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Hey all. New here. I have a some Zep, Dead, ABB, Hendrix and Dead tab books and wanted to know what it the easiest/quickest way to get them into Rocksmith? I briefly looked at the video to create a custom song and that is beyond my patience/capability level. Is there someone here that could use the tab I have or is that illegal? Any ways, either way, great resource you have here and thanks for everyone for the work you have done. I am enjoying the s**# out of the songs I have played so far.

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It's not really quick, but the way I'd do it would be to create a new EOF project, beat sync it to the audio and then author the tablature directly into EOF. You could create a Guitar Pro file first (using the tablature in the book) and import that file, but that won't necessarily be easier unless you're pretty familiar with the other tab program.

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If you know how to make a GP file, I'd be happy to use that to finish up the work of making the tab into a CDLC, and I'm sure other charters would be happy to help you out as well. I can't speak for the others, but I wouldn't want to have to do all of it (including making the GP file or putting notes directly into EoF) myself unless I really liked the song.

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Thanks albatross213. I think I'll try to post some GP files here.

Cool. Only thing is I'd search to check out the songs that are already here. There's a bunch of Zep and Hendrix (and a few each for ABBA and the Grateful Dead) already on here. If you check them and things are off then it's probably best to PM the charter and try to fix the current version before starting to do another version.

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Isn't making the tabs in guitar pro the most work? (depending on the song ofcourse). I might give it a shot for some hendrix songs too, to see how easy/hard it is.

Depends on the song, but yeah, unless they stray off tempo all the time and have crazy drumbeats (which together makes the syncing really hard, but is unlikely to happen with the bands mentioned in this thread) if you're starting a song without a GP the thing that will take the most time is writing the GP (or otherwise getting the notes into EoF). With a great GP file and an easy sync it's possible to do everything (sync, section, tone) in about half an hour, and doing text to GP for multiple tracks will easily take much more time than that.

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Yeah. I Noticed. Started a few(?) hours ago on Villanova Junction from Hendrix, wich is 'only' 3 pages long and been at it for a while now.  I am kind of stuck on a few rythms to get them into guitarpro tough. Any idea if there is a sub forum here to ask questions for that? I am too lazy to look myself atm, but will do when I get everything in guitarpro first  :D So I don't miss anything I'm stuck with

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Is there a thread, or an FAQ that explains acronyms and terminology?


I figured out that GP stands for GuitarPro, but I bet there's others like me that had no idea. And even knowing that GP stands for GuitarPro I'm not real sure I understand the significance.

Is there somewhere to go to find an explanation?

How is GP different then any other tab file?


As for EoF, I still have no clue what that even means. And I suspect that there are others just like me. Afraid to ask these questions.


I searched "EoF" and got no results, either the search function doesn't work, or it's a term that hasn't been used before. Either way, I'm lost.


I applied for a mod postion tonight and most likely I'll be turned down, but one of the reasons I applied is just because I see things (like this) that should be addressed.

I've lurked these forums for almost 2 years now and am still quite bashful about posting because there's so much I don't understand.

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Is there a thread, or an FAQ that explains acronyms and terminology?

 There is DD and RR in the FAQ under the help tab, the tutorials section of the forums also has plenty of very useful information, especially on what Acronyms are what. LINK



How is GP different then any other tab file?


Its the main tablature that you can import into Editor on Fire (EoF). Theres an Import .GPX files(Files from Guitar Pro) on the app itself.


I've lurked these forums for almost 2 years now and am still quite bashful about posting because there's so much I don't understand.

Dont be afraid to post what you don't understand, while this is the internet, this community is great, and will help in whatever way they can.




but one of the reasons I applied is just because I see things (like this) that should be addressed.


Is this a start?

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Many nice scores on all songs :)

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