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My violin teacher and I were talking about Rocksmith 2014 and how it works.  She grumbled that they'll probably never make a game like this for violin because it is much less main-stream in the modern era.  This got me to thinking:  Could I possibly create a functional RS2014 custom for violin rather than guitar?




1)  It produces a saw-toothed waveform when bowed, rather than a sine wave.

2)  It has 4 strings rather than 6.

3)  Its highest note is more than an octave higher than guitar can reach.


For 1, I think this might be a non-issue since it appears that Rocksmith's audio detection is based on frequency between peaks.


For 2: I think I could probably use the Bass and set the root frequency to 880 (1660?) with custom tuning to that of a violin:  G,D,A,E (low to high)


For 3: This would (in theory) be achieved by the same method as 2, I think.


Has anyone tried making a custom for a similarly tuned instrument, such as a mandolin?  If so, then the violin custom would probably work.

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Sometimes I use big words that I don't completely understand, just to make myself seem more photosynthesis.

  • Administrator

You better use a bass part (4 strings as the violin) and yes it is perfectly possible. Check out this : http://customsforge.com/topic/5438-unusual-instrument-experiment/


And if you need any help to set up this (but it seems like you already know how to set up all this) don't hesitate to ask!

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Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography



Thanks for the links.  I am now looking for a good beginner chart to try out.  I'm thinking I might do the violin part of Dust in the Wind or something.  I'm not sure yet.

Sometimes I use big words that I don't completely understand, just to make myself seem more photosynthesis.


When I hooked up a microphone to Rocksmith, I had to set the cable gain up to +8 before it would pick up well enough in the game to get past calibration.  I opened up session mode and used my guitar to get past the tuning step, then swapped the guitar for the microphone, then started playing the violin.  The game registered the notes just fine.  I think this is going to work, so I started making a custom.  I'll post a play-through video when it is finished, with my horrible playing muted of course.


This is the song I've started charting:

Sometimes I use big words that I don't completely understand, just to make myself seem more photosynthesis.


Check it out: http://store.steampowered.com/app/248270/


It isn't now a good program, but at least - it exists...


@Down: Sure thing. But it shows that finally some studios decided to start working on music games/programs, making learning easier and more enjoyable (eg. traditional learning scale vs Rocksmith's games)

Feel free to edit my CDLCs, use tones etc.


Check it out: http://store.steampowered.com/app/248270/


It isn't now a good program, but at least - it exists...

That's an interesting link.  The fact that it exists in a poorly implemented form (based on the reviews) leads me to think that somewhere on the horizon there may be a product that has the quality of RS2014 with built in support for other instruments.  Until then, I think I'll stick with making my own. :)

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Sometimes I use big words that I don't completely understand, just to make myself seem more photosynthesis.


It is coming along nicely.  

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Sometimes I use big words that I don't completely understand, just to make myself seem more photosynthesis.


Rocksmith the fastest way to learn violin!  Thats pretty cool you figured that out.  I know a couple people that played violin who would probably enjoy a product that showed songs in a format like this.

  • 1 month later...

If I ever find time to complete the guitar part, I'll post the custom.


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Sometimes I use big words that I don't completely understand, just to make myself seem more photosynthesis.


That's a complicated question.  The term chord isn't generally used for violin.  They call it a double-stop for two strings or triple-stop if 3 strings are played at the same time.  Because the strings are not on a flat plane, the triple and quadruple stop tones require a tremendous amount of skill with the bow, and must be played far from the bridge.


For example, the first 3 note phrases in the Paganini video above are double stops.  The first is A5+C#6, then E5+B5, then A5+C#5.

In all three of these 'chords' the bow is pulled across 2 strings at once. 


There is a very good article at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violin if you're interested in learning more about the instrument.

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Sometimes I use big words that I don't completely understand, just to make myself seem more photosynthesis.

  • 5 weeks later...

So eventually APOCALYPTICA on 4 CELLOs

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Backup CDLC link ^^ - should list even the ones that got removed for inactive links...
just restored my ability to login again, so will try to slowly resubmit the missing ones...
and hoping to make a small come-back with some new CDLC ideas...

YAMAHA 4-String 24 Frets - D Standard -> C Standard & D Drop C...

ASHTON - 4-String 21 Frets, E Standard, Drop D, Half-Step Down (Nirvana)...

Phoenix? - BASS 21-22 Frets? - 4-in-line Headstock...

Les Paul Special II - Guitar 

After-market Tremolo Bridge + head-stock locking nut thingys --- Free 1994-ish Guitar =   🙂

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