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I used EOF and Song Creator Toolkit in the past to make CDLC. I want to try making a new CDLC and was trying to figure out DLC Builder but I am lost. Does anyone have a tutorial for DLC Builder? A short youtube walkthrough? When I start up DLC Builder and go to Configuration - what should go in the Paths section for Profile File?

On the main screen in the field for DLC Key - what goes there? I get that artist name, artist title and album name would be the file I am working on. If my audio file is mp3, do I have to convert it to ogg? Or does the DLC Builder do that? In EOF, where I add the 3 seconds of silence to the start of the audio file, how do I do that in DLC Builder? I am completely lost.

aaaannnnndddd - I'm more confused. I upgraded my wwise. I found and set my profile. I used audacity to convert my mp3 to ogg. I created a psarc file - but no where did I see where to edit the file for note placement. How do I do the work that I would normally do in EOF? Or do I build my eof file first and then import it into DLC Builder?

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Arrov before he left us updated/edited his tutorial to be geared towards DLC Builder rather than toolkit;

Firekorn has updated his tutorial which is the link in the header for "Create cDLC" at the top of the forum pages;

I have not checked in a "couple days" if you will to see if anyone has created a youtube instructional yet, but as far as I am aware of, one does not exist yet. If you have used EOF in the past, both tutorials will be a large review as most of both of them give in depth EOF instructions, however how to use DLC Builder is in both instructionals. If you recall at all how to use the ToolKit, going to DLC Builder is pretty straight forward.

The 3 leading seconds is done in EOF. You need not do it again in the Builder. The profile path is explained in FireKorn's tutorial, it is your Rocksmith profile (for tones). As far as your other questions, I will leave more experienced cDLC creators to answer, I would have to open my laptop and root around for a moment to remember, but I believe when you build the custom, it will fill out your key for you. You shouldn't have to enter one, it can remain blank unless for some reason it matches a key of another cDLC. I am sure someone else will answer your other questions I missed or glossed over or you have not figured out in the morning.

11 hours ago, someotherbruce said:

On the main screen in the field for DLC Key - what goes there? I get that artist name, artist title and album name would be the file I am working on.

 I used audacity to convert my mp3 to ogg. I created a psarc file - but no where did I see where to edit the file for note placement. How do I do the work that I would normally do in EOF? Or do I build my eof file first and then import it into DLC Builder?

dlc builder is a replacement for rstoolkit, you still need to use eof as usual to chart the song but instead of building the psarc with the toolkit you build it with dlc builder instead. There's no way to edit notes in dlc builder and you still have to add the 10 seconds of leading silence in eof like before.

The dlc key field will autofill when you add an arrangement from eof. 

Ea3cCUQ.png                                                                   「愛こそすべて ,ギルティキス」                                         Gh59blB.png

Utsu-P Discography                                           Modding thread (dead)                                        1000 songs hype


Thanks for the info. I was able to create a CDLC. My timing is a bit off. It's an older song (1963) that kind of wanders around between 169-170 bpm, with some bars slowed a bit more. Need to spend some more time in EOF. And maybe set anchor points? Anyway, time to read some help files or watch some videos on EOF. The song seems good at full speed, but slowed down to 50%, it's easy to see where notes need to be shifted a bit.

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