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i was thinking about doning that

cause i play dtxmania and i made that song but for other songs like rush i wanted more toms

my problem is not enough strings like 6 bass 5 snare 4 tom 3 tom 2 tom 1 hihat two more strings need for crash and ride

and having two crash or two toms on one string you cant hit both at the same time

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This is the last test i've done which is in sync and works prety well (the chart isn't 100% correct though but that's another issue)



I'm the one doing those videos and i still need to do a "how to" video that will come one day "soon".


@@ZordonFreeman : Yes it can work with any electric drum kit as long as you are able to have a midi signal which every single electric drum kit have i believe (i used the Rock band drum kit only because that's the only one i have on my hand). I don't think it will ever be possible to do that with any kind of acoustic drum kit for one simple reason is that Rocksmith looks for a clearly defined pitch that an acoustic drum kit can't create as far as i know.


@@joe21121 : you don't need that much strings, having a string by element is the wrong way to go for multiple reason and mostly because you can't have more than 3 element to play at the same time (4 if you consider that you use 2 pedal). The way i do it i have the lowest strings as the kick, then 3 strings for the toms and 2 strings for the cymbals, with that combination unless you need 2 pedals at the same time you can chart anything since you have 24 fret to indicate which tome/cymbals/pedal you use at one given time. If you absolutely want to use 2 pedal at the same time you can always do 2/2/2 strings for pedal/tom/cymbal and you can chart anything with that.

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Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography


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@@joe21121 you can see in my last video that i have the snare on the 4th fret on either the A, D or G strings and the hit hat is on the 5 fret on the B or E strings.


I used the whole pro drums kit in both video and i try to push it as far as i can imagine. If i limit myself with only 6 strings without using the fret, it would be impossible to even introduce the smallest electronic drum kit correctly and reading a bunch of open note is harder seems like a lot of pain in complicated part to be honest.


@@Rockfirstlast I wouldn't wait on RB4 since they get rid of the "pro" part which included the 3 cymbals on the drum kit which makes a lot of difference when it comes to realism.

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Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography


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Wow that sucks if they really did get rid of cymbals.  Hopefully they change their minds and at least let us use the old ones.  I guess it'll probably be set in stone if that's what they have at E3 in a couple weeks.

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I've think about how to implement Drum (notes only) since RS1first customs, i was thinking of only a visualisation of the notes,
i'm so amazed it already register the notes.


Please use a matching system (color etc..) with Bluzer's Rock Band rips,
as all of the Rock Band songs are already perfectly charted Synced etc.. with drums & pro drums.*

& EOF compatible.


for the matching, i've found this on youtube one day, i think it's ok, but i'm not at all a real drumer (only a plastic one)


"Acoustic drum kit can't create as far as i know".
If someone is buying a used PS3 or PC Guitar Hero or Band hero kit, they are cheap now, there's this (piezo) on every drum part inside:
put longer wires on it, fix it with double side tape on all the real parts & tada...(should work)

(I've changed my broken symbal with a car tire piece & worked fine).


If it's not sensitive enough you can double the captors (wired in parallel) (only tested with Guitar hero kit).




The third Way to Chart Customs (With Guitar Hero/Rockband/PS/Frets on fire templates) :


Bluzer's Rock Band Series For Phase Shift:


Phase Shift uses the Pro Drum support for a while,
any infos from here are probably more than usefull:


- We can easilly customise the fretboard too with custom inlay for drum notes.


*& the Guitar Hero ones (i don't know if they uses different color for those though).

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@@Frack : No i won't do any color matching because i don't think it's a viable option to show the information on screen.

Yes acoustic drum can be equipped with piezo sensor that would allow that but it's more of a DIY solution that requires some knowledge that i don't have or intend to provide.

Using already made drum part won't be of big use since you still have to chart anything on a real part in EOF so modification will always be required as far as i know.


The tutorial won't come fast (i prefer to say it honestly) mostly because i don't want to do any video editing and that there's a lot of things to cover on some really different aspect that aren't tested that much since i don't have much material to test it with or even simply try it. I'll do it one day for sure, but i have no idea when it will be done.

Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography


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I've not read carrefully enough, in fact you want to do real drum notes implementation,

i though you just wanted to implement RB ones.


"I'll do it one day for sure, but i have no idea when it will be done."

Nothing's hurry.

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First it's up to RS to recognise what you are playing and you to be able to read the chart that you did (but i assume that if you did it yourself you know how it's made).


Second you need to be able to associate every single midi hit as a specific note (i would first try with a daw)


Third once you get the note you need to send it to the RS cable so that RS can recognize what you do.


I use 2 PC to make that work and a console to make the link between the pc doing midi to synth and RS and the second pc.


I also would like to know how you did the chart and what tuning you have set.

Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography


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@@Rockfirstlast I wouldn't wait on RB4 since they get rid of the "pro" part which included the 3 cymbals on the drum kit which makes a lot of difference when it comes to realism.



Wow that sucks if they really did get rid of cymbals.  Hopefully they change their minds and at least let us use the old ones.  I guess it'll probably be set in stone if that's what they have at E3 in a couple weeks.


Where did you hear that? Literally the first announcement for Rock Band 4 included the fact they're still supporting Pro Drums, just not Pro Guitar with the quiet implication that Rocksmith 2014 won out there (nor Keys at all because ???). It's likely cymbals will be an add-on as per the Rock Band 2 set, but I have very little doubt that they won't release 'em.


That said, as someone who used to identify primarily as a drummer, I'd strongly recommend the alternative of finding a cheap electronic drumkit and getting a MIDI adapter for Rock Band (which this time is an assumption on my part they're gonna make again) because I went through like four of the Rock Band kits before that was an option. Though maybe they've fixed it in the Rock Band 4 kit (probably not).


On the specific general topic of this thread, I don't think this option holds much appeal to me for a variety of reasons, but it's an interesting idea and exciting for people who are, so keep on rockin'.

I've always got the multitracks.

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I assumed they got rid of all pro parts since i haven't heard of the fact that they still support pro drums, my bad.


I'm curious about why you aren't appealed by that idea @@Karmeleaux

No worries.


I thought about mentioning the reasons, but I felt I might have come off as negative when it's largely personal stuff.


First and foremost is my electric drumset is on the other side of my apartment from my PC, and there's no easy way to move or connect them.


Second is I feel using the Rocksmith 2014 interface for drums is sorta like using the Rocksmith 1 interface for guitar: It's 'neat' in a 'gimmicky' sort of way, but it's not that intuitive or polished on its own (this wording sounds WAY more dismissive than to this idea than I intend; exactly as dismissive as I am towards Rocksmith 1's interface, though, god, those were dark times).


I feel like if I did have a way to easily connect my drumset to my PC, I'd probably default to Frets on Fire/Phase Shift/other free games in that vein designed with drums in mind over this, as this is a new language to learn to analogue to drum sheet music with the most notable advantage being the ability to mark a few techniques that cannot be well-represented in a three tom/three cymbal language (i.e. differentiating between playing the bell, among some other things like when those charts do get superweird or ugly because the toms and cymbals played share the same lane).


I suppose another advantage this does have is making Rocksmith 2014 one's one-stop shop for playing music which is a nice sentiment, but if I'm at my PC I don't have much problem switching between applications, especially if I feel like one is better suited for the task at hand.


I feel like I am coming off as overly critical here, but I'm not trying to be. The idea has merit and clearly has people interested, it's just not my jam.

I've always got the multitracks.

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Oh that's not dismissive at all, on the contrary.


The reason you mention are exactly why i don't play trombone inside of rocksmith, the interface is too conter-intuitive to be usefull and it is so easier to simply read the music sheet you have than trying to read something completely different than you don't even bother at one point.


But i have to admit i thought reading the chart like that would be harder than it actually was (if you invert the strings order or it's a complete mess).


Also at one point once i'll be done explaining how i did it i'll probably won't push it further by myself. I wanted to see if it could work, it does i'm happy let's move on :D


And at last, i'm pretty sure it won't be easy to create chart that work with most of the drum kit available which will make it more of a personnal kind of things than the violin project or any ukulele chart that someones can make which would be way more playable by anyone who have the instrument needed. Drum kit are too different from one another to make universal chart.


That's the main reason why i didn't start any big post about that in the mod/project section for exemple, i've put the videos on reddit and since people ask me for some kind of tutorial, i'm gonna do it but that's it. It won't be a big change for the way Rocksmith will be used.

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Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography


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i would have't to use midi to synth to rs cable

i will post a video once i figure it out

i did a chart like this






HH-------|-----------|-----------|-------- hh i did closed hh Frethand Mute open hh Harmonic dont know if it will work


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ok i got it to work

i did was i use midi-ox select midi imput to dtx drums 1 then midi output to dtx drums 1 and know i can play paino on the pads

my dtx502 has midi in and out and i select channel 1 to all my pads so my pads will play paino

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you could chart a full kit like neil peart kit but you couldent hit two different toms or cymbles at the same time cause thay are on the same string so you would haft to do









know i have the cymble and ride paulm mute so it is easer to know is cymbal

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