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missis sumner

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missis sumner last won the day on January 12 2022

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  1. I would love to, but I've got a gig on Sunday, and haven't fired up Rocksmith for ages! I won't forget where I started though. Nine years ago, Rocksmith, Customs Forge, and of course the CF Championship. A big congratulations to all of you here keeping it going. Week 500 is a massive achievement. Onwards and upwards!
  2. I've been a bit dense and only just realised that I have a Windows machine at work that I have access to 24/7 via AnyDesk, so just managed to sort myself out... lol Thanks all, anyway!
  3. Hiya, sorry I didn't see your answer sooner. I'm supposed to get email notifications, but it didn't show up. I've sent you a message.
  4. I'm after a favour, please. The Toolkit does not work on Mac OS Catalina, and I'd very much like a tab of a Lynyrd Skynyrd dlc that I have, because I have to learn the song. Can anyone convert it for me? Please message me if you can. TIA
  5. Happy new year, everyone! Here's hoping it's better than the last one... Great to see this competition is still going. Some names on here I recognise from the past ;).
  6. Ok, I think I've got to the bottom of this. My CDLC was originally released on here, but Stowy made a comment that it was out of time in places. I arranged to send him all my files, so he could fix it, as he was way more experienced in producing CDLC. His copy supersedes mine. The link to his is here: https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/17815 I will change my record page, as the link to his file there also appears to be out of date. Really, my version could just be removed from the database, if possible?
  7. Hello all. I've not logged on here for some time, possibly years... Hope you are all well? I've received an email: Hello, You created a CDLC: Abba - Ring Ring, that was originally posted on 06/13/2015 Please Click Here To Reply All reported CDLC must be dealt within two weeks to avoid removal. And that is the full extent of the email. What am I to do about it?
  8. Well, what's stopping you, once lockdown's relaxed, of course? ;) I started out by answering an ad on Join My Band, been though a couple of iterations and a few interesting situations, but it's worth it to jam with other people.
  9. Do you have an audio interface? I just got mine set up yesterday to use it rather than the cable. Big difference, it sounds so much better. I used the setup here: https://github.com/mdias/rs_asio. After 3 cables flaking out this seems way better. Of late, I've just been using the mic on my Mac, but note recognition is not brilliant. Anyway, it seems I still have a band to go back to once lockdown is relaxed (we thought our singer was dead, but he has been back in touch...), so probably should stop messing around on Rocksmith anyway! ;) :lol:
  10. And once again, I have to apologise for disappearing off the face of the earth, or at least from this competition. My original (two) Realtone cables gave up long ago, and now my generic cable has also given up the ghost, so although I can still play along to Rocksmith, there's not much point in attempting to post scores... Have fun, all. I do still look in from time to time, to see if there's something worth learning. ;)
  11. Currently playing an Ibanez SRX 390... which is quite similar... in shape and form, but a metal player's dream... lol It's holding up well to being plucked higher up the neck, to produce more "mellow". lol
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