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I know it has been asked directly at the release of remastered version but is it possible to add a date on the psarc file at the creation ? 


Because if I sort my songs by release date, all custom are on top with the status new !


The must would be that when we use DD on a song it changes the date ;)

Take a look at my Workshop. You'll find which song I plan to create someday.


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  • Administrator

I'm really curious about where that information is actually stored, for all i've seen, i don't recall seeing a date in the files so far.


@@BHMath You can always unpack an ODLC and try to look at the files in there (most of them are readable via the notepad) to see if anything might have a date that correspond to what RS use. If it's not in the file themself, then it might be way harder to do anything about it.

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  • Developer

The 'lastConversionDateTime' xml element is generated by EOF when the charter saves the CDLC project in EOF.  This field is reserved for EOF usage.  There is also a date stored in IgnitionUpdated field in CFSM which is the date that the CDLC was updated by charter on CFSM Ignition. 


The System File Properties date Created  and date Modified descriptions provide yet other date info about the file.

Are you tired of AV False Positives???  Now accepting donations on my website (Click Here)  Your donation will be used towards buying a code signing certificate.   CGT is now compatible and safe to use with Rocksmith® 2014 Remastered ... 


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  • Developer

The release date information for RS1 DLC and some early DLC (like Cherub Rock) is stored locally somewhere. I would guess the "metadata" file in the Rocksmith folder, but since it's a binary file I'm not sure.


For newer DLC I think the information is downloaded from Ubisoft. You can take a look at it in the file "Rocksmith2014/Tmp/metadata.psarc", which despite its file extension is just a plain text file.


Yeah exactly, but since I only use the search function it's quiete fast enough ;)


But my Keyboard is in QWERTY in RS is it possible to set it as AZERTY ?

Take a look at my Workshop. You'll find which song I plan to create someday.


Please leave constructive feedback, it helps me creating better customs !

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  • Developer

"The release date information for RS1 DLC and some early DLC (like Cherub Rock) is stored locally somewhere. I would guess the "metadata" file in the Rocksmith folder, but since it's a binary file I'm not sure.


For newer DLC I think the information is downloaded from Ubisoft."


For ODLC, CFSM shows this date info in the 'Updated' column.

Are you tired of AV False Positives???  Now accepting donations on my website (Click Here)  Your donation will be used towards buying a code signing certificate.   CGT is now compatible and safe to use with Rocksmith® 2014 Remastered ... 


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All bug reports and help requests please include your: OS, CPU, AV, .NET Framework versions along with a description of the issue (include screenshots of error if possible).  It should go without having to say ... make sure you are using the latest build before submitting bug reports or asking for help.


*  Remember to use your magic words (please and thank you) if you would like a response.  Don't use phrases like 'thanks anyhow' as it is demeaning.


Yeah exactly, but since I only use the search function it's quiete fast enough ;)


But my Keyboard is in QWERTY in RS is it possible to set it as AZERTY ?

Keyboard type is link with in RS language:

French is AZERTY



I confirm I do have a French AZERTY OS and keyboard but RS treat it as a QWERTY keyboard unfortunately !


It is a known bug at Ubi since the first release of RS2014 but still not fixed...

Take a look at my Workshop. You'll find which song I plan to create someday.


Please leave constructive feedback, it helps me creating better customs !

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