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Rock Band PRO Songs ?



Just a thought.  Anyone looked into converting the GAWD awful RB PRO content?  Would seem to be a beautiful phoenix that could rise from that epic travashamockery of a turd burger. Some good songs in there just a calamity of poor execution.


Sorry if I seem hostile... I have a $300 Rock BAND Fender squire and cable setup that yes you can "play" through an amp. The five plastic strips that separate each and every fret into 6 mini-frets really don't enhance the tonal quality per say.  Would seem that the content could likely be distilled into something usable though?

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People make custom pro guitar/bass charts for Rock Band 3, and they can definitely be ported between games because EOF can import/export in both formats (admittedly with rather limited RS2 import functionality at the moment).  I can understand the RB3 Squier guitar wasn't the best execution, but RB3 realistically was the first big "real guitar game" on the market.

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A lot of converting of the Rockand Pro content was already done during the Rocksmith 1 custom SmithyAnvil era.


A bunch of mine were originally RB Pro charts that I ended up fixing a lot because they have some problems usually or just wrong notes/chords. I collected almost all the Rocksmith Pro files when they were available on fretsonfire and scorehero.

Always check and use -> The latest Toolkit builds


To disable dynamic difficulty and not get the 100% accuracy bug don't use the override to max option, but instead disable DD and set sight reading level to Max. With this configuration the 100% bug does not surface.

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