thank you for the response, I am still impressed how helpful all on this site are.

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forgive me If this is common sense, but does that mean I will need to reload my cdlc? or what direction should I be looking/heading to correct this.  I have found some songs that will work okay, the ones with the game of course and a few cdlc.   I seem to remember some time back there was a file that needed to be downloaded, is this in relation and can you remind me where to look again.  after a weeks vacation my gray matter isn't firing at full speed yet.  thank you for the response, I am still impressed how helpful all on this site are.

D3DX9_42.dll is probably missing. Here is a snip fom the read me file....


DOWNLOAD D3DX9_42.dll to Rocksmith 2014 root folder;Run the game by normal Rocksmith2014 executable app (will popup a console debug window, it's normal, don't worry) 


If you dont see the little second window popup the DLL inst there.....

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thank you thank you thank you,  I had forgotten about the file, although when you mentioned it I had a vague recollection.  that did the trick.  again many thanks for you superb help

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For some reason certain anti virus programs don't like that file. Someone said Windows Security Essentials is one that doesn't like it, and it gets rid of it. I am using AVG free and have never had this issue.

 I'm Allergic To Stupidity. I Break Out In Sarcasm.

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