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I noticed that some black metal songs have disappeared . peste noire , burzum for example.
due too having them promote hate ?.. In a certain degree i understand why ^ where its coming from.
butt on the other hand it's ridiculous, There is not  a single song  where Varg Vikernes  aka BURZUM --    ( dont get me wrong..  I DO NOT DIG HIS Persona/political l attitude either)

There is not  a single song  where Varg Vikerne--sings about hate/racism , so in my opinion y' overdramatising it a bitt. Music is music and those who let their opinion or view of point  alter by it are in my eyes naive.

there are so many DEATH-Metal songs that are about HATE / violence / murder&slaughter. (cannibal corpse or children of bodom for example.



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9 hours ago, chris88fdf said:

There is not  a single song  where Varg Vikernes  aka BURZUM --    ( dont get me wrong..  I DO NOT DIG HIS Persona/political l attitude either)

I was not aware of all of this or what NSBM was when this all first started.

In other threads this was brought up. @ Unleashed2k has stated that he has used the Wiki listing of such artists to base his decision. Although not in his art/lyrics, it is the artists political / racists beliefs and outspoken as such, as Blues said. You personally can internalize the argument yourself of separating the artist from the art, but let us be real. Hitler was a painter, would you have purchase a painting from him?

As Blues said; This is the Admins site. Their site, their rules.

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