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Everything posted by justgimmethefunk

  1. @@urworstknight I'll try your DLC tonight, will let you know how it goes.
  2. And I'm really looking forward to Song #1 by the way
  3. Woohoo! Thank you VERY much. I'll definitely use the Audioslave bass tones for future CDLCs
  4. My amp is an Hartke A100 and I also use a Zoom B3 pedal
  5. @@figital I'll check that out. Jamerson played bass on this song so there's no way it can be as basic as a root note pattern. There are plenty of bass transcriptions sites with lots of cool old stuff so I might be able to find something. I'll let you know if I do. PS : love your avatar pic!
  6. New addition to the list : How Long Has That Evening Train Been Gone by Diana Ross & The Supremes
  7. Hey man, Thanks for your work, I always enjoy watching YT videos of bass covers. Maybe I can give you 2 pieces of advice : You should raise the volume of the songs in some of your 'lessons' videos, for example in 'Come As You Are' the volume is way too low; and you should also adjust your tuning to the actual song : for example it's strange to play 'Song 2' in E Standard, this song is meant to be played in Eb. Other than that, it would be really cool to make pdf transcriptions of the songs you play and add a link to the pdf files just below the videos. Keep up the good work!
  8. Hey guys, Just so you know, when I'm trying to update the Toolkit to the newest build ( I get the below error message (and my AV software is going crazy) : http://i.imgur.com/h2Vn8u1.png
  9. Hey man You can also check http://scottsbasslessons.com/ maybe you know it already the guy has put up quite a lot of lessons on YouTube as well...
  10. Yes, "Bass Gtr. resumes chorus fig. simile" means you need to repeat the figure from the Chorus exactly the same (simile) as it's played during the Chorus. What is the song you're playing?
  11. New additions to the list : Ain't No Mountain High Enough (Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell) charted by @@Rupock Darling Dear (Jackson 5) charted by @@vinegarv 'What's Going On' Medley (Marvin Gaye) which I charted myself Soul power!
  12. You can find more information here : https://www.google.fr/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCMQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fenglish-practice-over-the-internet.blogspot.com%2F2008%2F07%2Fsome-basic-rules-of-life-about.html&ei=TklRVJqgBdLraOrRgegP&usg=AFQjCNHI6os77hEDTNUDM_JP5fqf-xLiRg&sig2=ZFxqm8thtLojCL3DQ_SGnQ&bvm=bv.78597519,d.d2s
  13. Hello, I have an error message popping up when I try to extract GP files out of my DLCs : 2014-10-28 14:50:32.4192 | RocksmithToolkitGUI.Program (ERROR) : RocksmithToolkitGUI.Program.<Main>b__1 RocksmithToTabLibInt32[] GetTuning(RocksmithToolkitLib.Xml.Song2014)Exception catched: System.MissingMethodException Méthode introuvable : 'Int32 RocksmithToolkitLib.Sng2014HSL.Sng2014FileWriter.GetMidiNote(Int16[], Byte, Byte, Boolean, Int32)'. Int32[] GetTuning(RocksmithToolkitLib.Xml.Song2014) à RocksmithToTabLib.Converter.GetTuning(Song2014 arrangement) à RocksmithToTabLib.Converter.ConvertArrangement(Song2014 arrangement, Int32 difficultyLevel) à RocksmithToolkitLib.Song2014ToTab.Gp5Converter.ExportArrangement(Score score, Song2014 arrangement, Int32 difficulty, String originalFile, ToolkitInfo toolkitInfo) dans c:\build\RocksmithToolkitLib\Song2014ToTab\Gp5Converter.cs:ligne 108 à RocksmithToolkitLib.Song2014ToTab.Gp5Converter.PsarcToGp5(String inputFilePath, String outputDir, IList`1 songListShort, String outputFormat, Boolean allDif) dans c:\build\RocksmithToolkitLib\Song2014ToTab\Gp5Converter.cs:ligne 65 à RocksmithToolkitGUI.CDLC2Tab.CDLC2Tab.convertButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) dans c:\build\RocksmithTookitGUI\CDLC2Tab\CDLC2Tab.cs:ligne 202 à System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e) à System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) à System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) à System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) à System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) à System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m) à System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m) à System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) à System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) à System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) System.MissingMethodException: Méthode introuvable : 'Int32 RocksmithToolkitLib.Sng2014HSL.Sng2014FileWriter.GetMidiNote(Int16[], Byte, Byte, Boolean, Int32)'. à RocksmithToTabLib.Converter.GetTuning(Song2014 arrangement) à RocksmithToTabLib.Converter.ConvertArrangement(Song2014 arrangement, Int32 difficultyLevel) à RocksmithToolkitLib.Song2014ToTab.Gp5Converter.ExportArrangement(Score score, Song2014 arrangement, Int32 difficulty, String originalFile, ToolkitInfo toolkitInfo) dans c:\build\RocksmithToolkitLib\Song2014ToTab\Gp5Converter.cs:ligne 108 à RocksmithToolkitLib.Song2014ToTab.Gp5Converter.PsarcToGp5(String inputFilePath, String outputDir, IList`1 songListShort, String outputFormat, Boolean allDif) dans c:\build\RocksmithToolkitLib\Song2014ToTab\Gp5Converter.cs:ligne 65 à RocksmithToolkitGUI.CDLC2Tab.CDLC2Tab.convertButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) dans c:\build\RocksmithTookitGUI\CDLC2Tab\CDLC2Tab.cs:ligne 202 à System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e) à System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) à System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) à System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) à System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) à System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m) à System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m) à System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) à System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) à System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) Maybe this has been brought to your attention already.
  14. Thank you very much!! I was looking for individual psarc files, one per song, but it seems all songs have been packed into one big 980Mb file named songs.psarc
  15. Hi everyone, Is it possible (authorized?) to extract a GP tab from an official RS2014 song? I know the Toolkit can do this now, so I've been looking for psarc files of official songs but couldn't find anything so I'm guessing it's not possible but who knows? I'm stuck at 98.2% on 'Impossible Dreams' and I'd like to work on it on my own time, maybe bring it to my bass teacher. Thanks!
  16. Right now I have 3 different bass guitars. I bought the first one (Washburn Bantam BB4) about 18 months ago. Then the second one in May this year (used Ibanez SR500). Last one I bought was just this month (Fender Aerodyne Jazz Bass), I picked it on Ebay and had it shipped from Japan.
  17. Aaah so it's not just me! @@hellohello what do you mean?
  18. Hi, You mean your GP tab looks like this : http://i.imgur.com/ni67KUI.png But all EOF gives you is one long sustained note with no vibrato at all? Or you get no note at all in this specific measure?
  19. 'For Once In My Life' by Stevie Wonder is now available here
  20. OK I found how to make it work. So here we go : http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/41623920140904175213.jpg http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/56395320140904175222.jpg http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/52383120140904175234.jpg This is a Washburn Bantam BB4. First bass I ever bought, I loved the all-black color scheme. I haven't been using it lately, ever since I got this : http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/63660020140904174921.jpg http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/23420120140904174935.jpg http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/68290620140904175042.jpg http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/55879120140904175106.jpg Ibanez SR500. GREAT bass. The fretboard is much thinner, which helps a lot for slides and makes the playing more comfortable generally. I really love this bass, although I'm already making plans for the next one. Probably a Squier Vintage Modified Jazz Bass.
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