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Everything posted by firekorn

  1. If you want some indsight. RS scores are linked to a specific arrangement ID, if that ID changed for whatever reason, RS won't link the scores back as it's a different arrangement for him. That arrangement is something that can change when altering a CDLC file which is the most plausible explanation of your situation.
  2. @@tacticalcity any chance you've altered the CDLC file by any means (CFSM repair function for example?)
  3. The more the easier in that kind of situation but all that is really needed to test that kind of thing is the .eof and the guitar.ogg, the rest is either not needed to build a psarc or can be generated from the EOF file anyway.
  4. Is it possible to have the file you used? That would make it easier to diagnose or even see if we can reproduce the issue on our side.
  5. Is the dd file actually not generated at all? Would be nice to have access to the file you use too to try out on our side and be able to dissect the file.
  6. @@minimaestro17 It indicate that the directory don't exist though so it can't copy the file. Seems like you haven't installed RS in the default path that we expect most user to have used so you'll have to adjust RS path yourself for it to work.
  7. @@minimaestro17 Are you sure you applied the patch properly?
  8. CDLC not working - General Rocksmith - CustomsForge
  9. https://source.android.com/devices/audio/latency/measurements A value under 25ms is largely suggested for an app such as RS and those test don't include RS own computational processing of the signal which will add to those values. You can see that it largely limits the amount of device that would be supported and this also doesn't take into account the use of a USB input which might not offer the same latency figure either. At this moment, Android and audio latency aren't quite best friend so far.
  10. You can't define the strength of a vibrato. Both option seems viable but the tech note is largely more work (no need for the ignore status though) to get something that looks good compared to using only the vibrato status and letting the user figure out how far he needs to go.
  11. @ Section is what you select in RR, phrase are for the levelling up or down of the dynamic difficulty and all official DLC use only one phrase per section.
  12. Sound is sound, there's no good monitor for one specific thing, either they are techincally accurately or they aren't. It's like video monitor, if a video monitor have more red than it should, it'll never be considered good. Why would you consider it's good when it comes to something that is suppose to reproduce sound? Regarding the two monitor you shared, unless you can find actual test regarding their frequency response in axis and off axis, you might as well buy them totally blindly. Knowing how far they can reach within a 3dB margin doesn't mean that they don't have any kind of major dip somewhere in their frequency range or even bump (like color filter for a TV screen if you want). It's information that are severely lacking when it comes to studio monitor and the only two i know that have reliable and good result are the JBL 305/308 or the Line Pine from Kali Audio. Otherwise the next range of reliable monitor brand are the genelec or neumann but they tend to be way more expensive. Also the coaxial system is not something that solve the positioning, it's something that solve the technical challenge that is to create a coherent waveform in a given direction when both driver (tweeter and woofer) are not in the same axis but it doesn't magically make the whole thing better. The engineering behind coaxial system still requires work to get it right, something that can't be proven if there's no proper test done for those monitor.
  13. Okay let's unpack a lot of myth in there. Watts isn't actual sound power and don't actually allow you to understand the amount of distortion the power amp adds. You can't draw anything from the watt value except what it will actually show in your electrical bill. Any other info you think you can get out of the watt power are too dependant on so many other part of the design that it's useless to compare. Logitech are known for good PC hardware, not for good audio hardware at all. In fact all i've seen regarding Logitech audio design is that they know shit about it. Also spoiler but a subwoofer is largely counter productive depending on your room and if you don't know how to place it in it. Active monitor means that they have the power amplification inside them so you don't actually need any third party hardware for them to work. The thing is that third party hardware can be practical to have proper plug and it also means more cable since each monitor needs the audio input and the power plug. "Near Field" isn't as near as people think you can easily be a few meters away without issue. Yes, the triangle is the suggested setup for stereo monitor, that's how it is if you want a proper stereo (or you could ignore it and put the two monitor side by side and have it more mono style if you so desire). Regarding splitting to an amp, it depends on deep you want to go into sound reproduction. If you don't mind having only 5 or 6 different tones that will fit most situation, it's not that much work. If you want to be as precise as RS with all the nuances in between song, well you are going to spend a whole lot of time for it then. That side note is the best reason why i wouldn't trust logitech, that data means jack shit since it lack any proper information regarding how it was selected. You can see on JBL spec that it indicate a +/- 3 dB margin. Which means that at 49Hz, you've lost 3 dB compare to the nominal output level (half power if you prefer). On the Logitech spec, that indication is lacking so they could have just chosen a -6dB or even a -30dB margin for that number. Also the JBL are just standard monitor while the logitech set comes with a subwoofer and that kind of reach in the low end is ridiculous for a sub.
  14. Watt means nothing if you don't know the driver efficiency (how much watt is actually making sound and not just heat). As a general rule, monitor are way more likely to be properly designed to offer the best sound possible. It's not about color, it's about proper design. All studies done so far indicate everyone tends to prefer linear response (flat) to anything else when doing proper double blind test. There's no real difference of purpose, one is for listening, the other is for listening. Just that one is sold to random consummer that have no clue and the other try to aim at more informed user. At the moment the best monitor at reasonnable pricing are either the JBL 305 or the Line Pine from Kali Audio. Mostly because they are the only with viable third party test and spec.
  15. "-(minor) Consistent 'miss' markers" Disconnected mode won't display any miss marker though. I think it's largely more important to see how the chart is. If there's a good amount of work spent on the chart, i don't see any reason to doubt that the tone won't at least be somewhat fitting. And tone can always be switch if the user feel it's not good enough.
  16. @@GeePee29 It won't get back as far as we can expect. From what we know Ubisoft killed it because it caused strain on their server which where impacting all users so they filtered out CDLC from their server.
  17. @@Tarah17 You mean outside of the 4 single i've already made? The rest will come but it takes time and tabs for new music don't grow on trees ;)
  18. Yeah but i'd be careful cause the BT version of the M50X seems worse than the M50X on quite a few important area (not by a big margin though but still) https://www.rtings.com/headphones/reviews/audio-technica/ath-m50xbt
  19. @@michigan0626 Avoid BT at all cost for RS. BT can't offer less than 100ms of latency in its current state and should be avoided for any latency sensible situation. As for finding good headphones, i can only suggest to search through https://www.rtings.com/headphones they offer the best most scientific and complete review you can ever think of.
  20. Why do you ignore the area for compatible audio? You still have to indicate to the toolkit what audio file to use, it's just that the toolkit will automatically handle the convertion to the wem format for it but it can't guess what file to use.
  21. The CDLC closing like this is usually an issue with the audio wem file. Did you used wwise yourself for the convertion? If so, don't. Let the toolkit handle that part for you.
  22. They can't get rid of that branding for legal reason. They already said that they made it as small as legally possible on the logo for the remastered, going further or getting rid of it entirely would just put them in a legal mess.
  23. @@Shawn It's not a specific date, it's a toolkit version.
  24. @@michigan0626 iOS is in soft launch in canada but Android is impossible due to the audio system of Android that adds too much latency.
  25. @@Shakey64 have you tried to re-apply the patch?
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