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Export TAB/GPro file?


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I was wondering this morning... after all the work I've done creating the tab for this song, I'd like to share it with the world beyond the Rocksmith crowd. I'm convinced my version is much more accurate than what's out there.


Is there a way to export the song as G Pro file?

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This came up long ago on SA, but raynebc made it pretty clear back then, that it's pretty much impossible (or at least too much work) to do that. However, if one could export it as a midi file, than that could be imported into GP. It will need to be revised again then, but you can save a lot of work.

In the future I would advise to make the tab beforehand in GP, any changes in EoF can then be transferred to the GP file by comparing both.

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EOF doesn't have a way to do that. I'm sure I could add that functionality, but it would potentially take tens of hours and I really don't think I have the patience for it right now since there are still so many things I have to work on. It may be something I work on some day. If somebody knows of a simpler intermediary format (a less complicated tab file format for example) that can be converted to Guitar Pro format, I'd be interested if that would be a quick thing to program in.


The toolkit either has been or soon will be updated to support the creation of text-based tablature for arrangements in a Rocksmith custom though, and you could try importing this into a tablature program like Guitar Pro.


Otherwise your best bet may be to enter it into the tablature program manually (ie. have both EOF and the tab program open at the same time so you could read it from EOF). This is the most labor intensive method, but chances are you would have had to make edits from a text tab import anyway.


Edit: Ninja'd. MIDI is pretty limiting because it can't define most guitar techniques and can't specify which string is playing each note, etc. However if Guitar Pro could import a MIDI for note rhythm/timing and get the tablature from a text file, that would be an interesting solution. I sort of doubt that it can do something like that though.

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EOF doesn't have a way to do that. I'm sure I could add that functionality, but it would potentially take tens of hours and I really don't think I have the patience for it right now since there are still so many things I have to work on. It may be something I work on some day. If somebody knows of a simpler intermediary format (a less complicated tab file format for example) that can be converted to Guitar Pro format, I'd be interested if that would be a quick thing to program in.The toolkit either has been or soon will be updated to support the creation of text-based tablature for arrangements in a Rocksmith custom though, and you could try importing this into a tablature program like Guitar Pro.Otherwise your best bet may be to enter it into the tablature program manually (ie. have both EOF and the tab program open at the same time so you could read it from EOF). This is the most labor intensive method, but chances are you would have had to make edits from a text tab import anyway.

As said above, midi would be such an intermediary format but it could probably work with the text file the toolkit produces as well. Btw, I think the toolkit's already able to output text files of tablature but I haven't tried it yet.Edit: Yes, midi is limiting but it's better than nothing. However ASCII tabs can be imported, although not combined with midi data.
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Hmm... well, I actually like EOF's interface for tabbing -- I find it more intuitive than Guitarpro. If I can find another program similar to EOF, I'd be willing to use it.


I'll try your suggestions when I'm all done, thanks.

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  • 4 weeks later...

EOF doesn't have a way to do that. I'm sure I could add that functionality, but it would potentially take tens of hours and I really don't think I have the patience for it right now since there are still so many things I have to work on. It may be something I work on some day. If somebody knows of a simpler intermediary format (a less complicated tab file format for example) that can be converted to Guitar Pro format, I'd be interested if that would be a quick thing to program in.The toolkit either has been or soon will be updated to support the creation of text-based tablature for arrangements in a Rocksmith custom though, and you could try importing this into a tablature program

Does this mean we will finally get ascii tabs from rs2014 dlc?
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My tabbing system has evolved lately... Since I have two screens, I open both EOF and Guitarpro at the same time. I tab into Guitarpro while using EOF for song playback and to know where I am in the song, since EOF's beatmap is synced to the actual song.


I find it easier to see what I'm doing in Guitarpro (partly because it's black notes against a white background) and of course I can playback in Guitarpro to hear what I've done -- I was making too many mistakes in EOF.


BUT, I use EOF to establish the rhythm pattern -- I just slap down generic 0 notes along with the clap function -- because EOF's system is more intuitive for me. So I think the two programs work nicely as companions.(It really helps to have two screens, of course).  And at the end of it, I have a GPro file too.


I also use a third program, an audio editor, which allows me finer control over slowing down playback and easier looping features. And I run things through a mixer, so I can easily change the EQ settings. Makes it easier to focus on the guitar or bass parts.


One thing I've been wondering -- is there a way to pan playback in EOF?  Guitar parts are usually mixed to one side -- it'd be nice to be able to choose to hear only that side for playback when I'm working on that part.

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There is a musicxml format that guitar pro can import which is apparently a common format for music export/import that could be used to transfer tab from eof to gp.

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is there a way to pan playback in EOF?

EOF doesn't currently have a way to mute one channel. It may or may not be simple to add this.

There is a musicxml format that guitar pro can import which is apparently a common format for music export/import that could be used to transfer tab from eof to gp.

I'd looked into this before as well, but it didn't seem like it would be something easy to implement.
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When the toolkit adds that feature, yes you should be able to get ASCII tabs.

im gonna be "that guy" :) ... any clues on when this is likely to happen? is teh feature coded in a branch waiting for integration or is it just something thats happening further down the line?

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