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Everything posted by Hyphema

  1. yeah. fun song, but I have the luxury of being able to use a 5-string (I don't own) and i'm sure not everyone does
  2. Your suggestion is good for flexible schedules, but being able to sit down and play whenever during the week is a luxury. I'm not sure about the handful of people who play here, but I know I'm not the only person out there who needs to be able to plan shit in. I've made suggestions for either adhering to a standard time or at the very least posting what time scores will be needed, but if those suggestions are *just too difficult* to be bothered to implement, then... okay. Still gonna play and enjoy songs each week, but my participation rate will probably suffer.
  3. the penance for including Nickelback is to at least include One on bass path, ffs. i will not be denied One bass path. i gotta admit - that was much more fun than I was afraid it was going to be wonderful song! ...still hate bass chords
  4. jesus christ - *noon* EST cutoff now?! ...now i just feel like y'all are fucking with me, or time is accelerating in this part of the world by an hour every week lol
  5. just posting to show i didn't skip the week - songs were fun, just lost track of time
  6. @ jellisjenius I respect the effort you and the other people put in to run this, and realize that ultimately, time cut-off will be decided by whoever is in charge for that week. What do you think about including a cut-off time reminder (in GMT, so conversion is clear across date lines/time zones?) with the initial song list to guarantee 100% exposure to everyone participating to remove all confusion now and in the future? Giving a heads up of the closing time at some point (1 or 2 hrs before) is great for people paying attention, but will inevitably miss those who are only notified of mentions/replies.
  7. If someone wants to add the guitar parts to Drunk & Disorderly, that would be fun to see as an easy part for an extra Australia theme week xD
  8. Historically, the time cutoff has not been 100% consistent. I would not give anyone shit for missing it. Simultaneously, this is all for fun; if we miss the deadline for submission, it doesn't *really* matter, because you still got the practice in. Personally, I am not paying attention to the channel until I am about to sit down and play - with daylight savings time I get confused whether I have until 1pm or 2pm . It doesn't usually matter, but I couldn't play until late morning today. Oh well!
  9. LOL - the Elton John song is absolutely the toughest on bass this week - fun, as well as the Frosty' song
  10. might be too late, but had a ton of work and forgot to upload. didn't skip the week again
  11. Nearly eight minutes of only using two fingers to play the Angel of Salvation bass part - that's impressive!
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