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Everything posted by Rockfirstlast

  1. EOF has an option for midi playback but depending on your hardware it might stutter or be out of sync. If you decide to enter notes directly instead of importing, EOF has had many updates to make everything easy.
  2. EOF says Creeping Death still has some errors in it. I bet it's the lack of phrases that is causing the crash, but here's how you fix all the errors: When EOF says "One or more chords don't have finger information" press yes and a box will pop up showing you a chord. On the left side is the chord, on the right side you can enter what left finger for you use for each note to create the chord shape. It helps to have your guitar on you so you can finger the chord before you type.When is says "Rocksmith section doesn't have a Rocksmith phrase at the same position" it means you should probably add a phrase whenever there is a section marker. Press yes and EOF will automatically move the green playback line to the section and a popup box will ask you for a phrase name. Whatever that section is called (look above the beat marker), type that into the box.When EOF says "No fret hand positions are defined" you can get rid of that error message by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+F and press generate. This will create fret hand positions which tells the player where to put his hands. The error box tells you which arrangement doesn't have FHP's, so make sure you are in the correct arrangement when you generate.When it says "Don't slide to fret 22" you can fix that error by getting rid of the slide. I know RS1 didn't like slides that high, but I'm not sure about RS2k14. It's probably cool to keep it.
  3. The game hanging before loading the song happens to everyone every once in a while but regenerating the psarc usually fixes it. Sometimes I'll repack a million times and it won't work, but making a small change in the chart (move a lyric over a ms) fixes the hang after a repack. Do you get any error messages when you save your EOF file? What do they say? Also, have you tried re-doing your wwise file?
  4. If you have the Rocksmith 1 on-disk stuff, Angela is a catchy and simple song.
  5. Cool. This is gonna draw in a huge crowd.
  6. If it's loud enough for you, then it's fine. My gain settings are at a different level so it's different for everyone. But if you want to raise a tone volume double click the tone in the toolkit and there is a volume box you can adjust.
  7. You can leave the EOF file as it is and trim the wav file before you wwise it. I've done that without any problems.
  8. All the notes sound correct, the tone is good (just crank it up a lot), and the sync is good enough but off a little bit. That is probably what's throwing you off. If you'd like to work on a tighter sync press F5 to show the waveform, press c to enable claps, and slow down the playback for more precision.
  9. Everlong does this too. You can do this by extending the handshape manually in the XML.
  10. You can have as many tone changes from a selection of 4 tones. You only have two unique tones (Acoustic and Distortion). Create the two tones in the toolkit and make as many tone changes needed in EOF.
  11. Thanks again, I thought a LCM of 32 and 48 (96) would be necessary, but EOF maxes out at 64.
  12. Thanks, that worked. 1/64 should work when mixing quarter/8th/16th with most tuplets?
  13. Hi, Do you have a release of this song without DD inside ? I can't generate DDC on this song because the existing levels were not generated by DDC or the song has been reimported and reworked in EOF ... Thanks Use this one https://www.dropbox.com/s/50zr3ozqjr8rfm0/NO%20DD%20Michiru%20Yamane%20-%20Dance%20of%20Pales.rar
  14. Whoops, I packed both guitar parts under the rhythm arrangement. See if you can unpack/repack it and change one of them to lead.
  15. If you need to make adjustments (I didn't play the song so I don't know if I assigned the right tone to the right arrangement) you can unpack and edit it to your liking. https://www.dropbox.com/s/i708vrhxgrwvfr8/Metallica_The-Memory-Remains_v1_p.psarc
  16. Packs for me after saving each file again in EOF. These are the options I chose for each error warning you get when saving: no changes save anyways - yesslides not defined - noChris Cedlerc blah blah - OkNo hand Positions - OK Packs anyways, but if you want to get rid of those warnings you could define where the slides end, rename sections to something with less text, and press CTRL+SHIFT+F->Generate to make fret hand positions.
  17. This one is in 3/4: http://customsforge.com/topic/2716-dance-of-pales/
  18. Rocksmith (2011) used .dat files Rocksmith 2014 uses psarcs.
  19. I have a Rondo Music 5 string bass (Brice). It's the only bass I've owned so I can't compare it to anything else. I like it. If you wanna hear what is sounds like just click on any videos made by me.
  20. I'd try using Bass Amp + Bass Cab while shifting an octave down. I imagine that's what RS does when you choose emulated bass.
  21. To turn off the grid snap just press G. If you get problems caused by a variable tempo, this topic has some info on how to make a beat map: http://customsforge.com/topic/5099-how-to-sync-your-beat-map/
  22. Common problem. If it happens again, take note of the last custom song you played. That's the song that causes the tone crash.
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