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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2016 in Posts

  1. Been a while since i post here but saw the Iron Maiden song and had to try it. Need to work on that sweeping section. http://s21.postimg.org/wuj69rnyf/20160922204250_1.jpg
    8 points
  2. Since today I`m a Bachelor of Engineering/ Science. I`ve drunk a bottle of vodka. An ideal occasion to check impact of alkohol on playing... and the last occasion to play in 152 week. Last results: http://i1042.photobucket.com/albums/b425/masaka92/20160923214045_1_zps7jbyguv4.jpg http://i1042.photobucket.com/albums/b425/masaka92/20160923214848_1_zpshhcfnk6x.jpg http://i1042.photobucket.com/albums/b425/masaka92/20160923220109_1_zpsrud5ilch.jpg Well, the results can`t show how terrible it was. :) Respect for guitarists who goes on the stage drunk. Anyway, its was a great week for me. Good songs, which disturb me in preparing to the exam. See you in next week :)
    6 points
  3. Not really feeling any of the songs this week. Haven't heard this in a while. Is the last chord really supposed to be a major chord? http://i.imgur.com/UVzKmMt.jpg http://i.imgur.com/7jAKlh4.jpg I like Iron Maiden just as much as the next person, but this is just too long and repetitive. http://i.imgur.com/pOdCzHu.jpg http://i.imgur.com/1m4roZF.jpg
    6 points
  4. New Difficulty settings. New riff repeater next week... http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i76/toddo_69/dynamic%20dif_zpstlgmipng.png http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i76/toddo_69/dynamic%20dif2_zpsrg2kd0nv.png http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i76/toddo_69/dynamic%20speed_zpsgdwhbnod.png http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i76/toddo_69/dynamic%20speeddown_zpsdk82zz7e.png http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i76/toddo_69/dynamic%20reading_zpstevvdffh.png http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i76/toddo_69/dynamic%20overide_zpsa6vnhbbw.png http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i76/toddo_69/dynamic%20restore_zpscqipgojt.png
    5 points
  5. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/258218890821334525/DA3C4B650587BD4F5884923C100C6B9A23A6339A/ Working out of town a lot. Bought a used 5 string to travel with.... This is gonna take some getting used to!
    4 points
  6. not much time tonight..... small improvements..... this should say 100% but my bass is a pig who hates me and won't play anything bellow the 12th fret if it doesn't feel like it. onto the int rhythm Still more to come on all the songs if my bloody misses stops finding me silly tasks which are 'more important than playing guitar' night night all
    4 points
  7. Well done Kissa, this is for you.http://s10.postimg.org/p7mysn10l/20160923175222_1.jpg
    3 points
  8. Probably my last post this week, unless i can sneak on here later, anyway heres my scores. then the Int Rhythm Then I found a way of making my bass think I was playing the right note instead of the wrong one.......just one fret out from the indicated twelfth fret and the dumb Thunderbird thought it was right thus letting me get a better score, this was only on the Eb (Red) string so I guess i have a set up problem, night night all Maybe :ph34r:
    3 points
  9. nice song but not beginner lead more like a 5 than a 3,http://s16.postimg.org/eewl9x60h/20160923173009_1.jpg
    3 points
  10. http://i.imgur.com/gQjNkWp.jpg Hello Rocksmith fans! The clue has been posted by @UbiParadise and has been solved, and it looks like we are in store for a real challenge next week. … Read More The post Song Speculation: Dream Theater makes their Rocksmith debut appeared first on The Riff Repeater.
    2 points
  11. Maiden is always good. http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/For%20the%20greater%20good%20of%20god%20RHYTHM%2099_zpszkt5dayj.jpg
    2 points
  12. I think we can agree that I like to be an agreeable person. But now I am upset. Last week @@Unleashed2k you closed a topic and deleted posts in the following thread. http://customsforge.com/topic/32465-customsforge-merch-shop-is-open-for-business/ I understand the need for any self-respecting forum to be governed by a set of principles and that unconstructive criticism or being a jackass can warrant a user's posts being deleted for the greater good and a thread closed. Being off-topic is, at worst, a reason to migrate posts to a new thread, but it is quite a matter of opinion that the posts were off-topic. Additionally I believe commenters were respectful. Let me be clear, as a proud and constructive member of CustomsForge I can say the following without impaired judgement, that if I see any more non-malicious and well-intentioned posts deleted by you or your board of directors, I will refrain from donating to this site in perpetuity. People give this site the most precious thing that they've got: their limited free time and thoughtfulness. These things need to be respected. Didn't this site begin on the principle of non-deletion? If I were GTLO especially I would be quite upset that his eloquent, diplomatic and thoughtful post was deleted. Rant over. Please close this thread at your earliest convenience, seriously, as I am not one to want to start trouble of a spate of dissent. If 7 days later I am still angry, I realize I had to say something. Even if someone agrees with me don't hit the Like button please, since I'd prefer not to stir things up and solicit any us versus them sentiment. You guys still rock in my book! All this doesn't change that I like this site and it's members and that I have tremendous respect for you Unleashed. Sincerely, Berneer
    1 point
  13. Happy birthday @@fraMTK! @@kissa Licencjat czy inżynier? Jeśli inżynier to "Engineer", w kontaktach (kontakcie :lol: ) biznesowych korzystam z Engineer. Tak znalazłem na stronie Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego :) Ale to tylko czepianie się :D :lol:
    1 point
  14. Hi all!!!! ;) ;) http://i64.tinypic.com/s5b4eh.jpg
    1 point
  15. @@AlpaQ Gj again! My hands shall be abused soon, even though i doubt i can go much higher than that. Also, your new guitar looks cool as hell!
    1 point
  16. Not sure about the pickup on the guitar in that video, it's stock from when I bought it. The strings are Ernie Ball Beefy Slinky 2627, 11-54
    1 point
  17. Christ. You kids and your fancy programs. Get off my lawn! :( Well that was embarrassing.
    1 point
  18. 1. Prepairing: 1. Workload directory: Let's start by setting our workload directory. I suggest using the following structure: --C:--/ ------/--MyRS14Customs--/ ------/-----------------/----Working---/ ------/-----------------/-----Tools----/ ------/-----------------/--------------/---RST---/ ------/-----------------/--------------/---EoF---/ ------/-----------------/--Installers--/ ------/-----------------/--------------/---RST---/ ------/-----------------/--------------/---EoF---/ ------/-----------------/--------------/--WWise--/ falecomroberto has made a script for creating this directory structure: Copy this text to notepad, save it to a file named "CreateDirs.bat" and then run it: MKDIR C:\MyRS14Customs MKDIR C:\MyRS14Customs\Working MKDIR C:\MyRS14Customs\Working\RST MKDIR C:\MyRS14Customs\Working\EoF MKDIR C:\MyRS14Customs\Installers\RST MKDIR C:\MyRS14Customs\Installers\EoF MKDIR C:\MyRS14Customs\Installers\WWiseBy using the same directory structure and versions of the tools, you will make it much easier to help you because we will be working in the same environment! Since we've got that squared away, let's proceed to: 2. Tools: You will need basicaly 4 tools to create customs: 7zip - This is a free zip, rar, 7z and other format packer and unpacker. Grab it from http://www.7-zip.org/download.html and install it. RSToolkit - Go to: http://www.rscustom.net/ and grab the latest release build. Currently it's (rev 25199c63). Download it to: C:\MyRS14Customs\Installers\RST like in the screenshot below: http://i.imgur.com/fwoZhPl.png then Right-Click on the file and choose: "7-zip" -> "Extract files..." and in the new window paste the file path: "C:\MyRS14Customs\Tools\RST" as in screenshot below: http://i.imgur.com/mQrsurV.png and you're basically done with preparing this tool. EoF - Navigate to: http://customsforge.com/forum/54-editor-on-fire/ where you can find the latest version (which as of this writing is: EOF 1.8RC9(r1296)) and save this file to: "C:\MyRS14Customs\Installers\EoF". But that's not all. You'll also need to apply the most recent hotfix, which you can also find updated in the thread linked above. This may be updated daily so you will have to track this thread to have the most recent version (currently the most recent hotfix is: r1299). So, go ahead and download it to the same folder: "C:MyRS14CustomsInstallersEoF". You will end up with two files as per this screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/fJJVB5O.png Now, you need to extract the program, so Right-Click on the "eof1.8RC9(r1296).zip" file and again select: "7-zip" -> "Extract files..." and, into the new window, paste the following path: "C:\MyRS14Customs\Tools\EoF". Do the same for the "eof.exe(r1299).zip" (hotfix file). You will end up with a subdirectory and a file: http://i.imgur.com/orRzc0J.png Then you simply move the .exe file to that subdirectory "C:\MyRS14Customs\Tools\EoF\eof1.8RC9(r1296)" and overwrite/replace the existing .exe! If you're not getting a replace confirmation window, then you're doing something wrong. Check your paths. But if you have overwritten it then you're ready to go to the next step! WWise - first thing is that you need to register to download that tool. Without registering I was only able to download the Authoring binaries standalone. So, go ahead, and register, download and install the WWise to your default directory, mine was: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Audiokinetic"
    1 point
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