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Everything posted by Wepeel

  1. Yeah, you need to buy the original Rocksmith (or Rocksmith 2012 or RS1 as it's often referred to here) in order to play RS1 dlc. When browsing dlc in the Steam store you can tell which version of the game the dlc is for by looking at the graphic for each one. The RS1 dlc has the Rocksmith logo on a brown background and just says "Rocksmith". The Rocksmith 2014 dlc has a grey background and says "Rocksmith All New 2014 Edition". Also, by date, all dlc released prior to Oct. 22, 2013 is for Rocksmith 1. Glad you got the other issues worked out.
  2. 1. This is a glitch with Rocksmith DLC through Steam. Steam has a policy of not allowing users to purchase dlc for games they do not own. So in order to purchase dlc released for the original Rocksmith game you must own the original Rocksmith game. 2. Sounds like you have something causing interference with your speakers, or your guitar. Try turning down the gain for your usb input (for the realtone cable). Also try calibrating your guitar inside the game. 3. Follow the steps from this thread to get customs to work in RS2014: http://customsforge.com/topic/901-how-to-use-custom-dlcs-in-rs2014/
  3. Double check and make sure you've done everything correctly. The most common thing people skip is having Steam open prior to launching RSInjector. If you launch RS through Steam instead of RSInjector the songs won't show up. Also make sure that your customs are in the dlc folder and that you've download the Mac versions (end in "_m.psarc").
  4. I'm working on I'll Be Your Man. I'm syncing the track and hopefully will have it up soon :) Can't wait! For what it's worth, I found this video last week that shows a way to play it slightly differently, in a way that is more akin to how Dan plays it live.
  5. Yup, all of the cables are cross platform compatible. The only difference is that the cables manufactured for the original Rocksmith game are only USB 2.0 compatible and the cables manufactured for Rocksmith 2014 are USB 2.0 AND USB 3.0 compatible. That is the only difference. I'm also using the cable that I purchased with RS2014 for ps3 on my Mac, and I also have an original RS1 cable that I use with multiplayer and for a backup.
  6. If you go to the record page for the song you like, you can click the "Like" button (right side, under the title of the thread), and you can also post comments down at the bottom to say thank you.
  7. Just to clarify, you did actually purchase Cherub Rock from the Steam store (or from inside the game) correct? You can't use a downloaded/pirated version, you actually need to purchase and own it (you need a legitimate license).
  8. eJamming has lots of latency issues. Their Software Features list even acknowledges it by trying to claim its a "near latency free feel". However, if you read some reviews about it, most people who have used it say the latency issues are pretty bad and make it hard to use. 30 to 100ms delay, and it gets greater the more distance there is between players. Online multiplayer would be nice, but as firekorn said above, it's much more satisfying to jam along with people who are actually in the room with you.
  9. Step 1: Buy Rocksmith 1 through Steam (if you don't have it already). Step 2: Buy the disc import tool to import the RS1 songs into RS2014 Step 3: Buy the dlc that you want. Any RS1 dlc you've already purchased will already be available in RS2014 **Note** If you're looking for help in how to pirate the songs and get them for free, you should read the rules and then realize you've come to the wrong place. http://customsforge.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules
  10. Just a suggestion, but I think you might need to look at taking better care of your hands and skin. I play guitar on average for 2-3 hours a day, and I don't have any string imprints in my fingers. I have nice thick calluses. They don't peel, and gloves have no effect on my fingers. If the skin on your fingers is peeling and/or cracking, chances are your skin is too dry.
  11. New listings aren't showing up in bold when using Safari 8.0.2 (latest version) on Mac. Either that, or they are always bold. It's hard to tell exactly since it never changes. I've been using the new system since it was made live, so it's not the first time I've visited. I even scrolled through all 103 pages to make sure Ignition new I had viewed all of the listings. As a suggestion, would it be possible to use highlighting instead of bold text? What I mean is, my preferred artists are highlighted in blue, and all official songs are highlighted in red/maroon. Could new listings/updates be highlighted in their own colour (green for example)? Also (and this is off topic for the thread), but since you mentioned it, is there a bug with the notification system? I've disabled email notifications for almost everything but I keep getting emails any time somebody comments on the record page for a custom that I've added to my collection (and therefor are following).
  12. This feature is already in the game. The little lanes in the note highway correspond to each finger. So, from the left, lane 1=index, lane 2=middle, lane 3=ring, lane 4=pinky. So if a note on the highway is transcribed over the 3rd lane, you play that note with your ring finger, etc. The same applies to chords/arpeggios as well, they just put the finger numbers above the notes as they go by during transitions to help you move your hand faster. The only hitch is that the laneways don't always line up properly on customs.
  13. That feature is already there, it's just been implemented differently. If you click on the entry for any song in the search results it will open the information panel for that song. Down at the bottom, click the link for "View Music Video" and it will open the YouTube page.
  14. Off the top of my head, check out The Black Keys' "Black Mud". Both rhythm and lead are fun to play. http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/black-mud-r8479
  15. This might help you figure out some base parameters: http://www.seymourduncan.com/support/tone-wizard/ http://dimarzio.com/pickup-picker If you're looking for vintage twang, most of that comes from the neck pickup, so I would prioritize that one over the bridge. You probably want something with a "moderate" output, somewhere in the 5.5 - 6.5 range. Also, you can't get push/pull for single coil pups. Push/pull is used to split a humbucker into a single coil pickup. You can, however, get a humbucking pickup in a single coil size and design that can be split.
  16. You have to type it in exactly as "~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Rocksmith2014" If you leave out the "~/" you won't find the folder.
  17. #1 - This happens sometimes. Make sure you're letting the list fully enumerate before going into "Learn A Song" mode. Sometimes restarting the game also helps. However, the main cause of songs not showing up in the list is a conflict with another song. The only way to find out which songs are conflicting is to remove all of your customs and add them back to the dlc folder in small batches. You can also check out this thread to avoid future problems: http://customsforge.com/topic/4863-list-of-crashers-jammers-dead-toners-and-misc-problems/ #2 - Make sure you're using the latest version of the Toolkit and have the proper version of Mono installed (version 3.4.0 for Mavericks, and the version posted above in this thread for Yosemite). I converted those two Beatles songs without any problems. For other songs that won't convert (it does happen sometimes) ask the charter to post a converted version. #3 - Try re-downloading and/or re-applying the Cherub Rock AppID using the Toolkit. If that doesn't work, it could be a conflict with another song.
  18. To get the Toolkit to run on Mac you need to install Mono. Version 3.4.0 is confirmed to work without problems on Mountain Lion and Mavericks, and for Yosemite you need the version posted here: http://customsforge.com/topic/10547-how-to-add-custom-songs-on-mac/ Then just grab the latest version of the Toolkit from rscustom.net and you're good to go.
  19. The newest revision of the toolkit fb615f5a (posted Dec. 31), works fine now.
  20. Yup, it works. Sorry for the last post, I just saw that you uploaded another new version today. I should have looked before posting. So revision fb615f5a works great :) Thank you!
  21. No, even the version posted yesterday does not work. I tried it before making that post.
  22. It's a problem with the last bunch of revisions of the Toolkit. You don't need Parallels or Windows. Just download version and it will work fine. If you're running Yosemite, make sure you have the corrected version of Mono, found here: http://customsforge.com/topic/10547-how-to-add-custom-songs-on-mac/
  23. Tighten Up is DLC for Rocksmith 1, not Rocksmith 2014, and because of a Steam policy you cannot purchase it for use in RS2014 without first buying RS1. To prevent users from buying the wrong DLC, Steam has a policy of not letting anyone purchase DLC content for games they do not own. This was implemented well before RS2014 or any other game that had forward compatible DLC was ever released and despite claims that they "are working on a solution" it seems like nothing will ever happen to change it.
  24. It was $7.49 last week, would have been a good time to buy it then. Just watch out for another good sale I guess. If you add it to you wishlist inside Steam you will get a notification when it goes on sale.
  25. They need to be on the same platform. So you would have to buy RS1 for PC as well as the disc import tool in order to import the songs into RS2014. RS1 is on sale as part of the Steam Holiday Sale at the moment though. After the sale is over it will likely be a while before there is another sale (likely spring).
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