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Everything posted by Rockfirstlast

  1. http://customsforge.com/topic/890-tech-notes-tutorial-authoring-complex-bends-and-more/ Check out example #4
  2. From what I remember stereo mix didn't work in 2 cases: audio through HDMI and using an external sound card (what you have piepesado). I bet if you go on bandicam or fraps forums you'll find the solution.
  3. Cool song, just played it. Thanks for showing me some new music. If you are looking for stuff you can fix, there is a reoccurring mistake throughout the song. According to the tab that was posted the main riff should end on a 5th string, 3rd fret, but ingame it was a 5th string, 6th fret. If you add sections and phrases the camera will zoom in and out throughout the song. This will make the chart easier to read. After that if the chart is scrolling too slowly to see the chord changes kick it up a couple notches in the toolkit. If you wanna be a bit more like official charts, change the octaves from this: ------------8----x----6-------to this: ------------8---------6------- The x is used in tab notation, but Rocksmith leaves it out. Should be an easy fix using CTRL+L.
  4. I just spent my guitar money on a Vita. I regret nothing.
  5. I use bandicam. Click the Video tab and under Record press the settings button. Make sure "Record sound" is checked and for Primary Sound Device select "Stereo Mix". If stereo mix is not an option you may click settings, right click in the white area and select "Show disabled devices. Also, it has been said that this way doesn't work if you are using HDMI to send audio to your monitor speakers.
  6. The bass (you have to click on bonus arrangement) here is in CEAD tuning. Any lower than a C was transposed up an octave. I didn't change the audio quality yet. http://www.sendspace.com/file/d5t7qb This is what it sounds like:
  7. I use bandicam. Click the Video tab and under Record press the settings button. Make sure "Record sound" is checked and for Primary Sound Device select "Stereo Mix". If stereo mix is not an option you may click settings, right click in the white area and select "Show disabled devices. Also, it has been said that this way doesn't work if you are using HDMI to send audio to your monitor speakers.
  8. Thanks. I remember you posted a graph a while back but I never understood what it meant. So after -20 the volume gets lower again? -20 is a peak?
  9. Also, those numbers I used were just examples. You'll have to fiddle with it to get what you want.
  10. Use the latest custom song creator toolkit here: http://www.rscustom.net/ In the first tab (Creator) click IMPORT at the bottom. Double click the psarc file, and press enter one more time. It will create a folder on your desktop (if that's the directory chosen before you pressed enter). You can delete that folder when everything is done. http://i.imgur.com/p6iZMN0.png In the SONG INFORMATION section there is a volume box. If you want to make the song volume louder, make the value closer to 0. (-5 is really loud, -8 is normal, -11 is very quiet ) If the song volume is fine and you want to make the guitar louder/softer, double click the tone(s) in the TONES section. You can change the guitar volume here, but closer to 0 is quiet (-13 is very quiet, 22 is normal, 30 is really loud). When you're done, press GENERATE and it'll spit out a psarc file again if PC is checked in the PLATFORM area. If you get an error, make sure you uncheck Mac/XBOX,PS3, unless that's the format you want.
  11. Ignore is a checkmark box in EOF when you press "n" on a note. I am sure this works on single notes (done it before), so I am guessing it works on chords too.
  12. If you don't want to see "MISS" on the screen, click the ignore checkbox.
  13. I'll give the CEAD xml another go later, until then If you have a 5 string bass, do this F------------ <-C------------ <- use these strings to pass the tunerG------------ <-D------------ <-A------------ F------------C------------ <- use these strings to play the songG------------ <-D------------ <-A------------ <-
  14. Ranma 1/2 is my first anime. I only had seasons 1 and 2 but I watched them about a million times.
  15. I tried importing the part_real_bass.xml (the CEAD one) but it wasn't working properly and was giving out the wrong pitches. I imported the part_real_bass_22.xml and shifted notes around and copied and pasted and it worked out OK. This is in Fieldy tuning (ADGC), but the tuner checks for DGCF, which is gonna be the top 4 strings of a 5 string bass when tuned down a whole step (did that make sense?) http://www.sendspace.com/file/e8nyep
  16. I'd leave the sync be. Add a tone and everything should be good. Looking at a youtube video the amps LOOK like a Cali-100 with a CA-412 cabinet, though I couldn't tell what EQ or pedals they use.
  17. I only played the lead part. It was done very well and I enjoyed it, thanks. The only problem I saw was the notes are all lagging the beat markers by a very small but noticeable amount. A grid snap would fix this, but you'd have to update the beat map a tiny bit. And it would mess with all the other arrangements too. These guys just had official DLC come out. If the songs have a similar tone, I'd copy that
  18. Lock the tempo map and it won't happen again.
  19. I used a pick, but you can chose whatever you like. I re-downloaded the V4.0 with no DD but still had note recognition issues. I imported the psarc into the toolkit and made 2 changes: 1) I looked at the xml for the guitar arrangement and the tuning was like this: <tuning string0="-4" string1="-2" string2="-2" string3="0" string4="1" string5="0" /> so I pasted that in the bass arrangement xml. Then I deleted the bass arrangement from the toolkit and re-added it to make sure the toolkit tuning updated. 2) I changed the bass volume from -15 to -26 (I could barely hear it at -15 using a REAL bass. I'm guessing you get different results using an emulated bass tone). This is the result: Because riff repeater shows (almost) no missed notes, the detection worked well. Ignoring that wall of text, if you just change the EOF bass tuning to look like this String1 0 G String2 -2 CString3 -2 GString4 -4 Cdelete then re-add the bass arrangement in the toolkit, then change the bass volume to -26 you'll fix the bass issues.
  20. Thanks, I just played it again. While I went with CGCF because this is a more standard tuning (drop C), CGCG will work just as well. The tuner checks for CGCG, which is good. That means the toolkit is set for CGCG. While playing the game (using a real bass) I am missing 95% of the notes. That means the tuning is probably wrong in EOF. While using EOF go to your bass chart. Then select TRACK->PROGUITAR->SET TUNING. CGCG tuning would look like this: String1 0 String2 -2 String3 -2 String4 -4 Also, in changing the bass tone from -23 to -15 the bass volume was lowered. You wanna go the other way. And yeah, I meant to say the 8th fret.
  21. Rocksmith can detect all the notes in that tuning. It won't detect anything lower than that.
  22. I have active pickups. The game does not register anything lower than C using a real bass (although I've gone down to A on guitar). If you chart a song lower than C using a real bass guitar you won't make it past the tuner, unless you temporarily switch to emulated bass it. When the song starts up the game will count all notes lower than C as a MISS, unless you wanna cheat and check the ignore checkbox in EOF. If a note is set to ignore, it won't count as a miss or take away from your percentage.
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